Saving Grace

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Saving Grace Page 22

by J. M. Hill

  “Well, be here before I wake up.” I smiled. “Because I like that, too.”

  He traced his finger along the edge of my bottom lip, and nodded reluctantly. “Only because I don’t want you to worry.”

  Michael stood from the chair and leaned down to kiss my forehead, and then each cheek causing my usual heart-fluttering. The machines responded, and everyone laughed, including Michael.

  Stupid machines.

  “I’ll be back first thing,” he promised.

  “I’ll just wait here,” I said.

  He rolled his with my attempt at humor.

  “Very funny.” He smiled and left with Will and Ava, while Garrett took Michael’s place next to me, holding my hand.

  “Garrett,” Miles said. “Kate and I are going to go home to pick up a few things, and then we’ll be back for the night.”

  As they left my eyes became heavy, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety I had about Nina. Garrett noticed my drooping eyes, and patted the back of my hand.

  “Gracie, you rest now, I’m going to stay with you until Kate and Miles get back.”

  As I looked at him, the panic increased.

  “And...what about you? You’ll be with Michael and your parents, right?”

  He squeezed my hand tightly. “You just stop that right now. Most of Colorado is looking for Nina Sandler. Not to mention…” he shook his head, attempting to censor himself. “Not to mention the fact that my brothers and I would kill her ourselves before we let her get anywhere near you. So stop it. You should know better.”

  I felt tears welling in my eyes. No one understood that I wasn’t worried about myself.

  “It’s not me,” I tried to explain. “I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to any of you, Garrett.”

  He held my hand to the side of his face. “We’re all looking after each other and you. Don’t worry, okay?”

  I nodded, and my eyes closed involuntarily. Garrett kissed my forehead.

  “Hey, Gracie?”

  I opened my eyes and tried to focus.

  “How come the machines don’t beep like crazy when I kiss you?”


  The room was dark, but I could see Miles sleeping on the sofa in the far corner of the room, and Kate was curled up in a chair close to my bedside. The door opened slowly, allowing light to filter in from the brightly lit hallway, and my heart raced as Nina entered my room slowly. Her face reflected the glow of the multi-colored lights from the machines and monitors that surrounded my bed, and she smiled that same sweet smile she always did.

  The blade of a large butcher knife shimmered in her hand, reflecting the lights as she walked toward Kate. I tried to move, but I was paralyzed. She raised the knife up over Kate, the smile still on her face.

  “NO!” I screamed. “NO!”

  I still couldn’t move, my arms felt like they were strapped to my sides, and my heart pounded painfully against my chest. Her blank, expressionless stare felt like a shot of ice in my veins.

  “Please!” I begged between sobs. “Please, don’t hurt her! Please!”

  I closed my eyes, tears running down my face.

  “Gracie!” Kate was calling for me, and I opened my eyes. She stood over me, her hands on the sides of my face. “Gracie! Wake up! It’s okay.”

  Miles was on the other side of my bed, squeezing my hand, watching with the same expression of panic that Kate had.

  “Nina,” I hiccoughed. “She was here.” I pointed to where I’d seen Nina standing—my hand trembling. “She—she had a knife—” I closed my eyes and tried to slow my heart rate. The nurse came in and pushed buttons on the machine next to me.

  “She had a nightmare,” Kate told her, and brushed at the hair that clung to my forehead from the sweat. Miles disappeared for a moment and returned with a cold cloth, placing it on my forehead.

  “It didn’t seem like a dream,” I sobbed. “I was awake. She was right there.”

  Kate stroked my hair and I shook uncontrollably.

  “Grace, Honey,” Miles said soothingly. “We’ve been here the whole time, nobody’s come in.”

  “It’s the medication,” the nurse said matter-of-factly. “It can cause hallucinations.”

  “Okay,” Kate shook her head, “I don’t think she’ll want that medication anymore. Maybe the doctor should prescribe something different.”

  The nurse nodded and left after checking the I.V. bag. I was still shaking as Miles continued to wipe my forehead softly with the cloth. Kate sat down holding my hand, and suddenly I felt embarrassed.

  “I’m so sorry, it just seemed so real.”

  “Grace, you don’t have to apologize for having a nightmare,” Miles shook his head. “It isn’t your fault.”

  I tried to take a deep breath. “What time is it?”

  “Almost six a.m.”

  “You two must be tired,” I said. “You should go home and get some sleep.”

  Kate snorted a laugh. “And you must be delirious. Go back to sleep, Gracie.”

  They both remained next to the bed, and eventually I drifted to sleep once again.

  “What happened?”

  “She thought Nina was in the room.”

  I could hear the conversation between Michael and Miles, but my eyes were so heavy I couldn’t manage to open them.

  “It’s okay, Michael,” Miles said. “The nurse said it was probably because of the medication, it can cause hallucinations. Kate already spoke to the doctor about changing the medication.”

  “I shouldn’t have left,” Michael murmured. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine, little brother, but I’ve never seen anything like that. She thought it was real.”

  I could smell the fresh scent of Michael’s body wash, and his hand grasped mine.

  “The doctor said they’re going to move her to a regular room today,” Kate sounded excited. “She’ll be able to take a shower.” “That’ll make her happy,” Michael said. “That’s all she’s asked about since she woke up.”

  “Like you aren’t going to be glad I’m going to smell better?” My eyes opened, and I focused on Michael’s clean shaven, gorgeous face.

  “You smell fine to me.” He kissed my cheek, and smiled warmly. “Hey.”

  He smelled so good. I was suddenly aware of the horrible taste in my mouth, sure my breath matched. I covered my mouth with my hand and glanced at Kate. She giggled and went to get my toothbrush and toothpaste. Michael rolled his eyes, and stood so Kate could pull the curtain around my bed. She handed me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it, and a basin. While I brushed my teeth, she brushed my hair out and braided it loosely over my shoulder.

  “I brought your pink plaid pajamas, but they’re going to let you shower today so you can just put them on after that,” she chattered. “Miles and I are going home for a little while, and I’ll bring your shampoo and conditioner. You don’t want the hospital crap.”

  Kate and Miles went home, Kate promising to return with all the necessities from home for my shower. It wasn’t long before the nurse took me to Radiology for tests which showed the bleeding had stopped. to be sure the bleeding had stopped. The test showed no more bleeding, and I was moved to a room in the main wing of the hospital. I was excited there was an actual window in the room, at least I’d be able to tell my days and nights apart.

  Kate and Miles showed up, Miles carrying one of my large duffels full of…I had no idea actually, but I knew Kate would have it stocked with the essentials as she promised. Michael helped me to the bathroom while Kate graciously kept my hospital gown cinched behind me. I was extremely sore and dizzy, and Michael stayed with me until I was sure I wouldn’t fall.

  I stared into the mirror. The reflection of myself hardly recognizable.

  My complexion was sallow, there were dark circles under my eyes, and I could tell that I’d lost weight. Kate sighed as she stepped behind me.

  “You’re still gorgeous.” She smiled encouragingly.

/>   I saw nothing in my reflection that was familiar, much less gorgeous.

  She helped me out of the hospital gown and peeled a large bandage from my torso. For the first time I saw the injury Nina had inflicted. It was directly above my belly button and about three inches wide with multiple stitches and terrible bruising. I ran my hand over it gingerly, feeling a twinge of anger. Kate pressed a waterproof bandage over the wound and helped me into the shower.

  The familiar fragrances of my shampoo and shower gel made me homesick, but it felt so good to be clean. Kate helped me into my favorite pink plaid pajamas, which felt soft and comfortable, especially compared to the scratchy hospital gown. I felt like a new person, but I was completely exhausted.

  When we came out of the bathroom Michael was there waiting. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to the bed, which had fresh linens. Pain flared in my stomach as I climbed onto the bed, and I winced. Michael murmured a quiet ‘I’m so sorry’ as he tried to make me comfortable. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the exhaustion even more.

  “That took a lot out of you,” Michael said. “You need to rest now.”

  “I’m fine.”

  He grimaced and shook his head, probably a little irritated, as Garrett approached the side of the bed and bent down so I could kiss his cheek.

  “I brought you something,” he said, handing me a cup. “Kenny made you your favorite.”

  I brought it to my nose and inhaled the familiar aroma. My hands shook, and Michael watched me worriedly. “Thank you, Garrett.” I smiled up at him.

  “I also brought you these.” He showed me a stack of movies and pointed to a TV and DVD player across the room. “Evan got it for us. We can watch some movies, huh?”

  I nodded excitedly, though dizziness was causing my head to swim.

  “Mom made some homemade muffins this morning.” Miles opened a plastic container, and I took one out right away taking a small bite. My arms felt like gelatin, and Michael grabbed my coffee because I almost dropped the cup. Everyone watched as he took the muffin from my hand, and my eyes closed.

  He reclined my bed, so I was lying down. I wanted to argue, but was too exhausted. I reached my hand to him, and he kissed my palm.

  “Rest,” he said. “I’ll be waiting for you to wake up.”

  I tried to nod, but could barely move my head.

  “Gracie,” Garrett said. “Go to sleep. We’re not going anywhere.”

  Michael leaned toward me and kissed beside my ear.

  “I love you.” I would never tire of hearing him say he loved me, and I know I fell asleep with a smile.

  The next few days in the hospital seemed like some of the longest days of my life, and even though the others never complained, I was sure they felt the same. We passed the time, playing cards, watching movies, and then more movies. I was allowed to take short walks through the hospital halls, and every day I felt much better.

  Michael stayed every night, leaving in the mornings for a shower, and then coming right back. Kate, Miles and Garrett would come in the morning and stay all day. Will and Ava came every day. They were staying in the guest room at Kate’s and my house, taking care of Kate and the boys.

  Garrett and Miles kept assuring me their work could wait, though Garrett took a couple of trips to Denver to check on St. Jo’s and the high-rise under construction.

  Kenny came to see me frequently, excited because he’d hired another part-time employee which gave him a little more freedom. Apparently, she was a student at the University, and was doing a ‘fine job’ which in Kenny-language meant she was nice to look at.

  I wanted to go home.

  I wanted to get back to work.

  I wanted to feel normal again.


  Finally, I was going home.

  Garrett and Miles loaded my things into the Hummer, while Kate helped me get dressed. The doctor gave Michael and Kate my instructions—no lifting, or strenuous exercise for at least two weeks, lots of rest, and pain medicine as needed.

  Michael held me close to him in the backseat, and I watched out the window as snow fell, covering the ground in a fluffy blanket of white. Will and Ava came out the front door waving excitedly as we pulled in front of the house. Garrett helped me out of the backseat, and carried me into the house.

  “Gracie, you’ve lost too much weight.” He shook his head. “We need to fatten you up.”

  A ‘WELCOME HOME ’ banner stretched across the entryway, my favorite classical music played, a fire crackled in the fireplace and the house smelled of something wonderful. Garrett brought me to the couch and I breathed a deep sigh of relief as I took in the comfort of my surroundings. Michael leaned against the wall by the door watching me, and I smiled at him. He ran his hand through his hair as he walked over and sat beside me. I pressed into his side, and he rested his chin on the top of my head. “Welcome home,” he said quietly.

  I sighed. “It feels wonderful.”

  “Grace, I hope you’re hungry,” Ava said. “I made a big dinner.”

  “I’m starved,” I told her. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done to help me, Ava. Thank you, so much.”

  She smiled and took my chin in her hand. “It’s my pleasure. I’m glad you’re home.”

  Garrett plopped in the chair beside the couch, crossed his feet on the ottoman and folded his hands behind his head. “Gracie, I put your things in your room, but you don’t have to worry about putting any of it away. Kate has it done already.”

  I laughed. “Of course she does.”

  I closed my eyes and rested my head against Michael’s chest, listening to the chatter and laughter coming from the people in my life. Ava hummed as she prepared dinner, Will and Miles talked quietly, Kate giggled and Garrett guffawed as they bantered about something.

  I listened to all of them. The people I loved.

  Michael gave me a squeeze. “Do you want to go to your room so you can sleep? It’s kind of noisy out here.” “It’s not noisy at all,” I said. “It’s wonderful.”

  After a delicious dinner, Michael helped me to my room with Kate following. When we walked through the door, I gasped as I looked around. Vases of pink roses were everywhere, filling the room with their heavenly fragrance. Strands of twinkle lights draped across the ceiling, reminding me of my first date with Michael.

  Kate smiled. “Michael did this for you.”

  Michael shrugged casually, and I swallowed hard as I admired his face, overtaken with love for him. He kissed the top of my head and led me the bathroom where Kate had the shower running.

  “Kate, do you need anything?” Michael asked.

  She shook her head. “I think we’ll be fine. Just don’t go too far.”

  “I’ll be right out here.” He gestured to the hallway.

  He walked out, and Kate closed the bedroom door. As I undressed I noticed a chair, similar to the one at the hospital, sitting in the middle of the shower floor. I turned to Kate quizzically.

  “Michael.” She snickered. “I had to talk him out of hiring a full-time nurse to take care of you.”

  I was surprisingly grateful for the chair as I completed my shower, my body tiring quickly. I put on a soft pair of flannel pajamas and brushed my teeth. Kate dried my hair and then helped me climb into bed. I felt myself relax instantly as I slid between the sheets, inhaling the familiar scent. Kate lined up the medication bottles on my nightstand, along with a bottle of water.

  “You need anything, Gracie?”

  I nodded and she winked, understanding my unspoken need.

  “I’ll go get him.”

  I looked around my room at the beautiful roses that covered just about every surface, and the twinkle lights that cast a soft glow over them and smiled, closing my eyes.


  My eyes flipped open. Michael leaned against the frame of my door, shaking his head with that crooked grin I loved so much.

  “What’s amazing?
” I asked.

  “That someone can look so beautiful in flannel pajamas.”

  I held my hand out to him, and he pushed away from the door frame, coming to the side of my bed.

  He smiled. “You look happy.”

  “Mm-Hmm,” I hummed. “But there is one thing I’m going to miss about the hospital.”

  “What would that be?”

  “I’m going to miss not seeing you when I open my eyes.” I lifted my hand and stroked the side of his face, wondering if I would ever get tired of looking at him. I doubted it.

  “Hm,” he said thoughtfully.

  I chuckled at his expression, and he shook his head.

  “I don’t think Mom would approve of me staying here all night.” He grinned and looked around the room. “I suppose I could sneak in the window.”

  “I’ll leave it unlocked.” I waggled my eyebrows and he laughed.

  “You need to sleep,” he said. “How’s the pain?”

  “No pain, just sore.”

  “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  “Will you do something for me?” I traced over his eyebrows and along the side of his face with my fingertips.

  He closed his eyes. “Anything.”

  “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?”

  He stepped over to the chair by my window and pulled it to the side of the bed. He sat down and rested his head on my pillow. Just like he did at the hospital.

  “How’s this?”

  I studied every detail of his face that I had already memorized, falling asleep quickly, Michael’s face the last thing I saw before my eyes closed.

  I woke to a peculiar creaking noise from outside my bedroom door. The room was dark, except for the faint glow of my alarm clock, and the night-light in my bathroom. The doorknob clicked and my muscles tensed instantly as nausea rolled slowly over me. I watched, unable to breathe. Nina entered my room with measured, deliberate steps.

  When I sat up, a jolt of pain throttled my stomach from the sudden movement. I groaned and tried to curl my body around the pain. Nina laughed her lilting laugh as she flipped her hair. I couldn’t see her face, it was too dark. She lifted her hand and waved her fingers slowly, and then her other hand came up with the knife in it, the blade gleaming against the faint light. Fear gripped me, and sobs racked my body.


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