Party of Three

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Party of Three Page 10

by Daire St. Denis

  She blinked at me a couple of times. Then with a shake of her head she strode past me back into the living room. I ran after her. She picked up the trays and carried them past me again into the kitchen.

  Dressing as quickly as possible, I followed her back into the kitchen. “Des.”

  She dumped the half-eaten plates of food into the sink, making a racket of clanging dishes and silverware. Finally she spun around to face me. “Where were you today?”

  I licked my lips. “I was at Kenton’s.”

  She shut her eyes and the look on her face was like I’d stabbed her or something.

  “Are you fucking him?”

  “Who? Kenton? No!”

  Crossing her arms over her chest she said, “Then who is it? Vixen?”

  I thought I was going to be sick. “No one. I swear to you, Des. I haven’t been with anyone.” I lifted my hands to my neck, but I knew my words didn’t sound as convincing as they should. “I’m working there. That’s all.”

  “He’s gotten to you, hasn’t he?”

  How could I explain what had happened at his house without making it sound bad? Everything was getting mixed up in my head. The stuff Des had warned me about. The fact that I’d slept with Vixen after freaking out at her for the same thing. The fact that I’d betrayed her in the past. I felt incredibly guilty over it all and I knew it was my guilt coming through now, showing up in my expression and in my inability to explain where I’d gotten the marks on my body.

  Desi’s cell phone interrupted my train of thought and any sort of explanation I might attempt. At first I didn’t think she was going to answer it; I thought she was going to continue staring me down until I blurted everything out to her. But she finally picked up her phone and answered.

  It was Josh and the conversation was short, but whatever he’d said made Desi’s eyes cloud. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth. “We’ll be right there.”

  “What is it?”

  “Josh is at the hospital. His mom just had a heart attack.”

  * * *

  We drove over to Good Samaritan in silence, though my brain played the conversation I needed to have with Des over and over in my brain.

  Just before we arrived at the hospital, Des finally spoke. “There’s stuff I need to tell you. Stuff about Kenton.”

  Her monotone voice startled me and although I’d been thinking about having this very conversation with her, now was not the time. “Stop worrying about him, okay? He already told me about the history between you two.”


  That was it. End of story. Next thing I knew, we were at the main entrance of the hospital and Des dropped me off so she could find parking.

  After asking at the information desk, I was directed to the third floor to the Coronary Care Unit’s waiting room. That’s where I found Josh, pacing up and down. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. “How is she?”

  “She’s undergoing emergency angioplasty.” His voice sounded extra deep, as if he was working hard at keeping it all together.

  Not long after, a doctor came in and spoke to Josh. The procedure had gone well; they were able to sufficiently clear her eighty-percent blocked artery and she was resting in one of the CCU rooms.

  “Can I see her?” Josh asked.

  “Yes,” the doctor said. “But she’s not awake yet.”

  Josh took my hand and I went with him. Outside the door to his mother’s room, a nurse stopped us. “Family only.”

  “She’s family,” Josh said.

  They gave us gowns and masks and let us in. I’d never met his mom before and I’m sure this wasn’t the way she wanted to meet me, with tubes running into her, an oxygen mask on her face, clad only in a hospital gown. But I wasn’t there for a meet and greet. I was there for Josh. I stood by his side as he looked down at his mother while nurses copied readings from the monitors and checked IV levels.

  One of the nurses smiled up at Josh. “It went well,” she said. “It’s the next twenty-four hours that are critical, but we’ll watch over her. I think she’s going to be fine.”

  I squeezed Josh’s hand and he squeezed back. They were exactly the words he needed to hear.

  “Why don’t you go get something to eat,” the nurse continued. “She needs her rest right now.”

  Back in the waiting room we found Des leaning against the wall and looking pale. “They wouldn’t let me in.” She glanced at me, an unreadable expression on her face. “Family only, they said.”

  We took Josh down to the cafeteria, where we ate some tasteless food and talked quietly about what had happened. It was a far cry from the dinner Des and I had shared earlier. In fact, what had transpired between us felt completely surreal—like it’d never happened.

  We spent the night at the hospital. Not that we could do anything, and not that Josh didn’t try to convince us to leave. But there was no way we were going to leave him at a time like this. Finally, after a night of no sleep and reassurance that Josh’s mom’s condition had stabilized, Des and I drove home to shower and get ready for work. The car ride home was even more subdued than driving to the hospital.

  As usual, it was Desi who broke the silence. “I’m going away for a few days,” she said.

  “Oh?” I glanced at her but her stoic expression was impossible to read.

  “Take care of Josh while I’m gone, okay?”

  “Of course.”

  * * *

  I spent the next few days putting everything into work and spending my evenings with Josh at the hospital. His mom was discharged after four days and I made sure to fill the freezer with homemade meals to make life as easy as possible for her. Josh had decided to stay with her for the next little while and of course I understood, but it meant our house was lonelier than ever.

  With everything that was going on, I was tired. Exhausted. I’d shelved the shit that had happened at Kenton’s in the back of my mind. It just didn’t seem important, though I did make sure I never worked alone in his house anymore. The last room I’d designed required the least of my attention anyway. The company that constructed the hanging furniture did all of their own installations and apart from painting and lighting, there was very little for me to do. I finished in a day and a half.

  Now all I had to do was fill out a final checklist and get Kenton to sign off on the completion of the project. Then I never had to step foot in his house ever again. I sat in my car outside his place and rubbed my throbbing temples as I waited for Cody to show up. I couldn’t very well explain to Cody why I needed him there for this, but I’d sworn I wouldn’t be alone in Kenton’s house again.

  While watching for Cody’s car, I saw Des walk out of his house. I rubbed my eyes. No. It couldn’t be Des—she was out of town. But if it wasn’t her, who the hell was it?

  Whoever it was, she walked away from where I was parked. The way she moved, it sure as hell looked like Des but it was hard to tell because the woman was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses.

  There was only one person who resembled Des that much. Vixen.

  I’d forgotten how much they looked alike. In fact, over the last few days, I’d pretty much forgotten all about Vixen. Seeing her there at Kenton’s, however, brought everything back and made me feel sick to my stomach. Thank God she’d left because I didn’t know what I would have done if I’d seen her face to face again, considering the last time I’d seen her we’d been naked.

  I rubbed my temples again, wondering when the guilt and regret would subside.

  My phone vibrated with a text from Cody. He was still across town at the Mapplethorpe’s and wouldn’t be able to make it.


  I stared at the hedges surrounding Kenton’s home. With renewed determination to get this meeting over with, I got out of the car and strode up the walk. I knocked but no one answered. I tried the door and it swung open.

  “Hello?” I called.

  Still no answer.


en though it was the middle of the afternoon, the lights were off and the house was quiet. The uneasiness I’d felt in the car returned and I kept one hand on my cell phone as I walked down the hallway for what I hoped would be the last time.

  “Little Bo Peep.”

  I spun. My heart jumped into my throat. I could barely make out the figure of a man sitting in a leather chair on the other side of the dim living room. He stood and by his size I knew it was Kenton.

  “Jesus, you scared me.” My voice was still breathless from the start.

  “Have a drink with me.”

  “No, thanks. I’ve just come to have you sign off. Then I need to go.” I displayed the contract on my clipboard and pointed to the line for his signature.

  “So it really is all business with you.”

  I nodded.

  Kenton smiled. He walked over to the sideboard and turned on a small lamp fitted with a red light bulb. From a crystal decanter, he poured what looked like scotch into two cut glass tumblers. He sauntered over to me and handed me the drink. “Personally, I prefer to mix business and pleasure. But I can keep it strictly professional if you insist.”

  “You know I do.”

  He handed me the glass and I took it despite the fact I’d just refused.

  “Sit down, Tina.”

  “Seriously, I don’t have time for this today. I’ve got a lot of other projects on the go.”

  “You’re busier than ever, huh?”

  “Yes,” I said slowly, “I am.” I took a drink of the scotch—the one I said I didn’t want—and grudgingly enjoyed the way the liquid burned going down my throat. “Thanks for all of the references.”

  “My pleasure,” Kenton said, smiling as he sat in the chair beside me.

  He took the clipboard from me and read the agreement. Running his finger down each and every item, it seemed he was looking for something—anything—to claim I hadn’t finished the project.

  My fears were unfounded. When he got to the bottom, he signed and handed the clipboard back. I shut it and turned to go.

  “Now that you’re here, I may as well pay you.” He unlocked a drawer beside him and withdrew a checkbook. “Sit.”

  I sat. It was almost over. Having the money in hand meant I really didn’t have to deal with Kenton anymore.

  “How much do I owe you?”

  I flipped the contract to the rate sheet and slid the clipboard across the small table toward him. “This is the remainder.” To my relief, he nodded and wrote the check. He held it out to me and I grasped it, but he didn’t let go. “Kenton.”

  “This completes our business transactions, is that correct?”


  He let go of the check. I scanned the amount, folded it and put it into the zippered part of my briefcase.

  “Come upstairs with me.”

  I whipped my head around to gawk at him. “What?”

  Kenton moved out of his chair and came to stand right in front of me. “Tina, there’s no sense fighting it anymore. Come upstairs. You want me. I want you. Let’s make it happen.”

  I stood up but he wouldn’t let me get past him. I should have pushed past, should have just walked out. Or run. I swallowed and stood my ground. “I’m sorry if I’ve given you the wrong idea. I’m not interested in having sex with you.”

  With one hand, Kenton pushed me back down. “Although I find the virginal act charming, there’s no need for it now.” My heart lurched as he leaned forward, using his height and size to purposely intimidate. He grabbed my wrist and forced my hand against the bulge at his crotch, slowly using me to rub the monstrous length of him.

  I gasped and tried desperately to wrench my hand away, but Kenton only held me more firmly, smiling. On his face was a look of pleasure and something else.

  To my horror, he unzipped the fly of his pants and reached in to pull out his impossibly mammoth cock. Surely he’d had it surgically enhanced. There was no way in hell his prick could naturally be so frighteningly massive.

  Again I tried to pull away, but his grip was like a vise as he dragged my fingers along the terrible length of him. I moaned in revulsion when like a serpent, his dick began to twist in his grasp, and I could see a droplet of milky fluid seeping out of the wide, tattooed head.

  “You want me.”


  “No?” His chuckle was low. Dangerous.

  He finally released me but he continued to stroke himself right in front of my face. I was trapped in the chair as he loomed above me, pressing against me with his knees and his breadth. “Only interested in girls, huh, Peep?” He circled the head of his cock. “That’s okay. I like girls too.”

  I tried my hardest to sound unperturbed and not let my panic show. “Kenton, you need to stop right now. This is ridiculous.”

  My new tactic may have worked because after a moment or two of fondling himself, he somehow zipped his anaconda away. However, he swiftly moved around behind me, pressing my shoulders against the back of the chair. I couldn’t have gotten up if I’d tried.

  “Not ready to show your gratitude? That’s fine. I’m having a Christmas party Friday night. It’s a private party. Very small. Why don’t you come? Say, around seven?”

  “What? Don’t you get it? My answer is no!”

  “No?” His mouth was close to my ear now. His breath hot and insistent. “Is that how you repay my kindness? After all my references? After everything I’ve done for you?”

  “Kenton!” I seethed. “I don’t owe you anything. You helped me of your own free will and I’m not about to repay you with sexual favors. That’s ludicrous.”

  “Ludicrous?” He laughed. “I wonder if this will change your mind.” He picked up a remote from the side table and pressed a combination of buttons. The paneling across the room slid apart, revealing a hidden wall-sized screen. The screen flickered to life and a room appeared. It was a dark room showing two figures cast in a strange purple glow, entangled on a large bed.

  What was he hoping for? That watching porn would somehow get me in the mood? Get me to agree to having sex with him or coming to his stupid sex party? I really had to get out of there.

  But his grip was firm on my shoulders as I tried to wriggle away. “Watch.”

  My heart beat rapidly as panic began to rise and something on the screen captured my attention.

  I nearly choked on my own spit.

  My reflexes wanted to propel me to my feet, but he held me down.

  On the screen was a close-up of a woman who had her head buried between the legs of another woman, whose face was partially covered in shadow. But still, I knew whose face it was. It was the same one I saw in the mirror every morning. The same one I’m sure wore an expression of horror at that very moment.

  “No—” My voice was low and guttural as I shook my head in disbelief.

  I was so shocked, I wasn’t even aware at first that Kenton had loosened his grip on my shoulders. But I heard the thick heat in his voice when he whispered darkly in my ear, “Friday at seven. One time, Tina, that’s all I ask. Wear the Bo Peep outfit.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I have no idea how I drove home. One minute I was fleeing Kenton’s house. The next I was trembling as I tried to fit my key into the lock of my front door. I knew I was crying—had been crying—the whole way home. But it was like I was listening to someone else’s sobs, because in my mind, my inner voice was chastising me for my stupidity. Hadn’t I been warned? Hadn’t I known in my gut something was off? Hadn’t Des told me repeatedly to stay away from him? And now Kenton was blackmailing me.

  He’d given me a choice. I could either show up at his place and take part in whatever bizarre sexual fantasy he’d dreamed up about the two of us, or he would post the video with me and Vixen on every porn site imaginable. Together with his “powerful friends” Kenton had the power to ruin my career.

  I was screwed.

  I ran to the bathroom and retched into the toilet. Though the heaves were dry, the
y wouldn’t stop.

  What the hell was I supposed to do?

  One time, Tina, that’s all I ask.

  Really? Was it really going to be just once? Could I do it? Could I sleep with him in order to save my reputation? Was it worth it? How would it affect those I loved, namely Josh and Des?


  I jumped at the unexpected sound of Josh’s voice. Then I cringed in shame from the concerned tone, wishing wildly he wasn’t there to witness my breakdown. In my mind, Josh was the epitome of everything good. And all the shit that went down at Kenton’s, all the regret and whatever it was Kenton wanted me to do Friday, it was as if I’d already done it and I was defiled beyond redemption. I wasn’t worthy of Josh. Not his concern, not his touch and certainly not his love. But Josh’s hand was on my back, and his other hand held my hair away from my face as my body shuddered in revulsion.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I couldn’t answer, not even once the retching stopped.

  Josh cradled my head in his lap, stroking my damp hair away from my forehead. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t tell him. What did it matter, anyway? There was no way we could recover from this. If I didn’t go through with Kenton’s demands, he’d post the video and ruin my life and, by association, the lives of those I loved. If I did go through with it, I’d be tainted beyond measure.

  Dammit! There was only one person responsible for this mess. Me. And there was only one person who could get me out of this mess. I wasn’t about to drag Josh and Des through the quagmire that was the direct result of my stupidity.

  But I could let Josh hold me. Yes, I needed him to. Even though I didn’t deserve him, I still needed him. And like the good man he was, he was there for me, holding me, stroking me, comforting me.

  “Let me draw you a bath.”

  I bit my trembling lip and nodded.

  He left me there, huddled on the floor as he started the bathwater. I smelled the scent of lavender and jasmine, but the normally soothing aroma was lost on me. Finally, Josh helped me to my feet and began to undress me. His large hands were so incredibly tender and gentle, new tears erupted as I realized what I must do and what I must forsake.


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