Breathless 2: In Love With An Alpha Billionaire

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Breathless 2: In Love With An Alpha Billionaire Page 8

by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  “How is your headache?”

  “I may have to take some more medicine in a little while, but it’s better,” she said with her arms folded across her chest.

  “Come here,” I said, walking to stand beside her in the spot where she stood frozen looking at the front door after it slammed behind Montie.

  I observed the hurtful expression she had after her entire family walked out the door. I’d only been gone a short time and Montie had already reclaimed a part of her. I took her hand and guided her to me. “I said come here.”

  “Don’t touch me. I don’t want you to ever touch me again,” she said as she moved away from me.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do!”

  “So, you’re going to stand here and act innocent,” I said, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer. “You slept with him, didn’t you?”

  “After you left me to die in that hospital, you have no right to ask me that,” she said trying to pull away.

  I tightened my grip on her waist. “Answer my question. You gave my pussy away, didn’t you?”

  “Jacob…” she put her hand up to her head. “If that’s all you want to talk about, you can go. I don’t feel like playing this game again with you.”

  “Just say it, Destiny.”

  “Say what?”

  “Say he’s in your system.”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she looked down at the floor as if she would find her answer there. Without her responding, I knew the answer. “Just put me out of my misery and say you fucked him,” I said.

  “Jacob, you wasn’t there for me! You didn’t even show up at the hospital,” she said, tears streaming down her face. “So, you have no right…”

  “I have every right! I tried hard to be there for you,” I said, rubbing up and down each of her arms. I touched her head where the pain was earlier and began to massage her temples. “You are mine.”

  “I slept with Montie,” she said, looking at me vengefully. “Are you happy now? Now, are you ready to talk?”

  Hearing her admission was like a kick in the chest. I didn’t let my disappointment show when I said, “He’s not going to take you away from me. I will go to hell before anyone takes you away from me."

  I grabbed her face and seized her lips. I kissed her with every bit of passion in me. It was hard to contain my urge to have her in that moment. It was as if her admission unleashed a beast that lied dormant inside of me. I allowed my tongue to let her know I was madly in love, with mad being the operative word.

  She resisted at first, but after a few seconds of pleasurable torture she gave in with a deep, throaty moan. I missed her softness so much that I growled like a fierce lion when she writhed against me. My cock grew thick inside my pants.

  I tore her shirt open and buttons went flying across the room. I ripped open her pants and quickly discarded every article of her clothing. I slid my hand down to her neatly shaven pussy and grabbed it whole into my hand.

  “This is mine,” I told her. She nodded her head in agreement. “And that is nonnegotiable,” I warned.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice shivering as she spoke.

  “Get to your room.”

  “You can’t make me…”

  “I said get to your room! I’m about to purge that bastard's touch from your existence,” I declared in a voice that sanctioned no room for argument. I didn’t want her to be afraid of me, but she had to know I wasn’t playing about her being mine.

  “Ugh! Jacob you make me so sick…” she said as she stomped down the hall in front of me.

  “How does your head feel?” I asked once I entered her room. I wasn’t concerned at all with her attitude, but if she needed pain medicine I wanted to get it for her.

  “My head is fine,” she said pouting.

  “Good.” I pulled the covers back on her bed. “Get in there.”

  “This is a bunch of bull, Jacob! We are supposed to be talking. Sex is the last thing we need to be doing. We need to talk about…”

  I hugged her close to me and squeezed her ass vigorously in my hands. I sucked her neck hard, leaving my mark. “I’m not taking no for an answer,” I told her.

  “But my headache might come back…”

  “Get in the bed,” I commanded, knowing there was no way she was going to deny me what I needed, after letting Montie put his filthy hands on her.

  She slowly conceded and did as she was told. I studied every inch of her luscious body as she lie in the bed waiting on me. I discarded my clothes and crawled on top of her, sucking her lips to mine. I kissed circles around the bruise on her face.

  “I love you,” I said, slowly kissing her forehead where the most damage had been done. “More than anything… I love you.”

  I trailed kisses to her ears. I snuggled her face against mine, inhaling her essence as I traveled down her body. I spread her legs apart and swiped my tongue across her plumpness. I French kissed her lower lips, maneuvering my tongue against her clit. The stroke of my tongue was measured and focused on satiating a craving I’d had for far too long. Her tender moans drove me wild as I assaulted her sweetness. At that very moment, I knew I couldn’t get this woman out my system with a bulldozer. I kissed her passionately, not planning to move back up her body until my name was engraved on her pussy.

  “Please… make love to me, Jacob,” she kept whispering over and over, pleading for me to enter her.

  “I’m not making love to you tonight, Destiny,” I said, as I climbed up her body, spread her thighs wide and slammed my dick inside of her wetness. “I’m fucking every strand of Montie from your DNA.”

  “Ouwee!” she cried out as I pounded into her hot pussy.

  “This. Is. My. Pussy! Don’t you ever give it away,” I said as I punished her with every stroke.

  “Jacob…” she said, holding tight around my waist as I continued to pound into her. “Mmmm, Jacob! Ugh…ugh! Oh Jacob!”

  “Do. You. Understand. Me?” I asked, allowing my dick to oblige her with the conversation she wanted to have so badly.

  “Yes, I understand,” she said as her hips grinded against me, meeting every thrust with precision. She moaned against my lips as our pelvises connected over and over. I picked up speed and banged against her scorching flesh, causing an exorbitant amount of pleasure with each thrust.

  From the sound of her moans filling the air, I was getting my point across that she belonged to me. I pummeled into her over and over to reiterate that fact. I didn’t plan to release her from this intense sexual pleasure until she understood the love I had for her. But when her walls tightened around my cock, I was undone.

  Her body began to shake beneath me as my hot cum gushed into her canal. Moments later, her powerful release squirted onto the bed.

  “Oh Jacob!! I’m yours forever,” she said as I crashed down on the bed beside her and pulled her close. I was never letting her go again.

  “You are mine,” I said, looking into her brown eyes before claiming her lips.

  “I’m scared,” she said as our lips parted.

  “You don’t have any reason to be scared, any longer. I’m here.”

  “I have to get some rest,” she said turning away from me in an attempt to hide the tears building in her eyes. I kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent.

  “I’m with you from this day forward, Destiny. I’m going to make this up to you.”



  We Belong Together

  I finally fell into a deep slumber with Jacob holding me tight in his arms. The many thoughts that were floating through my mind carried over into my dreams. I dreamed that I was back at Jacob’s house. I woke up to the sound of him calling Justine’s name. He told me his nightmare about Justine and I told him that everything was going to be okay. In my dream, instead of him leaving to go to Miami, we talked about how he felt, made love and went back to sleep.

  The dream continued. In
stead of waking up in the hospital the morning after the incident, I was still in Jacob’s bed. I was his breakfast in bed. His lips trailed kisses along my inner thigh and I smiled when I thought about how lovely the morning after my engagement was.

  Then, I was transported to reality in the dream. The butt of a gun struck me over and over in the head, bringing me to the emergency room. I was rushed into the hospital with two paramedics at either side of my gurney.

  “Continue the bag valve, until we can get her intubated,” Dr. Searcy said in my dream. The emergency team rushed me into the first trauma room. I heard Montie’s voice as he entered the room. He held and kissed my hand, saying, “Everything I did in our marriage, I did for us. I love you, Destiny.” I felt our connection as I laid there dreaming and fighting to enter back into the conscious realm.

  I squeezed Montie’s hand in my dream just as I’d done in the hospital. I wished I could verbalize how I felt in that moment. I loved him too. I loved him, because I knew that if I left the world he would be the one to love and provide for our children.

  Then, my dream skipped forward to the night Montie and I made love. The fire that moved between us had been relentless. I closed my eyes and trembled when Montie climbed up my body and growled with the ferocity of a lion. “Get up on all fours!” I heard Jacob say causing me to look up and see that Montie had transformed into a very alpha Jacob, who was issuing sexual commands.

  “If you’re going to be talking to me like that, you can go,” I said, getting up and getting out of the bed. “Turn your ass around,” Jacob said, throwing me down onto the bed and shoving himself inside of me.

  “This is my pussy!” Jacob said in my dream, holding onto my waist and pulling me to him as he thrust inside of me. “You are mine!” Montie said, slamming inside of me. The dream went on forever with the man transforming from Montie to Jacob – both ravishing me relentlessly.

  I felt conflicted as the voices continued to fluctuate between Montie’s to Jacob’s. Montie should not have been in my dreams, but I’d allowed him in my system when I slept with him. My dream represented my life. Montie and Jacob were both ravishing me to a point of exhaustion.

  I awakened in a deep sweat, breathing erratic. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a cup of water. I had to be in court by ten o’clock to confront Justine. The sad thing was that I didn’t think I could sleep another wink as I walked back into my bedroom and stood beside the bed. Jacob was sleeping peacefully, while I had so much on my mind.

  The next morning, I walked into the living room and Jacob was sitting on the sofa, fully dressed. “You tossed and turned all night,” he said when I walked into the room.

  “I know.”

  “And you called his name.”

  I ignored his statement and sat down on the chair next to the sofa. “We have a lot to discuss, since not much talking happened last night. Don’t think having sex changed anything.”

  Jacob smoothed out his beard. “Let’s start the conversation with this; you called his name in your sleep last night.”

  “I was having a bad dream,” I admitted.

  “So Montie was a part of a bad dream?”

  “Yeah, now you have to take responsibility for your part in all of this.”

  “That’s just it! I do take responsibility for my part. It’s the part about you getting in bed with Montie that’s fucked up. Would you care to enlighten me on that?”

  “Not until you enlighten me as to why you’ve been a ghost for three weeks!”

  Jacob stood up and sighed. He walked over to me and touched my arm.

  “I was betrayed. I should’ve never left your side.” His hands trailed down my arms and landed on my hands. “I put your ring back on last night. Where is it?”

  “Back in the box where it will stay until we work on getting things back to where they were. Everything that happened last night was in the heat of the moment,” I said.

  “I meant every moment of it,” Jacob said.

  “But today, it’s back to reality.”

  “I tried to come by the hospital, you know?” He looked at me to gauge my response. “I called. I sent flowers. I did everything in my power to see you, but Montie and your mother did everything in their power to keep me away,” he said defensively.

  “They were just trying to protect me,” I said, understanding how they must have felt.

  “Well, when I came up there repeatedly and they didn’t let me come in to see you, I didn’t know what to do, Destiny.”

  “Mama said you only came once.”

  “That’s not true. I came up there five times in three days and they kept refusing to let me see you. Then, my father called and told me someone had embezzled millions of dollars from Turner Enterprises. I went to Miami, only because there was no way for me to get through to visit you.”

  “So you chose work?”

  “No, I chose my sanity. I would be in jail right now if I kept going up there fighting with Montie.”

  “Jacob, I’m just going to be honest. I know you are a good man. I know you were trying to be there for a friend and then be there for your company. I just don’t like the fact that you stayed away so long. I’ve been home for over a week and nothing.”

  He nodded. “I understand your pain. It’s the same pain I had when I found out you slept with Montie.”

  “Don’t throw Montie in my face. Montie would have never gotten back in here if you had not abandoned me.”

  “I’ve always been open about the fact that Justine was my best friend who was dealing with suicidal issues and you knew I was a CEO of a major company when you met me. But I guess you don’t know me at all. I would never abandon you,” Jacob said with contempt.

  “You woke up from a dead sleep calling her name on a whim, but when you know for a fact that I need you, you’re a ghost. The first face I wanted to see when I woke up was yours. I wanted you to be there to make me feel safe,” I said, shifting in my seat. “But you were nowhere to be found. You want to know who was there though.” Hot tears splashed against my cheeks and I didn't do anything to stop it as the flood gates opened to lay bare my hurt and pain.

  “Montie,” he said on a laugh. He began pacing the room. “If it wasn’t for Montie and your mother, I would have been at that hospital. Hell, I would have been here sooner.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone getting in between me and you,” I told him frankly.

  “Not even butt naked sex with Montie?” Jacob said, boring holes through me.

  “If I didn’t have doubts, Montie never would’ve gotten close to my bed. You left the door wide open in a time when I needed someone to be there for me.”

  He glared at me. “Hell, I needed someone over the past two weeks, but I didn’t take anyone to bed, Destiny. That is no excuse! It’s fucked up all the way around!”

  “Yeah… it is,” I admitted.

  “I kept arguing with him every time I came to the hospital. Your mother kept defending him. The doctors kept listening to him. I told them I was your fiancé and they still listened to Montie, so when my father called me and told me he needed me, I left.”

  “You could have called, sent a message in a bottle, anything!”

  “I’ve been calling you the entire time. You haven’t answered. I even gave Wanda the single task of getting in touch with you and still nothing. I thought you were ignoring my calls.”

  “My phone has been right here and I have not gotten one call from you.”

  Jacob took out his phone and dialed my number; it didn’t ring.

  “That’s weird,” I said.

  I picked up my house phone and called my cell and it rang right away.

  “Let me see your phone,” he said, scrolling through the settings. “No wonder. Both my office number and cell number is in your blocked contacts.”

  Montie, I thought, knowing he had blocked Jacob’s numbers. At that moment I saw the intensity in Jacob’s stare. I covered his hand with mine and our eyes locked. “Jacob…
I will deal with Montie.”

  “I don’t want you dealing with him on anything but the kids from now on.”

  “I owe you an apology,” I said. “I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.”

  He pulled me up from the chair into an embrace. His lips went to mine and we kissed. “I care more than you know,” he told me.

  “We still need time,” I gasped out, pushing him away.

  “Time?” he asked, looking frustrated. “We have lost too much time. I don’t want this feeling that I’ve hurt you to hang over us forever. We belong together.”

  “Shhh… Don’t say that,” I hissed, glancing away.

  “We belong together,” he repeated. “Forget your fears and trust that. We. Belong. Together.”

  He brushed my hair out of my eyes and I stared at him. “I will never betray you again,” I said, my breathing raspy.

  “I am going to make love to you now. Understand?”

  I slowly nodded as his lips slowly made their way to mine. His frame encompassed me as he laid me down on the couch. His hands went for my shirt. Lifting it up over my head, our lips parted briefly to let it happen. His hands massaged my breasts through the material of the bra while his tongue slid into my mouth. I felt his hand snake around my body and reach for the clasp.

  As he was about to undo the clasp, I heard Montana yelling, “Mommy! Are you in here Mommy?”

  I jumped up and slipped on my shirt as Montie was making it around the corner with the kids.

  “We will be continuing this,” Jacob whispered as I fixed my shirt.

  “Hello Junior and Montana,” I said, giving Jacob a cue to act normal. He waved at the kids as he sat slouched on the couch.

  “Hello,” both of the kids said, before running to their rooms to put away their bags.

  Montie didn't speak. Instead he just glared at Jacob and then bestowed that same glare upon me. His lips were drawn in a tight line as if he battled with himself to keep quiet. He abruptly put the kids’ food bags down on the table in the corridor.

  “I bought them some breakfast. I guess you don’t need me to go to court with you today,” he said, as he exited the door with blazing fury and contempt. I heard his car crank, as he sped out of the driveway.


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