Trying Not To Love You

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Trying Not To Love You Page 14

by Megan Smith

  I nodded my head, agreeing with him because that was when everything started falling apart for us.

  "I told her it couldn't happen again. She was pissed and said I was only using her. She's the one that left the panties in my room. She caught Tommy on the way out and he let her in. She knew you had my car because I had seen her earlier that day and she had asked me to give her a ride somewhere."

  Sneaky bitch.

  "I freaked out on her that day and I hadn't talked to her since. When you said you needed your space, I knew I had to give it to you or I would lose you. During our time apart, I realized what I had and I wanted you…forever. That is when I realized I wanted to marry you. I figured if I could get you to agree to marry me, then we could get over what I did."

  How could he think that? Did he think I would just look the other way?

  He reached over to tilt my head up to look at him. "When I showed up at that party and she told me she was pregnant, I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I didn't even care about my football career anymore; all I cared about was you. I knew I had hurt you and that was the last thing I had wanted. You were always there for me, cheering me on."

  The tears started. As much as I had wanted to come in here and be strong, I couldn't help them anymore.

  He grabbed my left hand and rubbed his thumb of my ring finger. "I still love you MacKenzie. I think I always will, but I know I need to let you go. I know you are in good hands. Just look what those hands did to me." He said with a chuckle.

  I laughed; yeah, I was in good hands all right. I just hope they wanted me as much as I wanted them.

  "I love you too Dominic. I hope everything works out for you." I stood up and placed a kiss on his forehead.

  I walked to the waiting room and told mom I was ready to go. She looked up, smiled at me and said, "Let's go home."

  When we got back to the house, Mason, Hailey and Hunter were there. We got his truck all packed up with our stuff and said goodbye to everyone. I was going to miss being here and miss Alex too; winter break was only few weeks away, so I would get to see everyone soon.

  Arriving back at the dorms was gloomy; I didn't really want to be back here. It brought back too many memories.

  Hailey sighed behind me; she must have been thinking the same thing. "Do we really have to stay here?"

  Hunter looked at her through the rearview mirror and then back at me. "You guys can always stay with me. You know Bentley doesn't mind."

  "You would be ok if we stayed the night?" I asked. I wanted to make sure this wasn't too much, too soon.

  "Of course, or I wouldn't have offered." He leaned over and whispered, "I get you in my bed. I'd be a damn fool not to want you to stay with me."

  Hailey groaned from the backseat, "Will you two please knock that shit off."

  I laughed at her. She was just jealous that Mason wasn't here. "Ok, let's go to your house."

  Later that night, Hunter got Hailey all set up in the spare room since no one was using it. I took a long hot bath. I had my iPad playing music, a candle Hunter had lit and a glass of wine next to me, just relaxing.

  Hunter knocked on the door before coming in; he walked over to the tub and kneeled down beside it. He bent down and captured my lips. When our lips touched, the sparks were flying again.

  I pulled back and he moaned. "Get in with me?" I should feel nervous since I was naked in front of him but I wasn't.

  He didn't move at first. I was expecting him to fight me but then he stood up and started stripping out of his clothes. Hunter had no reason to be ashamed. His body was perfect, all the way from his perfectly messy hair, his defined chest, his abs to that v between his hips. He was watching me rake my eyes up and down his body. I felt the flush reaching my cheeks, but he was too sexy for his own damn good.

  Smirking at me with those bright blue eyes of his he said, "See something you like?"

  "What is there not to like Hunter? You are absolutely gorgeous."

  When he stepped into the tub, I sat up slightly so that he could sit behind me. Oh God, maybe this was not such a good idea. Once Hunter settled in, he reached for me and pulled me back against his chest. I moaned at the contact of our skin.

  We sat there for a while, maybe a little unsure of what the other wanted. Hunter took the lead by helping me sit up. He reached behind him to grab the body wash, poured some in his hands and started washing my back. He rubbed circles from my neck all the way down my back to my ass. I whimpered a little when he stopped, but then he pulled me back against his chest again and started the same process again on my front. He caressed my shoulders, and paid special attention to my breasts, lightly pinching my nipples. When he did that, I arched my back at the sensation. Sliding his fingers up and down my stomach, I shifted my hips and tried to get him to go down further to the spot I wanted him the most.

  When my hips shifted, I heard him take a quick breathe. He grabbed my hips to keep me in place. "CC, don't move baby."

  I whined, "Please Hunter, I need you to touch me. This is killing me."

  He shook his head and said, "Not tonight babe. You're not ready."

  Not ready, is he kidding? I was more than ready.

  He kissed my shoulders and neck for a few minutes before he reached down, let the water out of the tub and then turned the shower on. He helped me rinse the soap from my body and helped wash my hair. As much as I wanted Hunter to touch my middle, he never did.

  I grabbed the body wash and started massaging Hunter's body. He had me so worked up, that if I couldn't get him to touch me, than I planned to make sure he was just as worked up as me. I started at his broad shoulders, moved down his pecs and then traced his well-defined abs with my fingers before following the V between his hips. I stopped and looked up, meeting his hooded eyes.

  He looked so intense that I knew he would not stop me so I took my chances. I wrapped my hand around his length. His head fell back, and a hiss escaped through his teeth. I stroked him a few times before I continued down his legs and then back up and I washed his hair.

  We dried each other off and Hunter gave me one of his shirts to sleep in. We climbed in bed and fell fast asleep, cuddled in each other's arms.

  I could only hope that whatever was going on between us lasted, but for now, I would take anything he would give me.

  Three weeks have passed since Hunter kissed me in the rain on Thanksgiving and things have been blissful, perfect really. Hunter and I have practically been joined at the hip. Christmas was a little less than a week away and I was looking forward to going home. I wanted to spend time with my family, especially baby Alex. Chloe, Jackson and my mom were always texting me cute little pictures of him.

  More importantly, I couldn't wait to get away from school and spend some alone time with Hunter. We only saw each other when we are on our lunch together during the week and on Sundays. He worked nights at the bar every night except Sunday and I worked Monday thru Thursday night at the library. Hailey still hung out with Zeke, so he kept us entertained when Hunter could not.

  On the Friday before we headed home, Hailey and I decided we were going to go out. We asked a couple of girls that we were friends with if they wanted to come along too. Hunter and Zeke both had to work that night and they expected wall-to-wall college kids at the bar because winter break had officially started.

  Hailey and I headed out to grab a cab to take us to the bar. As the cab pulled up to the curb, I noticed a couple fighting in the parking lot. I thought it looked like Brittany and Logan, but I pushed that thought from my head.

  The line to get into the bar wrapped around the side of the building, so Hailey asked the cab driver to drop us off at the door instead of the side where the line ended. The girls and I got out and made our way to the door where I was sure Hunter or Zeke would be. Hunter spotted me the second I was in his view, and a shit-eating grin spread across his face.

  He motioned me over with his head. I looked at the girls. They all started giggling except for
Hailey, who just rolled her eyes.

  Hunter stood up from the stool he was sitting on and half hugged me. I don't think he was even supposed to do that. "CC, what are you doing here?"

  I shrugged my shoulders. "The girls and I wanted a night out, so what better place to come then here?"

  He looked behind me and said, "Hey girls, give me your hand and I'll stamp you in."

  Gracie, Hailey, Zoey and I had our hands stamped and we made our way into the bar. As I walked past Hunter, I heard him radio someone that we were here and to keep an eye on us.

  After dancing for a little while, we went to the bar for a drink. Hailey and I planned to order a soda since we were not old enough to drink, but the bartender shook her head and looked towards the door. She didn't ask us what we wanted; she just made the drinks and set them down in front of us. I started pulling money out of my clutch and again, she just shook her head at me again and, looked at the door.

  I heard Hailey clear her throat from beside me, and then she nudged me with her elbow and tilted her head to the right. There at the end of the bar were Brittany and Logan. What in the hell was she doing here?

  "Hails, isn't that Logan? What's he doing with Brittany?" Gracie asked.

  "Yeah, and I have no idea and I don't really care." Hailey responded back to her.

  "I thought Britt was pregnant? Why in the hell would she be here?" Zoey asked.

  I just shrugged my shoulders. I was not here to worry about Brittany and Logan. I grabbed Hailey's hand and started back towards the dance floor. While Hailey and I danced around the floor with Gracie and Zoey, Hunter came in to stand near the bar. Having reached maximum capacity, they weren't letting anyone else in the bar tonight.

  Hunter stood there and watched my every move, so I decided to tease him a little and give him a show. I grabbed the guy that had tried to dance with me all night and started grinding on him, throwing my head back, and crawling up and down his body with my own, while I looked straight at Hunter.

  He had to work, so there was nothing he could do to stop me. The guy I danced with must have noticed me staring at Hunter because he asked, "Is that your boyfriend? He's been eye fucking you all night."

  "Nope." I told him as I turned him and circled around his body until I could get Hunter back in my view.

  "You sure?" He leaned in to ask me.

  "Yeah." I answered, still watching Hunter from where he stood at the bar, scowling at me.

  Before I realized what had happened, the guy I was dancing with disappeared, and I was in Hunter's arms.

  Completely shocked at what happened, I looked up at Hunter. He just shook his head and led me to a back room that seemed to be some kind of locker room.

  "What the fuck was that CC?" Hunter seethed.

  "Nothing, I was dancing." Shit! I didn't mean to piss him off.

  "You call that dancing? It looked like you were about ready to fuck him out there."

  "Far from it, did you not notice I was looking at you the whole time?" This was not going how I planned it.

  "Yeah I did, but that guy was enjoying himself too damn much. Did you even notice how close to kissing you he was? If I didn't shove him back, he would have."

  Damn it! "No, I guess I didn't. He knew I was watching you, though." I said, and then looked down to the floor. "And that you were watching my every move."

  Hunter took a deep breath before he walked over to me, put his fingers under my chin and made me look up at him. "You got me all hot and bothered, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it while I'm working."

  Now that's what I'm looking for!

  I smiled at him and stood up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips. With his lips pressed to mine, Hunter started walking us backwards until he pushed me up against the lockers. He reached down and grabbed the back of my legs, pulling me up to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Hunter slid his hands up and down my ass. I needed more, so I pushed myself until I felt his length pressed hard against my middle. He stopped moving his hands and pushed back against me.

  Hunter started kissing from my lips down to my neck before he started nipping on my shoulder. We continued like this for a few minutes before he started sliding me down his body.

  "You're gonna kill me, you know that?" He placed another kiss on my shoulder.

  "Well, that would be a shame to have that happen, now wouldn't it?" I said, grinning at him.

  "Such a smart ass."

  "Learned it from the best!"

  "Alright, let's get back out there before someone comes looking for us. I'm sure Zeke just had to save my ass tonight."

  "Sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking." I said bashfully.

  "Just don't do that shit to anyone else unless it's me." He placed another kiss on my lips before he pulled the door open. I walked through the door and he smacked me on the ass.

  I turned back to look at him and just shook my head.

  I made my way out the find Hailey, Gracie and Zoey to make sure everything was ok.

  "What the hell happened?" Hailey asked.

  "Hunter didn't like me dancing with that guy." I shrugged and walked past her towards the bar.

  "Well Zeke is done for the night; he said he'd drop us off at the dorms on his way home."

  I downed the rest of my drink, hopped off the stool, grabbed her arm and started towards the door.

  The next morning, the ringing of my phone woke me up. "Hello?" I said sleepily.

  "Morning Sunshine, get your ass out of bed. I'm outside." Hunter said all chipper like.

  I groaned. "What the hell are you so happy about? And what time is it anyway?"

  "It's nine a.m. and I want to get home, so get your hot little ass out of bed and get down here."

  I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands and hung up the phone, not caring that I did not say goodbye. I hated mornings, especially with happy people!

  "Hails, get up; Hunter is here." I said, walking towards the bathroom.

  Thirty minutes later, Hailey and I lugged all our stuff out to Hunter's truck to head home for Winter break.

  I woke the next morning with a fever and an earache; this was not how I wanted my break from school to start. I went downstairs and asked my mom to get me a doctor's appointment.

  I sat at the table when my mom picked up the phone to call Hunter's mom because she was a nurse at our doctor's office. Mom told her what was going on, and she asked that I come right over so that the doctor could see me before they closed up early because Christmas was the next day.

  Two hours later, manned with antibiotics and fever reducer, I was laying on the couch when Hunter came by to see how I was doing.

  He walked in with chicken noodle soup and a movie. My heart melted a little more for him.

  I curled up on the couch and rested my head on Hunter's lap. Hailey, Mason, Cooper and Jaylinn walked in.

  Mason sat on the end of the couch where my feet were and said to me, "Get up."

  "Mase don't start; I don't feel good."

  "I don't give a shit; lay your head on this end." Really? Is he kidding me?

  "Just let her be man." Hunter spoke up.

  Mason did not like that, not at all. Cooper just looked at Hunter as if he were crazy.

  I tried to defuse the situation. I sat up and asked Hailey and Jaylinn, "Are you girls all ready for Christmas tomorrow? All your stuff wrapped?"

  "Yeah, we just got back from the mall, getting our last minute things." Jaylinn said.

  "I still have a few more things to wrap. Kenz, come help me with this last one I have." Hailey asked.

  I moved the covers out of my way and made my way upstairs with Hailey and Jaylinn to my room.

  I was waiting for her to go to Mason's room to grab the gift to wrap, but she just reached in her purse, pulled out a piece of paper and some kind of passes.

  I looked at the passes; they were for skiing in the Poconos this coming weekend. New Year's Eve weekend, the weekend I was going away with Hunter.
/>   She winked at me and said, "I have to keep him busy somehow. There's only so much I can handle of him before I can't walk."

  "Oh my God Hailey! I don't want to hear about that shit!" I said, completely disgusted by the thoughts running through my head.

  "No really, I told Hunter I would help him. I'm not sure this is going to work but it should, since he has no idea you are going away with him." Hailey said.

  I looked over at Jaylinn, waiting for her to tell me what she was going to be doing to keep Cooper busy. They claimed nothing was going on between them but I knew different. Cooper was never one to settle but Jaylinn was just the right person to change that.

  "I don't have any plans. Cooper said he was busy." Jaylinn said with an unsettled look on her face.

  "Coop doesn't have shit planned Jaylinn. You guys are coming with us; just don't tell him I told you. It's supposed to be a surprise. And you," Hailey said pointing at me, "better make this time worth it."

  I walked over to her and gave her a huge hug, "Love you Hails."

  Jaylinn joined in on our hugging and said "Love you too Hails."

  After we got our last minutes gifts wrapped up, we made our way back downstairs to the boys. We all hung out for a little while before calling it a night.

  "So you, your mom and Jaylinn are coming over tomorrow for breakfast?" I asked Hunter, walking him towards the door and away from Mason and Cooper so I could steal a kiss.

  "Yeah, we'll open our gifts then come here."


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