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by Derek Doepker

  Break Through Your BS: Uncover Your Brain’s Blind Spots and Unleash Your Inner Greatness

  By Derek Doepker

  Copyright 2015 All rights reserved


  No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, by any means, without the written permission of the author. Understand that the information contained in this book is an opinion, and should be used for personal entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own behavior, and this book is not to be considered medical, legal, or personal advice. Nor is this book to be understood as putting forth any cure for any type of acute or chronic psychological illness. The programs and information expressed within this book are not medical or psychological advice, but rather represent the author’s opinions and are solely for informational and educational purposes.

  Editor: Marjorie Kramer – [email protected]

  Table of Contents


  Download Your Video Training Series And Resource Guide


  Preparing You For What You’re About To Experience

  Who Is This Derek Dude And Why Should I Listen To Him?

  If You Wish To Read This Book…

  The Lake Of Greatness

  Are Belief Systems BS?

  2VL vs. 4VL – Upgrade Your Brain’s Thinking

  What You Know Is BS

  Warning: Your Knowledge Is (Potentially) Dangerous

  Making Sense Out Of Nonsense

  Limitation = Liberation

  The Slingshot Effect

  Choose Your Own Journey In BS Land

  Shackling Yourself In BS

  Bringing Out Your Hidden BS

  Still Searching For Your BS

  Why You Should Love Your BS

  We All Just Want Some Apples

  You Really Are Crazy… But So Is Everyone Else

  Healthy vs. Unhealthy Means of Meeting Needs

  “Hold Your Breath,” And Turn Fear Into Your Friend

  How To Not Give A Shit

  Honey, I Shrunk The Bullshit

  Extreme vs Moderate

  The Secret of the Deadly Slime

  Realist vs. Idealist

  Act or Analyze

  How to Get Off Your Ass And Get To Greatness

  Morphine For The Mind

  The Root Of Fear

  Losing Is A Delusion

  Nothing To Lose, Nothing To Gain, Everything To…

  To Receive Or To Rob? That Is The Question

  How To Actually, Like For Seriously, Get What You Want In Life

  The Parable Of The Greedy Giver

  How To Stop BSing Yourself

  Breaking The Addiction Of Slavery

  Removing Your Own Shackles

  You’re Wrong

  How To Be Even More Of A Badass, Do Even More Badass Shit, And Have An Even More Badass Life

  CSM – My Secret Weapon For Overcoming Fear Of Failure

  “I Don’t Know” And That’s…

  You’re Awesome… But Don’t Let It Go To Your Head

  Being Is Doing Is Having – Having Is Doing Is Being

  It’s All Coming Together

  Remembrance Meditation

  A Journey Through WTF

  A Look Back At Your Adventure

  A Return To The Lake Of Greatness

  Now – Here Is Where You Have A Choice

  Always Changing, Always The Same

  The End… Or A New Departure Point?

  Why Did I Write This Book?

  Did You Love Break Through Your BS?

  More Resources by Derek Doepker



  – This is All You playing a game of perceiving reflections –

  – reflections perceived through a game played by You in All This –

  You’re in a house of mirrors…

  Do you remember?

  To not know what this means right now

  Means right now you’re not to know

  When you’re ready to receive

  Then you will be given

  Download Your Video Training Series And Resource Guide

  Get access to your training series and resource reference guide by going to

  Inside the bonus video training series you’ll discover…

  Why the realization you’re a dry erase board will be the most empowering insight you’ve ever had.

  How visualizing success can backfire and keep you stuck in a fantasy world while your real world sucks.

  Why remaining open-minded is not only stupid, but destructive to yourself and the rest of the world.

  The truth about “getting” all the love you could ever want from people in your life, and why you may not be feeling as much love as you could.


  This is a book about choice – your choice.

  The limitations of your thinking that have deluded you into feeling like you don’t have a choice, when you really do, will be challenged. Whether you allow those limitations to break under these challenges, or whether you fight to keep your limitations, is your choice.

  The mistaken beliefs that you have choices in areas you really don’t will be questioned. Whether you allow these questions to shatter your existing beliefs so you can open up to new possibilities, or whether you fight to remain “right” in your old beliefs, is your choice.

  The sense of entitlement, that you can make a choice for others, will be exposed. Whether you recognize this hidden sense of entitlement and let it go, or whether you hold onto it, is your choice.

  I cannot make any of these choices for you, but I will challenge you, prod you, and poke around many areas of your thoughts and emotions to stir up the bullshit that, most of the time, you don’t even realize you’ve been carrying around.

  I do this because I’m committed to truth, empowerment, and enlightenment. At the heart of all that though, I’m committed to compassion. The more understanding you have about your own bullshit, biases, and blind spots, the more compassion and understanding you’ll have for others.

  As the Dalai Lama XIV says, “World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.”

  In essence, this is as much a book about overcoming your limitations, and fulfilling your greatest potential as it is a book about being compassionate towards yourself so you can develop greater compassion for others. You’re going to realize that no matter how smart and evolved you are, you still have so much BS that you can never point the finger at another’s BS without it triggering a reminder of your own BS.

  You won’t ever get rid of your BS completely, but you will be able to break through it. You will be able to work with it rather than be overcome by it. Your success in breaking through your BS will allow you to help others break through their own BS.

  Some of the insights you’ll find in this book include…

  The most common mental traps smart people fall for – and why your intelligence can be your greatest enemy.

  How moving away from pain often brings it closer to you, and moving away from your goals can bring them closer.

  Why every excuse you have is 100% factually true but still complete and utter total freaking bullshit.<
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  The tricks people use to manipulate you, and how your own brain is using these tricks to help you sabotage yourself without you even realizing it.

  The truth about love – and why your attempt to love and sacrifice for others may be what’s keeping you from experiencing true love fully.

  A simple mental switch you can press that turns fear into your friend, allowing fear to propel you towards your goals rather than push you away from them.

  The myth of independence and how your desire for self-sufficiency is keeping you from true empowerment.

  One mental distinction unlike anything you’ve ever heard that automatically moves you into a growth and progress mindset rather than a perfectionistic fixed mindset.

  The power using “CSM” for turning dreaded tasks and adversity into something you love and how it helped me escape depression, build a highly successful business, and finally embrace failure.

  How to go from just intellectually understanding something in your head to actually feeling it fully in your heart so what you feel, think, and do are all in alignment.

  Why you will never get rid of your BS, and why you should rejoice in that fact.

  And much more…

  Before going further, I want to acknowledge that you’re a pretty awesome person for taking the time to learn this, explore your reality, and make the choice to move towards your highest potential.

  Many people in this world are so full of bullshit, they would never pick up a book that would show them how to break through their BS because they feel they “don’t need it.”

  The willingness to take an honest look at yourself and the ways you can improve is a great act of courage. Some can approach personal development from a place of fixing what’s broken, but I think true personal development is making something great even better. It’s the difference between demolishing a house and decorating one.

  Your house, in other words, your essence, is perfectly wonderful even if there’s some trash that’s been piling up inside to get rid of. If you don’t like the condition of your house, you don’t need to destroy it. Just dispose of the junk and spice it up a bit by adding more greatness to it.

  Don’t worry if more trash piles up, that’s bound to happen. We all have untapped potential that’s obscured by BS. A great thing about always having BS is that it means you can both continue to grow and learn new things for the rest of your life, and you can always remain empathetic about the imperfections of others when you realize your own imperfections.

  Before going any further, I ask you take a moment to congratulate yourself because you’re an action-taker who is on the journey to being even more of an amazing human being. Recommendations for this act of self-congratulations include: Doing a fist pump and saying, “Way to go being so awesome (and sexy)!” Doing a happy dance. Or simply closing your eyes and taking a moment to do something you may not have done in a while – honestly tell yourself, “I love you. I accept you. Thank you.”

  Preparing You For What You’re About To Experience

  This book is meant to create your own unique experience of self-discovery. If you’re reading this book because you hope someone will show you how to make your life better, I have good news – you’ve found this person. This person is you.

  While I will share insights discovered from psychological research, from the shared wisdom of great mentors and teachers both past and present, and from my own experience, at the end of the day it’s not wise to blindly accept that with which you’re presented. It’s wise to challenge both your own assumptions and the assumptions of others. No one is free from BS, myself included.

  Because I appreciate this is about your “aha” moments, much of this book will be asking you questions rather than giving answers. If you have a desire to be told what to do so you don’t have to think for yourself, don’t worry, you’ll figure out exactly where that bullshit comes from and how to get over it – if you choose.

  Simply put, there are times when we want to avoid having to figure things out and want to be told exactly what to do because it: A) makes life easier and B) we don’t trust that we have the answers within us. This desire to get outside answers is actually beneficial at times, in that it encourages one to seek out mentors and guidance. But taken in isolation, it prevents a person from discovering things for themselves. As I’m sure you realize, other people may not know what’s best for you, given your own unique situation. They may understand big picture principles, but the exact steps to take may be unique to you.

  Realize that anything can be good or bad depending on the situation. A good idea, taken in isolation from other good ideas, can be destructive. For instance, a right thing done at the wrong time is a wrong thing. Alternatively, things you may consider “bad” could be good in the right situation. This is a theme you’ll see explored often throughout this book. I’ll keep repeating this idea that nothing is good or bad outside of context.

  Disclaimer: Just in case you’re a smart ass who feels that means I’m saying “murdering people” or “molesting people” is OK in the right context, realize the very words “murder” and “molest” have already created a context around the action that makes these things generally wrong. This is not an attempt to justify any action as being potentially acceptable, but rather the recognition that a whole picture needs to be considered before demonizing or praising certain acts. Disclaimer over.

  Who Is This Derek Dude And Why Should I Listen To Him?

  I’m a multiple number one bestselling author, NLP practitioner, and breakthrough coach. I’ve spent over 10 years researching the world's leading experts in the fields of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy. I’m dedicated to sharing what I’ve found that is responsible for unleashing the greatest human potential.

  I’ve written books in personal development like “Why You’re Stuck.” I’ve also written books in health and fitness, and on the psychology of change, such as “The Healthy Habit Revolution: How to Create Better Habits in 5 Minutes a Day” and more.

  I started out with a relatively ordinary life as a musician and aspiring rock star. After getting my degree in music composition, I moved to LA and lived the glamourous life of a dead broke valet parker, sleeping on an air mattress for over two years. Besides music, I was passionate about personal development, fitness, and entrepreneurship. This led me to begin exploring ways to build a business combining my love for personal development and fitness.

  After years of struggle trying to make my big breakthrough, I was very fortunate that a mentor shared a few key principles with me that put the pieces together. Within weeks, I went from broke valet parker, to number one bestselling author. The breakthrough, while in reality taking years to germinate, seemed to happen almost overnight.

  Shortly after making my breakthrough, however, I crashed. Part of what happened was that I realized that nothing I accomplished seemed to matter if I couldn’t do anything when someone I loved and cared about was hurting. What I did didn’t matter when I looked at the world and saw so many people suffering. Even though I was doing my part to contribute to the greater good, I could never do “enough.”

  I started to beat myself up for this saying, “Derek, you should be appreciative. You should look at the bright side. People would kill to have the life that you have. There are people who are depressed for real reasons. Everything is fine in your life, and you’re just being a little wimp about it. Get over it! You read personal development – stop being a negative thinker, and take responsibility for your life.”

  Then an idea came to me. An insight. “Wait a second. I can’t help others who are lost if I haven’t been lost and found my way through it. What if I’m stuck here in this depressed state to realize what got me stuck and figure out a way out of it? If I want to help others, isn’t it perfect that I’m stuck precisely so that I can figure out a solution to share?”

  I did discover what got me stuck and how to get out of it, and that’s when I wrote my book Why You’re Stuck. I r
egained my sense of purpose and significance, and I have continued to study, expand my knowledge, and grow for the past several years.

  The story of how and why this book came about, though, is something you’ll discover on your journey of reading through it… just like I discovered the reason for its creation only while going on the journey of writing it. Or perhaps another way to see it: the journey of the book choosing me to write it.

  If You Wish To Read This Book…

  You now have a few choices to make. These are agreements I ask of my readers because anything misinterpreted, misapplied, or ignored could be destructive. This protects both of our asses so you don’t take something you read in this book and screw up your life with it. Even the most innocent advice could be harmful when it’s not applied properly.

  The agreements are:

  Seek a therapist if you need serious help. This book is for entertainment and educational purposes only. You accept the risk for the use, nonuse, or misuse of this information.

  Don’t believe anything I say. What’s shared is only my experience. My experience may also come from studying mentors as well as psychological and philosophical research. Yes, I may be totally sexy, charming, and objectively right most of the time, so you may be tempted to put me on a pedestal. But even if what I say is “true,” you may interpret it differently than what I meant, thereby making it untrue for you. More importantly, I’m just as full of shit and biases as anyone else, so while I make the best attempt to not let that get in the way of the information presented in this book, my human nature means I may have my own BS put into this writing that you would be wise to avoid.

  Accept challenges and judge your judgments. I will purposely challenge you and attempt to trip you up in this book. I do it out of love so that you can discover your blind spots. You grow a muscle under the challenge of resistance, and you grow your understanding when you challenge your current limited thinking. Sometimes the challenge won’t be to come up with a “right” answer to a question I ask. I may present questions with no “right” answer. Your lesson is simply to notice what came up for you when presented the question and choices. There are many layers of meaning and symbolism in this book. You can add different meanings to the symbolism, and each time it can still carry a lesson with it. I may present ideas that seem crazy, but only because you have your definition of a word and I’m using a different meaning. If you don’t ask yourself, “What is meant by this?” you could miss a valuable lesson.


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