Big Fat Liar 3 (Big Fat Liar #3)

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Big Fat Liar 3 (Big Fat Liar #3) Page 6

by Cookie Moretti

  Sarah studied herself in the long mirror and frowned. "Maybe I should have went with the other dress, Mother."

  "Nonsense, Sarah. This dress was made to be worn by you."

  Exactly, Callie thought dryly. The ten thousand dollar dress was designed just for Sarah on her big day.

  "Gregory hasn't seen it yet," Sarah went on. "You think he'll like it?"

  "He'll love it, Sarah," Hannah gushed beside Callie. "You look like a fairy tale princess."

  Sarah beamed at herself in the mirror, completely eating up the compliments. "And you look like a pretty doll in your bridesmaid dress, Hannah."

  Hannah stood and cried with a grin. Callie admired her middle sister, agreeing that she did look like a perfect doll in that peach colored strapless dress with the flared out skirt. Hannah looked like a ballerina princess doll.

  "Stand up, Callie," their mother said. She turned to Callie and studied her youngest daughter as she stood. "You've lost some weight, I admit-"

  "But she could have lost a little more," Sarah jumped in with a shake of her head. "She's the only one who's dress we had to alter bigger."

  "Actually," Hannah began, "I think Callie looks sweet."

  Callie blinked, surprised at her sister's defense. "I do?"

  Hannah nodded. "I think so. I like the way you look in our bridesmaid gown. You look soft and..." Hannah thought about it, "angelic."

  Sarah let out an unladylike snort. "Really, Hannah. Our Callie? Angelic?"

  "I agree," Mrs. Picket said, "Callie has a new look about her that's appealing enough."

  Callie stared at her mother. She couldn't have been more surprised! After spending so many days in her mother's company, this was the first time the older women let her approval known.

  "She still has no date, mother," Sarah huffed. "She'll be the only bridesmaid with no date."

  "I have a date," Callie glared at her sister. "He'll be flying in tomorrow before the wedding. His name is Abel."

  "Is he dreamy?" Hannah wanted to know. "Like that dream-boat Chris. What happened to him anyway? Why isn't he your date?"

  Callie felt her heart squeeze. A familiar feeling for sure. "We...we just didn't work out."

  "Oh Callie," Hannah said sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

  "Well then it's his loss," their mother surprised them yet again by saying. "He probably wasn't good enough for you, dear." Mrs. Picket turned. "Now out those dresses, ladies. We have a big day tomorrow and there's still so much to get done."

  Callie watched her mother help Sarah out her dress, awed at her mother's words. They had been so nice and...motherly. What on earth had gotten into her?

  "Don't pay any attention to Sarah," Hannah whispered to her with a wink. "I really do think you look fabulous."

  Callie smiled. "Thank you, Hannah."

  "And I can't wait to meet your date tomorrow."

  Callie nodded and caught her reflection in the mirror. Studying the soft peach colored dress identical to Hannah's, even she had to admit that she looked her best. She couldn't help but wonder what Chris would think if he saw her in it.

  But he won't be seeing you in it, she told herself. Because he doesn't want to have anything to do with a liar like you.

  She had waited nearly two weeks for Chris, hoping he'd come for her and it's probably time to stop waiting. Abel had told her that love takes time to heal but she'll never heal. Only Chris can complete the hole in her heart but he hasn't even picked up the phone to call her.

  Callie turned away from her reflection. Someday she'll probably get over him but for now...for now the pain was still fresh and lonely.

  Yup. Callie sighed. There will be no fairy tale wedding in her near future.

  Chapter Twenty

  The bride slowly walked down the aisle towards her groom, a vision in white.

  Callie, along with over one hundred viewers watched Sarah Picket gracefully glide towards Gregory, her future husband. Gregory stood tall and proud, handsome in his black tux with his dark hair slicked back. He patiently waited for his future bride's arrival, eyes fixed on her but Callie couldn't help but think that he didn't looked pleased. In fact he looked a little too grim.

  "Psst! Callie!"

  Callie glanced behind her and found Mizz Ivory smiling and waving at her like they just hadn't talked to each other ten minutes ago. Callie returned the smile and Abel, sitting beside Mizz Ivory, winked at her like they were sharing some secret.

  Blinking with thoughtful confusion, Callie returned her attention to the bride. At the last minute, Sarah had changed her mind and decided to wear a white version of her peach colored mermaid wedding dress. Nevermind that the designers and their workers had to work overnight just to perfect the last minute decision. Just as long as Sarah was happy.

  Whatever, Callie thought tiredly. In a few minutes Sarah will be happily married and Callie can book a flight to France. She needed time away from the family and yes, even Abel and Mizz Ivory. Though she loved them even more for showing up to the wedding, both looking their outrageous best. Miss Ivory In a clingy gold cocktail dress and blonde curly wig styled up, and Abel in a fitted and glittering white suit. He stood way out with that suit, along with the white cane and hat with a white feather sticking out of it.

  Oddly enough, he looked good. Callie grinned. Only Abel...

  Richard, their step-father decked out in a black Armani suit, handed Sarah over to her groom and the priest began with the ritual to seal them as man and wife. As the man of God spoke, Callie couldn't help but sneak a look at the massive white double doors, daydreaming that Chris would burst in and pledge his undying love to her and THEY'D be the one to be married.

  You wish, Callie told herself with a mental snort. That only happens in movies you silly, lovesick girl.

  Still, her heart fell when seconds ticked by and no Chris. Chin lifting, Callie squeezed the stems of the flowers in her hands. Her eyes blurred as she focused her attention on Sarah, who was now making a speech about loving Gregory and knowing he was the one for her the moment they met.

  Gag me, Callie thought rudely then mentally kicked herself. Even though she and Sarah has never gotten along...she wanted Sarah to be happy. Maybe with love in her life, her older sister would become more approachable and less heartless.

  "If anyone objects to this marriage," the priest said in a booming voice, "let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

  "I thought they only say that in movies," Mizz Ivory whispered to Abel not so discreetly.

  "Shh!" Someone shushed her.

  Ivory looked around. "Hey! Who said that! You shush!"

  "Calm down, Ivory," Abel patted her hand, "you're making a scene."

  "Hmph!" Mizz Ivory sat back down and relaxed. She waved a hand to the priest. "Proceed." Gregory and Sarah stared at her. Callie held back a giggle but beside her Hannah didn't bother to hold her giggle in. When their mother glared at her, Hannah coughed and tried her best to look serene.

  And then it happened. Just like in the movies, the double doors burst open, letting in a stream of light from the blinding sun. Guests gasped, turning back to look at the person who had rudely and noisily entered the church.

  Callie's heart did a little somersault at the sight of Chris. He scanned the silver and white decorated church room, looking even more handsome than she remembered though he did look a little disheveled. His hair was tousled, black suit slightly wrinkled and tie crooked.

  Callie stared at him and she thought she'd never seen anything more beautiful in her life. And when he shouted her name, she nearly passed out from excitement. This was it! This was her moment just like in the movies! What reason would Chris be doing here but to take her back right?

  Callie stepped forward, a loving smile blossoming as Chris stormed towards them, face set with determination. "Callie!"

  "Chris," she whispered, feeling light headed. She took another step towards him.

  "Callie!" He shouted. "What the hell do you think you're
doing!? You can't marry him!" He grabbed the bride's elbow and jerked her towards him. "Are you out of your mind!? I thought you loved me? Why are you marrying someone else when you said you love ME!?"

  "Let me go!" Sarah squeaked.

  "Chris," Callie stumbled clumsily towards them when she realized his mistake. Unlike her sisters,she's never been what you call graceful especially while walking in heels. "That's not me...Oofph!"

  And down she went, tripping over Sarah's ridiculously long train. In an attempt to catch her balance, she made a dive for Chris arm but Sarah moved in the way and instead of Chris's arm, she grabbed a fist full of Sarah's wedding veil.

  Sarah screamed bloody murder as they went down. Chris and Gregory made a grab for the two falling women at the same time, collided with one another and was sent reeling back. Chris hit the ground seconds after Callie and Sarah did. Gregory bumped into the confused priest and seconds later they went down.

  Screams filled the church and Mizz Ivory crossed herself. "We're so going to hell for this."

  Sarah's screams was the loudest, drumming into Callie's ears as she tried to untangle herself from her panicking older sister. "Everyone calm down!" She heard their step-father's booming voice. "Settle down!"

  "Sarah! Callie!" Hannah tried to help her sisters but somehow ended up on a pile on top of them, causing Sarah to shriek even louder if that was even possible.

  "Sarah!" Callie snapped, "shut up!" She managed to crawl on all fours away from the pile, frantically searching for Chris through the chaos. Where was he?

  "Callie!" Suddenly, Abel was before her, hauling her up to her feet and steadying her. "You okay?"

  Callie nodded, eyes wide as she looked around for Chris. "Chris..."

  "Right behind you." Abel said.

  Callie turned and found Chris already up on his feet, helping the priest up with streams of embarrassed apology coming out his mouth. He looked so flustered and cute with his cheeks flaming red. Callie had never seen such a heavenly sight.

  "Chris," she called out his name, releasing her hands from Abel. "Chris?"

  Chris looked her way and froze, confusion dawning on his face then surprised recognition. "Callie?"

  She smiled tentatively. "H-hi." She shoved her tangled curls from her.

  He stared at her for the longest time then tore his gaze away from her to Sarah. With Hannah and Gregory's help, Sarah was finally standing but spitting mad. The veil was gone and her angry red face was revealed. "My wedding!" She screeched. "My wedding's ruined! RUINED!!" She stomped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum.

  Chris blinked, eyes landing on Abel who gave him a cheerful wave. Understanding dawned on his face before it completely went blank. Jaw tightening, he glared at his brother then at Callie. "You never planned to get married," he said slowly, "did you?"

  It was Callie's turn to blink at him. "What? Me? Get married?" What!?

  Shaking his head, Chris turned away and marched towards the exit with powerful, angry strides. Callie watched him go, a sense of helplessness filling her chest. Chris...

  "What are you doing!?" Abel snapped. "Go after him!" He gently pushed her towards the double doors. "Go!"


  "Go Callie! Don't let him get away. There may not be another chance."

  Another chance. She walked forward and stumbled again. Damn heels! Huffing, she bent over and practically ripped the white high heels from her feet and tossed them behind her.

  "OW!" Sarah screamed. "What the hell is going on here! Callie? Callie!"

  Callie didn't bother to look behind her and fled. Barefoot and heart pounding, she ran out the church. The blazing sun only made her hesitate momentarily before she was running again, frantically searching for Chris through the church gardens.

  Where are you? She thought desperately. He couldn't have gotten far! Callie searched the whole garden until she finally spotted him standing on the small white bridge over the pond filled with coy fish. Sighing with relief, she paused to take in the sight of him.

  Chris stood several feet away with his back turned to her, hands shoved in his pants pocket. He stood erect, tension straining his shoulders as he stared down at the pond. His hair shifted with the warm wind but he didn't seem aware of anything anymore.

  Swallowing, Callie slowly walked towards him. She clinged to her courage, hoping that she wouldn't fail in what she was about to do...which was get back the man she loved.

  Without a word, she stepped on the bridge and paused.

  Chris spoke first. "You two tricked me again," he said. "Like a fool I came running and fell for it." For the longest time he didn't say anything then he glanced back at her. "Is that how it'll always be with us? Tricks? Lies?"

  Callie shook her head. "No! No I...I just..." Oh god! What a great time for her to get tongue tied! The courage she mustered to run after him was faltering. Though his face was a blank mask, hard as stone, his voice was filled with disgust at the deception he thought she was involved in.

  "Chris it wasn't me! I didn't plan this! Please...believe me." Don't look at me like that, Callie thought. With hateful eyes.

  He stared at her, studying her face. What he saw there made him shrug. "You know what, it doesn't matter. I don't care anymore." He sighed. "I should have stayed home. I don't know what I was thinking, rushing here..."

  Callie found her voice again. " were thinking to stop the wedding. You thought that I was marrying Gregory and that I was making a mistake. Right, Chris? Right? You came because...because you love me?"

  It was bold of her to say those words but why else is he here? Was it wrong to be hopeful?

  Chris surprised her by saying, "You're right. I did come here to stop the wedding. I came because I have this sick obsession with you."

  "It's love," Callie insisted, "not obsession." Though she felt obsessed with Chris herself.

  Chris didn't reply. He turned his attention back to the pond and she instantly felt invisible. But she wouldn't give up. Not when he had come all this way.

  Taking a deep breath, she closed the distance between them until she was standing beside him. She looked down at the clear pond water, then up at the willow trees and beautiful flower filled garden surrounding them. The air held the sweet scent of those flowers. The sweet scent of hope and promise.

  "This place looks like a page from a fairytale," she commented.

  Again Chris didn't reply but he didn't walk away either. That gave her more hope. Resting her arms on the bridge rail, she stared at the playful coy fish below. "Once upon a time, a stupid fat girl met a handsome naked prince."

  She felt Chris stiffen beside her but she continued. "He was everything she thought a prince should be. Charming, handsome and so kind. She would have done anything to be with him...evening pretending to be a guy when the prince assumed that she was."

  Callie's throat felt sore and her heart heavy. "Even though it was wrong, she couldn't help it. It seemed to be the only way to keep that prince by her side. She was afraid that if he knew the truth...that he would leave. That they wouldn't even be friends. The stupid fat girl couldn't handle that. She was desperate."

  Tears blurring her vision, she leaned down and rested her cheek against her arms on the railing. "As time passed she fell more in love with the prince and felt so guilty for deceiving him. She wanted to tell him the truth so bad. But she was scared. God, she was scared.

  Then somehow, despite all the odds, the prince felt something for her too and she became even more afraid because she knew that ugly girls like herself didn't have happy endings. But she wanted it. She wanted her happy ending...even at the cost of his feelings."

  Callie closed her eyes. "And she's so sorry. So, so, so sorry. What she did was unforgivable. Her only excuse is that love blinded her. Made her a coward. The prince gave her love, courage, faith and in return she lied to him. She's so despicable!"

  "Stop," Chris hissed. "Just...stop."

  "But it's true," she whis
pered. "I'm despicable and I'm going to become even more so because I'm going to ask you, my prince, to take me back because I don't want to live a life without you."


  Callie slowly slid to the ground and looked up. "If I have to beg, I will. I'll beg, Chris. I have no self-respect left."

  "Damn it, Callie! Get up!" Chris looked pained, staring down at her. He attempted to help her up but she slapped his hands away.

  "No." She shook her head. "I'm going to do this. I'm going to grovel and beg for your forgiveness. I'm going to beg and beg and beg-"

  "Stop!" Chris knelt down. "Get up!"

  "No!" She choked through her tears. "I won't because I'm desperate. How can I make you love me again, Chris? Please, tell me how."

  Chris shoved his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Cal...what the hell are you doing?" He stood and Callie grabbed his leg.

  "I'm sorry!" She cried. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!"

  "Cal!" Chris tried to pry her hands from his leg but she clung on. "Cal! Damn it!"

  What she was doing was unreasonable and dramatic, possibly a little insane but she held onto him. It was now or never. "Sorry. I'm sorry, Chris."

  Chris took one look at her and started laughing. She blinked up at him and he kept on laughing. She didn't know how to respond to that. This was a serious moment! Why was he laughing?

  Still chuckling, Chris slid down on the ground in front of her and took her face into his hands. He pressed his forehead against his and sighed. "Look at us Cal. We look like a couple of loons."

  "Probably," she said, "but that doesn't make my feelings less sincere."

  "I know."

  "I love you."

  "I know that too."

  "I'm sorry."


  "So, so, sorry."

  "I heard."


  He laughed. "Cal, this is so...ridiculous. Stop apologizing." Chris wiped her tears away, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. He stared at her, into her rich chocolate brown eyes and what he saw there made his chest tighten as if he was being suffocated. What he saw within the depth of her eyes made him breathless.


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