Mi Carino - Risky Love

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Mi Carino - Risky Love Page 15

by Sienna Mynx

  Diego barely heard the question. He focused on the way her lips moved over her pearly white teeth.

  One look at him and immediately she relaxed. His eyes glittered with the kind of appreciation a girl like her loved. She sipped the wine. Being seated before him, under his silent brood excited her. Desire made her want to leap across the table and share with him one of those mouth-watering kisses he had become infamous in her heart for.

  “Speaking of the showing,” she said running her finger along the base of the wine glass, her eyes dropped to the blush pink sparkle of the Chardonnay. She looked up to his questioning gaze. He studied her but waited for her to speak. “I want you to come. We’re having a pre-screening and I’d like you to be there. They will begin to think I’ve made you up since none of them have seen you.”


  Marcella’s back straightened. She did little to mask her disappointment. “No?”

  “Can we not discuss this now.”

  “Huh? Why? Why wouldn’t you want to?”

  The server returned. He offered to give them more time but Diego waved it off. She sat there fuming as he again took liberties and ordered for them both. He asked questions regarding the cut of meat and the chef’s recommendations, changing it around a few times to the way he assumed she liked. Yes, he was right but she could order for herself. She decided to say just that but the server stepped back and moved on.

  “Diego, I asked you a question. Why won’t you meet my friends?”

  “We should have gone to my place and let me cook for you,” he smiled, leaning forward.

  She did not.

  “There’s no one I need but you, Marcella. Just you. No one else.” He reached across the table and put his hand over hers. “Haven’t you noticed? Stay with me. Stay with me every night. You can leave for work from my place, but come home to me. Bring Ginger. I know she’s important to you. Let me have you, for as long as our schedules permit.” He rubbed the length of her fingers with the tips of his own.

  Marcella took another sip of wine, her mouth now extremely dry. He actually gave a soft chuckle after he withdrew his hand. He arched one silky brow, the heat of his gaze undimmed. He waited for her response. The underlying question is what gave her pause. Submit to his wishes and then what is their ending? They seemed to jump feet first into the middle. Shouldn’t he want to court the people that were important to her in her life? Become a part of her life if they were an item?

  “Are we dating?” she asked her voice tapering off.

  “We’re doing more than that,” he answered.

  “What are we doing?”

  “Whatever we want. For as long as we choose, however I like,” he simply stated. The arrival of the salads was the distraction she needed. She ate, lightly mulling over the non-answer, and thinking over his offer. How could his wanting her be a bad thing? Yes he was a little arrogant, and demanding. He had become consumed with her. The more time she spent with him, the more she’d gain insight into the man.

  They ate and the light conversation turned playful after several glasses of wine. When the meal finished, she felt kind of disappointed. She loved the talkative side of him. Diego had wit and intelligence unlike any man she’d known. Especially when he grew talkative and his accent took over, making his sentences incomplete. His broken English would give the impression he lacked intelligence, it would be a grave mistake to misjudge him that way.

  Tonight had been very pleasant. He even grinned at her when he mispronounced the word extravagant. He kept repeating the word as extre-ve-gence. When the conversation sobered to more serious topics of politics and cultural differences between the States and Colombia he seemed to be full of the most interesting opinions. Soon Marcella forgot the arrogance and gleaned more of the man she desired to know.

  They left in separate cars. She made a quick stop to pick up some clothes and he went home. Susan wasn’t there. But Ginger had been quite pissed at her lack of attention lately. She kissed and petted her before dashing out and hurrying to Diego.

  He opened the door for her as soon as she arrived, arms full of her clothes and things. She caught the mischievous glow of triumph in his eyes when he saw the load she brought over. She rolled her eyes but smiled.

  “Where’s Ginger?” he asked following her to his room and into his closet.

  “I need to decide on your offer. I’ll bring her, maybe.”

  “Come here.” He slipped his arm around her waist in the closet. She turned into him abandoning the dress she was trying to hang in the empty side of the closet he gave to her. Raising her arms she stretched against him, her breasts pressed hard into the solid wall of his chest.

  “I’ve missed this,” she said. Even when sick and suffering through her feverish chills her body craved an embrace like the one they now shared. His lips were hot on hers. Firm and wet, his tongue thrust deep. She let her hands roam over his hard angles. The man had a dreamy hunky feel in or out of clothes. When his exploring fingers found the top button to her slacks and released it then lowered her zipper, she nearly dropped with need. She walked back into the wall at the center of the closet, where empty racks for hanging clothes lined either side. They stumbled over her bags and shoes as her back connected with the wall in an instant. Diego tugged on her pants and rolled them down her hips, lowering to pull them off with her panty. Marcella put a hand on his shoulder to brace herself as she stepped out of one pant leg then the other.

  “I will buy you more thongs. I like them better,” he said, slowly rising.

  “I have thongs, Diego,” she chuckled at his offer. “There’s nothing wrong with my boy-cut panties.”

  He looked up at her and frowned at the reference. She couldn’t help it she laughed again. Rising he shook his head. “You like to tease me woman,” he groaned.

  “I guess.” She pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders. She then ran her hands down his suspenders. “I’ll buy you suspenders. I like it when you wear them.”

  “Funny. Funny,” he chuckled while pulling down his suspenders. Marcella stood there bottomless smiling at him. He palmed her pussy. Using his middle finger, he stroked between the thick lips and slipped a finger into her. She was wet and aware of his explorations, as such his entry was smooth and oh so welcomed. Marcella bent her knee and braced the sole of her foot against the wall to open her self fully for him.

  “That’s it, nena, open for me.” Diego groaned, sending his tongue up her neck to her earlobe. She wanted to touch him. She needed to touch him. So she did. Reaching between them she squeezed his groin packed tight to the front of his trousers. One long large cock coiled beneath the zipper twitched under her touch.

  “Mmm, Diego, you did miss me,” she sighed with the insertion of the second finger. And just as she neared the climax with him sucking on her neck he withdrew his hand and she nearly cried out in frustration. He pulled back to lift her sweater over her head and then rip his shirt from his chest. Dropping his slacks to his ankles, she helped ease his boxers down. He placed his hot palms on her bottom and shifted her up against the wall. “Put your legs around my waist. Open back up for me, sweet Marcella,” he demanded, the teasing gone.

  She did what he asked, eager to receive him. Eager to have him. With his body on hers his entry was swift with him fully extended. Half of him in and the other half out he pulled down on her hips to make her accept all of him. Marcella licked her lips, her legs weak as the spasms in her vagina spiraled up through her thighs, and travelled back down to her toes.

  “Damn,” Marcella cursed, at the rush of pleasure that pushed the air from her lungs.

  “Mmm,” Diego moaned working the muscles in his pelvis and clenched butt cheeks as he shot his hips upward repeatedly with long hard punishing strokes that she loved. It dawned on her that she was frequently sexing him without protection. But the warning signs of her careless, deadly actions faded as she took on current after current of pleasure from the way he fucked her into the wall.

; Diego squeezed her tight and the final upward thrusts had him stiffening all over in her arms. She held on, panting, hair in her face riding his dick and the wave, with him forcing every thought from her mind so she could join him or at least meet him halfway. But it ended. She felt him warmly filling her along with the violent shudders that took them both under. He bit her shoulder and she laughed, lowering her legs.

  They stared at each other, their clothes on the floor his pants down at his feet. “This isn’t casual is it, Diego?”

  He chuckled. “This is us Marcella.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Marcella stood in the doorway of the palatial kitchen, tying the silk kimono she found on the end of the bed when she woke to find him gone. Her body tingled through nostalgic waves of aftershock from the night they spent. She always woke early but had been surprised to find him gone.

  In the morning she felt surprisingly at home. Her favorite pastime had been observing him both clothed and unclothed. The broad definition of his back and muscled arms were almost perfectly formed except for a scar that ran deep across his back. Like a welt or cut, it had healed crudely. She’d seen it before but never studied it as she did now.

  “Morning, beautiful.” Diego greeted her without turning from the stove to acknowledge her. Spatula in hand he turned over something in a skillet. She heard the sizzling and smelled the buttery perfume of cooking eggs.

  “Hi.” Her voice came out in a silly squeak. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Um, good morning.”

  Diego stopped stirring, his head turned slowly and he gave her an easy smile. “Take a seat. Breakfast is almost done.”

  She pulled out a chair and sat. Diego had been right, there was no morning glare in his place. The shutters automatically extended from the roof to give shade and shield them from the morning rays of the sun. They did however allow for enough sunlight to make everything bright and cheery.

  Minutes later he presented her with a plate of scrambled eggs tossed in with tomatoes, feta cheese, spinach, and cut potatoes with sausage meat, he had thought of everything. It smelled heavenly. He kissed her forehead before going to his seat. “You sure are good on my ego. I love the way you pamper me,” she smiled picking up the fork as he lifted the carafe of juice and filled her glass. Marcella ate. He barely touched his food. He just kept watching her. “What time will you be home today?”

  “None of your business, why?” she asked.

  Diego’s smile faded. He didn’t answer. Marcella chewed, curiously watching him. “A joke. Where is your sense of humor?”

  Diego reached down under the table into his pajama pant pocket and removed something. She sipped her juice, alert to his deliberate slow movements. A key was placed on the table.

  “In case I’m not here when you arrive. I have meetings, they may run over late.”

  “Oh, now we really are moving along. A key huh?”

  “I’ll try not to be too late.” He mumbled, an embarrassed blush tinted his cheeks.

  Marcella picked up the key and winked. “Me too.”

  Diego reached his fork over into her plate and laid claim to her breakfast meat. She thought he wanted to eat it himself. Instead he fed it to her. It tasted even better that way. He definitely had become too good to be true.


  “¡Hola! Where are you?” she asked turning on lights as she went. The moonless night made the place darker than usual.

  “Meeting ran over. My apologies.”

  “It’s okay. I just got here myself.”

  “Will you wait up for me?” Diego asked in a tired but warm voice.

  “Yeah, are you okay? You sound drained.”

  “Need to see you.”

  Marcella stifled a smile. “Well come home, I’m waiting.” She dropped the phone on the corner and her smile widened. Did she just say that? Neither of them had put a label of their fast paced relationship, but they behaved like a couple in love. After another pause she let the word bloom in her head—love. Could Diego Andes be the one? She needed to call Susan. Picking up the phone she hesitated and returned it to the counter. She’d wait on the love gossip. Hadn’t she learned enough from Richard the snake?

  Marcella grabbed the keys and headed back outside to her car, she had left her briefcase. Katchner’s lawyers had decided to grant a meeting. However, his manager wanted a meeting beforehand. She needed to review those contracts to determine if the gallery had the insurance in place to handle the event she campaigned for.

  The night air pushed hard at her as she walked down the sidewalk to the car. She paused and looked up at the cloudy dark sky. More rain? Half the world was covered in snow and the most Port Delgado could give during the last days of winter was rain. Marcella smiled recalling how protective and aroused Diego grew whenever she complained of being cold. They’d make love tonight with the shutters up and the rainstorm beating against the windows. She shivered at the thought of it.

  Returning to the trunk she opened it and retrieved her briefcase as the bright beams from some headlights swept over her. She turned against the glare confused, and a bit hopeful Diego had come home early. The lights cut off. She squinted at the man behind the wheel. Then the door opened and her eyes stretched in shock.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I followed you. I need to see you.”

  Marcella slammed the trunk down on the car. She shook her head and walked back toward the house. “Go away Richard. You had no business following me.” She couldn’t believe he’d actually follow her. The weeks after their breakup she had to change her phone number and crash with Susan until he finally got the message. She couldn’t go back to that time. She wouldn’t.

  “Wait! Marcella wait. It’s important I swear it.”

  When she turned to close the front door he stuck his foot in. “Five minutes. That’s all I ask and I will go. Please.”

  Marcella sighed. She opened the door and stepped back. Richard walked inside a bit overwhelmed by the extravagance of Diego’s place. “You moved out here to the cliffs?” Richard asked.

  “None of your business. You got five minutes, and then I want you to get out. What is it?”

  Richard wiped his jaw. He looked haggard. Had he slept in his clothes? “I um, Martha and I…”

  Marcella’s eyes stretched. “Seriously? You follow me to talk about your wife? Get the hell out.”

  “No. I… we signed our divorce papers. She’s gone. She took my kids and left Marcella. I, it’s hard for me to explain but the past six months have been hell without you. I really wished. It doesn’t matter what I wished. I fucked up with you Marcie, and I fucked up with my children…”

  “I really don’t want to hear this.”

  “I came to say goodbye.”

  Marcella stopped. She regarded him with suspicion.

  He nodded. “I’ve accepted a job in Chicago. I leave in a few weeks.”

  The news shouldn’t have had any affect on her. The reasonable part of her knew better. Still there remained a small part of her that loved him despite the lies and pain he caused her. Staring at him now all the emotion she could truly summon was pity. She stepped to him. “I’m sorry Richard.”

  He reached and pulled her into his arms. She allowed him to embrace her. The minute her arms went up and around him he broke. He cried against her shoulder, and heaved out apologies through his sobs. She held him until the last of his pain released. Richard’s head lifted and he looked at her. Marcella smiled. “I hope you find happiness Richard.” She kissed the side of his mouth, shocking him into silence. “Good bye.”

  Richard nodded. He reluctantly let her go. Marcella walked him to the door and held it for him. He opened his mouth to say more and she shook her head no. The last of her compassion had slipped away. Now she wanted nothing more but to see him walk down that sidewalk, climb into his car, and drive away. “Don’t ever come back here looking for me. Don’t contact me anymore Richard. Martha moved on, and so did I. I th
ink you should too. Goodbye.”

  “I love you.” Richard said.

  Marcella shrugged.

  He nodded that he deserved her rejection and walked through the door. Relieved she closed it behind her.

  As soon as she stepped from the door her phone rang in the kitchen. .

  It startled her.

  She hurried after it. When she entered the kitchen the ringing stopped. Marcella reached for the cell phone and it rang in her hand.


  No one answered.


  “I’ve missed you all day.” He began. “Every hour I thought of you, no one else. I should have been there to greet you Marcella. That was my promise to you. Tonight couldn’t have been avoided. For that I do want forgiveness.”


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