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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 9

by Michelle Love

  Kicking and screaming, the sub isn’t going to go down easy. “No! No, Sir! I’ll remember to do all those things from now on! Please!”

  “It’s too late.” He tosses her dress up, and her white cotton panties are all that’s covering her exposed ass. Then he pulls those panties down, leaving her bare.

  Blyss whispers, “She does deserve it.”

  Troy agrees and leaves a kiss atop her head, “Yes, she does.”

  The Dom administers the first spank as his sub cries and pleads for him to stop. He takes no heed of her over-the-top antics and spanks her over and over until she stops trying to get away, finally coming to her sense. “I’m sorry, I really am. I’m so sorry, Sir.”

  Now that her reaction is proper, her Dom pulls up her panties and pulls her to sit in his lap. “Do you think I like to punish you, Pet?” He’s easy with her, stroking her hair and leaning his forehead against hers.

  “No, Sir. I deserved it. I kept paying more attention to things that didn’t matter, instead of what does. Like cooking your dinner and making sure you’re welcomed home after a hard day at work. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  He’s happy with her response. “Good girl. That’s my girl. Can you give me a kiss?”

  A nod and a sniffle have her wiping her tears away. Then she runs her arms around her Dom’s neck and kisses him. A kiss that starts out simple, but quickly builds in passion.

  She turns to straddle him in the chair, undoing his pants, releasing his cock. Lifting her skirt up, he pushes her panties to the side, and she slides onto his erect cock.

  Blyss seems a bit shocked as she mutters, “Oh wow!”

  The sub rides her Dom for a while as they kiss and run their hands over each other. The Dom pulls his mouth away. “Get on the floor on your hands and knees, sub.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She hurries to do as he’s told her.

  Her Dom tosses her dress up and pulls down her panties before thrusting his cock into her. The sub looks out at us as he fucks her. “You will be a good girl from now on, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He slaps her ass. Her eyes close as she bites her lower lip. “You will never burn our dinner again.”

  “I will never burn it again, Sir.”

  He slaps her ass again. “You will meet your Dom at the door each and every day after work.”

  She moans, “I will meet my Dom every day after he gets off work, with a fresh glass of Scotch.”

  He slaps her ass again. “And why will you do these things for your Dom?”

  “Because my Dom takes care of me and I am to take care of him. In all ways, the same way he does for me.”

  Her Dom keeps fucking her hard and fast. “That’s a good sub. Do you like this fat cock?”

  “I love your fat cock, Sir.” She chews her lip as she looks out at the audience. I find her eyes have landed on Troy. “I love feeling your cock inside of me. I want you to fuck me.”

  Oh, shit! She’s saying that directly to Troy, the little slut!

  Blyss, too, is aware of that fact. “Well, that fucking bitch!”

  Blyss goes to stand up, but Troy grabs her. “What the hell are you thinking?”

  I look back to see what the moronic sub is doing now as she says, “I want you to fuck me tonight. I want you to tie me down to the bed and fuck me until you can’t anymore.” She’s still looking at Troy.

  “I’m going to beat her ass! Just you wait!” Blyss growls.

  Troy does his best to calm her down. “Blyss, it doesn’t matter what she’s doing. I am with you. You can see that, right?”

  “You don’t want her, do you?” Blyss asks.

  Shaking his head, he says, “I only want you, Blyss Danner. Only you.”

  The lights go out on the scene, and the lights in the room come up. I look at Blyss as Troy holds her. “Seems that sub on stage had a thing for you, Mr. M.” I smile at Blyss. “Seems you had a bit of jealousy over that, Miss Danner. Perhaps you should learn a bit about controlling that. Mr. M., you should rein that in before it gets out of control.”

  “Mr. J., I thought you liked me,” Blyss cries.

  “I do, that’s precisely why I think that ugly little trait should be taken care of. It’s just sex, Miss Danner. Nothing more than body parts. Your heart doesn’t get into it. So what does it matter if another woman wants to feel your Dom’s power?”

  “This man is more than just my Dom, he is my love. Once you find love, Mr. J., your opinion might very well change.”

  The sub from the stage comes to Troy’s side even though he’s adamantly shaking his head at her. The foolish female runs one finger along his shoulders. “I’m Delores”

  Unable to hold onto Blyss any longer, Troy loses his grip. And Blyss grabs the other woman by the shoulders. “He’s mine, you will back off now!”

  The woman eyes Blyss. “You are his, not the other way around, sub. And if he’d like a taste of me, he can have it. I don’t belong to anyone.” She looks at Troy. “So, would you like a taste?”

  Blyss’ hand flies through the air, and a crack is heard as she connects with the girl’s face. “You fucking bitch!”

  Troy and I have to scramble to pull the two apart. I take the sub from the scene by the waist and pull her back. “I’ll take care of her.” I drag her back as I look over my shoulder to see where I can take this crazy bitch.

  “See that you do, or I will!” Blyss shouts as Troy pulls her away.

  “You women,” is all I can say about what’s happened.

  With Blyss out of the room, I feel relieved that the incident hadn’t occurred in the main room and created chaos with the large crowd there.

  The man who played her Dom on stage finally comes to help me with the slut. “I can take her from here, boss.”

  Before I release this troublemaker, I take her by the chin to make her look at me. “You can either learn to play nicely with others, or you will no longer be welcome in my club. Got that?”

  She continues to eye me then suddenly drops her eyes as I refuse to look away from her. “I got that, Mr. J.” Then she looks back at me. “Maybe I could use a strong hand to guide me.”

  That’s a thing the woman desperately needs. But after seeing her brazen display with Troy, I have no desire to trade any type of energy or power with her. “I won’t be the Dom to handle you. You just remember what I’ve said. Shape up, or you’re out. I don’t want any more cat fights in my club.”

  Heading to the main room, I want to be sure things are going well in there. As I walk in, I can see that no one seems to be aware of any trouble and look around to see what’s going on.

  When my eyes land on a new guy at the bar, I find myself looking at the woman who’s sitting next to him.


  What the hell is she doing out here? And why the hell is that man looking at her like that?

  Easing my way through the crowd, I get to her and place my hand on her shoulder as I size up the man who’s looking at her. And only at her. “Hi, I’m Mr. J., one of the owners. I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before, mister…?”

  “M,” the man answers before he looks at Isabel. His finger runs over her chin, and I just about fly off the handle and belt him.

  Isabel leans back a bit, breaking contact with the moron’s fingertip. “He’d like to become a member of your club, Mr. J. I’m showing him around the place. Are there any scenes coming up?”

  I take the drink she shouldn’t be having if she’s going to be this close to a man like this one. I can read him like a book. A dirty, nasty, son of a bitch book. “I think there’s one coming up in the lounge. I’ll take him from here.”

  His dark-as-hell eyes dart to me. “I prefer her company if you don’t mind.”

  But I do mind. I mind a whole hell of a lot.

  Isabel’s hand covers mine. “Perhaps I could join you both, and we could all watch it.”

  Her words hit me hard, like a baseball bat straight to the
chest. “You want to watch a scene?” I don’t know why she affects me the way she does. I don’t understand any of what we have going on between us—what we’ve had between us since we first met. I just know I want her to be safe at all times. And the man who is staring at her again seems unsafe to me.

  “What happened to the customer always being right?” the jackass has the nerve to ask.

  With a deep breath, I nod and take Isabel’s hand in mine. “Of course. Come then, let’s head to the lounge and see what kind of trouble we can stir up in there.”

  Isabel gives me a smile and a nod. “Good. This should be fun.”

  Fun? I think it’s going to be excruciating torture to watch a scene with her while this motherfucker stares her down with his sinister gaze, which I can see right through.

  But I’m not about to leave them on their own.

  Off we go then…

  Chapter 16


  It’s hard not to smile as Grant sits on one side of me and Bart strategically takes the other side. The lounge is small, intimate, and lit up by candles alone. Soft music filters out of the speaker system, telling me we’ll be watching a rather demure scene rather than one that’s racy or brutish.

  My glass is still in Grant’s hand, and he sips at the Tom Collins Bart ordered for me. I’m not complaining though. It is good to be out of my office and enjoying some of the things that go on all around me instead of being stuck in the four walls that keep me from all the fun.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man dressed in a dark suit get up and walk around the small round table, taking a woman with long golden curls by the hand. As he speaks, I realize this is the show as he’s wearing a hidden microphone. “Come with me, baby,” he tells his companion.

  Dutifully, the woman goes along with her Dom, head only slightly bent as she allows him to lead her to the front of the room. The room’s small enough that there’s no need for a stage for us to see the people who are at the front, ready to give us a little show.

  A soft blue spotlight gives their skin a subtle hue, making it seem as if they’re underwater. With one gesture to the floor, the sub goes into position, waiting with her head down as the man walks in a circle around her. “My sub has been with me for nearly a year now. Tomorrow marks our one year anniversary. Thanks to The Dungeon of Decorum we’ve been able to live out our fantasies without fear of being judged by society.”

  Bart leans in to whisper, “That’s exactly why I’m here too.”

  I catch Grant looking at us out of the corner of his eye as he takes a drink before putting the glass down. Underneath the table, he takes my hand, placing it on his thigh and holding it there, where no one else can see what it is we’re doing.

  The thrill I get from this little bit of contact is almost sad, as I’ve felt deprived of his touch for some time now. Grant and I have fallen into bed or had quick office sex only a handful of times in the last year. Only when he’s feeling weak, desperate for my touch. A thing he chastises himself for after the deed has been done.

  Turning my attention back to the man up front, I hear him say, “Tonight, we want to play out a scene that actually happened to us while we were out in town one night after enjoying a meal together. We hope you understand what you see.”

  With a snap of his fingers, his sub stands up, and he takes her in his arms, holding her in a loose grip and softly kissing her lips. “I had a wonderful time tonight,” she tells him.

  “Me too.” He lets her go and takes her hand, managing to take only a couple of steps before she seems to twist her ankle and nearly falls to her knees before he catches her.

  A woman suddenly walks past them out of the side of the room. She stops and looks back at the couple as the Dom stoops to fix the strap on his sub’s high-heeled sandal. “Oh, Master I can do that,” the sub says.

  The look on the passing woman’s face tells the audience she’s highly incensed. Marching up to the couple, she shouts at the man who is still on his knees, dealing with his sub’s shoe. “What did you say?”

  The sub looks down, unsure of what she should say. She looks frantic. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I had no idea anyone was around. I would’ve never…”

  “Do not apologize to him, sweetheart.” The woman reaches out to the sub as the Dom stands back up. “Come to me. I’ll take you to safety.”

  “She’s quite safe with me,” the Dom says with a smile.

  The woman’s face is filled with disgust. “You? Her master?” She looks the Dom up and down. “Does belittling women turn you on? Does beating poor innocent girls do it for you, you piece of dog shit?”

  The Dom takes his sub’s hand and tries to walk away. The sub looks at him with sorrowful eyes. “She’s wrong. Don’t listen to her.”

  Unfortunately for the couple, the woman follows behind them, taunting the Dom. “Why don’t you try to hit me and see what happens to you, Master? Why don’t you come back here and deal with a real woman? A woman who won’t cower to you, you son of a bitch.” She changes her ugly tone to one of concern as she addresses the girl. “Sweetheart, do you have a family that should know what’s happened to you? I can help you. Just say the word, and I’ll have this asshole on the ground in no time, and I’ll get you to your family. I’m sure they love you, sweetheart. I can help you. Just tell me you want help, and I’ll take this guy out.”

  The Dom stops, stopping his sub as well. They turn to face the woman. “Madam, I’m sure you mean well. This woman is free to leave me if she wants to. She’s always had that freedom and then some. I assure you that nothing happens to her that she does not want.” He turns to face the sub. “Delores, you do know you’re free to leave me and will receive no repercussions for doing so, right?”

  “I do,” come the sub’s fast words. “I do not wish to leave you.” She looks at the woman. “I’m sure you mean well, just like Jack said, but I don’t want to leave him, and he doesn’t do a thing to me I don’t want to be done. Thank you for your concern.”

  “Brainwashed!” the woman shouts. “You’ve brainwashed her! No woman wants to be tied up and beaten. No woman wants to be lorded over by some man. And no man in his right mind wants to do those things to a woman. Poor girl, you’ve been brainwashed. Please, come with me and leave this life behind you.”

  A few more people come out of the dark corners of the room, forming a semi-circle around the couple. They all begin to taunt the Dom, calling him every name in the book.

  My heart is pounding at the sight, and the thought that this actually happened to the poor couple nearly has me crying. Grant’s hand is squeezing mine, and I know he must feel anger at the people who’re being so mean to the Dom.

  As if the Dom was a vicious murderer, the small mob pelts him with harsh words. When a man threatens to beat his ass the way he beats women’s asses, the sub has had enough. “Shut up!” Her chest is heaving as she’s fed up with the people speaking to her Dom that way. “Enough! Leave us, or I’m calling the police, and you all will be charged with harassment. I’m a lawyer, and I can make the charges stick. Now, leave us alone!”

  The crowd falls silent. “A lawyer?” the woman who started it all asks in disbelief.

  “Yes, I’m a lawyer and am quite capable of taking care of myself with this man. And you all are hateful people. Now, do as I said and go away. Leave us alone.”

  The little mob does as they’re told and her Dom looks at her with adoration in his eyes. Then he takes her hand and they walk into the shadows. Everyone stands and applauds their heartbreaking scene.

  “That was something else,” I say as I wipe a tear from my eye. “Not at all the type of scene we’re used to here, but wow, to think that really happened. Oh, my.”

  Bart’s hand moves over my knee as he leans in close to me. “I’ve been taunted that way. It was long ago, but it did happen. It’s a feeling I never want to have again.”

  Although Grant is squeezing my hand, I have to ask, “What happened?” As I wait for his
answer, I gently move Bart’s hand off my knee. “I’m off limits, sir,” I whisper.

  With a sigh, Bart nods. “Too bad.” He looks around me at Grant. “Perhaps another time I’ll tell you my tale. It’s a bit woeful to talk about with so many people around. What do you say about seeing me back to your office—I seemed to have left my cell there when I took it out to retrieve my financial information. It’s getting late. I have to get back home before sunrise.”

  “Of course,” I agree. Grant lets my hand go as Bart stands up and pulls my chair out.

  Grant rises too. “I’ll go with you.”

  Bart rolls his eyes as he takes the place on the other side of me, walking along with us. It makes me happy that Grant is worried about me being alone with the man. It just goes to prove he cares more for me than he admits, and I love every little nugget of reassurance I get from the elusive man.

  After letting Bart get his cell, we walk him out and bid him a goodnight, Grant ever present at my side. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow to let you know what comes next if the financial background check comes back okay.”

  “I look forward to hearing your voice, Isabel. And please, think about what I asked you. Maybe your bosses will make an exception to their rules for you if the price is right.” And with that, he gets into a waiting black limo and is gone.

  That leaves me with Grant, who’s looking at me with a scowl on his face. “And just what did he ask you, Bell?”

  Turning to go back inside, I hide the smile on my face. “Oh, he’d like to train on me is all. Maybe become his sub. I said no, of course.”

  “Of course,” comes his soft words. His arm snakes around my waist, and he pulls me close to him as we walk down the empty hallway back to my office. “I don’t like the man, you should know that. Put Betty on his case. Leave his membership up to her.”

  “I don’t know if he’ll be down with that, Grant.” I was sure Bart wouldn’t be okay with that.


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