Mi Carino - Risky Love

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Mi Carino - Risky Love Page 19

by Sienna Mynx

“Aha. So I was right.”

  “Shut up!”

  “I’m telling you, Marcella, they like their women meek and docile.”

  “No they don’t. That’s not our issue. It’s not a cultural thing. It’s a man thing. Something in him. It’s more than being a control freak. It’s like he’s wound so tight anyone that tries to get in close he perceives it as an act of aggression or no, better yet, deception. I think he’s afraid of rejection. It’s sad really. He’s trapped inside. I sense it. Fear, it’s that irrational fear I can’t get him past. He won’t even acknowledge it.”

  Garrett waved it off. “I sense you, darling. You’re making excuses.”

  “Why would I make excuses?” Marcella gave a nervous chuckle.

  Garrett’s eyes locked with hers. “Because you’ve been missing work more frequently and you’ve been secretive, oh yes and argumentative too. I picked up on the tension between you and Susan. I’m not blind.”

  “Not true.”

  “The man is trying to isolate you, dear, and I know that kind. I’m a man, remember? You’re changing to fit his whims and you say it’s because he’s introverted. You are indeed making excuses.”

  “I am changing. I admit it. But change is good. And it’s new for us both. I mean it’s been about six weeks so things like this take time. I understand that. I was so uptight and controlling myself. It feels good to have someone take charge.”

  “Right, give up your power and call it empowerment!” he toasted her.

  Marcella rose with an eye roll. “There is nothing wrong with us that way. Don’t you worry about me,” she said before she planted a soft kiss to his cheek. “Got some calls to make and then I’m heading out. You leaving soon?”

  “After I finish this drink,” he said with a wink. She blew him a kiss then headed to the door.


  She stopped with her hand on the door.

  “Bring Mr. Roses to meet your friends. We love you. We’re sure to love him. Invite him to the Katchner showing or something, just bring the Latin lover in okay?”

  “Who says that Edward will do it?” she asked.

  “I have faith in you dear. He’ll sign on for Garrison’s. It will be to your credit. Mr. Roses should be part of the celebration. No matter how new your relationship is, supporting you should be one of his top priorities.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” Marcella said and walked out into the gallery. She checked her watch, thought of her weekend, and her night with Diego. Things were moving fast but they were moving. For once she was having fun. There was nothing wrong with that.



  Marcella found Diego next to her, raised on his elbow, staring down at her. She closed her eyes and stretched. “Morning.” She lifted her watch to check the time. He lowered her wrist. “What time is it?”

  “Does it matter?”

  Marcella chuckled. “Of course it matters. I have to get up for work.”

  “No work today.”


  “I have a surprise for you.”


  He put a finger to her lip and silenced her. “No objections. You stay with me today. I missed you yesterday. You got in pretty late, came in and crashed. We didn’t even have a glass of wine together.”

  When his finger left her mouth, she stared up at him in utter disbelief. He traced down her bottom lip, over her chin, under her neck, to the soft spot just above her collarbone. He leaned in and kissed her. She inhaled the minty smell of newly brushed teeth and the citrus masculinity of soap on his skin. She inhaled him as he rolled over on her.

  “I can’t miss work. I’m managing a lot right now.”

  “Manage it later,” he said getting situated between her thighs, lowering his face to hers and giving her the first kiss of the day.

  ¡Ten piedad! But she was lovely to kiss, to caress. Her sweet enticing body yielded to him, molding to his, her thick lips slowly parting to open for him. He craved her so desperately he suffered through the night wanting more—she was going to stay and feed this fire. It was her fault, after all, that he had so little control.

  “Will you stay with me? I need you.”

  Diego struggled with the confession. The word ‘need’ wasn’t in his vocabulary. But today of all days he needed so many things. He told Lance not to show his face. He didn’t want to see anyone. Too much anger and pain to manage. Today is the anniversary of this father’s murder, the catalyst in his life that caused so much suffering for his brother and sister. The day his world changed many years ago. He had shared with Marcella that his brother died, but never mentioned his sister. Even now he wanted to confide in her. Desperately he wished for the courage. However, he knew not to. The anger and rage that could surface would certainly scare her away. She had become so important to him the thought of her rejection made him cling hard, so tight he feared he’d break her spirit. But Marcella was strong, stronger than she knew. And her strength made him believe in them in ways he never thought possible.

  Marcella stared up at him. Her round eyes glistened with understanding. Her lips parted to speak but nothing came. He could feel the agitation of her heart beating up against his chest. With triumph surging through him again he lowered his mouth to hers once more. “I will beg if you need me to.” He said, his lips pressed to hers, seeking a consoling kiss.

  “I guess, I can call Garrett, and—”

  “Yes. Tell Garrett. Gracias nena, gracias.” He said tasting the rest of her words with the swirl of his tongue.

  Deep wonderful sensations built as her body adjusted to his weight and she received the first of continual thrusts. Marcella caught the rhythm and began to move with him. Their bodies locked, their hearts melding. Gently and intently, each new pleasure intensified the reckless abandonment of their passion. He was the master at this, the ultimate lover. Even now he pushed her further and further to what she felt would be the best orgasm of her life.

  It blew her mind the fact he wanted nothing for himself. He loved her up from the soles of her feet to every erogenous zone. He wielded his mouth and hands so expertly over layer upon layer until her pleas, nearly incoherent with pants and grunts, became whimpers. He thrust and thrust into her again and again until together they rocketed to the height of fulfillment where only their shared planes of joy existed.

  Afterwards, Marcella remained locked against him, arms and legs wrapped up tightly, pulling him closer for the warm feeling of the aftermath. She breathed in the scent of their lovemaking, clinging to the rapture that was ebbing inexorably away. He kissed her then her arms tightened around him. Something felt wrong today.

  “Let me go, beautiful. I’ll crush you.” He warned.

  “No,” she said hanging on.

  Diego smiled, and turned over taking her with him. A massive yawn shook her and she arched her neck and head with sorrow, because she didn’t want to sleep.

  A lethargic weighting of his lids drew them shut. Despite her body’s refusal she broke free and moved to release his cock from her channel with a mournful sigh. “Rest, I’ll cook for us today. You stay there and let me take care of you.”

  Diego mumbled a complaint but she kissed him and smiled. Today would be their day.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I want to talk to you!”

  “Lower your voice.” Marcella yawned picking up her mail from her desk. Susan paced behind her. She could hear the soft muted sounds of her heels as she went back and forth across the floor. Finally, she turned and looked at her friend. “What is it?”

  “What is it? What’s going on? I don’t see you anymore. We don’t talk. You don’t call. You haven’t been home. You even took Ginger away, and I love that fucking cat! Now you aren’t coming to work. Yesterday was a madhouse, Marcella. Garrett isn’t complaining but c’mon. This isn’t like you.”

  Susan’s accusations had merit. Marcella felt her face burn hot with shame. The day with Diego had been close t
o perfection. He taught her how to play chess over a bottle of white wine. They finished another bottle on his deck watching the ocean, wrapped in heavy blankets. The rains returned and forced them back in. They spent time in his jacuzzi. Afterwards she sat between his legs while he brushed her hair. He talked to her in Spanish, teaching her words she’d long forgotten. Because she loved the sound of his voice when he did she pretended at not understanding most of his lesson. Then he fed her from his fingers. He took a few calls in his office behind a locked door. Each time he returned more somber. But they soon reconnected. Then all was right again. She didn’t know why yesterday had been such a needy day for him but she was more than willing to make the sacrifice.


  “I hear you, Susan.”

  “What’s wrong with you? Seriously?”

  “Nothing, nothing. I just had a day. What’s the big deal?”

  Susan’s eyes widened. “This place is falling apart. Sam is coming in late. She’s bringing her girls up in here now. Did you know that? She’s not listening to me. Garrett is drinking more and more in his office and I need you. You haven’t been here.”

  “What you mean is I haven’t been here for all of you. Right? You’re the manager, manage! You and I both know you are well equipped to run this place. It’s what you get paid for.”

  Susan looked wounded.

  “I’m sorry. Christ, girl I’m sorry. I’m doing something for me for a change. That’s not a bad thing. Just give me a break.”

  Susan nodded, and blinked away tears of hurt. Marcella had never treated her friends or work this way. She had been so distracted that she was defensive. “Susan, listen.”

  “No you’re right, I won’t bother you. Not anymore,” she mumbled as she left.

  Marcella sighed. Closing her eyes, she let it go. She reasoned that things weren’t as bad as Susan made them out to be. Hell, she’s the Acquisitions Director not their mother. They just needed to learn to accept the new her.


  “This place is nice,” Marcella said.

  “I thought you’d like it.”

  “I do.” She picked up her wine and sipped. The waiter arrived. Diego ordered. She let her eyes roam the restaurant as he did. Finally, she looked back at him. “I’ve got to leave next week.”

  “Leave?” he asked.

  “Yes, work, several meetings in Seattle. Actually I wanted to talk to you about something big I have in the works.”

  “I’m listening,” Diego said.

  “Watch the news lately? Hear about the discovery in southern Arizona? The fossil footprint that dates back three million years? It was found by an archaeologist named Edward Katchner. Only a few images of it have been released. The world is waiting on its revealing and guess whose gallery will be hosting the event?”

  Diego sat back his brows lifted.

  She nodded, grinning. “Me. I did it. I got the call on my way to meet you. We’re going to host the event. Isn’t that great?”

  “It’s fantastic. This is a celebration. I am so proud of you nena.”

  “I’m so excited.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand. Marcella felt light with happiness as he kissed her knuckles. “You’re not only beautiful but intelligent and talented. You deserve this success.”

  “This is not just your typical find. We’re making history. I’m going to be part of it. I want you to come to be by my side. We’ll have it in two weeks I think.”

  Diego sat back.

  “C’mon Diego. I’m there for you when you need me. I expect you to be there for me.”

  “I am here for you. Always.”

  “I want you to meet my friends.”

  “It’s not time.”


  “I said no. That’s final.”




  She tore her angry eyes from his to find Richard standing at the table. The sight of him at that moment stunned her. Instead of Richard staring at her he looked at Diego with a recognition she didn’t quite understand.

  “Richard what are you doing here?”

  “I um, Mr. Andes. We meet again.” Richard said.

  Marcella frowned. She looked from Richard to Diego then back again. “You two know each other?”

  Diego glared at Richard but said nothing.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was just surprised to see you… I had no idea you knew Diego Andes?”

  “What’s going on?” Marcella asked the men. Richard recovered and returned his gaze to her. He gave her another sweet smile. Diego stared on expressionless.

  “Ah, nothing, forgive me. Can I speak to you alone Marcella?”

  Diego’s gaze swung to her, his lips pressed into a thin angry line while he waited on her response. She smirked at him, the hurt over his refusal to attend her event still burned hot in her gut. “Not now Richard. Call me sometime. You have the number.” She lied.

  Richard frowned not understanding. But she didn’t look over to him to explain further, instead she kept her gaze trained on Diego, and his remained locked on her. Richard mumbled something neither of them heard then walked away. “Now, what’s nice on the menu tonight to eat?” Marcella said trying to recover.

  “So you wouldn’t introduce me to your friend?” Diego said through clenched teeth.

  Marcella shrugged. “What does it matter? You don’t want to meet my friends. You don’t care anything about the people in my life. I’m sure you’re even less interested in an old lover. Wait. You two knew each other. Oh never mind, just one of your secrets. You have yours… and I have mine.”

  Diego’s brow winged up. “Lover?”

  “Yes Diego. Lover. Jerk. Like you, they’re both the same.” Marcella said bitterly.

  Diego’s jaw tightened and his lips pressed into a thin angry line. Screw dinner. She was sick of this. She was sick and tired of it all.

  “I’ve lost my appetite.”

  “We aren’t done Marcella.”

  “Go to hell Diego.” She grabbed her purse and marched toward the door.

  Outside she searched for a cab. She walked over to the valet, and asked for a cab, when Diego emerged and approached with hurried steps. “We can discuss this matter later. Come with me.”

  Marcella ignored him.

  “Let’s go.” He reached for her hand. She snatched it away. A cab arrived in front of her just in time. Diego glared at the driver and he turned and got back into his car. Diego seated possessed an intimidating manner. His six foot six, broad shouldered, upright stance, could be quite menacing. Even the valet stepped back. She put a hand to her hip and tilted her head up to sneer at him. “Feed Ginger. I’ll pick her up in the morning. Good night.” Before he could react she entered the cab and closed the door. The cab driver pulled away. Marcella didn’t dare look back.

  The cab ride was short. She paid him and hurried inside the sanctity of her place. She prayed when she got in she’d find Susan waiting. She desperately needed her friend. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand she fiddled with the key lock, it engaged and she released the dead bolt, throwing the door open.

  “Susan? Susan?” she said going through the empty loft. She went to the guest room. The bed appeared un-slept in and the drawers hung open. The closet had nothing but hangers. Her friend had left.

  Marcella closed the door and started to shed her clothes. Tears ran down her cheeks. In her panties and bra she sat on her sofa and stared straight ahead. Finally when the tears stopped she decided on a shower and then a nightcap, in the right order. On her way to the bedroom she noticed her phone blinking in her purse. She immediately grabbed it and played the message.

  YOU HAVE 1 VOICE MESSAGE. FIRST MESSAGE TODAY AT 4:40 PM: Marcella, it’s Susan. I tried calling you several times but you don’t answer anymore. Hope you are at least checking your voicemail. I moved my things out yesterday. I shouldn’t have been squatting in your place. A
nyways, I hope you get this message and we’re okay. Sorry about the tantrum the other day.

  There was a sigh.

  Garrett gave me a few days off. My mom is getting worse and my sister… well… nevermind. I hope you and Mr. Roses are having a good time. Happy for you girl. Well, call me, or I’ll try you again. Love you. Bye

  Susan’s mom was getting worse? She didn’t even know. She barely spoke to Susan lately. Hell she barely paid attention to anything lately. Marcella dropped her head on the wall and closed her eyes. Sadly she hung up the phone and went to shower. In fact she showered until her skin itched with dryness and wrinkled like a raisin. She slipped on her robe and padded out of the bathroom wet. Exhaustion had left her mentally wiped.


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