Page 81
Yunnanese, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
see also cooking
food, American
AIDS and
California cuisine in, 22.1, 22.2
early twentieth century, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1
health fads in, 22.1, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1, 26.1
James Beard’s influence on, 16.1, 16.2, 23.1
Julia’s impression of, 13.1, 14.10, 14.1
Julia’s influence on, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, prl.5, prl.6, 18.1, 19.1, 22.1, 23.1, 25.1
Julia’s political views on
Julia’s role in
meat portion sizes in
organic, 24.1, 25.1, 27.1
rivalries in, prl.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 21.1, 24.1, 27.1
transition in, 16.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, 23.1, 23.2, 27.1
see also cooking, American; New York, N.Y., food community in
food, French
American stereotype of
declining popularity of, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1
Judith Jones’s interest in
Julia’s first experiences of, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5
Julia’s preference for
see also cooking, French
food, Italian, 23.1, 25.1, 25.2
Food & Wine, 19.1, 27.1
Food Network, 23.1, 27.1
Foods of the World, 19.1, 19.2
Ford, John, 6.1, 9.1
Ford Foundation
Forester, A. W.
Forgione, Larry, 22.1, 23.1
Forum of the Twelve Caesars, 16.1, 19.1
Foster, Jane, 7.1, 14.1
Fourest, Louis
Four Seasons, The, 16.1, 19.1, 22.1
Frame, Rosie
France, French
chickens in
Childs ’ life in, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 26.1, 27.1, 27.2
Childs ’ 1963 visit to
Childs ’ vacation home in,; see also Pitchoune, La
cinema in
Dort’s attempts at
Good Morning America trip to,
John McWilliams’s attitude toward, 2.1, 2.2, 10.1, 12.1
John McWilliams’s visit to, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
Julia’s fluency in, 2.1, 3.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
Julia’s memoir of, 27.1, 27.2
labor unrest in
marital property law in
Paul’s fluency in, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 21.1, 21.2, 24.1
post–World War II, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 13.1
France gastronomique, La (Curnonsky),
Francis, Arlene
François’s French Restaurant
Franey, Pierre, 19.1, 19.2
Frank, Anne, 15.1, 15.2
Frankel, Bruce
Franken, Al, 22.1, 22.2
Fraser, Woody
French Chef, The, prl.1, 17.1, 18.1, 20.1, 21.1, 25.1, 25.2
in color, 19.1, 20.1
commercial interest in, 18.1, 19.1
companion book for,; see also French Chef Cookbook, The
development of, prl.1, 17.1
early episodes of, 10.1, 17.1, 18.1
Emmy Award of
end of
first recipes on
first set of
humor on
Julia’s stipend for, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1
media reviews of, 18.1, 18.2
miking issue on
Paul’s involvement in, prl.1, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5
permanent set for
possible titles for
roast suckling pig show of
second season of
sponsors of, 18.1, 18.2
success of, 17.1, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 18.7, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 24.1
syndication of, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 19.1
technical preparation for, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1
wine on, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3
French Chef Cookbook, The (Child), 19.1, 20.1, 21.1
sequel to, see From Julia Child’s Kitchen
French Country Cooking (David),
French Culinary Institute
French Home Cooking, see Mastering the Art of French Cooking
French Menu Cookbook, The (Olney),
Friedan, Betty
Friedman, Jane Becker, 20.1, 20.2, 23.1
From Julia Child’s Kitchen (Child), 21.1, 21.2
Frugal Gourmet
galantine de volaille
Galbraith, John Kenneth, prl.1, 15.1, 17.1
Garroway, Dave
Gastronomie pratique: études culinaires (Ali-Bab), 9.1, 9.2, 12.1
Gates, Katy, 4.1, 4.2, 13.1
Gault, Henri
George (gardener)
American military in, 14.1, 14.2
Amerika Hauses in
chickens in
Childs ’ life in, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3
Julia’s impression of
Paul’s posting to, 13.1, 13.2
rebuilding of, 14.1, 14.2
Giametti, François
GI Bill
Gibson, Charlie, 17.1, 23.1, 24.1, 26.1, 26.2
Gifford, Kathie Lee, 26.1, 26.2
Gilchrist, Mrs.
Ginsberg, Allen
GIs, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2
Godard, Jean-Luc
Gold, Rozanne
Gold Cookbook, The (De Gouy),
Goldfish, 21.1, 23.1, 25.1
Gold Medal flour
Goodhart, Miffy, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, prl.5, prl.6, prl.7, prl.8
Good Morning America, 17.1, 22.1, 23.1, 23.2, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 27.1
Gottlieb, Robert, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1, 20.2
Gougeon, Helen
Gourmet, 9.1, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1, 16.2, 19.1, 27.1
Gourmettes, Le Cercle des, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
Goyenvalle, Jean-Pierre
Graff, Dick, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 23.1, 24.1
Grand Véfour, Le, 9.1, 21.1
Granouille, La
Greene, Gael
Grille, La
Grimes, Paul, 21.1, 23.1
groupe Focillon
Guérard, Michel
Guide Michelin, 9.1, 11.1, 21.1
Hailey, Arthur
Hall, Babe, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Hall, Charlie, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Hamersley, Gordon, 23.1, 25.1, 27.1
Hamilton, Dorothy Cann, 24.1, 26.1
Hamilton, Tommy
Harkness, Lamon Vandenburg
Hartman, David, 22.1, 22.2, 24.1, 26.1
Harvard University, 6.1, 23.1, 27.1
Harvest, 22.1, 23.1
Hawaiian Room
Hay Adams Hotel
Hayakawa, S. I.
Hazan, Marcella, 21.1, 25.1
Heath, Aloise B.
Hefner, Hugh
Heightman, Dorothy
Helen Corbitt’s Cookbook
Hemingway, Ernest, 7.1, 9.1, 9.2
Hemming, Wilbur
Heppner, Richard
Herald Tribune
Hersey, John
Hersh, Stephanie, 22.1, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, 25.5, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.4, 27.5, 27.6, 27.7, 27.8, 27.9
Hever, Robert F.
Hewitt, Andy
Hill, Mary
Hill & Barlow
Hillcliff School of Cookery
Hills Bros. Coffee, 18.1, 18.2
Holden, William
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Home, 14.1, 17.1
Home from the Hill (Humphrey),
early twentieth-century attitudes toward, 2.1, 2.2
Julia’s views on, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 24.1
Paul’s views on
nbsp; Hoover, J. Edgar
Hors d’oeuvre and Canapés (Beard),
hot dogs, 13.1, 25.1, 27.1
Hôtel Pont-Royal
Houghton Mifflin, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 15.2
House & Garden, 16.1, 19.1, 20.1, 20.2
House Beautiful
Howe, Debby, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6
Howe, Fisher, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 7.1, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3
How to Cook Everything (Bittman),
Hubby, Anita
Hugo, Victor
Humphrey, William
Hunter, Tab
Huttenback, Robert
I Believe Fund
Julia’s visit to
nationalist movement in
OSS operations in
Indiana Colony, 1.1, 1.2
Indiana (PA) Gazette
Information and Filter Centers
In Julia’s Kitchen with Master Chefs, 25.1, 26.1
In Julia’s Kitchen with Master Chefs (Child), 26.1, 26.2
International Association of Culinary Professionals, 23.1, 26.1, 27.1
International Herald Tribune
I’ve Got a Secret
Ives Washburn, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4
Jackson, Jess, 27.1, 27.2
Jackson, Sally, 23.1, 26.1, 26.2
Jacobs, Sidney
Jaffrey, Madhur, 19.1, 21.1
James, Michael
James Beard Foundation, 24.1, 27.1
Johnson, Bob, 21.1, 21.2, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 24.1, 26.1
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Philip
Johnson, Tim, 22.1, 24.1
Johnston, Jim
Johnston, Tom, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3n, 4.1, 4.2, 7.1
Jones, Evan, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1
Jones, Judith, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 21.4, 22.1, 22.2, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1, 26.1, 26.2, 27.1
and French Chef cookbook
and Julia and Jacques, 27.1, 27.2
in Julia Child and Company deal, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1
Julia’s personal relationship with, 21.1, 26.1
and Master Chefs books
in Mastering publication, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 18.1
in Mastering II publication, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, 20.5
Joy of Cooking (Rombauer), 9.1, 11.1, 12.1, 15.1, 15.2, 20.1
Julia and Jacques
Julia Child and Company, 21.1, 22.1
book deal for
Julia Child and More Company, 22.1, 23.1
Julian, Sheryl, 21.1, 22.1, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3
Julia’s Kitchen
Junior League, 3.1, 4.1
Kafka, Barbara, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3
Kamman, Madeleine, 19.1, 21.1, 24.1, 25.1, 27.1
Kandy, Ceylon, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1
Kanin, Garson
Katharine Branson School, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 27.1
Katharine Gibbs
Kaye, Danny
Kazin, Alfred
Keith, Kenyon, 2.1, 2.2
Keller, Thomas
Kelmer, Betty
Kendall-Jackson Winery, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3
Kennedy, Arthur
Kennedy, Duncan
Kennedy, Edith, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 9.1, 14.1, 20.1
Kennedy, Edmond
Kennedy, Fitzroy
Kennedy, Jacqueline, prl.1, prl.2
Kennedy, John F., prl.1, 16.1, 17.1, 17.2
Kennedy, Robert Woods, 6.1, 6.2
Kent, Sherman
Kerr, Graham
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinkead, Bob, 22.1, 25.1
Kiss, Kiss (Dahl),
Kittredge, John
Knopf, Alfred, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 27.1
see also Alfred A. Knopf
Knopf, Blanche, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3
Knopf, Edwin
Knopf, Mildred
Koonce, William, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3
Korean War
Koshland, Bill, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5
KQED, 18.1, 27.1
Kummer, Corby, 19.1, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 25.1
Kump, Peter
Kunming, China, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Kuo, Irene
Labbe, Yves
La Brea Bakery
Ladies ’ Home Journal, 9.1, 16.1, 19.1, 20.1
Lagasse, Emeril, 22.1, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1
Lake Forest Academy
Land O ’ Lakes Butter, 26.1, 26.2
Language in Thought and Action (Hayakawa),
Lapham, Louis, 18.1, 18.2
Larousse gastronomique, 11.1, 12.1, 14.1
Larsen, Bob, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, 17.1
Larson, Michaela
Le Corbusier
Le Coze, Maguy
Lee, Sandra
Leonard, Rennie
LeRoy, Warner
Les Halles
Letterman, David, 22.1, 26.1
Levin, Harry
Levin, Ira
Lewis, Edna
Life, 19.1, 20.1
Lippmann, Walter
Lippold, Richard
Little, Brown, n
Live with Regis and Kathie Lee
lobster, 21.1, 25.1, 25.2
Lockwood, Arthur
Lockwood, Ruth, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 20.1, 21.1, 22.1
Looney, Frances R.
Lord, Eda
Los Angeles, Calif., 1.1, 2.1, 4.1
Los Angeles Times, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 8.1, 19.1
Lowell Institute
Lucas, Dione, 12.1, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.1, 20.1
Lucas Carton
Lucky’s, 27.1, 27.2
Lukins, Sheila
Lumberville, Pa., Charlie’s home in
Lunden, Joan, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 26.1, 26.2
Lutèce, 16.1, 19.1
MacLeish, Archibald
Maine, 6.1
Childs ’ first visit to
Childs ’ holidays in
Maison Robert
Makoto, Saito
Malraux, André
Mandela, Nelson
Manell, Rosie, 21.1, 22.1
Mangelatte, Pierre, 10.1, 21.1
Marie des Quatre Saisons
Mariposa, SS,
Marseille, France
bouillabaisse recipes in
Childs ’ flat in, 13.1, 13.2
Childs ’ life in, 13.1, 13.2
fish market in, 13.1, 21.1
Julia’s cookbook work in, 12.1, 13.1
Paul’s posting to, 12.1, 12.2
street life in, 13.1, 13.2
Marshall, George
Marshall Plan, 9.1, 14.1
Martínez, Zarela
martini, reverse, 20.1, 25.1
Maryland Public TV, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), prl.1, prl.2
Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Beck, Bertholle, and Child)
author credit on, 14.1, 16.1
Avis’s role in, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 16.1
competition for, 13.1, 14.1
Craig Claiborne’s opinion of, 16.1, 19.1
errors in
genesis of, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
Houghton Mifflin’s involvement in, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1
influence of, 16.1, 19.1, 20.1
James Beard’s opinion of
Judith Jones’
s role in, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 18.1
Julia’s conception of, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 16.1
Julia’s work on, 6.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 18.1, 24.1
Knopf’s involvement in, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 16.1, 16.2, 19.1, 20.1
layout of, 16.1, 17.1
Louisette’s role in, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 16.1, 19.1, 20.1
Madeleine Kamman’s criticism of
peasant dishes in
popularity of, prl.1, prl.2, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 19.1, 20.1, 20.2, 22.1, 22.2
promotion of, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 18.1, 20.1, 22.1; see also French Chef, The
proofreading of
publication of, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3
publishing arrangements for, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 20.1
recipe construction in, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2
recipe testers for
revision of, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2
royalty distribution for, 15.1, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 20.1, 20.2
Simca’s work on, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, 16.2, 18.1, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1
size of, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1
title selection for
Mastering the Art of French Cooking II (Child and Beck)
author credit on
commencement of, 18.1, 18.2
Julia’s conception of, 19.1, 20.1
Julia’s work on, 18.1, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4
Louisette’s exclusion from
promotion of, 20.1, 20.2
publication of
recipe development for, 19.1, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3
recipe testers for
royalty distribution for
Simca’s work on, 18.1, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6, 20.7
success of, 20.1, 22.1
Matthiessen, F. O.
Maxwell’s Plum
mayonnaise, 10.1, 13.1, 20.1, 27.1
Maytag, Fritz
McBain, Janie, 4.1, 5.1
McCall’s, 14.10, 16.1, 16.2, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1, 20.2, 22.1, 26.1, 26.2
McCarthy, Josie
McCarthyism, 10.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 27.1
McCarty, Michael, 22.1, 22.2, 24.1
McCully, Helen, 16.1, 19.1, 22.1
McDougal, Dennis, 4.1, 4.2
McIntosh, Betty, 7.1, 7.2
McJennett, John, 24.1, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1, 26.2
McJennett, Linda, 24.1, 25.1, 26.1, 26.2
McLuhan, Marshall
McMullen, Izzy, 3.1, 3.2n
McNally, Andrew
McWilliams, Alex, 1.1, 1.2
McWilliams, Bessie
McWilliams, David, 1.1, 1.2, 24.1, 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, 27.1
McWilliams, Dorothy Deane (Dort), 4.1, 8.1
college education of