Still Yours

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Still Yours Page 13

by Cara Roman

  Ridge released her wrists, leaning down over her and pressing a kiss against the nape of her neck. Pulling out of her he rolled them over. Laying on his back he pulled Leigha into his side, wrapping an arm around her.

  Leigha couldn't form words if she tried. She smiled up at him as the multiple orgasms finally dragged her into a deeply exhausted, satisfied sleep.

  "You"ll sleep better now Sugar." Ridge whispered as her eyes closed.

  Chapter 23

  Ridge dropped Leigha off at home early the next morning, after an amazingly energetic shower together, so she didn't have to wear the same clothes to work two days in a row. He mentioned something about getting back to meet a contractor out at his house as he told her goodbye. Leigha spent some time petting and cuddling Finn as she got dressed for the day. She felt a little guilty about spending so much time away from him, but he didn't seem to be holding it against her. Thinking it might be a good idea to have Ridge over at her place tonight she braided her hair in a long tail down her back. Her back yard might not be very large, being right in town, but it was fenced so Boomer could come along and they didn't need to worry about him getting away.

  She was smiling thinking about her plans for tonight when she slowly backed her car out of the garage. Looking over she saw Ty in his driveway looking like he was about to get in his truck. He gave her a quick wave and a careful smile. She could see he was uncomfortable. Seeing that had her feeling a little bad about the way they left things last time, and not wanting to lose a friend, she hit the button sending her window gliding down.

  "Hey Ty, hows it going?" She called out.

  He walked over to her car, his smile a little less tight around the edges now. "Mornin' Leigha. The weather looks like its finally turned. I think we're done with the damn snow for the season."

  "Me too. Haven't seen you in Caffeinated Sprinkles in a bit. Did ya give up drinking coffee?" She asked him knowing he wasn't coming in because he was avoiding her.

  "Not exactly. I've uh, been getting it from the gas station." He admitted, ducking his head sheepishly. "Figured it was for the best."

  "Ty. We'll never be a couple, which I'm thinking you get loud and clear now. But we've always been friends. That coffee is shit, and we both know it." He nodded at her and they shared a laugh. "So I'll be seeing you for your caffeine fix then?"

  "Yeah, I'll be in, probably after seeing what Ridge wants done to his new place." He said easily.

  Leigha should have put it together sooner, "he mentioned having someone come by the house. I didn't realize it was you though."

  "Yeah, he didn't really tell me what he wanted done when he called yesterday." Ty said with a shrug. "Well, I'd better let you get going. Can't be late opening up the place." He said with a friendly wink and walked back over to his truck.

  Leigha pulled out of her driveway with a final wave and drove the few blocks across town. She was wondering what Ridge was having done to his house, but feeling happy about it because that was another reason to hope he was staying in town. People didn't just fix up a house and move usually. Well, flippers do, but Ridge wasn't one of those, it wasn't like he needed the money. Besides, his house was already really nice, it would sell just fine so there was no need. Which meant logically, that he was changing something to make it more his, to fit his needs.

  By the time Dani walked in a little bit later, her arms loaded down with today's tasty confections Leigha was wearing a perma-grin. "Look at you, I take it dinner at your parents house went good?" Dani asked as she maneuvered through to the kitchen.

  Leigha knew from experience not to offer to help her friend carry the boxes in. Dani didn't appreciate it, in fact it usually pissed her off when someone thought maybe she couldn't handle it. "It did. There was some tension when we first got there, but Dad had a man to man chat outside." Leigha used air quotes with her fingers around man to man with a cheeky grin. "And when they came back in I guess they worked it all out. Which I was pretty damn happy about since my Mom told me she would've helped Dad bury Ridge's body out back if they didn't." Leigha said laughing. "Because I kind of like his body."

  "She didn't!" Dani exclaimed, just as shocked as Leigha herself had been. "And we can all see how much you like his body by the just fucked smile on your face all the time." She winked at Leigha.

  "Oh, she absolutely did." Leigha said.

  "Damn. Momma Sherri is definitely a ride or die chick." Dani said and they both spent a couple minutes laughing.

  "I guess that's how you have a happy marriage for so long. Knowing where all the bodies are." Leigha said.

  "Yeah, because she helped bury them!" Dani said, and they laughed all over again.

  "So, what totally delicious goodies are hiding in these boxes?" Leigha said as Dani started opening them.

  "Strawberry coffee cake crumble top muffins, and some to die for chocolate truffle cookies." Dani said.

  Leigha looked inside the boxes at all the pretty cookies and muffins inside, making sure to take a great big whiff. "Damn, those look fabulous. Dani girl, you are a genius." She said slinging her arm affectionately around her friend. "Once Tina gets in, I'm going to hide back in the office and get to work making our souvenir station a reality."

  "I've got a good feeling about it. It's gonna be a hit, I just know it." Dani said leaning her head on Leigha's shoulder. "Tell me, how do you look more rested than I do, when I know you were up half of the night screaming out Ridge's name?"

  Leigha laughed, "great sex is good for the soul, and the complexion too I guess." She released Dani and she started loading up the trays for the display case out front.

  "I guess so. I'll leave all that to you though. Too much hassle. I'll stick with my vibrator for now." Dani said.

  "Some one is going to come along and change your mind about that. It would be a real shame if you never fell in love again." Leigha said with all seriousness. "You're such a great catch after all." She added with a wink lightening the mood.

  "Damn right I am." Dani said before shooing Leigha out of the kitchen.

  Leigha was back in her office completely caught up in cost comparisons on suppliers for personalized travel coffee mugs. She figured the knock on her door was either Dani or Tina, and called out without even turning around towards the door, "yeah?"

  "Damn Sugar, you look hot as hell. I know you own this place and all, but seeing you like this, looking all in-fucking-charge does things to me." Ridge said leaning against the door. There was a sexy smirk on his face, and it had goosebumps leaping out all over her skin. "Think I could convince you to let me bend you over that desk?"

  "Not on your life. The health department would have my ass on a platter for that." Leigha said with a giant grin. "I wouldn't say no to a kiss though."

  Ridge walked over to her with a knowing strut. "You'd like it though." He said before pulling her up out of the chair and leaning in to her.

  She'd offered a kiss, and he gave her that, and then some. Ridge all but ravished her with just his lips and tongue, leaving no corner of her mouth untouched. By the time he pulled away she was wondering if she could orgasm from just that kiss alone. "I most definitely would." She said feeling more than a little breathless.

  "Ty said he saw you this morning when he was out at my house." He said, just barely above a whisper, still holding her close.

  Leigha just stared at Ridge for a moment, letting her lust-drunk brain sober up. "Yeah, he ah, he was leaving at the same time I was. We chatted for a couple of minutes, it was only a little bit awkward." He leaned in and pressed soft, barely there kisses down her neck. "What is he gonna do for you?" She mumbled out around a moan.

  Ridge chuckled at her response, "I'm putting in a recording studio."

  Leigha pulled all the way away from Ridge. "A what?"

  "A small recording studio, in the basement. Its all fully finished down there already, so it won't be as much work."

  "Why?" Leigha asked and held her breath. She really needed to hear him say t
he words out loud again.

  "Because I'm staying. I've told you that." He said tracing a finger across her jaw. "I know you didn't believe me, but I meant it."

  Leigha's eyes shimmered with tears for a second, she blinked to hold them off. "I believe you now." She whispered feeling more of the wall surrounding her heart crack and crumble away.

  "About damn time!" He said yanking her back to him in a hug, and swinging her around in a joyful circle.

  "So I was thinking you should spend the night at my house tonight? You can bring Boomer along too. My yard is fenced, he can play out there. Not that I expect you to lock him out there the whole time, he can come inside. Maybe bring along some toys, and a bone or something too. That way he would be comfortable." Leigha said rambling.

  Ridge smiled and kissed her again. "Alright, Boomer and I will come over to your place. I'm in the mood for tacos, how about I pick up the stuff, and we make some for dinner?"

  Leigha nodded her head, her lips still buzzing from the last kiss. "Okay."

  "Good. See you later Sugar." He said before walking out.

  Leigha stepped out of her office to watch him go. He turned at the front door and gave her a wave, with a cocky eyebrow lift saying he knew she would be watching the way he walked out into the mid afternoon sunshine. Next to her Tina sighed, the sound full of female appreciation.

  "That is some man." She said longingly.

  "He really is. Oh, and Tina, he's all mine too." Leigha said with a smile.

  "Yeah, you're lucky as hell too." Tina said laughing. "Wouldn't mind finding me a man like that some day."

  "Believe me, I know it. Give it time girl, your man will come along." Leigha said as she walked back to her office to try and get more work done. It would be a struggle though with the way Ridge had fried every one of her brain cells.

  At home Leigha was having a pep talk with Finn. Trying to prepare him for his introduction to Boomer. She was a little nervous they wouldn't get along. She heard Ridge's truck pull in the drive, and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." She told Finn as she walked to the front door.

  Ridge had Boomer on a leash, and he was sitting politely on her doorstep. Leigha leaned down to pet him as Finn jumped off the couch to walk over and investigate. Boomer gave a happy little whine, his tail thumping against the step with gusto betraying his excitement. "Come on in." Leigha said.

  Ridge and Boomer stepped inside, and he shut the door behind them. They both watched as their pets sniffed each other. Boomer was clearly happy to make friends. When Finn rubbed himself along Boomer's side as he circled the dog Leigha gave a sigh of relief. She looked up, and Ridge was staring at her with the goofiest grin on his face. It reminded her of when he was much younger, the happiness shining through him was so clear and almost innocent.

  "They're making friends." He said. Her heart lurched a little more inside of her chest. Ridge unhooked the leash from Boomer's collar leaving him free to play with Finn.

  Leigha walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, laying her head on Ridge's chest. She could hear his heart beating against her ear, strong and steady. His arms came around her without hesitation. "So, tacos?" She said looking up into his face.

  "Yeah, tacos." Ridge said. "As soon as I run back out to the truck and grab the bag. Didn't want my arms full in case they didn't get on so well." He shrugged.

  "I'll get a pan out." She said stepping away. "Oh, and Ridge?"

  "Yeah?" He said his hand already on the door knob.

  "This makes me really happy." She smiled.

  "Me too." He said before dashing back outside.

  Chapter 24

  As the first official day of spring grew closer Leigha and Ridge developed a comfortable routine. They would spend their nights, and most of their mornings too, devouring each other. The heat always simmering between them never failing to ignite with merely a single touch. It amazed Leigha that with as much time they were spending burning up the sheets, it felt exciting each and every single time. Being in Ridge's arms never felt boring to her. A few times now Leigha found three particular little words sitting heavily on the tip of her tongue. For some reason they never made it past her lips, though Ridge told her all the time now how much he loved her. Each time he said it she felt it nestle a little deeper into her soul. This time with him was healing all of the damage he left in his wake when he left at eighteen.

  Tonight they were having a movie night, each one of them picked a favorite movie to watch together. Ridge picked an action suspense movie that kept Leigha feeling like she was on the edge of her seat the whole time. Of course she wasn't actually perched on the edge of her couch, she was curled into his side, with his arm around her shoulder keeping her tucked close. When the movie ended he got up to let Boomer out to do his doggy business and make some popcorn in the microwave while she loaded up the next DVD into the player. The menu screen was on the television when he walked back into the living room, a giant bowl of fragrant buttery goodness in his hand. Boomer settled in the dog bed over in the corner Ridge left here for him, to nap with Finn who was already curled up there waiting for his furry friend.

  "I figured you had some super sappy romance for us to watch. This is so much fucking better." Ridge said as a slow smile spread across his gorgeous face sending the butterflies in her middle into an excited frenzy.

  "Well, this one's a classic, and still my favorite movie of all time." Leigha said with a grin, before adding, "we also spent more than a few times making out on your living room couch when your Mom was at work and we were supposed to be watching it. I figured maybe we're old enough now to get through the whole thing."

  "Yeah, we barely made it past that opening song before we weren't paying attention anymore." He laughed remembering back when they were younger. "Every time it came on TV I sat there watching it thinking about you. Hell, I've probably seen it more times than you have at this point." Ridge added as she hit the button on the remote.

  Leigha almost choked on the popcorn she was enthusiastically munching when Ridge started singing along with the cast about summer nights. She swallowed carefully and although she knew that she was probably bias, Leigha thought he sounded even better than the voices floating out of the speakers. He wasn't exaggerating about how many times he'd seen it, he knew every single one of the words. His voice had always given her chills, right from the first time she heard it sitting across a bonfire from him. Now he was singing along to her all time favorite movie, flawlessly, because throughout the years they were apart he had watched it thinking of her. As the song faded away and the movie moved on he turned to her with a happy smile.

  "I love you Ridge." She blurted out, surprising them both. Her mouth moved before her head had a chance to catch up, and maybe that's how it was meant to be all along. Because looking into his eyes right now she felt like the earth had stopped rotating. The endless green depths seemed to shimmer, and she watched the emotions surging through him as each one moved through his eyes.

  "Finally." He breathed leaning until his forehead touched hers. "Its so damn good to hear you say that Leigha. I thought you were on the same page as I was, but I didn't know how bad I needed the actual words until now."

  "They just came out before I even knew I was going to say them. I wasn't trying to hold out on you Ridge, I hope you know that." She said tunneling her fingers into his dark hair and pressing a whisper soft kiss against his lips.

  Leigha felt him lifting the popcorn bowl out from his lap, where it was sitting, presumably setting it on the table next to the arm of the couch. She didn't really care where he set it, all she knew was that his lap was empty now and she needed to be in it. Keeping her hands in his hair she angled her body and lifted up, sliding one leg on each side of his, straddling him. His big hands gripped her hips grinding her down onto him. She could feel how hard he already was beneath her. Rolling her hips against him had heat pooling between her thighs, soaking into the panties she was wearing. Moaning into his mout
h, already half crazed with need for him she reached between them and yanked the t shirt he was wearing up and over his head before sending it flying. Running her hands down his bared skin to the button of his jeans while she trailed hot kisses over the top of his shoulder. Leigha could feel the need pouring off of Ridge, and it was fueling the blaze inside of her. His jeans undone she reached her hands inside of and wrapped her fingers around his dick at the same time she scraped her teeth along the side of his neck.

  Ridge's growling intake of breath telling her exactly how much he liked what she was doing to him. "You've got too many clothes on Sugar."

  Leigha nodded her head as she sucked his earlobe into her mouth. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

  His hands slid up her back bringing the shirt she was wearing with them. The callouses on his fingers from years of playing the guitar scraping her soft skin deliciously. He lifted it up over her head and tossed it. Reaching a hand up Ridge grabbed a handful of her long hair in his hand and tilted her head all the way to the side as he nibbled across her neck. Even when she was the one on top he was still in control, and she loved it. His other hand hand was busy unhooking her bra, sliding it off her body quickly. Using the hand still in holding her hair he pulled down, and Leigha arched her back to accommodate. As she leaned back he leaned in and caught her nipple and sucked it into his mouth. Shuddering over him Leigha closed her eyes, loving the way he always knew what she needed. Ridge released her hair, and pushed her up off his lap. She stood there blinking at him for a second, her brain cells scrambling.

  "Take your jeans off for me Sugar. Let me see all of your beautiful body." Ridge growled, lifting his hips and scooting his own jeans the rest of the way down his legs.


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