The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 62

by Emily Bex

  In her head, she heard him... she finally heard him. Shade called to her… ‘Fight, mi amore, fight!’ She stood upright and faced him, holding out her hand to block him.

  “I reject you, demon. I defy you! You have no power here. You have no hold over me!”

  He reached for her and she screamed, “No!” as she jumped away from him. She was falling again, but she was falling up. She was being pulled at a rapid speed back in the direction she came.

  The moon rose well past midnight and his fears rose with it. Shade was at his wits end, and he feared the darkness had beaten her spirit. Even the power of his ancestors couldn’t help her fight the demon’s hand. He’d go with her into death and join her in the spirit realm. He wouldn’t live without her. Lying down on the stone altar, it would now become their death bed. The chamber was sealed. He’d stay here with no source for feeding and die with her in his arms. He pulled her onto his chest in the position he always held her when he was in his death slumber. He’d hold her like this now, for all eternity, in love and protection. He was the sole heir to the Medici dynasty. When he was gone, his coven would disperse, joining other covens. His warriors would fight for other masters. This chamber would be sealed for eternity. He held her tight, her body cold and lifeless. He’d die holding her as he held her every night. His death would be slow, but he’d not leave her, and neither of them would rise again. He caressed her hair and spoke to her one last time.

  “Ti amo, mi amore per sempre. I will never let you go. You will always reside in my soul. My heart cannot go to another. It goes wherever you go. I will die for you, I will die with you, but I will never let you go.”

  Kate was falling with increasing speed through the darkness, and suddenly, she was surrounded by a blinding light. She felt its heat, and the brightness was so strong she squeezed her eyes shut, but the light still hurt her eyes with its brightness. She covered her eyes with her hands, and she could see the light through her fingers. The light felt healing and warmed her as she opened herself up to it, embracing it. She passed through the light and felt herself re-enter her body, just as Shade pulled her onto his chest and enveloped her in his arms. It was how he held her every night as they slept. She heard his sweet voice, her head against his chest, ‘Ti amo.’ Is he real? Is this real? She raised her head from his chest and looked at him, lifted her hand to his cheek. “Lover, I came back for you.”

  He felt a movement on his chest, and almost jumped out of his skin when he heard her voice speak softly to him. She came back! He sat up quickly, pushing her back onto the altar, and was enveloped by a tremendous force that lifted his body into the air, spinning him slowly and he felt her soul rise inside him, pure and white and immortal. He let it fill him, taking him higher, making his own soul soar. The beast inside him came alive as her beast slammed into him hard, taking his beast as a mate. His whole body trembled as her love took root in him, filling him, running in his veins. His heart felt like nothing he’d ever felt before as the sound of its beating nearly deafened him and her heart joined his, their rhythm synchronized. He dropped slowly down over her, hovering.

  “Medici Queen, arise to your master. Arise to your maker!” He watched as her eyes followed him, their color a beautiful amber as she stared back at him. She was home, and she was now eternally his.

  Luca held Shannon's hand as they walked through the formal gardens of Castello under the full moon. She was pointing out things in the garden, but he was distracted and not responsive. Kate’s turning was taking far too long. He knew if the turning was successful, she would have to come back into her body tonight, and if it wasn’t, she’d be lost to them forever. Shade didn’t speak of it, but Luca knew him. If he lost her, he’d never leave those chambers. He’d lie down beside her and let himself die of starvation, and they’d lose both their king and their queen.

  Shannon knew he’d felt distracted since Shade took Kate to the chambers. She could tell his mind was somewhere else as they walked through the gardens. The moon had lit the path for them on this cloudless night when suddenly the sky darkened. She looked up to see the moon had turned a deep red. “Luca! Look at the moon!”

  Luca looked up to see the red cast of the blood moon, and he dropped to his knees, and felt his blood tears on his face. Shannon knelt beside him, clutching at his arm.

  “What is it? What's wrong?”

  “There’s nothing wrong, mia belleza. Kate is turned. She has returned to Shade from the darkness and she walks as an immortal now.” Luca could hear the cheer of the warriors in the camp as they all filed outside, cheering and howling, welcoming the newest immortal to their ranks, welcoming their master’s mate, and their queen.

  Marco was glad Terri was finally home where she belonged. He’d spent every moment with her he possibly could and the reunion had been a memorable one. But the whole reason she was here was for the turning of Shade's mate... the mortal. She was soon to be their queen and his mind was still in turmoil over the whole thing. Marco agreed it was damn overdue for her to be turned, but it wasn’t a simple procedure and she seemed tiny and frail compared to the immortals. He also knew it wasn’t just physical strength that she’d need, but strength of mind and will as well. He and Terri were outside as he felt too restless to be indoors. As she sat under the tree, he paced like a madman, and couldn’t shake the relentless thought of her non-survival from his head. If she didn’t make it, he was damn sure the old fucker would try to follow her into death and Marco wouldn’t let that shit go down. He had a whole fucking camp of warriors, and one way or another, they would bust his ass out of that chamber.

  “Cazzo! I can’t stand this damn waiting!”

  Theresa patted the ground beside her. “Marco, sit down next to me, please. Your pacing will not make the process go any faster, and you’re making me nervous!”

  “You should be nervous. Do you have any idea what the hell he will do if she does not make this turn? She remains in a type of purgatory in there like the fucking dead dancing with the devil. He can’t communicate with her. I know him, Terri. He will lay in there and fucking rot with her. I can’t bear losing him. I won’t!”

  Theresa sighed. “I agree with you. If she doesn’t return to him, he will seal himself inside that chamber, lie down next to her and die. I see his devotion to her every day, so, of that, I have no doubt. But you’ve underestimated her. She will battle all the demons of Hell to get back to him, and she’ll win. I’ve watched her this past year. Come to know her. Watched them lose their first child, their ups and downs as mortal and immortal. She stood against a rogue and used what Luca taught her. She’ll come back. Her love for him will prevail.”

  He sat down beside her, laying his head on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck. “You always see the good in people, Terri, but I’m not so sure. I think he should have chosen an immortal. What if the damn Council deems her unfit? He has no heir for Hell’s sake. I won’t watch him give up everything and suffer because of his choice. I saw the fucking suffering he went through with Adriana. He blamed himself for her death, and still carries that with him. He won’t go through that again.”

  Standing up, too restless to stay put, he looked to the moon and kicked the damn ground and let out some of his frustration with a howling growl. “She should have risen by now, Terri. I am fucking going in! I will not let him die in there. He is my brother!” Turning to head back to the barracks, he intended to gather up some warriors. He wasn’t waiting any longer.

  Theresa jumped up and chased after him. “Marco! Stop! You can't enter the chamber without putting the turning in jeopardy. Stop! If we don’t see the blood moon before sunrise, then I’ll agree to let you enter. I’ll even follow you there. But you must not risk this. I know her! Trust me. She’ll come back to him.”

  He stopped in his tracks as she caught up to him. “Terri, I would die for you, and I know he will die for her, but he has so much to lose, so much more than I do. My heart is ripping to shreds thinking of him lying in there holding her,
going mad without her. He will take this blame on himself.”

  “Marco, you’re one of the most stubborn men I’ve ever met. You and Master Shade are two of a kind. I’d swear you were brothers if Gi weren’t around to confirm your birth wasn’t from Portia. I know how much you love him, and he you. And I hope you know my devotion to him lies as deep as yours. I promise you, if we don’t see the blood moon by sunrise, I’ll help you to bust down the door. But please, I’m begging you, if you love me at all...give her time. I know her as well. She’s small in stature, but she already has the heart of a warrior, a Medici warrior. Even Luca sees it. I know she’ll return to him. As sure as I stand here before you, I know she’ll return to him. Look at me, I’m not nervous. I don’t pace the floor. I have no fear because there’s no reason to fear, my love. Look heavenward, Marco... even as I speak... look up.”

  Marco looked up at the sky and saw the moon turn blood red, the color of the dawn for vampires, a newborn was among them.

  She lives! Their queen lives, and now she joins them all. He fell to his knees and covered his face in his hands. He let the blood tears run and then looked to the sky above. “You did it, old man, you did it. Medici!”

  He felt Theresa’s hands on his shoulders as she stood behind him. He laid his head back, still on his knees and looked up at her as he heard the whooping calls of the warriors in the camp come alive. We have a queen!

  “The mighty will reign. She is now born into the ranks of royalty. I can’t believe he did it. Cazzo!” Standing, he grabbed her up and spun her around, their laughter ringing out for all to hear. Once again, they were graced with a Medici immortal couple to rival the ranks of those that came before them. “It is time to celebrate, Terri. And I can only think of one way to do it.” Holding her hand, he ran with her to his private quarters,

  She laughed as she ran beside him, entering his room. “Correction, my love. You can't believe she did it. Even now, you don’t give our queen credit. She’ll rule with kindness and grace, just as his mother did, but don't ever doubt her power, my love, for she’ll be a mighty defender of all that is Medici.”


  Rissa was finishing up the itinerary for that black-haired Amazon wench protector, but couldn’t bring herself to give it to her. Alec was buried in the study and would be for a long while. He had a lot of business to take care of and she’d not made things easier for him with the situation with Max and the rogue. But she’d be damned if she’d give Jacks the satisfaction of perceiving her as some meek whimpering mate, handing over her schedule for her approval. If Jacks couldn’t figure out how to protect her, that was her issue. Definitely not Rissa’s!

  She was getting restless being cooped up in the house, but still leery of going out, and her body was suffering from not working out. Throwing on some workout clothes, she sat on the floor of her dressing room and started stretching, followed by the push-ups and sit-ups. It felt good, it felt empowering, but she knew with clarity, Alec was right, she couldn’t fight what was out there. If Max was behind it, he wouldn’t stop until his goal was reached, so traveling without a protector wasn’t an option. Rissa had to learn to be aware of every single thing around her, and that damn bitch better earn her keep, doing something besides fucking her vampire whenever it pleased. She was suddenly aware of her presence and looked up to see Jacks standing at the open door.

  Jacks observed for a while, watching her sorry attempt at a workout. Not bad for a mortal convert who’s kept as a house pet, but dear Blondie, you need to do a whole lot more than toning that body to keep whatever is chasing you at bay. Despite her disdain for this mortal convert, Jacks needed Rissa to trust her, but she could see Blondie was ready to resist. She needed to know, up front, who was boss. Jacks still couldn’t see what Alec was attracted to. No turned mortal was as well-toned as a female who was born vamp. She was pretty, with sultry blue eyes, and still had some of that mortal femininity and vulnerability.

  Jacks knew Alec abhorred weakness in anyone, even women, but he loved submission, and Blondie had that act down in spades. But one lone rogue had made her crumble, and cracked her spirit. Alec had sheltered her from the immortal life he gave her. He only used his immortal skills when it was convenient for his goals. He’d never been a street fighter. She wondered if he ever trained Rissa on weapons or if she knew what a weapon looked like. “Rissa, we need to speak at some point.”

  Rissa’s back bristled the moment she heard her voice, but she’d do whatever she had too to please Alec. “I don’t have to like you, just listen to you so you can do your job, then get the hell out.” Rissa nodded to the list on her desk. “My itinerary for the week is on my desk, if that’s what you need. I’m going out tomorrow. Just be ready. I have a business to run. Keep up if you think you can.” Turning her back on Jacks, she started to do more stretching, waiting for Jacks to get the damn schedule and leave.

  Jacks smiled at her back, she was amused by the brave front. Rissa tried so hard to act brave, but her fear of walking out that door was greater than even she thought. Moving to the desk, Jacks glanced at the schedule.

  For Jacks, this would be a piece of cake. This was nothing compared to what she normally dealt with. Walking over to where Rissa stretched on the floor, Jacks sat down beside her and decided it didn’t serve her purpose to make herself a threat to Rissa. She’d talk to her and find out as much as she could about this attack. Alec had enemies, but this wasn’t some random attack, but something more and Jacks wanted to know everything.

  “I don’t need you to like me, just listen to my suggestions, and pay attention to my signals. I know you hate this. You’ve made that obvious. But if you let me do my job, your life will be much easier. And Alec will be pleased, because no matter what you think about me, I know that’s your true goal. What’s that saying, happy master, happy mate? I’m the best there is at what I do, Rissa. Accept what it is.”

  Rissa looked at her and wondered what the hell she was up to. She was a bitch, but she had some points that made sense. Rissa couldn’t take on Max alone. He wanted her dead. Rissa spit out her words at Jacks, “He’s mine. You’re nothing but a toy, I’m his mate. You’ll not take him from me. Nothing will take him from me.”

  Jacks’ face remained emotionless, “You’re wrong about one thing. There’s someone out there who wants to take you away from him, and they mean business. I protect the highest masters of this world. Most masters are not warriors, they hire out, to vamps like me. That lone rogue that attacked you was no coincidence. He waited and watched for you and you alone. He didn’t mean to scare you, but to take you away from Alec forever. Yes, I’m a warrior first, but I remain a woman to my core and you don’t fool me for a moment.”

  Rissa’s eyes were locked onto her face, she didn’t flinch, but Jacks’ words cut deep into her soul. She knows! Her fear rose so high it almost strangled her. If she knew about Max, she could tell Alec, and then Jacks would have him all to herself. If Alec ever found out, he’d kill her, and it would be a slow torturous death and she realized Jacks held all the cards. In her heart, she knew Jacks didn’t want Alec, not for keeps anyway. She played with him as much as he played with her. It was how she manipulated her power as a woman, how she kept her position at the top of the game board.

  Standing up, Jacks walked to the door and then paused. “Tell me what to call you in public.”

  “Miss Benneteau. Rissa is fine in the confines of the house.”

  Jacks responded, “See you in the morning, Rissa.” Jacks walked back to her room, the schedule memorized in her head. Game, set and match. I’m in charge here, and you’ll follow my lead, Blondie.


  Kate watched him as she lay on the stone altar and his body rose in the air before her, his back arched as if he were in pain, his head thrown back as he called out to her to arise. She felt her soul re-enter her body. Only it wasn’t just her soul now. Their souls... their souls entwined. She was his. And he was hers. Her body lifted of its own accord from
the stone altar with the power of their two souls joined, and she felt it flow through her, her own back arching.

  The power released her, and she floated back down to the altar stone. She lay quietly, and she could hear the water dripping off the chamber walls, the sound of each drop as it ran across the stone before dripping to the floor with a loud plop. The light from the fire was blinding her eyes and she had to turn away. She rolled over on her side, and then onto all fours, the stone feeling rough and hard beneath her skin, every ripple and curve of the stone pressing against her. She heard the scratching of tiny feet and looked sharply to the left, her fangs automatically bared, to see an insect crawling in the corner. She issued a deep growl when she heard footsteps behind her and turned suddenly, crouched and ready to attack, hissing and growling as she saw a dark silhouette approach her.

  Shade observed her getting used to her skin. This wouldn’t be easy for her. Cazzo! My whole body aches for her. He saw her fangs punch through, and he could barely stand still. Fuck, she was so damned beautiful! He could sense her fear and knew she was ready to attack, her beast sat right on the edge, ready to go after any source of food. He kept his voice low so as not to startle her until she recognized him. She needed to see him, hear him.

  “Bel, relax, mi amore. It is me. I will not hurt you. I know you feel strange, you will need time to get used to it. ” He could tell by her defensive posture, it wasn’t working, she was poised to strike, and she had one thing on her mind, and that was to feed.

  She saw him approach, his words a jumble in her head. Too loud! Too loud! The fire was behind him and she couldn’t see his features. She held up her hand for him to stop and he walked closer still. She crouched further and growled at him, baring her fangs. He took another step and she sprung forward, catapulting herself through the air and hit him square in the chest. He stumbled backward as she latched her arms around his shoulders and dug her nails deep into his skin. He rolled to the ground, his voice...she recognized that voice... but his words were a mass of confusion in her head. Her hunger overwhelmed her, it was all she could feel, fear and hunger, when she savagely sunk her teeth into him, ripping at the skin. His blood hit her tongue and she felt the energy rip through her, lighting up every cell, and she drank whole mouthfuls, gulping down his blood. She knew this taste. It was him. It was Shade. But she couldn’t stop the frenzied feeding.


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