The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 18

by Emily Bex

  She didn’t want a repeat of yesterday's misunderstanding. “Are we okay? The two of us? I should never have screamed at you like that. I'm sorry. But I just go crazy when you walk away. Can we start over?”

  He sighed as she slid into his lap, all soft and warm and smelling like heaven, and laid her head on his shoulder. He laid his hand on her head and slid his arm around her tiny waist. She was so damn small in his arms. “Si, mi amore, we are fine. I’m sorry as well. I lost my temper with you. Something I shouldn’t have done, and I understand now, I need to pay more attention to you and spend more time together. I am trying to work on the walking away. I do it because I have to control myself, my beast. It’s to protect you. Are you okay?”

  She nuzzled her face into his neck, inhaled his scent, and felt his arms around her. “I am, lover. We have such little time together lately, I hate when we spend any of it fighting. And I know you have a lot going on in D.C. That it takes you away from me. I’ll try to be more patient. Not my strong suit, as you have already figured out.” She kissed his neck. “But even in the middle of my screaming fit, you know I still love you, right?”

  Moaning and closing his eyes, he let his head fall back on the chaise and enjoyed the feel of her lips against his neck. “Si, mi amore, I always know you love me, I feel that so deeply, no one will ever take it out of me. Listen, we need to talk seriously about something. Can you sit with me a bit and talk about this? I need your input. I won’t do this without conferring with you.”

  “Of course. Is something wrong?”

  “Well, not wrong, but I need to make a decision. It concerns Shannon.”

  “Shannon? I... you met her? I don't understand, lover.”

  He shook his head, “No, I haven’t met her, that’s half the problem. Look, Luca came to me on his own accord. He wants to see her, he thinks he loves her. He does, he just doesn’t know it yet. And I am torn, bel. I don’t want this for him yet. I wanted him to explore more, experience more, before he even thinks about love and females... And mortal ones especially.”

  She sat up in his lap, “You don't want him to be in love? Or feel loved? Please don't get angry with my questions. I heard what you said about Theresa and Marco, and warriors. But just because I heard your words doesn't mean I understand. I don't understand. And mortal? I’m mortal. Do you have regrets about us?”

  “Cazzo, you sound worse than Luca! I think he is hanging around you too damn much. He fires questions faster than you do now!” He sighed, “Kate, can you just listen to me. Listen, stop your brain box a moment and listen. Luca is young for a vampire. He has the whole world to discover. Marco and I have done it all. I don’t want Luca to jump into something before he thinks of all the things a mortal woman entails. I have no regrets about us, none. But bel, I watched you a long damn time, and struggled with the fact you were mortal before I jumped. Luca doesn’t even know this Shannon. He is warrior! Females mess with a vamp’s head, mi amore, they consume us, we live to cherish them for all eternity. So, you better damn well make sure you have sown all your wild oats, explored it all before you make that call. Can he turn her? Can he leave her side under an attack to save you? Because he will have to, and he is not going to have time to think about it before it happens. He is a dead warrior if he does. There are so many fucking things in my head, bel. Help me.”

  “Lover, you know I struggle to understand everything in your world. But mortals have soldiers, and that’s something like a warrior. They train. They fight. And they must leave their wives and children behind to do so. They often give up their lives for their country, for a cause, but most will say they give their life for their brother-in-arms. Soldiers... warriors... mortal or immortal, they have both decided to make sacrifices, including their lives, for something or someone other than their mate. For a cause they see as being greater than themselves, for honor or duty. Those are things I understand. Is that not the same? You think Luca can only be a good warrior if he is solitary. That love will only be a distraction. But I see a man without love, and nothing to fight for. I just see loneliness and darkness, like I saw in you. Are you less of a warrior since you met me? I’m in no position to judge what came before, but I think you fight harder to make sure you come home to me.”

  “You are the reason I fight, mi amore. I will be honest with you, I would have told Alec to go fuck himself a long time ago if you were not here. I would have gone back the hell home. But now, this is my home. I made Luca a deal.”

  “And what is the deal?”

  “He has her phone number. He promised me he has not seen her since the day she was here. So, I told him I would make a decision, yes or no. He knows he needs my permission, he is honorable. I told him to call her, get to know her by phone only, and if he was still interested, I would have my decision by then.” He hugged her tighter to his chest, “Now I need to ask a favor of you, si?”

  “Of course, Shade. Anything.”

  “Well, before I ask you this, tell me all you know about this Shannon. Because other than the brief time I saw her with you, I don’t know shit and neither does he. That bothers me.”

  “I’ve known her for a long time. We went to college together at Georgetown, and were roommates a couple of years, and became close friends. We both did the internships at the ad agency and got job offers there, so we worked together. We’ve traveled together. She’s a good person...a kind person...a loyal friend. She’s not the type of girl who will lead him on. Toy with his heart. I don't know what the future holds for them. Is she the one? I hear what you say when you say Luca is young and he hasn’t been out in the world. I can read between the lines. But if she’s not the one for him, shouldn't he be the one to figure that out? Otherwise, he spends his whole life wondering about what might have been. If you would feel better to meet her yourself, I’d be happy to introduce you. She has already asked me several times when she’ll be able to officially meet you.”

  “Me? She wants to meet me?”

  “Of course. We’re good friends. She wants to meet the man who stole my heart away. Who, as she puts it, made me disappear from the face of the earth. And I did disappear from my mortal friends and family. I walked away from everything I’ve ever known to be with you, and I would do it again. People will sacrifice anything for love. Life hardly feels worth living without it. I know this, and you know it as well. Shannon knows it. And so does Luca. Love is what we all seek...mortal or immortal.”

  “Si. I guess I never thought about seeking it, until my eyes saw you, and I fought so hard against something that would win no matter how hard I fought. Okay, so we shall have a small gathering, the four of us. I will make time to do this one evening. But now, I need a favor from you. I know Rissa warned you I was vampire, you did not believe her. Do you think it best to fill Shannon in first that we are not mortal males, we are vampire? Tell me your opinion on this? I do not wish to scare the living hell out of her and scare her away. It is Luca's job to tell her, but if you told her, how do you think she would react?”

  “That’s a good question. I don't know how she’ll react. I was told that you were vampire, and I didn't believe it. If I told Shannon... if I tell her, then I think I have to tell her all. By that, I mean, it’s not just Luca who is vampire, but you as well... and Gi, Theresa, and Reynaldo. You know mortals have very different views of vampires, some think they are evil, wicked, controlled by the devil, the walking dead. Others think they are simply myth. And others believe and are attracted to them. She came here during the day, she saw everyone, met everyone except you. I assure you, she had no clue she was surrounded by vampires. And if I tell her now, and she has already had the experience, then I think she will be accepting. That’s always a risk, isn't it? Telling a mortal? But you took that risk with me. Shannon wouldn’t do anything that would hurt me. If she decides to walk away, she would not betray me, or us.”

  He creased his brow, “Hmm, well, I don’t know her, mi amore, so I leave that to you. I am putting my trust in you. I know
you would never betray us, so I have to trust you know her well enough to judge. You pick the evening and arrange things with Luca and Shannon. I will make my decision that night. But you think I should let him do this, do you not, mi amore?”

  “I will arrange it, lover. But I think they will both be very nervous. Luca will be nervous around this girl he is getting to know, and she’ll be nervous around him. Luca knows she is mortal, but she will be seeing him through different eyes for the first time, and they’ll both be nervous about you, and your impression. But I’ll arrange it if that is what you wish. And yes, I do think you need to let Luca explore his own life... Even if she’s not the one. He needs to find his own way through this.”

  “Then let us gather them together, and see if there are fireworks or sparklers. I need a damn haircut! Where are the scissors?”

  “Fireworks or sparklers. That’s a good analogy. I think we were a nuclear explosion. Let me get the scissors and cut your hair, please? The last time you cut too much away. And while I have your attention, I have another question. Unrelated, about the warriors?”

  “Well, you better ask me before you get scissors in your hands,” he smacked her ass and laughed. “What is it that you wish to ask me?”

  “I know you’ve asked me to stay inside when the warriors are about, and I have. But they seem rather, uh...rowdy? Maybe restless? Anyway, I sense they feel caged up in the staff quarters. I was going to ask if I could show Marcello the property, with Luca, of course. Show him where the warriors could roam and let off some steam? And I was thinking I could have some workers come and make a fire pit area behind the staff quarters? Then they could hang out there at night when you don't have them assigned to go into D.C.? Maybe being outdoors will feel more natural to them? Is that okay?”

  She never ceased to amaze him with the love she showed every single person he brought from his world into hers. “Bel, do you know how much I love you? Any idea?”

  “Lover, yes, I do know. It fills me up every day. And I only hope you feel it all back in return.”

  “More than you could ever imagine, mi amore. I believe the warriors are restless and they are used to the outdoors when they are in the camp. I like that idea of a fire pit. It will give them a chance to settle down before going to slumber when they return at night. You know, mi amore, I thought about buying a fleet of four wheelers and dirt bikes, even for you, something maybe we could do together. What do you think?”

  “Me? On a dirt bike? I never pictured myself as a dirt bike kind of girl, but if you are going to do it, then I’ll give it a try.”

  He laughed. “You do know Luca rides. Would you like hitting the road on a bike, hanging onto your vampire while we let the night air surround us?”

  “Now that I would love!”

  “Really? Then that is our next date, because I’ve been thinking about what you said, about spending time together. Things are coming together in D.C., it will free my time up a bit. Now get the scissors, you minx, or would you prefer Gi do it?”

  She ran her hands through his hair, “The only person touching your hair from now on will be me. Let me get the scissors.”

  “Si, I love your hands in my hair!”


  Max was pacing the floor of his rented condo. Taking out Alec's band of rag-tag warriors had not been such a piece of cake. He had been able to create chaos and confusion, but now Tomas had called and said they needed to talk. He had Tomas infiltrate Alec's warriors when he first arrived. Alec's warriors had no formal training and were mostly a collection of undisciplined hoodlums other masters had discarded. Alec was never much for taking it to the streets. He brought Shade in, and he had at least brought some discipline and direction, but let's face it, there was only so much even Shade could do with that bunch. Having Tomas on the inside had been invaluable. Max knew what they planned to do before they did, and it had made picking them off easy. And, of course, Tomas had been invaluable to Shade, since he was the only warrior there with any real skills for Shade to rely on. But there was urgency in Tomas' voice when he called, so he was not expecting good news.

  As Tomas arrived at his condo, he found the door open as always and walked in, finding him pacing the floors.“Maximus.”

  “Tomas, pour yourself a drink, brother. I'm sure you could use it. Have a seat. What's on your mind?” Max took a seat on the large sofa, anxious to hear what Tomas had to share.

  Tomas poured himself a tall Midnight and remained standing, strolling around the condo, he was far from relaxed. He liked his role as a spy within the ranks, but he knew all of this was for a woman. He knew Maximus could be trusted, paid handsomely and had success on his mind. Skill and brains were needed here, and Shade just upped the ante.

  “Shade is the man you need to pay attention to, Max. He is running this war on the streets. The good Senator could care less about what goes on as long as he is not exposed. Shade is lethal and wherever he goes, he takes care of business cleanly and quickly. He has no patience for this petty game, but he remains in the dark as it relates to Aries, you and the coven. Your plan is working well,” draining his glass as he sat across from him and rolleds his eyes to Max, “but you now have some serious trouble.”

  Max watched him pace the floor. and he knew he had something on his mind. “This doesn't sound good, brother. What's going down?”

  Sitting back in the leather chair, Tomas crossed one leg over the other and figured it would be to his benefit to let him know everything, but Tomas still remained hesitant over Max’s purpose...immortal pussy. Tomas had had seen bigger men go down for it and he would be damned if he did.

  “Look Max, Shade left me in charge of this fucked up bunch of so-called warriors while he went to Florence, and he returned with eight of his finest. He doesn’t need an army, he is known as the Warrior of Warriors. His job is training them, making them into fighting machines, and if he only brings back eight of them for this entire city, you can bet your ass he will own it before long. I know of his past, his rep, and the reputations of the ones he returned with. He will literally put whatever you have on the streets out of commission in a short period of time. He doesn’t take his profession lightly, Max. This brother knows how to kill and does so without thinking, and his warriors...the same. He has full authority from Alec to take out Angel when he finds him, and I have seen what he did with one of your captured rogues. This bastard has centuries of warrior blood in his veins. Two of his warriors, Raven and Marcello, can knock out three or four warriors single handedly, without losing one ounce of blood. So you need a plan, Max, a damn fucking good one if you intend to dip that cock permanently into Canton's honey hole!”

  Max knew his words about Shade's reputation were true. Every warrior knew him and feared him, so he would need to rethink his strategy, but Tomas' words angered him and his beast roared back at him.

  “My reasons for staging this insurgence are my own, warrior, and none of your fucking business! You work for me! And whenever that becomes a problem for you, you just let me know!”

  Tomas thought to himself, Well that must be some divine damn cunt to make his beast rock. Holding up his hand, he growled. “Don’t threaten me, Maximus, I’m here to help you, not hinder you, for fuck’s sake. Relax. A few things you need to know. My theory is this, you take out Shade, and we’re done. This is well over. Alec may be a master, a wealthy one with clout, but he’ll not get his hands dirty, so you need to focus on Shade. He lives far out of town, in the Virginia mountain sides. And a wise piece of info, his mate is mortal, and one meek little bag of bones at that. There is a hitch. Shade has assigned her a protector. I hear his warriors talk, he hides the wench inside, and she rarely leaves the house. If you can get past the protector, she’s an easy kill. Keep that in mind. Pull back the activity on the streets, it will confuse him. He’s used to conflict. He’s a street fighter. He has brought in his own, and is ready to amp up the volume, so I think you counter that by going quiet for a while. At any rate, switch your foc
us from Alec to Shade.”

  Max got his beast under control. He listened to Tomas. He had been a trusted warrior for him for many years, and he had good instincts. He took a deep breath and chugged down what remained in his glass of the Midnight. They still had the potion. That had given them a distinct advantage so far, but Tomas was right. Eliminate Shade and this game was over. And he was smart enough to know they would never take Shade, but they could take him out of the game if they eliminated his mate.

  “Okay, brother, I hear you. But any attack on Shade's mate will get his attention immediately. We'll have Shade, the protector and all of hell's army on our backs. We need something that will keep him tied up, something that has him isolated and so overwhelmed he can't respond. Is he in D.C. with his warriors every night? How do we get him isolated from his fucking warriors?”

  Tomas grinned, stood up and pulled out the local area maps he had drawn up of Shade's estate and the surrounding grounds. He threw them down on the table in front of Max.

  “Let me handle that, Maximus. Pull your warriors back until I give you the word. Let’s see what he does. He is stuck in that fucking Dead House night after night, when he would rather be home with his new mate. If he thinks things are quiet on the streets, his aching cock will draw him home. His patience is running thin, brother.

  “Be prepared, when I give the word, to roll with all you have. I can keep all his warriors preoccupied on the streets and leave Shade at home. Since I am running the fucking show from the inside, we can make sure his warriors stay busy that night while he is banging his wench unaware of what is coming straight to him. Take the war to him, and once you take him, his mate, and the protector out, the others will fall, unguided, without a master to lead them. Shade is the sole heir, Maximus, the sole heir to the Medici. It all falls apart when he is gone, and Alec is left wide open for taking whatever the fuck is your fancy. Be patient...plan. Be ready.”


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