Electric Fog

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Electric Fog Page 5

by Kara L. M.

  Once we completed the hike and arrived at the car he grabbed my face again and delivered a slow kiss. I noticed that the taste in my mouth had changed to how spectacular his breath smelled. It was strange and thrilling riding home and thinking how I went up that mountain as a girl that had never been kissed and came down from the kiss of a lifetime. I am wholeheartedly sure no other kiss would ever be as delicious or powerful.

  I didn't realize I was starving until my stomach growled loud enough for him to hear. “Ah.” He said. “Time for dinner!” His countenance had changed, as if a load had been lifted from his shoulders. He was almost slap happy. “Do you love pizza? Because I know this place where the crust is so crispy.” He said beaming. “I love pizza, hands down my favorite food!” He held my hand and the energy shot through my fingers.

  We sat outside the restaurant at a table close to the door. The smell of pizza made my stomach rumble again. I decided to ask Austin if he had ever had any relationships. “Well if you count kissing as dating then there is too many to count, but if you mean actually being in love then no.” I was sickened to think of him kissing several girls but happy to hear he hadn’t been in love yet. “I have only pecked a handful of guys up to this point, a few at worthless parties in middle school and the rest from childhood buddies.” I said embarrassed. “I am not going to lie I love the idea that I was your first real kiss.” He said sliding his fingers over my hand.

  Our Hawaiian pizza came out quickly and through our conversation I hadn't noticed my phone buzzing until a loud beep alerted me to a missed call. I glanced down and saw a text from Samantha and Zeke. My stomach fell. Was I dating Zeke? Like rocks, guilt filled my stomach as I realized I had left him hanging since the injury. We both dug into the cheesy slices giving a minute of silence. I used it to plan the text I would send to Zeke.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?”Austin asked.

  “Oh just a text I need to write.”

  “Wow way to be descriptive.”

  “Oh you don't want to hear about it.” I said as I looked at my phone.

  “Try me.” He said.

  I debated telling him. Why would I want Austin to know anything about Zeke? Plus Zeke was the first guy I dated. I needed to let him down gently. But before I could send the text I saw Zeke get out of his truck and he was walking toward the pizza entrance with Samantha and Nic. That is why they were texting and calling me. Another dinner date but none of them knew I was already on one. I searched Zeke's face to find surprise and then disappointment. Samantha's eyes went wide as they got closer.

  “Austin, those are my friends can you wait here a second?” The panic in my voice was hard to mask. I jumped up and ran over and before I could say anything to them Austin was at my side. “Hey guys, are you friends of Liv?” Austin spoke first. Samantha was taken back. “Yes, Liv I have been calling you all day.” She complained. “I am sorry it was my fault we were working on homework and it turned into a hiking date then of course we needed pizza you know how it is.” Austin’s silky voice was convincing. A big smile erupted over Samantha she couldn't help but be charmed by this gorgeous tall blonde. “Oh of course that is how it always goes.”She let out a flirty laugh. Nic stared at her confused by her composure while Zeke didn't take his blank stare off me. “Sorry I didn't return your calls or texts.” I said. “Whatever.” He spouted as he walked past me and into the restaurant. Nic was pulling Samantha along who was still grinning like an idiot.

  “I don’t know what to say.” I said while walking back to our table. “You don't have to say anything. The way that guy stared at you said it all.” I finished my pizza but couldn't shake the guilt from letting Zeke see me with Austin. Zeke was a good guy he didn’t deserve to find out that I had ignored him for another guy. After dinner Austin convinced me to go to his house to watch a movie. We pulled up to the modern rambler that was sitting on a large lot. When we walked in his house it smelt like pine. The decor was traditional with wood floors and decorative rugs throughout. He led me to the basement where it was plainly obvious the space belonged to him. There was a black leather couch, huge flat screen TV, ping pong table and around the corner I assumed was his room. I sat down on the couch and let my body melt into the seat.

  “I am guessing you want to watch an old romantic classic, but why not a scary show? You know live a little.” He grinned at me.

  “I don’t do well with scary shows, I get nightmares.” I admitted sheepishly.

  “What about a sci-fi thriller with aliens?” He shook his voice to act scared. He was terrible at pretending.

  “Aliens are fine, but I will admit I get a bit jumpy and I need someone to hold onto.” I smiled at him.

  “I can definitely manage that.”

  His adorable smile showed off his perfect teeth while he put the movie in. He turned out the lights and I shivered in anticipation as he moved closer. I have never watched a movie with a guy alone. This was new territory. But with Austin it felt comfortable, a little too comfortable as I knew I craved his touch. He sat down next to me, put his arm around me and the electric buzzing began. I leaned into his shirt and smelled his wonderful scent. About a fourth of the way through the movie he caught me staring at him. He lifted my chin with his fingers and kissed me. The sparks were flying through my body and I needed him, like I needed a drug. His touch consumed me as every nerve ending sparked with delight. Like an avalanche the electric fog consumed me and our kissing grew more passionate. After the movie credits I checked my phone and noticed it was 10 p.m.

  “Oh no I should get going!” I jumped off the couch and slid my shoes back on.

  “No way, you never have to leave.” He frowned. He then grabbed my hand from the couch and pulled back to him. Another long lingering kiss stopped me but eventually I pushed him away. “If you want to see me again you have to let me go!” I said in a panic. My Mom had experienced me breaking curfew before but never with a boy. I should have thought this through. But the electric fog is always there keeping my thoughts away.

  “Ok gorgeous let’s go.” He hopped up and led me to the door. His Dad was pulling in from work in a little red car. Austin helped me into the jeep before I could say Hello. He waved to his Dad as we drove away. “Are you embarrassed of me or something?” I stared at him curiously. “No you said you were late, you can meet my Dad any of the other millions of days you come over.” When he said millions my stomach twirled and happiness bursted from my heart. This was real.

  I ran inside the house to see my Mom sitting on the couch and the clock read 10:30 p.m. “Liv, the least you could have done was called me”.

  “I know Mom we were watching a movie and didn’t notice how late it was.”

  “Oh and another thing, I thought Austin was just a math buddy?”

  “Well he is, we got our test done last night so that is why we had time to hang out, he is really smart and I am pretty sure he shouldn’t be in summer school.”

  I couldn't hide my admiration. My mom’s face crinkled up as it did when she was worried. “Well I am glad you found a good math buddy but be careful, I know you're a good girl and sometimes bad boys think it’s a game to date someone innocent”. My stomach dropped “Well that isn’t him Mom.” I said a bit louder than I was meaning. “Thanks for the chat, night.” I ended the conversation. “Night Liv.” She said. I hurried to bed and tried to shake her doubt out of my head, but I couldn’t help but think about the innocent part. Austin didn’t waste any time taking my first kiss. But I wanted it. I wanted him. But could she be right? Could we only have this physical aspect that he would expect to grow quicker than I would let it? I plugged my phone in and noticed I had a new text. It would have to wait till tomorrow; I was exhausted from hiking and losing my virginity lips to the most electric guy on Earth. I fell asleep with a massive grin on my face.

  Chapter 7: Lovers and Liars

  Morning came too soon and I was still exhausted. Not sure if it was due to the hike or the electric current that h
ad been exercising my nerve endings, but my head didn’t want to lift from the pillow. The only incentive that made me get out of bed was the thought of seeing him at summer school. It felt ironic that summer school of all things would have me excited. I began my morning routine when my phone rang. It was Austin.

  “Hey gorgeous, how about a ride to school?” I walked over to my window and peeked out, sure enough he was there. Suddenly my tired body felt charged and I moved speedily to get ready. “Be out soon!” I said happily. I opened my door and yelled to my mom that I had a ride. I was about halfway down the stairs when she caught up with me. “Please be careful.” She warned. “Of course he is a great driver.” I said back. “All sixteen year old boys think they're great drivers.” She said as she rolled her eyes.

  I dashed to the jeep and he was holding the door like a Greek god. My heart was beating wildly begging me to leap into his arms. But before I could he snatched me up in a tight embrace and brushed his nose against mine sending shocks down my arms. “It’s been far too long.” He breathed into my face. How could someone’s breath smell so amazing all the time? Suddenly I was aware of mine; I hope I remembered to brush. He lifted me in the jeep before I could answer. “Yes a whole night’s sleep.” I smiled back in fake pain and gave him a wink. He turned on the car and held my hand as we sped to school.

  Walking into class hand and hand felt amazing and a bit silly. Everyone was staring at us as if two rejects dating was ridiculous. I know they were jealous. “So that escalated quickly.” Jake laughed as he stared at us. “She couldn't keep her hands off me during our study date.” Austin said confidently. “Whatever.” Is all I could say as I pushed on Austin’s shoulder in defense, causing internal sparks that trickled down my fingers.

  Class started and Austin flicked a note onto my desk. “Jake is jealous that we are together.” It read. My stomached twirled at the idea of us being “together”. I quickly wrote back. “Lucky you”. We handed our team tests in and we both received one hundred percent. I am sure all the credit went to Austin since I couldn’t concentrate the night we had frozen yogurt. I was too fixed on the fact that I was out with the hottest guy ever.

  On the drive home he mentioned that our three day streak of seeing each wouldn't continue since he had to go into work sometime. Austin worked at Momentum, a rock climbing center where he checked out items and helped belay customers. He worked most nights and a few days during the week. “I might have to take up rock climbing.” I joked. “Now that is something I would like to see.” He laughed. “Hey I am decently athletic”. I said proudly. “It’s the fear of heights that will be interesting.” He responded. We arrived at my house and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.

  “I know you have work soon but come in for lunch. I am sure Peter would love to see you.”

  “Well you know I like lunch and Peter so let’s do it”. We entered the house and were both drawn to the basement where Peter was hollering at the Xbox. “Yo Pete what's up?” Austin asked as we walked toward him. “Oh hey man not much, have you ever played the new Halo?”

  They started yammering on about gaming and I decided to leave and make us chicken wraps for lunch. I pulled out the frozen buffalo chicken strips and laid them on the cookie sheet. I tossed them in the oven for twenty minutes and went back to the basement. Austin was already settled in on the banana chair next to Peter and they were laughing. “Any room for one more?” I asked. “Hold on Liv, me and Austin are totally slaying these guys”. Austin threw me a sexy grin. How he could make me feel so special in a single glance was unbelievable.

  I decided to run to my room and check my breath. We hadn’t kissed yet today. I wasn't sure if the moment wasn’t right or maybe it had been my breath? I entered my room and examined my teeth in the mirror. They were clean. I cupped my hand around my mouth and inhaled. It smelt all right. I popped in a few Altoid mints and brushed on my favorite mint lip gloss. I combed my hair and daydreamed about how we may lock lips before he left for work. I should definitely lure him to my room before we eat. Or maybe I could brush my teeth after lunch and show him the forest in our backyard? It hadn’t felt that long but I must have been daydreaming for a while because Austin knocked on my door.

  “Liv is this your room?” I was thrilled he had come to find me but before letting him in I searched my room to see if it was presentable. Of course it wasn’t. “Hold on.” I said as I ran around frantically hanging up clothes and hiding more clothes in the hamper. I scooped up my make up into the bag and hastily made my bed. The room was now adequate. “Sorry my room is such a mess.” I lied as he walked in. This had been the cleanest it had been all month. “Interesting.” Is all he spoke. He walked over to my dresser and studied my souvenirs picking up my giant dice. “So you have been to Vegas?” “Yes just once. We rode some roller coasters and saw a medieval show it was pretty fun.” He noticed my say no to drugs and alcohol sticker and I could tell he was reading the quote on my mirror

  “Purity is the single best gift you can give. Save it for the one that will appreciate it the most.”

  “Ahh yes you’re a good girl.” He said and smiled. “The best girl you know” I joked lamely.

  “We will see about that.” He said with a devilish grin that jump started my heart.

  Before I knew it he had my arms above my head and had lowered me to my bed while kissing me. My lips and tongue stung from the impact but then the electric fog set in. Once again I didn’t care how much he kissed me. It was delicious and filled me with energy. The beeping from the oven woke me out of the haze. “Lunch is ready.” I groaned in disappointment. “Ahh don’t worry there is always time for dessert.” He gave me one last peck and we both hopped up and headed to the kitchen.

  Austin left for work after we finished lunch. He had two shifts back to back and then his Dad was taking him camping. He promised to stop by the night he got back. I knew it was my last time seeing him until Sunday. I went to my room and pondered about this electric phenomenon between us. I wasn’t sure what it was but it wasn’t normal. What was he hiding? I thought about the strange occurrences from the past few days. My foot healed quickly and every time we touch I fall into a drug like haze of emotion and power that I don’t want to wake up from. As much as I wish I could ignore it and enjoy this, I knew I would have to find the right time to ask him about it. What if he wasn’t normal? That was a silly thought. He wasn’t normal in any way but what I was getting to is what if he wasn’t human. I laughed thinking about him being some kind of monster or god. But really something was not right here. Did I dare challenge to find out why? Would it ruin everything forever if I was right?

  I knew having time on my hands was going to suck for two reasons. First I needed to decide how to approach the electric situation with Austin and I would over think my options. And second, I was literally going to starve from the lack of him in my life. I fell back to my normal routine, texted Carly about my kiss and running into Zeke on my date. She helped me come up with the perfect text to try to smooth things over. I worked on math homework and then headed over to Carly’s to return the clothes I had borrowed. I was reluctant to hand over the cream lace outfit and necklace that I used to worry about. Now it was representation of the first time Austin and I touched and I couldn’t help but feel that necklace and shirt were the reason.

  “Thank you so much for letting me borrow all of this.”

  “Of course but you have to tell me all about the kiss!”

  I confessed everything and she couldn't get enough. Describing to her how his lips touched mine was more than enough to make me crave him right then and there.

  “So what about you Carly? Who are you dating these days?” She laid on her bed picking up a DVD. “Oh honey the only man I need is Zac Efron.” She tossed me the chick flick. “Can we watch it? I have been wanting to but I have been too busy dating guys, I need some girl time!” I wasn’t a cheesy chick flick girl, I liked classic romantic movies but hey I was a girl in a cheesy romance myself
. “Let’s do it.”

  After the movie I headed home anxious to reach my room in time for Austin’s call. By 11 p.m. my phone didn’t ring. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed but still no call. After climbing into bed his name showed up on my phone and I quickly answered.

  “Hey gorgeous, I had to clean up after a party we had at the gym.”

  “Oh no worries how are you?”

  “Missing you, I wish we could hang out right now.”

  “Me too but ever since our little late night my Mom has been keeping a close eye on me.”

  “What if you waited till she went to bed and snuck out?”

  “Austin! You're a bad influence on me because you know I would!”

  “Ahhh I just need those little lips of yours!” He said all flirty. My heart fluttered by the way he spoke to me all endearing.

  “Well time for bed. I won’t be able to call or kiss you the next two nights. My work didn’t need me Friday so now my Dad wants to go camping early.”

  “Oh well have fun! I will miss you.” I said quietly but he heard the disappointment in my voice.

  “Have fun with your friends Liv, because when I get back you may not see much of them”.

  I melted at the thought of us being together so often that my friends would notice!

  “Night Austin”.

  The next day I focused on cleaning my room. I would be prepared for the next time he caught me in here. I also decided to research online about summer jobs. I knew I couldn’t sit around all summer watching my soon to be boyfriend work all the time. I wonder if he already was my boyfriend. I sure hope so. That night I didn’t do much but sulk around the house. My Mom noticed and forced me to go to dinner with her and Peter. We ate at our favorite Japanese restaurant where they flipped the food around. It was a good distraction from missing Austin.

  “So your birthday is coming up, have you thought about what you want to do? A small party with friends? Dessert maybe?” Mom questioned me while she ate her rice. “Um dessert sounds fine, but I don’t need or want anything too big.” I love parties but with me and Austin becoming exclusive it made me want a simpler night. “Sounds good, by the way are you inviting anyone from summer school?” Mom questioned. Peter looked up. “Well Austin has to come if you guys expect me to be there.” He said. I smiled at him. I love how Peter admired him. “Oh that may not be the best idea.” My mom trailed off. “I mean if you invite him you may have to invite others and they may not be the best influences to have around your friends.” “Excuse me? Others? Not every person in summer school is a degenerate, for example me!” I said in anger. “I know but you never can be sure. But it’s your birthday do what you want.” My face was impatient and I didn’t speak up. I knew if I did I would get grounded or Austin would be banned from coming all together.


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