For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 85

by Michelle Love

  She was like a saint.

  A saint should be much more boring than she was, though. Still, she had this sense of innocence, even now. She’d given herself to me completely, and yet she still had a sort of naive aura about her, despite her obvious competence.

  It was like she knew the world, she knew how horrible it could be, and yet she had retained a sort of innate goodness. Or was I romanticizing her too much? Maybe I was just letting the emotions of the day get the better of me—it was our wedding after all, no matter how much of a sham I knew this marriage to be. If she really was as good as I was making her out to be, there was no way she would ever cheat on me.

  So I would just have to make it irresistible for her to do so. It was going to take a tiny bit more work than I had originally thought, but I was up to the challenge.

  By the way Brent was following us with his eyes, he was too. Maybe just a little bit too much. As I met his eyes, I saw him scan over the length of her body from head to toe.

  Normally, it wouldn’t bug me. I saw him do it all the time. It was really nothing more than his way of checking out a beautiful woman, and I had to remind myself to keep my irritation under control. It was just Brent being Brent. There was a reason he’d been the one I’d picked to do this job and to plan with me.

  Poor Kaye didn’t deserve this, though. Not any of it. The more I tried to push the thought away, the more it kept sneaking back into my mind. I had gotten to know her, and it made it much more difficult to use her as I was planning to do.

  If I were really a good guy, I knew I would back off. I would have backed off before we’d ever gotten married. But it was a bit too late for me to do the right thing and I was a little bit trapped now.

  Nothing I wanted had changed, anyway.

  We danced together, and I kept on fighting down helpless arousal as she swayed in my arms. I couldn’t wait until later, when I would strip off every layer of the fancy, white wedding dress she wore and see the lush body that was hidden within.

  Maybe it would make me feel better if she wasn’t quite as much of the saint as she usually was. If I could prove to her—and more importantly, to myself—that she could be just as much of a sinner as anyone, maybe I could get rid of some of this guilt before it completely overwhelmed me.

  Just how far would my new bride go to make her husband happy? I had no idea, but I thought it might be fun to test it out. Besides, with what I had in mind, it would probably just push Brent and Kaye together even quicker.

  Yes. From saint to sinner. The idea appealed to me. Poor Kaye was never going to know what hit her, not by the time I was done with her.

  I had some particular tastes that my sweet, pretty young wife didn’t know about just yet. But she would, and once she did …

  My cock was suddenly at full attention. She couldn’t feel it through the layers of her skirt, though, so I let myself get hard. I even let myself grind against her a little bit.

  This was going to be fun.

  To be continued

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  Funhouse A Submissives’ Secrets Extra

  A Halloween Romance Story¡

  By Michelle Love

  One sexy young thing, one funhouse, one hell of a Halloween night…

  All the young studs were after her, but I got her.

  Her voluptuous body was calling my name, so I had to do it.

  I had to take her off somewhere where no one knew either of us. Fulfilling a fantasy she invoked within me.

  Our bodies finally got all they’d craved, but what would it cost us?

  Our lives?


  Candy apple in one hand, hers in the other, I make my way down the midway. Dodging the constant calls of the carnies to come play their games, I have one place in mind and will stop at nothing to get her where I want her.

  The fantasy has been running through my mind all day long. Despite the fierce custody battle I had to fight for my client in court today, it always lurked in the back of my mind—getting her to the funhouse.

  Penny is a young intern who was sent to work in my law office a few weeks ago. Her lush body has been tempting me since she first walked through my door. Not that she was playing hard to get—she really was hard to get.

  I sat back quietly and watched the other interns take their stabs at her. She never gave any of those guys the time of day. One by one, I watched them flirt with her, try to touch her. And one by one, I watched her shut them all down.

  So I thought it was my turn—and boy was I pleased by her reaction when I asked her if she could see herself, face down on my desk. Biting her lower lip as her cheeks went pink, she gave me a slow nod as her hands moved over her round hips.

  I didn’t want that particular act. I wanted something better than the old standby office romp. So I told her she’d have to wait for when I wanted her. A thing she complied with, although I saw the desire in her dark eyes.

  Slipping our tickets to the man outside the funhouse, I tug Penny inside, pulling her close to me. Her dark hair is loose, instead of in the tight little bun she keeps it in at work. It hangs in a silky sheet to her waist.

  A waist that’s not tiny, but thick. Everything about Penny is thick, including her Cuban accent. Voluptuous double D’s and some thick thighs make her middle look thinner than it is though.

  We have to keep this on the down low while she’s interning at the office. It’s frowned upon for the lawyers in our practice to mess with the secretaries and interns. But when you have one this tasty, well you take chances you might not normally take.

  And the fact she’s not easy and slutty just makes it that much better.

  Making our way through the funhouse, I have a certain place I want to take her—a private place amongst the mirrors where no one can see us. But we’ll be able to see everyone who comes through.

  My little fetish is having sex in public places without others catching me doing it. That and fucking women no one suspects me of fucking.

  Penny isn’t the type of girl anyone I know or work with would imagine I’d have a thing to do with. She’s not the arm candy I’m usually seen with. And she’s quite a bit younger than is seen as respectable. Barely nineteen, and barely legal.

  Being in my early thirties makes me look like I might be her older uncle or something. So this fantasy I’ve had since I first laid eyes on her, it has to be played out carefully.

  We cannot get caught.

  I stop us in front of one of the mirrors. We both look unbelievably tall and skinny. She sighs as she looks at her thin body in the mirror. “If only I really were this skinny.”

  I shake my head. “You’re perfect just the way you are. Don’t try to be something you’re not. You don’t need to be anything but exactly what you are. Thick and delicious.”

  Her smile is all I need, knowing I made her feel a bit better about herself. The girl really does have it all going for her. And with time and maturity, she’ll come to realize she’s got a lot to offer the right man, someday.

  I’m not the right man for anything serious. I am the right man to teach her all about sex though. And boost her self-esteem in the process.

  I came to this carnival last year, bringing my young niece and nephew to it. It was then that I realized this perfect little hiding place. My nephew is a real handful with ADHD, and he managed to get his little ass lost for a little while in this funhouse.

  When I finally found him he was behind the mirrors, laughing because he could see us all looking for him but we couldn’t see him at all, even though he was right there.

  It’s a tight squeeze for Penny as I pull her between two of the mirrors, but I get her back here and she looks around, amazed by the difference. “It’s kind of creepy back here, Jason.”

  The sound of the carnival music drifts in and out, wafting through all the things that make up the funhouse. And the sound of people laugh
ing and screaming just makes it that much creepier.

  A young couple in their early teens comes through, and we watch them as they look into the mirrors, laughing and pointing at each other’s reflections. “Oh, my God, Sandy! You look just like your fat mother in that one.”

  “Fuck you, Troy!” The girl smacks her boyfriend in the back of his head.

  He laughs and nods, “Yeah, I deserved that. Come on.”

  Handing Penny the candy apple, I run my hands around her waist, pushing her shirt up so I can feel the actual rolls of flesh that form three rings around her waist. “Lick that,” I whisper.

  Plying the folds apart, I push my fingers into the deep recesses and move them back and forth. It almost feels as if I have my fingers inside her sweet cunt, they’re so lost in the thickness.

  More people come through as I look at her body while I kiss her neck and she eats the apple. My lips brush just behind her ear as I whisper, “Do you want me to fuck you now?” I move my hands into the elastic waistband of her slacks, pushing the tops of her cotton panties down.

  “I have been waiting for quite some time for you to do just that, you know. You’ve made me wait for a solid week since you asked me about wanting to be face down on your desk. And that is what we’re here for.” She licks the shiny red surface of the apple. “You do have that candy bar in your pocket, right?”

  Pressing my lips to her neck, I move one hand to her ample ass and one down to her hot pussy. “I have the candy bar, don’t worry.”

  Giving the apple another long lick, she sighs as I twist the nub of her clit between my thumb and forefinger. “Good, I like to eat something sweet while I get fucked. And it’s been a while since I’ve been fucked, Jason.”

  Pushing her pants to her knees, I unbutton and unzip my jeans, only releasing my cock, which is pulsing to a full erection. I slide it up and down her ass and ask, “Mind if I pop it into your asshole?”

  “No, I don’t mind.” She licks the candy coating once more, and I pull her fat ass cheeks apart, sliding my finger along the seam and finding her asshole hidden in the fatty tissue.

  Easing my finger into it, I find it’s pliable, and she has no issue with it whatsoever. I place the head of my cock at the rim and push into her. She gasps and I know I’m bigger than she expected me to be. “Too big?”

  “Damn!” She has to steady herself with one hand against the back of one of the mirrors. “You have yourself a big one, don’t you? I guess the suit jackets you wear hide that fact.”

  Moving slowly, I let her get used to the size and encourage her, “Lick that apple, Penny. Lick it and imagine it’s my fat cock that’s all up in your fat ass.”

  With a moan, she does as I’ve told her and I fuck her as more people walk by, only inches away from us and completely unaware of that fact.

  Unaware of the fact that a couple of people who shouldn’t be together are fucking right in front of them. Two people who are worlds apart socially are having anal sex right now, right next to them.

  If anyone sees us, we’re headed straight for jail, and my career as a lawyer will be over in a flash of newspaper headlines.

  But still, I fuck her in the ass as she licks that bright red apple.


  His cock is much bigger than I expected. But it hurts in a way that’s so perfect, it’s blowing my mind.

  I’ve lusted after Jason since the first day I went to work in his office. His muscular body was evident, even underneath his expensive suits. I could tell he had lots of muscles, but the size of his dick was left a mystery to me.

  To be honest, I thought he’d probably have a small one. I suspect he uses steroids to get all the muscles he has, and that’s one of the side effects of using them. But maybe he just works really hard to have that perfect body.

  I’m not into exercising. I actually hate it with a passion. I’m all about being comfortable, and I love food. If I had to exercise to burn all the calories I intake on a daily basis, I’d never get to stop to actually eat anything.

  Jason’s cock is completely filling my ass. The way he’s moving behind me, holding me by the waist as he fucks me slow and easy, is taking me over the edge.

  Three teen boys come through the funhouse, looking into the mirrors and laughing. I look right at them, but they can’t see me at all.

  I’m used to being invisible to most people. Being heavy all my life, I was ridiculed when I was younger for my weight. I learned to fade into the background to avoid all that.

  Getting the internship at Jason’s law office was like a whole new world for me. I had to dress differently when I went to work there. I had to wear a skirt and a button-down shirt and heels.

  My personal attire is far from that. I like wearing elastic waisted slacks and lightweight shirts. And I never wear heels. Mostly I wear slip-on sandals even in the cold of winter.

  My transformation into the proper legal aid had me getting the men’s attention, both in the office and out of it. It wasn’t a thing I was used to, and I had a hard time dealing with how many men were flirting with me and trying to touch my body as if it was a thing they craved.

  I didn’t want any of those young guys. My eyes were set on the older man who sat behind the huge oak desk, looking regal and sexy as hell. My eyes were on Jason right from the start.

  Oh, I had no idea I could actually get him. Even though I know I don’t actually have him now. I know we will never be a real thing. He can’t and neither can I.

  I can’t imagine bringing home a thirty-something man and expecting my grandma and grandpa to be cool with that. They wouldn’t be down with it at all.

  Jason Stone is out of my league anyway. But I can let him fuck me. I can do that.

  Pulling out of my ass, he turns me around to face him. The candy apple is only half-way gone, and he licks the other side of it. “Yum. But I bet I know what tastes better than that.”

  My heart revs up with anticipation. Is he going to finally kiss me?

  His face moves in closer and closer, then his lips are on my neck, and he kisses me all the way down as he gets on his knees in front of me. I watch him as he goes to kiss my intimate area instead of my mouth.

  Oh, well. This is a good place to get kissed too.

  His long thick fingers move through the thick patch of hair that covers my sweet spot. Some girls are into keeping that hair all shaved off. Not me. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Not on my own. I can’t see all that down there. Too thick.

  And Jason doesn’t seem to mind it. His tongue moves through my folds, and he moans quietly as he licks me. Moving his hands around me, he grips my ass, kneading my cheeks as he licks me over and over again.

  I continue to lick the candy off the apple as I watch his head move over me. His dark hair is on the long side, and he has it pulled back into a man-bun. It’s not a look many men can pull off, but Jason rocks the style.

  His blue eyes are piercing. The kind that look right through you, finding all the flaws and any lies that might be hiding inside of a person. The first time he looked at me, I felt a jolt of electricity move right through me. He had me with that first look.

  I’d have given into him the very first day but he didn’t come on to me until after a few weeks of me working there. I dreamt of the man every time my eyes closed. How he’d feel when he took me. How he’d taste when we kissed. How his cock would feel in my mouth.

  And now my dream is coming true. And I’m finding out that his fantasy is a thing I didn’t know I’d like as much as I do.

  Being an exhibitionist isn’t my thing. I’ve never wanted to be fucked just inches away from other people. But there’s a certain thrill to it that I had no idea I would feel.

  I swallow hard as I watch Jason’s head cock to one side as he goes in deeper, thrusting his tongue into my canal. It’s wet and on the cool side, and it sends a shiver through me.

  Some man’s voice comes from right behind me, “Would you look at that?”

  “Oh, that
’s ugly, Stan. Yuk. Keep moving,” a woman says.

  I almost wonder if they can see us. Then I hear the man say, “You’d look cute chunky, Beth. You should eat more. I could be married to a voluptuous woman if you’d just eat more.”

  “Who wants a fat wife?” she asks as their voices trail off and they walk on by.

  Her question haunts me. Yeah, who does want a fat wife?

  Jason moves, kissing his way up my body and then his lips finally touch mine. His tongue tastes like me as he forces it into my mouth, running all over mine.

  I put my arms around his neck, careful not to let the sticky candy touch his clothing or hair. Kissing him back, I find it’s even better than how I imagined it would be.

  His hands run up into my hair, and he takes it in his hands and pulls my head back. Looking at me with those icy blue eyes, he whispers, “You’re beautiful.”

  Am I?

  Am I really beautiful?

  I’m overweight and haven’t developed much of a personality as I’ve tried so hard to be invisible. I don’t know why I decided to become a legal aid. It was my mother’s life-long dream, and somehow it became what I was going to be.

  “Am I really beautiful? Or are you just saying that so I’ll let you fuck me?”

  With a frown, he answers me. “You really are beautiful.”

  The way he’s looking at me makes me almost believe him. I use my feet to pull my pants all the way off and move one of my legs up his, opening my body up to him. “Then take me the way I’ve dreamt of.”

  Grabbing my leg, he holds it up then pushes his erection into me.


  I sigh with how deeply he fills me up and spreads me open as his thick cock penetrates me. Pumping away, he grunts so quietly, I can barely hear him. I make one loud moan that has him looking at me so sharply that his expression alone tells me to be quiet.


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