The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 31

by Emily Bex

  Shaking his head and laughing, he rolled down the long lane to home and went straight to the garage. Keeping watch in his rearview mirror, he had yet to see Luca making the turn into the lane, but knew they weren’t far behind. The garage doors were still open, and he drove right inside and shut down the engine. Jumping off the bike, he ripped off his helmet and kissed bel hard on the lips. He didn’t let up as he probed and sucked at her, driving his tongue deep into her throat. He covered her mouth fully until she melted into him and couldn’t breathe. “That will teach you.”

  She winked at him, “Yes, it will. It will teach me to be bad more often.”

  The headlights of Luca's bike appeared on the long drive up to the house and they pulled into the garage, Shannon clinging tight around Luca’s waist, and Luca beaming.

  Laughing together, they all strolled into the house, coming home to a blazing fire in the fireplace Gi had made for them. Turning to Shannon, Shade said, “Dolce amica, it would be a good idea, since the hour is late, that you stay here with us for the night. I’m sure Kate wouldn’t mind having you here longer, if that’s acceptable to you, si?”

  Shannon looked relieved. “That would be great, if it's no trouble. I was planning to just stay in town tonight because I didn't want to make the drive back to D.C. Maybe Luca could help me get my suitcase out of my car?”

  Luca looked from Shade to Shannon as his master invited her to stay the night. Fuck! This is good news... and bad news. He wasn't ready to say goodnight to her, but holy fuck, she would be sleeping under the same roof. “Of course, I'll get that for you now.”

  Kate shouted out to him, “Luca, just bring the suitcase upstairs. Shannon, come on up with me, I'll show you your room.”

  Shade had to stifle a laugh when he saw Luca's face as he found out his little vixen was spending the night in the same house. Oh, you want her Luca, fine and dandy, but the beast will test this control you have. Watching as the girls headed up the staircase, full of giggles and girlish whispers, he smiled. Damn if he didn’t love seeing bel so happy.

  Kate led Shannon up the stairs to a guest bedroom. “This way, you're right down the hall from us.”

  She gave her a quick tour of the room and her bathroom, at which point, Luca came bursting through the door like a rocket with her suitcase. He stopped short and locked eyes with Kate.

  Kate looked back at him. “I'm going to talk to Shannon for a while, so maybe you and Shade can find something to do?”

  He looked at her and she saw a momentary flash of fear in his eyes. He knew Kate was about to tell Shannon everything.

  “'Yeah, sure... no problem.”

  He glanced quickly at Shannon and she flashed that megawatt smile his way. He melted under her gaze. He set her suitcase down and seemed hesitant to leave, knowing if this conversation didn’t go well, this could be the last time he saw her. He walked over to her and slid one arm around her waist and gave her a gentle kiss before he turned and walked out. He closed the door behind him. As he left, Shannon looked at Kate and did a face-palm slap to her forehead.

  “Fuck me! He is unbelievable, Kate.”

  Kate laughed at her. “See, that’s what I always like about you, Shannon. You’re such a fine example of a Southern lady.”

  They both laughed as Kate patted the bed and indicated she wanted Shannon to join her. As Shannon climbed into the middle of the bed, sitting cross-legged in front of her, Kate wondered how many nights they had sat up talking like this, probably too many nights to even count.

  Shannon gave her a quizzical look. “Okay... so, what's this about? I can read you like a book, Kate Reese. Something’s on your mind. You have managed to get us here together, all private and cozy. So, what is it you want to talk about?”

  Kate hesitated, unsure of where to start. “I... wow... I guess I just want to know what your thoughts are, about Luca.”

  Shannon looked at her with wide eyes. “Really? You have to ask? I want to whack you for not calling me sooner.”

  Kate whacked at her instead and they both laughed. “No, seriously Shannon... because, well, there's stuff you need to know, but if you don't think this is going anywhere, then I don't even want to bring it up. And not only that, if you don't think it's going to go anywhere, if this is just a fling for you... then I want to ask you to back off.”

  Shannon stopped short. “Wait! What? Back off? Are you kidding me?”

  Kate pushed. “If you don't think it will go anywhere... that's what I said and I mean it. I don't want him hurt. Shade doesn't want to see that either. I know you can’t predict the outcome of a relationship, but I'm asking, what is this to you. Right now, what does it mean to you?”

  “Wow! Okay, I wasn't ready for a discussion this heavy, but okay, I can go there. I really like him. I mean I really like him, a lot. The chemistry is off the chain. And he's just... so... Luca. What can I say? If you're asking me if I could love him, then yes, the answer is yes. I want to see him again, and often. I want to learn everything there is to know about him. So, no, to answer your question, this isn’t a fling. At least, not for me. I hope he’s feeling the same.”

  Kate assured her, “Oh, I can promise you it’s not a fling for Luca. He is, wow, he’s just so undone already.”

  Shannon looked giddy. “Really? Are you sure? Because, I mean, you know what's out there. You'd practically given up on finding anybody. And just because I stayed in the game doesn't mean I was finding anybody worth my time. But him, I... wow... when am I ever at a loss for words? He’s just... perfect.”

  Kate slid off the bed and walked over to the window, her back to Shannon. “Okay then, well, first I need a promise, as my friend, that what we say in this room stays in this room.” Kate turned around and faced her. “I mean it, Shannon. You may be okay with what I have to say, or you may be freaked out by it, but whatever your reaction, it stays here, understood?”

  Shannon looked startled. “What the fuck, Kate?”

  Kate gave her a stern look and practically shouted at her, “Promise!”

  “Yes! Okay, I promise. When have I ever repeated our secret gab sessions? You know you can trust me, but I have to say, I’m getting a little freaked out already.”

  Kate put her hands together like a prayer. “I know, I'm sorry. And you have always been a trusted friend. But I'm about to take you on a wild ride, sister. So, I need your assurance.”

  Shannon frowned. “Oh god, are you going to tell me they’re like, in the mafia or something? They're rich. They're from Italy. That's it, isn't it?”

  Kate shrugged. “What if that was it? Just asking... what if it was? What would you do?”

  Shannon leaned back against the headboard and thought about the question, and then she thought about Luca. “Well, I think I’d probably stay.”

  Kate probed, “Probably?”

  “Well, some of this will depend on Luca, you know? I mean, how he treats me. Is he faithful to me? So, if you're asking me a theoretical, and I assume you are, then if he loved me, and I felt that love from him, and he was true to me, then yes, I would stay. It would take some adjustments, you know, to their lifestyle. So, is that it? Is he in the mafia?”

  Kate shook her head. “No. Not the mafia. That would be too simple. But your answer told me what I needed to know. Hang on. You're going to need a drink for this.”

  Kate went to the door and called down to Gi. Theresa came out of her bedroom and asked if she could help. Kate asked her to bring them a bottle of wine, not Midnight, and two glasses. Theresa ran off, passing Gi on the stairs and letting him know she had it handled. She returned in minutes, the cork already removed from the bottle, and two wine glasses. Kate thanked her as she left the room and Kate poured the glasses full to the rim. She handed one glass to Shannon and then held her glass up to hers. Shannon clinked her glass against Kate’s, as Kate told her, "Drink it down... the whole thing."

  Shannon gave her a wary look but downed the glass, as Kate chugged hers. She refilled their empty
glasses and looked at her. “Ready?”

  Shannon looked skeptical. “Uh... you are seriously scaring the hell out of me right now. I mean, the things rushing through my head…”

  “Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure what I'm about to tell you is not one of the things in your head.”

  How did she say it other than to just say it? They were both seated in the center of the bed. Kate held her hand out to her, little finger extended. “Pinky swear, Shannon.”

  Shannon held up her hand and hooked her little finger around Kate’s. “Pinky swear.”

  Kate took a deep breath and said, "Luca is a vampire."

  Shannon heard her say he was a vampire and she gave Kate a blank stare, as she waited for her to say something else, but Kate just sat and looked at her. A joke? Shannon burst out laughing, and fell back on the bed, spilling her wine. She rolled onto her side, holding her stomach she was laughing so hard, and then she rolled onto her back and tried to sit up again and noticed Kate was not laughing. Kate was not smiling. Kate was staring at her. She was deadly serious. Fuck! Fuck!

  “Okay…” She pulled herself together. “Okay, clearly, you weren't joking. But, okay... can I ask some questions?”

  Kate answered quietly, “You can ask me anything you want.”

  “So, if he's a vampire, why does he live here with you?” Shannon started giggling again. “Sorry, sorry... I'm trying to be serious.”

  Kate responded, “Actually, I live here with them. They're all vampires. Shade, Luca, Gi, Theresa, Reynaldo, and a few more out back you haven’t met.”

  “You're fucking serious, aren't you?”

  “Shannon, you have no idea, because I put them all at risk by telling you. This is why I disappeared from work. Why I told everyone I took a job overseas. Once I learned about Shade, and made the decision to be with him, I had to separate myself from everyone I ever knew to protect their secret. That’s why it took so long for Luca to call you, to see you. Shade is his... master. He had to approve Luca even seeing you. In fact, that was the reason for the double-date. So Shade could make a judgment call. Mortals still represent a huge risk to them. You passed, by the way.”

  Shannon looked stunned. “Wait... are you?”

  Kate shook her head. “No. But I will be. At some point, Shade will turn me.”

  “Oh my god! That is fucking awesome! You're a fang-banger just like on True Blood? Holy fuck! I mean, fuck! If this turns out to be a joke, Kate Reese, I will fucking kill you.”

  “It's no joke, I promise you. But I had to tell you, before, you know, anything happened between you and Luca. And after watching the two of you together tonight, I knew we needed to have this conversation pretty fast.”

  Shannon set her wine glass down on the nightstand. “Oh my god, I have a million questions in my head. Does Luca know you're telling me?”

  “Yes, he asked me to tell you. He thought you would be less afraid, if I told you. He’s terrified you would bolt and run when you found out.”

  Shannon looked back at her. “Do I need to be scared?”

  “Of Luca? Are you kidding me? Is there anyone sweeter than Luca?”

  Shannon slapped Kate on the knee. “So, you have a vampire for a personal trainer. How awesome is that?”

  “Oh... well, he is not actually my personal trainer. I just couldn't think of what to call him the day you were here. He's my protector.”

  Shannon looked confused. “Protector? What? You just told me I didn't need to be scared and now you're telling me he's your protector?”

  Kate shrugged. “Long story for another day. For now, all you need to know is you have nothing to fear from Luca, or Shade, or anyone in this house. Okay? Oh, there is this issue of the beast? But trust me, you’ll love him. I'll let Luca give you the details... if you decide to go there.”

  Shannon responded enthusiastically, “Oh, I'm going there. I am so going there!”

  Kate started to slide off the bed, “Okay, well, if you'll excuse me, my vampire is waiting for me. And he is usually working at night, so I'm going to go take advantage of him being home. Oh, that reminds me, Luca is a day-walker. That means he can go out during daylight and doesn't have to go into a death slumber during the day. All the staff are day-walkers. The only one who has to sleep during the day is Shade. So, sleep tight... or not. Luca's suite is at the bottom of the stairs, go left down the hall. His door is right at the end of the corridor. Just tap, pretty sure he is wide awake and waiting.” Kate leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Welcome, sister. And just hang on is all I can say.”

  Kate started to leave the room. Shannon’s head was spinning from the wine and the unexpected information. “Wait! One more question. Would you do it again? If you were back at square one today, knowing everything you know, would you make the same choice? Would you choose him? Shade? Would you choose him again?

  Kate looked her dead in the eyes. “Abso-fucking-lutely!”

  She closed the door behind her as she left, and she could hear Shannon giggle. Kate walked down the hall to their bedroom. ”Oh, lover, I'm ready for my punishment!”


  Shannon was sitting in the middle of the bed, holding what was left of her glass of wine. Her head was spinning, and her heart was racing. Fuck! I forgot to ask her if they do that neck biting thing. She poured the rest of the wine into her glass and sat there trying to process what Kate had told her. How the hell did Kate end up with a vampire? Good lord, she had so many questions she wanted to ask her. She sipped the wine and let thoughts of Luca drift into her head. Would he come to her? No, Kate said he knew she was telling her about him. He would wait to see if Shannon went to him. He wouldn’t push her. She already knew him well enough to know that. However this played out, he would make sure it was her decision. She would have to go to him. He was waiting for her to make the choice. Fuckity, fuck, fuck! Okay, Shannon, get it together. She downed the last of the wine in the glass and headed to the bathroom, climbing into the shower.

  Luca went back to his suite as soon as he delivered the suitcase to her room. He had passed Shade on the way down, who asked if he wanted a drink. He shook his head no and headed for his room, closed the door and sat down. He had all his senses tuned to that room upstairs. Trying to feel her, hear her, trying to second guess what her response would be. He heard Kate yell down the stairs for Gi, and then he heard Theresa run down the stairs, the clinking of glass, as she ran back up. Drinks? They're having something to drink. He heard Shannon burst out laughing, and then silence. Was that good? Bad? He could hear them talking, but not their words. That's a good sign, right?

  He heard Kate leave the room, and the door closed behind her, and he listened to the one set of footsteps to Shade's bed. Then there was nothing but silence, a long silence. He heard the sound of the water running. She was in the shower. He had thought she would come to him. His elbows rested on his knees, and he put his head in his hands.

  He shouldn’t have let his hopes get so high. At least she wasn’t so freaked out she left the house. He stood up and stripped off his own clothes and walked to the shower, washing away the dirt from the road and any hopes of being with her. He was soothed by the thought that she stood beneath the running water upstairs and their actions mirrored each other. Cut it out, Luca. Let it go. Quit torturing yourself. He stood under the hot water for a long time, letting it clear his head. He got out of the shower and dried off, running a towel through his hair and slipping on the loose white linen draw-string pants he wore in his room.

  When Shannon climbed out of the shower, her mind was made up. She dried her hair, put on some perfume and slid a nightgown over her head. She grabbed the empty wine glass, it would be her excuse, just in case.

  She opened the door of her room and stood quietly. The house was silent. She walked barefoot down the hall to the stairs and paused a second before she descended. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked about. The lights were still on in the house, but there was no one about. Kate had said turn lef
t at the bottom of the stairs, so she walked down the long corridor to the closed door. She stood still and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. He's just a man, Shannon, he's just a man.

  Pushing past her last bit of reservation, she tapped on his door. She heard him moving behind the door, and then it opened. He was standing there, his hair still damp, hanging in loose ringlets around his face, his hazel eyes, heavy-lidded and sexy. His chest was bare and his skin a deep bronzed olive tone, in sharp contrast to the white linen pants that hang loose on his hips and puddled at his bare feet. He took her breath away. Her mouth felt dry. She held out her glass.

  He had been ready to climb into bed when he heard a light tap on his door and his heart stopped. He opened the door to find her standing there, her brown hair freshly washed and brushed, falling over her shoulders. Her blue eyes large and round in her face, showing a hint of uncertainty. She was wearing a soft sheer nightgown, and she smelled like heaven. Her skin was pink and warm from her shower, and she was wearing that perfume again. The same perfume she wore the first day he met her. Exotic, heady, and he just inhaled her. He could only stand and stare at her. She came to his door. She came willingly to his door.

  "Hi. I, uh, seem to be out of wine."

  Luca reached out to take the glass from her hand and his fingers covered hers. His eyes were locked on hers, and they just stared. No words. Time passed slowly, as they both took each other in. He finally opened the door wider and stepped back, allowing her to enter as he took the wine glass from her hand. "Do you want more wine, Shannon?"

  “I... uh... will you join me? Do you drink wine?”

  “I'll get us something. Have a seat.”

  He left his suite and headed to the kitchen only to encounter Reynaldo who had already set out another bottle of red wine for her and a bottle of Midnight for him, and fresh glasses. Reynaldo just raised his eyebrows as Luca took the bottles and glasses off the counter.

  Reynaldo nodded and said, “Good luck, my friend.”

  “Thanks,” he responded, “I may need it.”


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