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  Even Nick’s extrasensitive senses would be able to tell him that

  Terry had almost lost it a couple of times while Nick was downstairs.

  He would have heard it.

  When Terry fell asleep in Morgan’s lap, only then did they start getting serious.

  Nick kept his voice down, lest he pull Terry out of the dream he’d just slipped into.

  “I think those men were hunters, and they weren’t hunting for Bambi.”

  Morgan kept his grip on Terry light as Nick said those words, forcing himself not to clutch at the younger man protectively.

  “We killed most of the hunters who got to Phillip’s pack. Could

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  the rest have regrouped by now?”

  “If they have, then they’re determined motherfuckers.”

  Motherfucker was the correct term to use as well, considering the things those men had done to the wolves of Phillip’s pack, and the poor man’s mate. Morgan had seen the corpse. It hadn’t been pretty. The only good news was that by some act of God, they had decided to spare Phillip’s pup. A baby boy only a few months old.

  Currently, the pup was in James’s personal care. He and his mate were keeping the child close to them for protection until the real father returned. If he ever did.

  “Terry was part of Phillip’s pack, so we can cross him off the list of the missing.”

  Nick’s sightless eyes widened. “I thought he was a wild omega.”

  “He is, almost,” Morgan said. “I guess he saw some serious shit happen before he managed to get away. I don’t think he figured out that the hunters were scared off. Otherwise he might’ve come to James’s pack sooner and turned himself over. He’s been taking care of himself all this time, and that, coupled with what those hunters might’ve done to him brought the wolf out to the forefront.”

  Nick nodded. “Yeah. I guess that’s a natural reaction when we’re trying to survive.”

  “Because of that,” Morgan said, getting back to the point, “I don’t want him knowing about Isaac, just yet.”

  “Why not?” One of Nick’s brows lifted in an expression that Morgan thought was annoying.

  Isaac was probably the only hunter in existence to be made welcome within a pack of werewolves. Probably because he’d mated with one of the omegas, Tristan, and even took a silver bullet for the guy after he’d helped the pack to bag a couple of hunters before they could attack the pack.

  He was pretty much welcomed with open arms by one and all after that. Then the knowledge came that he was loaded, and as a gift to his mate, he wanted to build a cabin just for the two of them to live

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  in, and put the money in to repair the cabins on James’s land that were falling apart.

  Werewolves weren’t like vampires. Their packs weren’t loaded to their eyeballs with cash. A werewolf earned money wherever they could, and though it was getting easier in today’s day and age, there were still the nights were firewood was required because the heat had to be shut off or when the alphas had to go out hunting for meat because there wasn’t enough money to completely fill their fridges.

  Though the alphas still hunted and the omegas still worked, both sides of the pack also grabbing the odd job here and there to bring some money in, ever since Isaac had showed up, things had definitely been better.

  Morgan once asked him why he kept spending his money on them. It wasn’t that he was ungrateful. He’d just been curious to know how a hunter could constantly spend the money, which he’d inherited after his family had been devoured by wild werewolves, on a pack of werewolves.

  Isaac hadn’t looked him in the eyes when he’d explained that it was part of his atonement. Atonement for being a hunter and for all the things he’d done when he carried that title.

  Morgan’s face had gone red, and he’d promptly walked away. Of course Isaac would have killed his fair share of werewolves. He had

  been a hunter, after all, but Morgan believed that the man was on his

  side, so he’d let it slide.

  But now Morgan had Terry to think about. Isaac hadn’t been responsible in any way for what had happened at Phillip’s pack. Hell, Isaac had been trying to help, but that might not matter to a fearful werewolf who was on the brink of becoming wild again. Morgan didn’t want to risk some kind of episode over it. He would bring Terry to back to his pack, and after enough time had passed, he would tell him about the former hunter who lived with them. Gently.

  Morgan explained this to Nick, and the other man nodded. “Right. Sorry, I hadn’t thought of that.”

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  “It’s all right. I’m sure he’ll be at ease around Isaac after they get to know one another, and being around some of the other members of his pack that we rescued will probably help to keep his mind grounded.”

  “Yeah, we just have to get back home, first.”

  The thought of home…Morgan always liked going out on whatever little missions he could, especially as of late. There was something about seeing all the newly mated pairs in his pack that had made him jealous. Even though he’d started to think it wasn’t going to happen, and had told himself he no longer minded it, he’d been jealous. He hadn’t wanted to be around the others, but now that he had his mate, safely snuggled against his chest, he couldn’t wait to get back.

  His room was in one of the larger cabins, and he wouldn’t mind sharing it with the others, but maybe he could convince Isaac to pay for the soundproofing.

  “I’m going to take him back upstairs,” Morgan said, getting to his feet.

  Apparently, Nick had noticed there was something off with his choice of clothing after all.

  “What are you wearing? It sounds baggy. Like a skirt.”

  Goddamn Nick’s weird sonar hearing. He should’ve been a bat shifter or something, not a werewolf. “It’s just a big pair of jeans.”

  “You’re both wearing them.”

  “The owner of this place is a big guy. Good night,” Morgan said.

  “I guess that means I’ve got first watch?”

  “I’ll come back down to take you off in four hours, and we’ll rotate from there.”

  Thank God he didn’t want to argue about it. “See you then.”

  * * * *

  Morgan had just gotten upstairs and tucked Terry under the covers

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  when he decided he had to get out of these ridiculous-looking pants. He wanted to wear clothes, but not at the expense of his dignity.

  He’d just let them drop from his hips and stepped out of them when he noticed that Terry was looking at him.

  Morgan smiled but still approached with some measure of caution. “How’re you feeling?”

  Terry blinked and waited a few seconds before he said anything.

  “I don’t hear anything outside.”

  That was good. It would allow him to rest easier for the night knowing that the house wasn’t being surrounded by hunters.

  “Yeah, we’re safe here.” For the moment.

  “Can we try going to your pack now?”

  Morgan looked out the window. It was pitch dark, but the snow was still coming down pretty hard, and the wind howled.

  Terry looked at where Morgan looked, and he sank back under the covers. “Never mind.”

  “First thing in the morning,” Morgan promised. “I swear. The storm won’t last that long.” He was pretty sure it wouldn’t, anyway. “And the second the sun rises, we’ll go.”

  “I don’t think I can sleep.”

  “Nick’s downstairs. He has first watch. He has the most sensitive

  sense of smell and hearing of any wolf I’ve ever met. If anything tries to come this way, he’ll know it, and we’ll have more than enough time to get out of here.”

  He hoped they would anyway. Nick certainly had trouble finding his way earlier today when the storm hit.

  Morgan took one more look out the
window. He couldn’t exactly see because of the darkness, but he still got the feeling that things outside weren’t as bad as they’d been earlier today. It was still too dangerous to travel in, but he was sure that if those men were still out in that, and the only reason why anyone would brave that kind of weather was because they thought they were on some holy mission, Nick would have a fair amount of warning.

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  “After Nick’s time is done, then I’m going on rotation so he can sleep a little, then him again, and then me, until the sun rises and we can leave. You’ll always be protected, so you can sleep easy tonight.”

  Terry frowned at him. “I’ve been taking care of myself for weeks now. I can stand watch, too.”

  Morgan wasn’t sure he liked the idea of an untrained omega having his back. “I think you should sleep. I doubt you’ve had a good night’s sleep since your attack, and it’ll be better if you’re at a hundred percent for the trip tomorrow. With the snow to hinder us, we’re looking at a three- or four-hour journey.”

  Terry kept right on frowning at him, and Morgan braced himself for another argument, but then the other man turned over in bed and pulled one of the pillows close.

  Morgan was too new to being in a relationship. That was what being mated was, right? He was officially…well, married, as far as other werewolves were concerned.

  That didn’t mean their status as being together, well, in a relationship, was bulletproof. Morgan could still fuck up in such a way that could cause the other man to decide he just didn’t want to be with him.

  Morgan didn’t want that.

  He wasn’t sure what sort of reaction he expected when he climbed into bed with Terry. Aside from being new to this mating thing, he was new to relationships in general. It had always been sex before. He never had to worry if his partner was angry with him for something. And if his current fling had been giving him the cold shoulder for whatever reason, well, it had been a simple matter of moving on.

  He reached out and touched Terry’s shoulder. At first the smaller man didn’t move, and Morgan’s heart lurched.

  No. He wanted this to work, damn it.

  He exhaled long and deep when Terry turned around, his hands reaching and wrapping around Morgan’s waist, and they came together easily.

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  “Mad at me?”

  “Yes,” Terry said.

  Morgan would have winced, but Terry’s voice didn’t hold any anger in it. It was almost as though he were stating a fact, rather than saying it just to make Morgan feel guilty.

  “But, I am glad that you want to keep me safe. I don’t remember anyone wanting to do that the same way you do.”

  “Not anyone in your pack?” Morgan asked, curious now.

  What if Terry had had a lover before the hunters had come and all but wiped out his pack?

  Terry shook his head. “The alphas kept us safe, for the most part. Everything was always okay. There was never anything to worry about. I can’t remember the last time hunters attacked us, before…”

  Morgan rubbed the back of Terry’s head. “You don’t have to talk about it right now. I promise I’ll be here when you want to, though.”

  Terry squeezed him tightly, snuggling closer, if that was at all possible considering they were already to pressed up against each other.

  It was then that Morgan had a thought, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was right.

  Before this morning when he’d taken Terry and completed their connection, Terry had been a virgin. It was so obvious to him now that he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before.

  This wild innocence that he carried with him, even after seeing such horrible things, it wasn’t a product of his animal side that simply didn’t know any better and was searching for comfort.

  Terry had been a virgin, and at twenty-three, still very child-like considering the pack he’d come from. He’d probably played video games and still goofed off with his friends while doing his chores.

  Well, there were certainly video games back at Morgan’s pack for him to play with if he wanted them. Whether he would actually revert back to that previous form, Morgan couldn’t say for sure.

  Morgan’s grim thoughts were chased away when Terry pressed

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  his lips to the muscles of Morgan’s chest. His hands went from clinging around Morgan’s waist to moving up to his shoulders. Terry pulled himself up Morgan’s body until his mouth was kissing and suckling on Morgan’s neck.

  His cock swelled in that instant, and he held Terry as tightly as he could, enjoying the attention. His mate wanted him. Terry wanted Morgan to take him.

  How could he say no?

  He looked down just as Terry reached up captured his lips. The kiss was chaste for the first five seconds before Terry’s tongue slipped


  Morgan opened his mouth, allowing Terry inside of him.

  Terry kissed him with all the love and innocence of a virgin all right. Now that his wild side was being suppressed, he didn’t show the same desperation as before. This was going to be slow and gentle.

  His hips rocked against Morgan’s, those huge jeans he was wearing rubbing against Morgan’s pulsing dick. Christ, he needed to get them off him.

  Morgan let his hands slid down lower, until his fingers found the belt and slipped beneath them. He tried, but he couldn’t get the pants below Terry’s hips without adjusting the belt, so he abandoned that idea and started to work, quickly, on the buckle.

  The only sounds in the dark room were that of their kissing, their hard breathing through their noses, and the slight clinking sounds coming from Terry’s borrowed belt.

  Finally, Morgan managed to get the belt undone. He slid the jeans down Terry’s hips, his palms keeping contact with that warm skin as he moved down Terry’s thighs.

  Terry moaned, pulling his mouth away from Morgan and shifting his legs around until the jeans were off him completely and kicked somewhere under the covers.

  They looked at each other. Morgan’s night vision had kicked in,

  and he could see the eagerness, and shyness, in Terry’s eyes.

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  This was Terry’s real first time. That last time had been about instinct and mating. This time, Terry was the one in complete control of himself. He would remember everything that happened between them tonight, and if he ever spoke about his first time, this would be the event he talked about.

  Morgan was going to make sure that it was good for him in that


  They came together once more without words. Morgan’s hands went around Terry’s head, his fingers threading through his soft hair. Terry’s hands did the same as Morgan turned his mate onto his back and rolled on top of him.

  They kissed some more, and Morgan never felt more like a teenager in all his life, considering the way his dick was begging to be touched, stroked, anything, and all he was allowing himself to do was kiss.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  His thumb touched on the side of Terry’s mouth.

  Through those gorgeous, lusty eyes, underneath all that hunger, Terry stared at him with complete and total awareness. He shook his head. “No.”

  Morgan brought their mouths together again, a little rougher this time on his part. His entire body shivered as Terry’s legs drifted up, bending at the knees, and then looped around Morgan’s waist.

  Terry might not be nervous, but Morgan kind of was, once he was able to think about it. This was a first for him, too. It was the first time

  he was ever making love with anyone instead of just having sex for the sake of sex. It was the first time he and a lover kissed and gently got into position beneath the covers, instead of rutting like animals on top of them, and it would be the first time he ever actually cared about the person he was with.

  A thought suddenly occurred to him as Terry’s thighs squeezed around him. They
still had no lube. Terry was a werewolf and would still be able to enjoy it if they went without, just like the last time, but

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  that wasn’t good enough for Morgan. The last time they’d been caught up in claiming each other. Now it was more about just the two of them enjoying each others’ bodies. Morgan didn’t know if that would be the same, or even enough for Terry to be able to handle what was to come.

  “Let me up, I need to get something,” he said.

  Terry’s eyes went wide. “What? Where are you going?”

  He asked the question as though he thought Morgan might not be coming back.

  Morgan quickly planted a chaste kiss on his lips. “Don’t worry. I just have to grab something really quick.”

  Reluctantly, Terry loosened his legs and allowed Morgan to climb out of bed. He could feel the younger man’s eyes on him as he jogged into the bathroom.

  If the owners of this place used it as a summer house, then there was bound to be some hand cream, lotion, or sunscreen, or anything that he could use.

  Morgan started searching through the bottom cupboard beneath the sink first, moving towels and other items around in a sloppy fashion until he found what he was looking for.

  He sighed. It was one of those big bottles of hand cream with a pump. One of the nicer brands that would be of some actual use to them, and judging by the weight of the thing there was still plenty inside. Thank God.

  Morgan returned to bed, and he watched through the darkness as Terry’s eyes went from curious to eager at the sight of the bottle. Yeah, he knew what it was for.

  “Lie back,” he said, and Terry did as he was told as Morgan brought the bottle under the covers with them, and settled back between Terry’s legs.

  “You’re going to like it so much more with this,” Morgan said. As he wet his fingers with the lotion and trailed them down to Terry’s asshole, he kept his eyes on the other man’s face. He loved the way


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