Electric Fog

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Electric Fog Page 3

by Kara L. M.

  I faced my mirror and started applying my eyeliner. I honestly had not thought about the chance that Zeke could kiss me tonight. Maybe it was because I secretly wanted my first kiss to be with Austin. If his single finger could cause electric shock through my body what could those full lips do? “Buzz” My phone alerted me that I had been daydreaming for quite some time since I had missed four texts from Samantha. I was brought back to reality and I realized that Zeke would be a perfectly fine first kiss. But is that what I wanted, fine or electrifying?

  Zeke pulled up to my house in his little blue truck. I headed out the door before my Mom could realize what was happening. “I'll be home around ten.” I yelled and shut the door quickly behind me. He was waiting with the passenger door open for me. He cleaned up nice in his blue polo and light jeans. I wanted to be more excited to be going out with Zeke but when I saw the enthusiasm on his face I knew I couldn't match it. “Hey Zeke, thanks.” I said as I climbed in the truck. “You look pretty Liv.” He said closing the door behind me.

  Once we arrived at the theatre I had tensed up big time. It finally hit me that I would be in a dark room with Zeke. Were we going to cuddle? Maybe hold hands? I told myself to relax and luckily I spotted Samantha. She was in a flirty blue and white floral dress with navy heels. I couldn't help but be jealous at how perfect her legs looked.

  “You look gorgeous.” She squealed. “I love that dress.” I replied. She grabbed my arm and led me towards the center of the main lobby while the boys bought the tickets. “Ok Liv, be honest, how excited are you to cuddle with Zeke, he looks so cute tonight!” I turned my face to check out the concession stands “Oh that should be fun right?” She grabbed my shoulders and flung me towards her. “Liv just have fun that is why we are here. Try not to think too much about it”. She was right I was over thinking but not for the reasons she knew. I couldn't shake Austin from my mind. But what if liking him is a waste of time? What if he doesn't even notice me in that way? Maybe I should dig myself out of this hole and cuddle Zeke. He was really cute, sweet and coming this way. “Hey thanks.” I said to Zeke with a chipper smile. Hopefully he noticed my attitude change. I am embarrassed to think how far my mind was on the ride over here. “Of course, now let’s go get a good seat.” He grabbed my hand and something inside me changed. It felt nice and strong. He wanted me and I kind of wanted him too.

  The movie was better than expected. It was a typical romantic comedy with all the ridiculously cheesy parts. I enjoyed smelling his cologne as we held hands. This was my first real date and it was going well besides the awkward car ride over. We walked out of the theatre and Samantha was going on and on about the lead actor and how hot he was. Her date Nic responded that the main actress was just alright.

  “How’s summer school going? I bet the guys are all in love with you”. Zeke said with a wink. “Oh yes nothing is more attractive than a dumb girl.”

  “Well we both know you're not dumb so hopefully they’re too dumb to notice and I won't have to compete”.

  We both laughed because summer school was no place to meet your perfect match. We entered the Mexican Cantina and the smell of burritos and melted cheese filled the air. The enchiladas I ordered were gooey and delicious and as I reached for the hot sauce I quickly peeked at Zeke. On the attractive scale he was a solid 8 and I knew I was lucky to be out with him.

  “Do you like to play the beautiful game?” He asked me seriously.

  “Soccer? I used to play for fun at recess as a kid but no not really.” His eyes rolled.

  “We have to change that! What are you doing tomorrow would you want to picnic at the park and kick the ball around? I could really use a practice buddy?”

  “Sure.” I said, wondering how that would go. I am not that athletic but I am also not terrible. “I want to picnic but no soccer.” Samantha said. She was clearly eyeing Nic for an invitation.

  “Oh I have my first drivers Ed class tomorrow morning.” Nic said.

  “Oh well, no way I am being a third wheel, you guys have fun!” Samantha responded annoyed.

  Zeke turned to me after he paid for the check. As we left the table he put his hand out to me. “Let’s go girly it’s almost ten”. The ride home was fantastic. The conversation flowed and his laugh was great. It took my mind of the worries I had been building. He pulled up to my house. I wasn't sure if he was going to try to kiss me but I was finally convinced it could be wonderful. Zeke had been nothing but charming the whole date. I couldn’t do much better for a first kiss.

  He walked me to my porch. I spun around to give him a hug. He dipped his face down to mine. This was it, he was about to brush his lips against mine. Would this be an open mouth kiss? I didn't have time to think.

  “I want to kiss you, but I really like you and want it to be more magical than your front door with your brother watching.” He whispered. I flung out of his hug and turned towards the window and saw Peter diving for cover. You better dive. “Oh that is super embarrassing.” I said as my cheeks flushed pink. Zeke laughed at my response. “Thanks for a fun night, I am excited about tomorrow but don't get your hopes up over my soccer skills.” I winked. “Oh girly if you only knew, I can make anyone good at soccer, give me one hour!” He smiled confidently holding one finger up. He turned around and ran back to his truck. I opened the door and shut it behind me. I booked it up the stairs looking for Peter; he was going to be sorry!

  Chapter 5: Soccer Sucks

  Peter locked his door before I could get any real words out. There is always tomorrow. I went to the freezer for some quick revenge. There were two frozen burritos left. I heated them up and scarfed them down, my figure be damned. Peter would pay! And eating his favorite afternoon snack would piss him off. I completed my nightly routine for bed and slid on my pink pajama pants. I fell into bed and thought about the whispered words that Zeke had spoken. How sweet is it that he wants to wait for our first kiss? I smiled at the idea of dating a sensitive guy. He has the whole package, good boy, athletic, funny and thoughtful. How could I have let a boy from summer school ever make me doubt the possible connection with Zeke? “Buzz” went my phone. “Sweet dreams beautiful”. I smiled, as if tonight couldn't get better. I closed my eyes and hoped I would dream about our first kiss.

  The next morning I let Zeke know I would meet him at the park. He was teaching me soccer so the least I could do was make the picnic and walk over. I threw on white cotton shorts with a black t-shirt. I guess tennis shoes would have to work. The field was a block away and I was walking as fast as I could without breaking a sweat. The pink and gray back pack was heavy from the blanket and drinks I had packed. I reached the edge of the field and he was there dressed in a yellow soccer jersey, black shorts and soccer cleats. He was juggling the ball in a way that made him look strong, confident and hot. I admired him for a bit and then headed over.

  “Hey Zeke I hope you don't think that I have those capabilities.” I stretched my arm out towards him.

  “Hey girly, you ready to get sweaty?”

  “I guess I am.”

  I smiled and put the backpack down. He kicked the orange and white ball to me. “Let’s see what you got!” He grinned. I stepped back a few feet and kicked it as hard as I could and it rolled maybe ten feet. “You don't want to kick it with your toes but nice try.” He said as if he genuinely meant it. I continued to hit the ball but now with the side of my foot and it was better but only slightly. Zeke had a determined look on his face as if his only mission in life was to help me improve. It was quite endearing to watch him attempt to mold me into a soccer player even though he had little to work with. After a few kicks had me try some weaving drills.

  We lined up and I was ready to do the next drill when he stopped and gave me a shy grin.

  “Your brown eyes are seriously beautiful.” I smiled and looked down at the ball.

  “Zeke you know how to make a girl blush”.

  “I just say what I see, now come at me and don't go easy!”

sp; I rushed the ball around him and ran for the goal. He caught up quick but it was too late I had swung my leg back to kick the ball to victory when I fell to the ground. My foot had slipped on some mud and I collapsed down like a sack of potatoes. The stinging in my back and head numbed the embarrassment at first. But it didn't last.

  “Oh Liv that looked like it hurt!”

  “Well I never said I was good at this” I cracked a smile.

  He helped me up and I noticed my white cotton shorts were disgusting.

  “Well at least I still look great.” I smiled sarcastically. I went to walk and my ankle stung and I hissed in pain. “What's wrong? Did you sprain your ankle?” He asked worried.

  “I, I am not sure.” I said wincing from the pain.

  Before I could think he picked me up and carried me back to my back pack. He laid out the blanket and transferred me over to it. He removed my shoe gently.

  “Oh you don't really have to look at it I am sure its fine.” I said. “Well what kind of guy would I be if I let you injure yourself on our date and then didn't help you?” He snatched the backpack and pulled a cold drink from it and laid it on my ankle.

  “Well that was fun.” I said with a smile.

  “You’re joking right?” He looked confused.

  “No really I haven't played in forever and it was fun, I just wish I wasn't a klutz!”

  “OH Liv this is why I like you, you're so positive even when your ankle is wrecked!”

  We ate our turkey sandwiches and talked about summer plans. He mentioned a couple of camping trips he has coming up one with friends and the other with family. I didn't have many plans this summer because of summer school. Our family would visit the mountains for breakfast but had not camped since Dad had passed.

  “Well good thing I drove because you're in no shape to walk home.” He lifted me and helped me hobble to the truck. Once we reached my house he helped me to the door and gave me another hug. “Thanks Zeke, and really don't worry about me.” “You know I will.” He half smiled. I slowly crawled up the stairs and stole a bag of frozen peas from the freezer. I relaxed on the couch and flipped on the TV, it was my lucky day as Star Trek re-runs were playing. My heart always stung when anything I did remind me of Dad but luckily for me my ankle hurt worst.

  Sunday and Monday passed slowly. My ankle ended up swelling despite my best efforts to freeze my foot. Zeke texted me and wanted to know if he could stop by. I figured if he saw my foot it would only make him feel worse. I kept him occupied with texts about the next time we would play soccer and what I want to learn. We also talked about his high school practices. Tuesday morning I awoke and my foot was still swollen and I was upset. My Mom greeted me at my bedroom door with crutches. I was about to protest but the pain from walking from the bed to the door was enough to keep me quiet.

  “I am thinking after a couple days on these you will be good.” She said.

  “Well I am already the reject that goes to summer school I might as well be hobbling as well”. I said sarcastically.

  It was ridiculously difficult to maneuver the crutches up the stairs. I am pretty sure I shook the entire portable as I walked in. Embarrassing isn't close to what I felt. But that feeling didn’t last as I noticed Austin was eyeing my foot with disgust. I thought I covered the purple marks with the bandage but apparently I jostled up the stairs which made it slide down. Now the hot guy in class thinks I am handicapped and it’s grossing him out. I sat down and tried to freeze my motion. Maybe if I didn't move everyone would forget how ridiculous my entrance was.

  “So you had a fun weekend.” It wasn't a question but statement. “Yes a soccer accident, who knew I could be so terrible.” I said to Austin with an awkward smile.”Who let this happen?” He asked as if he wasn't listening to my first response. His tense mood was weirding me out.”No one let this happen I just slipped.”

  I was annoyed at this point. How could I once think there was something between us? He wasn't soft, he was rigid and already mad at someone for letting me get hurt when that wasn’t even the case. Strange doesn't describe his behavior. Any normal person would ask how I was feeling, not make me feel dumb about how it happened or who I was with.

  Math lasted forever. Thanks to Jake, class became less awful after he made a joke about algebra that broke the tension. Our math teacher gave us a few minutes to find a partner for a team test he was going to send home. I was about to turn to Jake when Austin touched my shoulder. I wanted to ignore it but the shock pulsed through my body and suddenly I couldn't remember what was so wrong about talking to him.

  “I am thinking you could use a tall strong guy to help you complete the test.” He said with that flirty gleam in his eye. “Oh do I?” I asked innocently, playing on the dramatic. “Thanks but I can take care of myself.” I frowned and began to turn around. But another touch to my arm sent electricity through my muscles making them freeze. “Well you could ask one of the weaker guys in this room but we both know I could easily help you around and get to where we need to study.” He had a point and now that I was caught up in the depth of his ocean eyes I knew I wouldn’t say no. He was so attractive and the shock bumping through my veins was convincing me to linger. “Let me get your number.” He said as he retrieved his phone.

  Once we exchanged numbers and addresses he left his desk and stood above me. “May I?” With his arms outstretched. “Oh I am sure I can do it.” I said staring down and gathering my things. “I am sure you can but if you do it alone it may take you all night.” He said that laughing as if he could already imagine it. “Take it easy, I am injured not deaf!” I said back.

  I knew he was right about how long it could take and I was curious to know what his arms around me would feel like. I began to stand but before I could fully get out of my chair he was holding me. The electric tingle flowed through my body. He stared at me as if he felt it too. He then easily carried me out the portable and down the stairs. My Mom was pulling up and was clearly surprised to see me being carried by a hot model. He gently put me down and moved a hair from my face.

  “It’s not so bad when you let someone help right?” “Yes.” Is all I could say. I was still in shock, literally from the pulsing in my body but also from the fact that this incredibly good looking guy just carried me like a princess. My Mom helped me into the car and before I could tell him thanks he was gone.

  Chapter 6: Two hearts

  “Buzz” my phone went off shortly after dinner.

  “It's your favorite mathlete.”

  “Oh ya? What's up Austin?”

  “I was thinking why wait till Wednesday? Let’s work tonight. I can pick you up and we can get frozen yogurt?”

  “Sure what time?”

  “How about now :)?”

  He had to be joking. I peeked out my bedroom window and sure enough he was there. I had to focus on breathing; NY model was actually waiting for me in a brand new black jeep. I hobbled to my mirror and checked my makeup. I reapplied my lip gloss. I quickly glanced down at my outfit and noticed spaghetti sauce on my shirt. I moved fast and changed into the only dress I could reach in the closet. I slid it over my head and then there was a knock at the door. As I left my room I realized this was the dress I wore the first day of school. No time to change now. I grabbed my backpack and wobbled down the hallway. Peter was at the door eying the six foot mystery guy of my dreams.

  “Liv, Austin is here.” He announced. I awkwardly forced one foot down the stairs but before I reached the second step Austin walked past my brother and carried me down. The electric shock made me shiver and the warm feeling from before had returned. I soaked it in like a sponge.

  “Thanks.” I mumbled. He helped me slip on my blue Van shoes which made me feel elderly but it was a sweet gesture. I noticed Peter was confused. This was the first time he has seen a guy act sweet around me. Sure Zeke had picked me up for our date but it was informal.

  “Tell Mom I have math to do with a guy from class, I will be home by nine.” P
eter nodded and went up the stairs. “Ready?” Austin slyly smiled at me as if we were doing something dangerous. “Let’s do this!” I said more enthusiastically than I should have considering this is math we were talking about. He gently put me in his car and belted me in. When he finally let go of me I felt this desperation to reach back out to him but I didn't. What on earth is this reaction I’m feeling? I know his body is strong and smells amazing but pull it together Liv!

  He hopped in the jeep and the engine rolled over. Music came on, Cold Play I think it was. “Yellow?” I asked him. A smile grew across his face “Yes one of my favorites, I am surprised you know this song I figured you would be listening to One Direction or Demi Lovato.” He laughed. “Well believe it or not I love all kinds of music especially the songs with meaningful lyrics.” I said proudly. “That dress.” He started to say without taking his eyes of the road. “You wore that dress the first day of school?” He asked. I was embarrassed because that was less than a week ago and I didn't like to wear outfits this close together. “It felt like I was welcoming summer even if I was stuck in summer school.” I explained. He laughed. “Well you look hot. I don’t usually remember what girls wear but that dress is hard to forget.” Butterflies tickled my stomach and every inch of me wanted to hold his hand.

  We parked in front of Froyo and it was empty. I guess a Tuesday night is slow especially with all the snow shacks that opened last week. He opened my door and picked me up. I inhaled and held my breath in order to feel the electricity burn stronger in my limbs. When we touched we were sharing some cosmic power. We were two energy sources flowing in and out replenishing each other’s supply. Once inside he sat me on the white plastic chair breaking the connection.

  “What can I get you?” He asked. I caught my breath. “Georgia peach if they have it otherwise strawberry, thank you.” I watched him walk away. The red head girl at the counter had been re-filling the toppings until she noticed Austin. She was staring at him which didn’t surprise me. I couldn't help but be a bit annoyed until I realized this wasn't a date. Or was it?


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