
Home > Romance > Ravenous > Page 1
Ravenous Page 1

by Aubrey Ross

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  Changeling Press LLC


  Copyright ©2009 by Aubrey Ross

  First published in 2009, 2009

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  Aubrey Ross

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  Aubrey Ross

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2009 Aubrey Ross

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this or any copyrighted work is illegal. File sharing is an International crime, prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Border Patrol, Division of Cyber Crimes, in partnership with Interpol. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by seizure of computers, up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 per reported instance.

  ISBN: 978-1-59596-796-1

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046


  Editor: Maryam Salim

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


  Aubrey Ross

  Restless and frustrated by his continual isolation, Teladorian visits Station X, his favorite underground dance/sex club. Before he can connect with a willing partner, he senses a female's distress. He's reluctant to involve himself in matters that don't concern him, but no one else reacts to the woman's terror.

  Sophie sneaks away to Station X for a long-awaited night of passion. Rather than her lover, Sophie is greeted by three male vampires bent on her destruction. She feels her life slipping away when a stranger bursts into the room and drives off her attackers.

  One impulsive kindness lands Teladorian in the middle of a vampire clan war. Sophie is unsure who she can trust, yet fascinated by her enigmatic rescuer. Unable to ignore the volatile attraction growing between them, she allows him to hide her for a few days while they figure out who is trying to kill her.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter One

  Dance music pulsed through Teladorian's body, the sensation nearly as intoxicating as the sexually charged atmosphere of Station X. The club was exclusive and obscenely expensive, which kept unseemly altercations to a minimum.

  Teladorian sat in a corner booth near the back of the bar, his features lost in shadow. His gaze assessed the crowd with predatory indifference. Undulating bodies crowded the dance floor, rubbing, pressing—wanting. He understood their hunger, sensed their desire, and shared their restlessness.

  Females wandered toward him, some unaware of their actions, others blatant with their invitations. He avoided eye contact and allowed his companion to send them away with a glare or a terse warning.

  "You better make a move soon, my friend, or you're going to cause a scene."

  Azariel's conclusion was accurate, but Teladorian dreaded the inevitable end. He'd select a female, or two, from the eager throng and take them to the room he'd reserved upstairs. They'd fuck and he'd feed from their sexual energy until they were too exhausted to move. Then he'd muddle their memories so all they remembered was a night of sexual excess with an unremarkable man.

  Meaningless. Hollow. He'd grown weary of the endless routine.

  "What about the blonde?” Azariel nodded toward one of the six females who had crowded into a booth beside theirs.

  Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Teladorian sighed. “Perhaps this can wait—"

  "If you don't feed tonight, this will be that much harder tomorrow.” Azariel chuckled. “Literally and figuratively."

  He knew his friend was right. His effect on women ran tandem to his hunger. The longer he waited to feed, the more aggressive females became. “Just once, I'd like my partner to remember me in the morning."

  "According to your mother, it will happen. You'll find your mate, and the ‘curse’ will be broken."

  Teladorian shook his head. “My mother is a hopelessly romantic. True love can't rewrite my physiology. This hunger is a biological function, not some mystic curse."

  "Then make your choice. The candidates are growing restless."

  "They aren't the only ones. You seem a bit...” He raised his head and stared into the distance. Fear bombarded his mind, making his heart pound and his fingers clench.

  "What's wrong?” Azariel scooted toward the edge of the booth. Tall and broad-shouldered, he transformed from friend to protector in the blink of an eye.

  "I'm not sure.” Another wave of terror set Teladorian in motion. He scooted out of the booth and crept along the perimeter of the room, doing his best not to draw attention to himself.

  It made no difference. Heads turned and lust spiked all around him. He tuned out the desire and focused on the fear. “Can't you feel it?"

  "You know I'm not empathic.” Azariel grasped his arm, slowing his progress and demanding his attention. “Tell me what's going on."

  "Someone's in trouble. Serious trouble.” Twisting out of Azariel's grasp, he headed for a staircase nestled in the opposite corner of the room. “I can sense her fear."

  "Bronstein's security is top notch. Do we need to be involved in this?"

  "Security would have responded by now if they were aware of the crisis.” Anger twisted through the fear. She was desperate to escape, determined to overcome ... whatever she was battling. They took the stairs two at a time, Azariel half a step behind Teladorian. “This way."

  Nondescript doors lined the corridor, discreet number plates all that distinguished one room from another. A muffled cry confirmed their destination. Teladorian stepped back then kicked the door. The frame splintered and the door swung inward, hitting the wall with a resounding bang.

  A slender woman sprawled on the bed, three male vampires bent over her writhing body. Blood made the air sharp, and fury surged through Teladorian, driving the woman's emotions from his mind. The vampire near her head looked up, blood dripping from his fangs as he snarled. Teladorian launched an energy pulse with the wave of his hand. The vampire slammed against the far wall, his sharp cry ending in a grunt.

  Azariel raised his hands and fire erupted around his fingers. The radiance intensified with overt menace along with the ferocity of his expression.

  "Release her,” Teladorian snapped.

  "This has nothing to do with you, demon,” one of the vampires sneered.

  "We don't see it that way.” He moved closer.

  The bold vampire leapt across the bed and propelled himself at Teladorian. Azariel sent a glowing stream of energy arcing through the room, intercepting the vampire in midair. The vampire's shirt burst into flames as he crashed to the floor. He screamed
, rolling across the carpet in a frantic attempt to smother the fire.

  "This isn't over.” The remaining vampire raised his arms and all three disappeared.

  Teladorian rushed to the bed, ignoring the sudden unsteadiness in his legs and the way his hands trembled. The woman lay still, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. Her long hair spilled across the bedding, a hint of red shimmering through the dark strands. Delicate and pale, her features appeared doll-like, too perfect for any living being. His heart lurched at the thought and he pressed his fingers against the side of her throat.

  Her eyelids flew open, her gaze burning with ravenous demand. She grabbed his arm with both hands and bit into his wrist. A startled cry escaped him, but he waved Azariel back, allowing her to feed.

  "Do you need assistance?” someone asked from the doorway. “One of the guests reported a disturbance."

  Azariel briefly explained the situation, but Teladorian's gaze never wavered from the woman's face. Her brow creased, lips pressed tightly against his flesh. Each strong pull of her mouth sent sensations rushing through his body. His skin tingled and his chest burned. Heat spiked up his arm and cascaded through his torso, settling between his legs.

  Her ragged breathing drew his attention to her breasts. Full and round, the generous mounds quivered beneath her silk blouse. Her waist was narrow, the short black skirt following the delightful curve of her hips. The material was bunched, exposing a bite mark on her inner thigh.

  Guilt doused his building hunger. She had barely escaped death. How could he lust after her at a time like this?

  "If she needs more, I'll feed her,” Azariel said. “You're looking downright peaked."

  "Peaked?” The old-fashioned word made Teladorian smile. They both struggled to fit in with this modern age. He stroked the vampire's tousled hair with his free hand and bent toward her ear. “Release me, love. I can offer no more."

  She murmured as he carefully drew back. Blinking repeatedly, she looked around. “Did you drive them away or..."

  "They're gone for now, but we didn't kill them. Do you know why they attacked you?"

  His silky voice wrapped around Sophie and flowed through her, causing her to shiver. She noted the tall blond man standing near the door, but her gaze returned to the man at her side. Ink black hair swept back from his face, golden highlights shimmering in the sleek strands. Regal and elegant, his features commanded attention, compounding the sensual power of his voice.

  "Who are you?” It seemed a logical place to start.

  "My name is Teladorian Haize. That's Azariel. And you are?"

  "Sophie Vasco.” She cringed as speculation narrowed his gaze. If she'd been less rattled, she would have thought to lie. He wasn't a vampire. It was doubtful he understood the significance of her name. Still, there had been a flash of recognition in those clear green eyes. “How did you know I needed assistance?"

  "My question first. Did you know your attackers?"

  "The answer is more complicated than you realize. I didn't know them specifically, but I'm well acquainted with their type.” She smoothed down her hair and took a deep breath. “Why did you come running when no one else sensed my peril? They shielded the room. I could feel it."

  "I'm empathic with most females.” Teladorian brushed her cheek with the back of his hand as his gaze searched hers. “I can't explain why your emotions penetrated their shields. I only know that I received them."

  His warm fingers made her skin tingle, and she turned into the light caress. Needing his gentleness more than she cared to admit, she savored the tangible connection. Echoes of her attack hovered at the edge of her consciousness. She could feel their hurtful hands bruising her limbs and their vicious fangs draining her blood.

  "Why are you only empathic with females?” She latched on to the odd detail, desperate for any distraction from the memories.

  He smiled, and her heartbeat tripped, stumbling for a moment before it reclaimed its steady rhythm. His teeth were perfect and starkly white against his golden skin. “Let's resolve one issue before we move on to the next. What prompted the attack?"

  She eased away from him and crawled off the side of the bed, unable to tolerate the tangible reminder. “If you hadn't intervened ... How do I repay you for saving my life?"

  "Your continued existence is all the reward I need.” He stood as well, his gaze intent and assessing. “I don't mean to sound callous, Sophie, but this isn't over. They will try again."

  She touched the wound on her neck, revolted by the stickiness of her own blood. The smell was cloying, an intolerable reminder of her helplessness. “I need to get out of this room."

  "You shouldn't be alone right now. I seriously doubt this was random."

  "This was definitely not random.” It had been carefully planned and facilitated by her lover's betrayal. How could she have been such a fool?

  "You need to avoid your usual routine."

  Panic crawled up the back of her neck and clasped her stomach in a ruthless fist. She crossed her arms over her chest and averted her gaze. “I'm open to suggestions, as soon as we get the hell out of this room."

  Moving with smooth agility, he crossed the floor and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. His touch was light and protective. She flinched then sighed, accepting his embrace.

  Azariel opened the door, and they moved into the corridor. “I'll have the car brought around.” He hurried on ahead.

  "Wait.” She twisted away from Teladorian. “I left my purse on the nightstand."

  "Leave it. I'll have it sent over once you're settled."

  "But I might need money or—"

  "There's nothing to worry about. I'll take care of everything."

  She straightened her shoulders and fought the tightening in her throat. He suddenly sounded just like her father. She'd spent the past eleven years establishing her independence from one overbearing tyrant. She wasn't about to subject herself to the aggressive “care” of another controlling man.

  "You've been amazingly helpful.” She kept her tone even, yet firm. “They're likely watching my car, so I'm going to call a cab."

  Amusement flashed in his gaze and the corners of his mouth curved. “I understand. Where will you go?"

  She couldn't go home. He was right. She needed to avoid her usual routine. Besides, Jon had led them here, so he'd likely filled them in on her habits and given them a list of her friends. What a tangle!

  "I'm not sure yet, but I need my purse."

  He waited in the hallway as she returned to the room and retrieved her purse from the nightstand. He didn't pressure her or object to her change of heart. He just waited as she worked through her options.

  Credit cards and ATM withdrawals were easily traced, and she didn't have enough cash to pay for a hotel room. Her friends would be endangered by her presence, but there was no way in hell she'd go crawling back to her father. He'd predicted she couldn't make it on her own, and she had no intention of proving him right.

  Teladorian led her down a side hall to a narrow staircase at the back of the building. They waited near the employees’ entrance until a black Mercedes pulled up in front of the glass door.

  "That's Azariel. Are you sure you want to call a cab?"

  She hesitated. Her attackers were still out there, and vampire assassins wouldn't stop until they'd completed their assignment or died trying. “I don't know.” She dragged her gaze away from his handsome face, hating her helplessness. “You could be part of this for all I know."

  "Do you hold some deep, dark secret I could gain by endearing myself to you?” He cupped her chin and tilted her head back, waiting until she looked into his eyes. “What do I gain by earning your trust?"

  "Nothing. This isn't about secrets. They meant to kill me. I could feel their malevolence. If you hadn't interrupted them when you did, I would be dead.” Hearing the words out loud made her stomach churn. Her lover had sold her out, opening the door with a smile and ushering her into an ambush.

p; "I'm an intensely private person,” he said. “My home security is state of the art."

  "I can't go home with you.” She turned her head, and his hand slid down her neck, coming to rest on her shoulder.

  "Of course you can. You can stay for a couple of hours while your emotions settle down, or you can stay for a few days while we do some digging. We'll try and figure out who was behind the attack. It's entirely up to you."

  Perhaps a stranger, with no tie to any clan, was her best option. “You've done enough already. I won't be an imposition.” His touch was intoxicating. She wanted to press against him and wrap her arms around his back. No, she wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her and ... She shook away the smoldering sensations. This was no time for romantic imaginings. Her life was in real danger!

  He didn't continue the debate. He pushed open the door and swept his hand toward the waiting car.

  Accepting her need for assistance with a frustrated sigh, she stepped past him. She inhaled deeply, letting the cool night air purge fear's taint from her mind. She hadn't asked Teladorian for help, but he was involved now whether she liked it or not. It didn't make sense to endanger one of her friends. Besides, he was by far the most interesting person she'd encountered in a very long time.

  Teladorian closed the door for Sophie, then walked around the back of the car and got in on the other side.

  "Where to, boss?” Azariel asked, amusement rippling through his tone. He wasn't technically Teladorian's employee, though Sophie had likely drawn that conclusion.


  "Yours or hers?"


  "Yes, sir."

  As Azariel pulled away from the curb, Teladorian returned his attention to Sophie. She huddled against the seat, arms crossed over her chest. Her features were tense and pale, her lips trembling.

  "What's the matter? You're safe now. We'll protect you.” Despite her obvious distress, her emotions were carefully guarded.

  "I'm not afraid.” She licked her lips, her gaze focusing on his throat. “Your blood should have been enough to allow me to regenerate, but I'm still starving."


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