Love by the Mile (Harbor Point Book 2)

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Love by the Mile (Harbor Point Book 2) Page 19

by Heather Young-Nichols

  I took the opportunity to tell her my side.

  The promise I made that if things ever got to be too much for Sal, I’d walk away. But things had been good up until that very moment in her kitchen so I never dreamed he’d actually use it.

  “Then Gio showed up at my place to get Sal’s stuff. That’s it. Gio said he knows what happened but can’t tell me which I understand. I promised him I’d never tell Sal the other stuff he told me in the first place yet I did.”

  “Gio doesn’t care,” she said with confidence. Which meant Gio wasn’t mad at me. I didn’t think I could take another man being pissed at me.

  “I guess this is where I admit you’ve chosen well. Gio’s a good guy no matter what he may have done before.”

  “I know.” She smiled.

  Once we finished our coffee, Bianca had to go to work. I still had the day off which I didn’t necessarily want any more.

  “Want to come in and beat on some dough. Might make you feel better,” she said as we walked arm in arm down the block to Romano’s.

  “No.” I laughed. “I’m good. But I will grab the delivery applications to work on at home. At this rate, we’re going to need a couple more guys before the season starts.”

  “I know right? Gramps is already on track to make the money he put into the expansion back by the end of summer. Assuming tourists still come here.”

  “They’ll still be coming. They always come.”

  We’d met for coffee so early that when we got to Romano’s, only Joe was in the kitchen prepping for the day. Gramps sat at the desk in the office doing paperwork. He said mornings before open were the best time to get the ordering done.

  I followed Bianca to the lockers still chatting about the potential of the expansion once the season starts. As she was putting on her apron and getting her order pad, I moved into the office to grab the folder of applications.

  Gramps hardly noticed I was there, only grunting when I said hello. I ruffled what was left of his hair before returning to Bianca.

  Just as I was about to bid her farewell, two familiar, deep voices filled the dining area. It sounded like they were arguing but in the few short sentences I heard couldn’t figure out what it was about.

  Bianca stared at me wide-eyed.

  What was I supposed to do? The guy was moving to Harbor Point, I wouldn’t be able to avoid seeing him forever. Sure, while the break-up was all still fresh, it would’ve made sense to duck and run but if I had my way, I’d make sure the guy remembered that he was loved once.

  “Want to sneak out the back?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

  “Hell no. I don’t hide from him or anyone else. I’m not the one who ended things.”

  “That’s what I thought.” She nudged me with her shoulder then went out first with me close behind.

  I’d be lying if I said my stomach didn’t tie into a knot before we turned the corner to the dining area. Not because I was worried about seeing Sal because I wasn’t. Well, maybe a little.

  He looked a lot like I felt when I finally saw him. I’m not proud that it made me a little happy. His hair was a sexy mess like he’d been running his hands through it over and over and his eyes sagged with exhaustion.

  He must not have slept as well as I had.

  Both cousins startled when they saw me.

  “Hey Bailey, you working today?” Gio moved to block some of my view of Sal.

  I’m not sure if that was on purpose, whether it was meant to block Sal’s view of me or mine of him.

  “Nah. I’ve got a big date with a few hot eighteen-year-olds.” I waved the folder at him. “And since my plans for the day were canceled, I thought I’d get started.”

  We could’ve heard crickets chirping in the silence of the room. Clearly, no one entertained the idea that I might bring up what happened with Sal. But fuck that because that’s what I do. Bianca turned on me with wide eyes but Gio snorted then tossed his keys to Sal.

  “It better be in one fucking piece when you get back,” he said, his hard stare let Sal know he wasn’t joking.

  Sal almost ran out the door as soon as the keys hit his hand. Whatever.

  “Hey. Bailey,” Gio called after I passed him on my way out. “Try not to give up on him. I’m working on it.”

  Smiling, I turned to him. “I haven’t given up on him, Gio. He’s given up on himself.”

  Outside the chill in the air made me zip my coat the rest of the way up to cover part of my face. For whatever reason, the winter seemed to have an extra bite whether because it was actually colder than normal or because I had a surly disposition at being dumped by a guy I had actually fallen in love with.

  Whichever reason, it sucked.

  “Do you want a ride?”

  Crap that came out of nowhere. The way he’d left the restaurant like his pants were on fire I expected he’d tear out the minute his butt hit the seat. I wanted to say no because that would be the easier way to go. I wouldn’t have to sit with him in a confined space for any length of time, no matter how small. But I also knew he was leaving later in the day. And Gio said not to give up on him.

  So instead, I nodded and hoisted myself up into the big machine.

  It seemed ridiculous to be sitting there next to Sal with neither of us saying a word. In my defense, it was a really short ride. When he pulled up next to the curb, I threw my hands in the air then let them slap against my thighs in frustration.

  “I’ll see ya around, Sal.” As I went to open the door his hand shot out and grabbed my arm. I swear I could feel the heat through all my layers.

  “Bailey, I’m sorry. I wish I could explain but trust me when I say it’s better this way.” He believed what he was saying. I just didn’t.

  “You could explain if you wanted to.”

  He didn’t answer or look at me.

  I sighed in defeat. “Have a good flight.”

  With that, I hopped down from the truck and let myself into my apartment without looking back. I knew Bianca would want to know why I didn’t cry or scream or pull out any number of emotions girls had in the toolbox when dealing with a guy, but I didn’t. Didn’t see the point. My heart still broke a little more and I was headed for a meltdown. It just hadn’t found me yet.

  After dropping the folder on the coffee table, I went to the window facing the road. He still sat there. I could see him pretty clearly through the driver’s side and he looked like he was struggling with something.

  He glanced at my building then back out to the road.

  He reached his hand toward the door handle then let it drop back into his lap.

  After a good five minutes, he hit the gas and drove away until I couldn’t see him.

  After that bitch of a day, I threw myself into work to pretend like I didn’t know exactly when Sal left town and when he landed in Chicago, even with the time change.

  On the upside, I did get through all the applications and ended up with a small pile of possibilities.

  But that night I couldn’t help myself. Right after I crawled into bed in Sal’s shirt and a pair of pajama pants, I caved and sent a text.

  Me: I know you’re struggling with something and I hope you find whatever you’re looking for. You deserve it, Sal and I’m not sorry for being with you.

  I wasn’t sure I expected him to answer, probably he wouldn’t, but I felt like I had to send it. As much as I wanted to hate him I couldn’t because I was in love with him and that would take some time to get over.

  Not to mention if he still moved to Harbor Point we’d see each other and I didn’t want it to be weird.

  It was the right thing to do.

  I was right at the weird point halfway between awake and asleep, the limbo that could go either way when my phone chimed. I almost let it go. Almost.

  Him: I appreciate that, Bailey. I wish…there are just things you shouldn’t have to deal with and I won’t make you. I’m not worth that level of trouble. You gave me and made me feel things I don’t thi
nk I will again and for that, I’m so grateful for you.

  Fuck him.

  I waited for the meltdown to find me since he broke things off.

  This was the moment.

  Giant tears fell as I held that damn phone against my forehead longing to be able to lean into him for support. We were only technically together maybe five weeks and most of that time was spent apart. Yet I’d become so used to having him around even if through Skype.

  So my choices were to believe all of that meant nothing to him, which given his text was unlikely, or know that whatever news he’d gotten was big.

  Then my mind ran amuck with crappy scenarios that went from ridiculous to moronic. And because my impulse control sucked I sent the next question that popped into my head.

  Me: Wait. Didn’t I see you smash your phone into a million pieces?

  Him: Yes. I had Soledad get me another one before I left HP. That’s why it took so long to answer you. Had to go get it.

  Well, hell, that made sense. No idea why I wanted to know. I don’t think I did. I just wanted to keep the connection with him. Although I had to admit to myself that it meant something that he still answered me.

  After another dozen days, things were getting a little easier. Our nightly dates had been such a part of my routine there was one night that I forgot and sat down to dial him up. Luckily, I caught myself right before I hit the connect button. That would’ve been embarrassing.

  I worked with Bianca on Valentine’s day. We had the rotation down pretty well on what days the ‘upper management’ that I had unwittingly become part of worked. Gramps insisted he take the night shift with Joe on V day because he said neither of them had anyone to spend it with.

  I practically begged him to let me work a double but I’d been on every day since Sal left that Gramps vehemently denied my request.

  “You should come out with us,” Bianca said in the break room while we packed up to leave for the day.

  “You’re out of your damn mind.”

  “What? Gio won’t care.”

  “I happen to know that Gio has worked really hard to plan something nice for the two of you. Two being the operative word right there. Plus, I’m not so pathetic as to need to be a third wheel. Trust me, I could go to Bill’s and find Isaac or someone else to spend some time with if I want to. Don’t worry about me.”

  She chewed her bottom lip the way she did when she wanted to ask a question but wasn’t sure she wanted the answer.

  “Do you want to? Find Isaac?” she asked.

  My mask of being fine slipped a little.

  “No.” That was sadly the truth.

  At home an hour later, I’d just finished pulling my takeout dinner out of the bag when someone knocked on my door.

  For the first time, neither my heart nor my head even considered it would be Sal on the other side.

  Gio again.

  “Uh… ” I looked around him waiting to see Bianca jump out to save her lonely friend. “Hey?”

  “She’s in the car.” Gio glanced in that direction then pulled a hand out of his pocket. “I’m not sure I should be doing this and don’t tell her I did if it upsets you, at least until tomorrow please, but Sal sent this.” He handed me a rectangular wrapped box with a small envelope tacked to it. “He asked me to give it to you today. Is… was I right to bring it by?” It wasn’t often Gio looked nervous. It was cute. In fact, it gave me a decent giggle like I hadn’t had in a while.

  “It’s the right thing. Thanks.”

  Apparently, Gio and I had gotten close enough that we were touchy-feely friends because I couldn’t help myself when I hugged him quickly then sent him on his way. He needed to get back to his girlfriend.

  Forgetting about the food on my counter, I opened the small square envelope first.

  Bailey, I got this for you after you came to Chicago. Even though things are different now, I still want you to have it. Sal

  Tearing the wrapping paper, I could guess what was inside. He’d already made his penchant for jewelry known by buying me a necklace for Christmas even though we didn’t know each other very well then and I thought he hated me.

  Inside the black box was a beautiful silver bracelet with my name engraved on the medallion in the same swirly script as the tattoo on his side.

  I couldn’t let that go without thanking him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I grabbed my computer then hopped onto the bed and sat with my legs crossed beneath me. I only hesitated a second before hitting Sal’s Skype contact.

  It was a risk after all.

  He could be out. Not at home or at the office where he took his laptop.

  He could just choose not to answer.

  But when his face came onto the screen I knew all my worries were ridiculous. We may not be together but he wouldn’t ignore me.

  It was a start.

  Then neither of us said a word for such a long time that I laughed both because it was funny and I was nervous.

  “Hi,” I finally said.

  “How are you?” He stared at me, not blinking.

  A quick check of his surroundings and I knew he was on the couch in his room but there were some boxes behind him in the corner.

  “I’m OK. Are you moving?”

  “Yeah, uh, the house sold.”

  “Still coming to Harbor Point?” No idea why I was making small talk when I called with a specific purpose. I was lying to myself, stalling to keep him on the line.

  “That’s the plan. Is that… still OK?”

  “I don’t own the town, Sal.”

  A big smile broke out across my face. It felt good to joke with him again. Just seeing him made me feel a little better.

  “But if you did?” Of course, he’d call me out.

  “You want to be close to your family then you should be. Gemma sent an email that she’s all set to transfer in the fall so it makes sense.” I said as he kept his eyes on me and nodded quickly. “I’m calling because Gio dropped off something from you.” I picked it up so he’d see that I opened it. “It’s really beautiful. I love it. Thank you.”

  “I wasn’t sure if I should send it or not but I couldn’t just hang on to it either.” His words made me giggle. “What?”

  “Gio said the same thing about it being the right thing to do. I had something in mind for you but it’d be wholly inappropriate to give it to you now.”

  He stopped breathing. Whether inhaling or exhaling, it caught in his chest as he got the innuendo behind my words. That had been my intention.

  “You know for a guy who thinks so little about himself, you’re pretty great,” I said. “And not too shabby at the boyfriend thing. You should give it another try someday.” Even though the mere idea of him with another girl made me sick to my stomach, he did actually deserve to have that life.

  He scraped his hands down his face then up through his hair. Hearing good things about himself really was a problem for him. “Bailey—”

  “I said what I needed to. Thanks again, I’ll talk to you later.” Before I lost my nerve I hit the button disconnecting us.

  Now not only did I have a necklace I wore every day but a bracelet as well. They were beautiful and they were from him, so they were staying.

  Bianca and Gio both noticed it the first day I wore it but didn’t say a word after that.

  As March moved in, the weather shifted again from what I considered bitter cold to a slightly less bitter cold.

  Another shift took place as well.

  Gemma went away for Spring Break with some people she knew at school. Something she’d never had the opportunity to do before. Although overprotective Gio scoffed at the idea. Bianca and I shut him down right away. Gemma was a grown woman about to turn twenty-one and could make her own decisions.

  What I didn’t expect was the text I got while playing pool with Isaac and a couple of other friends one night.

  Isaac had an arm around me, his hand resting on my hip. We were just friends
and we were laughing at a joke he’d just made when the text came in.

  I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and saw it was from Bianca.

  B: I see you over there kicking ass at the pool table.

  Me: You’re here? Come over here.

  I did a quick scan of the bar but couldn’t see her.

  B: Can’t. Not alone.

  Me: Tell Gio he can act like a human and be social for a change. Lol

  B: Sal’s here.

  My heart raced an erratic beat at the news. I had no idea he’d be in town and I became aware of every spot Isaac’s body touched mine.

  Not that there was anything wrong with it because Sal and I weren’t together and hadn’t been for over a month. But I also didn’t want to give the impression that there was something more between us when there wasn’t. And there would never be. Isaac wasn’t the kind of guy I’d want to be with long term.

  Without looking like it was on purpose, I shoved my phone back into the pocket that would force Isaac to drop his hand.

  Immediately that damn phone buzzed again.

  B: Smooth

  I smiled and shook my head then put the phone away. She’d be the only one who would’ve noticed that I did it on purpose. I told everyone at the table I’d be right back and headed over to the booths I couldn’t see due to lighting.

  That’s where they had to be.

  Yup. The three sat in a booth with drinks in front of them.

  “Hey,” I said with a smile as I stopped right at the end of the table.

  “What are you doing?” Bianca used her weird sing-song like voice when asking that question.

  “Oh, you know. Playing pool, winning bets.”

  Gio coughed on his drink. He’d know I was referring to his stupid bet forever ago.

  “What are you guys up to?” I asked and nudged Sal over so I could sit with them.

  I wasn’t about to be weird just because he was there. Time did make things easier but seeing him in person only reminded me that I still loved him.


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