The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 7

by Emily Bex

"Was Sabine not an enemy? Had you not been drinking master's blood, and he from you, your bond would not have been as strong, he may not have heard your call and responded as quickly."

  "Well, yes, but... that was an isolated incident."

  "Not so isolated. I watched you go after the feeder. That was not exactly a warm welcome you gave her."

  "Yes but... she was...”

  "Another isolated incidence? You are mate to a master, Kate. And a master will have many enemies. Every master rules over a coven. Some of these covens cover vast territories, and multiple countries. And all masters will fight to defend, and sometimes expand, their territory."

  "Shade has a coven?" As she asked the question, Luca looked at her like she had three heads.

  Luca could only shake his head at her response. "Were you not at Castello? Did you not see the warriors? Master's coven is centered in Florence but extends across all of Tuscany. It is the second largest coven in Italy. Here, he commands the warriors in Master Alec's coven, because he is a Master Warrior, the best. Master has smaller covens in California, Greece, and France, where he has vineyards, to protect his business interest. And all of us here at Bel Rosso, we’re a part of his coven. Doesn’t talk to you of these things?"

  Kate kicked at the dirt. "No. He talks around them. I didn't understand the warriors at Castello were his. I mean, a coven, I guess I thought it was just a school. You know, like anybody could go there. And when you graduate, you just... go back home or wherever."

  Her innocence of their world took him aback. No wonder master worried about turning her. Her innocence could get her killed. It wasn’t his place to judge his master, but he should have started training her earlier. His love for her and his desire to protect her from all that was evil in their world, wasn’t doing her any favors. Luca was more resolved now than before to train her. He knew she was seeking an outlet for her pain over the loss of the baby, but he had a different mission in mind. She must learn to kill. He wondered if Kate could kill. Could she take the life of another? And then he remembered the look in her eyes when she attacked the feeder. "You have much to learn, Kate. Take a break, and then we begin again with swords."

  She watched Luca as he walked inside, and she let his words sink in. Her own capacity for denial was hitting home. I mean, I watch Shade come home covered in blood. Whose blood and why, I never question. I have a freakin’ vampire warrior as a personal twenty-four-hour bodyguard. Why would I not consider the idea that Shade has enemies, and his enemies are my enemies? How could I have lived in such a bubble?

  She knew the answer. It was because she didn't want to acknowledge it. She didn't want to see it. She only wanted to see Shade and the life they had here inside these four walls. She watched as Luca returned with not two swords, but four. With his words still ringing in her ears, she resolved to handle whatever it was he threw at her.

  He would make her parry with a sword in each hand. He placed the larger sword in her right hand and the smaller in her left as he explained, “I know you are right-handed, but you must be able to fight with both hands. You must build your strength in both arms, and be able to respond equally as quick, regardless of which direction your attacker approaches you from.”

  He stepped back and assumed a confrontational position in front of her. She lifted both swords, and her eyes were piercing his. She heard his words, and she had come to fight.

  Kate left Luca as the sun began to rise, knowing Shade would be home soon. Her arms and shoulders ached, even more than yesterday, if possible. She headed for their bathroom and sank into the bath of hot water, her head resting against the back of the tub, neck deep in the sudsy water. She felt herself relaxing and drifting into sleep when she heard his voice.

  "Mi amore, you did not wait for me?"

  She looked up to see him standing by the bathtub, already undressed, and smiling down at her as he stepped into the hot water, sitting opposite her. She smiled at him. “I am always waiting for you, Shade.” She watched as he slid his own body beneath the water and laid his head back against the rim of the tub, closing his eyes. She teased him, “Rough day at the office, dear?”

  She watched as he slowly opened his eyes and looked at her, just before splashing her with the water that drenched her face and hair.

  "Yes, my little smart-ass minx, rough day at the office. Now climb over here and remind me why I come home to you."


  Alec was taken immediately to their table at CitiZen. Rissa had not arrived yet. He checked his watch as he sat down. It wasn’t like her to be late or to keep him waiting. The waiter brought him a Midnight without having to be asked, and he lit up a cigarette, while he waited for her.

  As the cab dropped her off, she checked the time. Damn! I’m late. He’ll give me hell for that. Rissa had had a long day and spent way too much time at the gym this morning, making her late for every appointment. As she rushed inside, she smiled at the staff. They recognized her and told her Alec was already seated at their table. Walking up behind him, she slid her hand across his shoulders, walking to the seat opposite him. “Good evening, Alec, apologies for the time. Busy day.”

  “No problems, my darling. It gave me a few minutes to collect my thoughts. Sounds like both of us had a busy day.” He flagged the waiter to bring her a Midnight.

  Sighing, she placed her hand on top of his. “Thank you.” The waiter brought her drink and she sipped it, trying not to gulp it down. “And what thoughts have you gathered together? Anything you wish to share with me?”

  “You mean thoughts like why you might be spending so much time at the gym lately? I know that's where you go when you have things on your mind. Anything you care to share, my darling?”

  Oh, I have things on my mind all right, but not anything I want to share. Looking down, she adjusted her dress and crossed her legs. “A few things, yes. The rogues bother me some, this potion business has me on guard constantly, wears on me a bit. So, I tend to lose myself in the gym. It’s just an outlet for things, Alec, nothing to be concerned over, I assure you.” Reaching over, she took the gold cigarette case with his initials, flipped it open, slid out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a small drag, she handed it to him. “Have you made a decision on a protector?”

  He made a note of her actions. She never smoked in public. Something had her rattled. He took the cigarette from her hand and inhaled deeply, releasing the smoke before handing it back to her. “You tell me. If the rogues concern you that much, wouldn't you prefer a protector?”

  She casually waved the cigarette away. “I don’t think it’s so much about the rogues, but more the issue of why this situation isn’t over with already. Why is this taking so long? What’s that warrior of yours doing night after night? I don’t feel threatened in the least, and I don’t feel as though I need a protector. I can defend myself. I know you’re busy, Alec, I am just trying to stay out of your way.”

  “It is not over with, my darling, because this master is turning mortals and just leaving them on the street, with no maker to guide them. He is converting mortals to warriors as fast as he can, so there is a never-ending supply. They aren’t trained. It’s stupid and careless, but dangerous nonetheless. And they have the added advantage of being able to block their scent. The verdict is still out on your protector. Shade thinks I should assign one to you now. But I know how much you will resist it. So I’ll wait a while and see how this plays out. Shade is heading to Florence for a few days, to bring back some of his own warriors, so hopefully, we can wrap this up soon. But until we discover who this master is... this Angel... until then, I’m afraid we are stuck in this standoff.”

  She watched him carefully, trying to figure out if he had any clues whatsoever about Max, and found he didn’t, but when he said the word Angel, it sent a small shiver up her spine. “What does that warrior know about me needing a protector, he’s with a mortal. But you forget one thing, Alec, I already have the most powerful protector possible... you.”

flattered. But I’m not with you twenty-four hours a day. And you’re not the little homebody. You’re out and about all the time. One of these rogues could be walking right beside you and you wouldn't know it. And I can't exactly teleport myself off the floor of Congress in front of every Senator and the ever-present press, now, could I? So, the issue of a protector is still on the table. And while we're on the subject, any reason why you have been blocking me from your thoughts so much, my darling? What is going on inside that head that you need to keep from me?”

  She felt her heartbeat accelerate and she calmed it down quickly. Have I been blocking him that much? I must watch that. “I didn’t realize I was blocking you that much. I apologize. Forgive me, please? I think I’m so focused on my surroundings. I’m trying to be alert and aware, just as you asked of me.”

  Smiling, she reached for her glass and sipped at the Midnight. She couldn’t keep up this charade much longer. He was way too smart for that.

  “Don’t get overconfident, darling,” he warned her. “We are immortal only in we do not age and die. That doesn't mean we can't be destroyed. And that includes me. Don't misunderstand my words. This is a battle I intend to win. I have not lived this long without learning how to outsmart my adversaries. But my power to protect you only extends so far. A clever master would use you to get to me, just as we used the mortal to try to break Shade's attachment and distraction. Ah, speaking of the mortal, I forgot her name when talking with Shade.” He chuckled through his words, “That was a conversation that did not end well.”

  “Well, I’m sure that phone no longer exists.” She laughed softly, “Why he would ever want her is beyond me.” She crinkled her nose. Leaning in close, she licked her lips and whispered low and sexy, “Daddy, baby girl just wants to go home and relax with you. May we please?”

  “Of course, but you know I don’t like it when you call me daddy in public, or when you refer to yourself as baby girl. There’s a place for that, and you know where that is.” He stood up and pulled out her chair, threw some bills on the table and sent a message to Alto to have the car at the front door for them, taking her arm and leading her out.

  Rissa gritted her teeth as he led her from the restaurant. So many rules!


  Kate’s precious hours with him passed, as night slid into day and he rose from his death slumber, put on his leathers, kissed her goodbye and left for the Dead House. The very name of it sent chills up her spine. She didn’t ask him what the name meant, and he offered no explanation. As he left her, once again, she dressed quickly, putting her hair in braids to keep it out of her face. She ate another power breakfast and headed to Luca's suite to see what torture he had devised for her today.

  Luca prepared for her arrival. He thought they were making good progress. While she was mortal, she had the advantage of having fed from master now for half a year. She didn’t even realize the changes made to her body when it came to her strength, speed and endurance. Her determination and focus helped as well. Still, there was much to learn. He heard her light tap at his door. He opened it and led the way outside.

  “Tonight, we will run ten miles. And I want you to control your breathing, quiet your breath and quiet your mind. You have been escaping into what mortals call ‘the runner’s zone’. It allows you to block out what is around you and just focus on the run. Listen, even if you do not understand what it is you are hearing. The recognition of what the sounds mean will come with time. You must learn to be aware of your surroundings always. You’ll learn to feel your enemy long before you hear or see him. And you start with hearing the small rabbit by the road or the birds that roost in the dense shrubs. Pay attention to scents. Tonight, you focus on your senses. Pay attention to what you see, what you hear, what you smell, and eventually, what you intuitively feel. Ready?”

  She nodded her head as she stretched her muscles and took in his instructions. She didn’t feel the soreness in her muscles now. She felt ready and eager to start this run. She realized she was actually looking forward to the session tonight, as her body adjusted to this new routine. Look, listen, smell, and feel. Got it.

  Luca led and set the pace, faster than yesterday. Kate did as he asked and tried to control her breathing. She tried not to make so much noise by panting and gasping for air by taking in slower controlled breaths through her mouth. They ran side by side in the silence of the night. She looked and listened. She heard a rustle in the tall grass and noticed a raccoon, it moved slowly away from them. She pointed it out to Luca who only nodded at her. They ran further, and she saw the glint of moonlight reflected back in a deer's eyes and pointed to the deer as Luca smiled in approval. As they completed the loop and returned to the house, she started the cool-down without being directed. She waited for his praise, but he said nothing.

  “So, how did I do?”

  “Good. You did well for the first time. You picked up two out of ten.”

  Kate was dumbstruck. “Ten? I missed eight things?”

  He smiled at her look of surprise. “Yeah, well, I thought the black bear was pretty obvious, but you’ll get it in time.”

  “A bear? There was a bear? You're kidding, right?” How could I miss a bear?

  “He wasn’t close, and I picked up his scent. Like I said, you will get it with time. Before we’re done, and after you’re turned, you’ll hear the ant that crosses your path. You will then have to learn a new skill, what to block out, and what to pay attention to. But that’s for the future. Today, we fight for real. I’m going to give you sabers, lighter weight so you can manage them more easily, more swiftly. And we will fight. No more mock fighting. I want you to defend yourself and if you see an opening, I want you to take it, because if I see an opening, I plan to take it.”

  Luca wouldn’t actually fight her. If he left a single scratch on her with his blade, master would have his head. Plus, her skills were still far too amateur, but she must think he would attack her. She must start reacting as if her life depended on it.

  Kate looked surprised. “What do you mean if I see an opening I must take it? You mean, actually strike you with the blade. For real?”

  Luca had to suppress his laugh. He was amused that she seemed concerned for him, but not for herself. As if she could actually land a strike.

  “That is exactly what I mean. You can't hurt me, Kate. And any strike of the blade from you will heal before the sun rises, so don't hold back, assuming you can even land a strike that is.” Luca smiled at her in a way that reinforced his challenge, as if to say, I dare you, mortal.

  Kate stood with her hands on her hips. “Are you implying... You’re laughing at me, Luca!”

  Luca smirked, “I think you should be more concerned about me landing a strike, my lady.”

  He taunted her in a mocking tone and watched as her face reddened. She had acquired master's temper from her feeding and her own red-haired temperament, and it was a volatile combination. He could only shake his head to think of them together once he turned her. He handed her the sabers and they began to parry. He landed several early strikes, calling out each time he broke through her defenses to let her know, in a real battle, she would be dead or injured by now. He watched as she got more frustrated. “Channel that, Kate. Channel your frustration into action. Don't let it defeat you. Anticipate me. Look, listen, smell, feel... remember your lessons.”

  Luca came at her quickly with his sabers, and even still, she knew he was not moving as fast as he was capable of. He landed strike after strike. She felt inadequate and frustrated, which only allowed him to penetrate her weak defenses even easier. He was directing her to channel her anger and frustration. She settled her mind, released the frustration and focused her attention. Anticipate him, he said. Look, listen, smell, and feel. She watched his eyes, watched how he moved, learned to read his body movements so she could tell in advance, when he would strike, and finally began a pattern of being able to block his strikes consistently. She saw a lapse in his attention to her, and she fli
cked the saber upwards and nicked his face, watching as a small trickle of blood ran down his cheek. She stopped and stared as a look of surprise washed across both of their faces, and then he smiled.

  "Well done, warrior, well done."


  Teleporting home, Shade was in one bad ass hurry to get this trip to Florence underway and he needed to talk to the most important person in his life before he went. As he strolled in through Luca’s entrance and saw Luca waiting for him, standing there with his arms across his chest, looking all cocky. What the fuck is going on? “What?”

  Luca laughed at him. “What? That’s it? I can feel you coming in like a bull with his ass sideways in a race. I know something is going on, master, you trained me well.”

  Shade laughed, “You are too astute sometimes, smart ass. Upstairs, now. I need to talk to you and bel together. I might need back up here.” He winked at him. “And I better fucking get it.”

  Luca followed him up the stairs and he could tell Shade was anxious about something. He knew it wasn’t about him training Kate. If that had been the issue, Shade wouldn’t talk, he would fucking kill him, then ask questions later. Getting to the bedroom door, Luca hung back as Shade rapped on the door.

  “Bel? Are you decent, I have company.” He turned to smile at Luca and noticed a slash mark on his cheek, small but deep enough to draw blood. What in the hell? “You want to explain that mark on your face?”

  Luca shrugged it off. “Weapon got out of control, jumped off the wall at me, and I wasn’t paying attention. A slew of the sabers fell, I was grabbing them, trying to make it a swift game, but one of them won.”

  Shade stared at him. “Well, if you have so much time on your hands, perhaps I need to give you more to keep you occupied while I am out, si?” Banging on the door again. “Damn it, bel, wake up!”

  Kate had rushed upstairs and showered after her lessons with Luca, removed her braids and washed her hair before Shade returned, but he was already banging on the door. She slipped into her robe and rushed to pull the door open. “Lover, I was in the shower. What's wrong?”


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