Electric Fog

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Electric Fog Page 13

by Kara L. M.

  Thanks goodness the moon was out because being alone on a mountain top was horrifying enough. I let the tears pour as I started my walk down the steep road. My cell phone was useless out here which added to the gloom. I was afraid it would take me several hours to return to the cabin and in that time I prayed a cougar or bear wouldn't find me. Can they smell blood? I wondered. I hope not.

  After an hour and a half I had made it halfway down the steep road when I sat down. Crying and walking in platforms had made me exhausted. I vowed to never hang with the car guys again and at that very moment I knew I didn’t want a normal life, I wanted Austin. I knew that I could date and take all the adrenaline rushes I wanted but nothing would compare to being with him. Tonight would have never happened with him. The tears poured more furiously and I cried for Austin with my whole heart as if he could hear me.

  Once I pulled myself together I headed back down the road. I was glad to finally reach the bottom of the mountain but my relief vanished once I viewed the fork in the road. I had been busy buckling my seatbelt that I had not noticed which way we turned. Left? Wait no it had to be right? I think. Now I was getting stressed.

  I chose left because I thought I remembered the car veering that direction at one point. I hoped I was right. After walking for thirty minutes I was sure I had chosen wrong and flipped around. It was darker in the thick of the trees down here and suddenly I was longing for the view of Park City. I made it back to the fork when I saw car lights. I was relieved to think it was one of my friends and then suddenly nervous it could be Dennis. The lights grew closer and I noticed it wasn’t a racer car. It was a jeep. It came to a halt next to me and the door flung open. The tall blonde boy of my dreams ran to me furious and relieved. My heart was jumpstarted as he picked me up into a hug.

  “I found you!” He said triumphantly.

  “You did, oh Austin, I am so happy you are here.”

  He pulled back from our electric embrace and studied my face. The moon had shed enough light to reveal my scraped nose and dried blood. Suddenly I wanted to hide. I didn’t want him to see me like this, after making the worst decision to hang out with Dennis.

  “What happened?” He asked as he gingerly touched my face. I shivered from the electric prickles down my injury site. “I made a dumb mistake. How did you find me?” I asked before he could continue the questioning. “I felt you, I felt your fear and distress, and I felt you calling.” He said with emotion in his eyes. “I never stopped feeling for you Liv, in every way. But lately it grew less and less and I was worried our connection was finished. But tonight I went to bed and I felt you and almost heard you loud and clear calling to me.” My heart skipped. He doesn't know about my DNA yet. “Austin” I breathed. He stopped staring into my eyes and he softly grabbed my face and kissed me. That fervent kiss made me one hundred percent sure that he was my soul mate through and through. After we had made up we decided to head back to the cabin. I shared the story about Dennis while Austin was gripping the steering wheel like it was his throat.

  “We’re going to stop at the cabin to get you cleaned up and I am going to find him.” He said spitting fury all over the car. I probably should have stopped him right there and said “Oh its ok.” But I didn’t. I felt violated and Dennis deserved to get an earful in front of his friends. No girl should have to ever go through that. A pit hit my stomach wondering how many girls did go through that. Maybe if they had an alien protector they would have been strong enough to stand up against Dennis. We parked at the cabin and everyone was outside except James and Carly. Tyson ran over to me.

  “Oh I am so happy your ok, we were worried! Carly and James went searching for you.” Dennis was standing against his car with the look of death in his eyes that said “Don’t you dare open your mouth.” “Dennis said you wanted to walk back.” I was about to respond when Austin started over to Dennis.

  “You coward.” He spit.

  “Excuse me?” Dennis acted shocked.

  “You think you can just do whatever you want with a small girl and then push her down to the ground when you can’t get what you want.”

  “Wait what?!” Tyson said now seeing the dried blood on my face.

  “I did nothing.” Dennis denied, not even relaxing his lean on his car.

  “Dennis you said you weren’t with her for more than a few minutes.” Tyson accused.

  “Well we were together for a bit but she is a little prude so I lost interest and came back.” He said without a lick of shame. My face was red hot and I wanted nothing more than to punch his face in. But before I could head over to take my shot Austin had shoved him to the ground.

  “Never ever touch Liv again or any other girl for that matter.” Dennis attempted to fight back but Austin was like a ninja avoiding every punch. Dennis’s friends were about to intervene until Austin yelled again. “What kind of sick person are you to leave a young girl on top of the mountain after you crushed her face in.” He said louder now kicking him. Dennis’s friends were no longer concerned for him they were disgusted. “Austin, stop its ok.” I yelled. “You made your point now let’s go before you break anything.” I said.

  Tyson looked like he was going out of his mind trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. One of the girls had run inside the cabin during the fight and was offering me a wet paper towel. “That is horrible, here you go.” She said with pity. “Tell Carly and James thanks for searching for me but that I went home with Austin.” Tyson nodded and gave me a half hug. “Sorry Liv, I knew Dennis was a jackass sometimes but this is a new low for him.”

  Austin held my hand the whole way home down the canyon. I could have sworn he was driving slowly on purpose.

  “So your Mom thinks you're at a sleepover?” He asked.

  “Yes she does.”

  “Well good that means I have even more reasons not to take you home, unless you want to?”

  I didn’t want to, touching him and being with him numbed the pain from the last 4 hours and I wasn’t ready to face it.

  “No I want to stay with you”. He smiled his pearly white teeth at me.

  “Waffle house?” He asked playfully.

  “Sounds great!”

  We pulled up to the Belgium Waffle House. It was fairly busy considering it was 3 a.m. I ran to the bathroom to check my face. The cut was hideous but the paper towel had helped wash the dirt off. I brushed on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair quickly.

  When I returned to the table a hot chocolate with whipped cream on top was waiting for me. “Your favorite.” He smiled. My heart finally felt complete with Austin. He knew me well and even more than that he could feel me.

  “Thanks for everything tonight; I am thrilled and shocked that you could feel me.” I smiled and licked the whip cream.

  “Speaking of that.” He said. “I want you to know that Brianne was just a time passer, she meant nothing. I couldn't stand watching you with other guys and she kept me distracted it was nothing more.” He said now looking embarrassed.

  Brianne was her name huh. I liked messy curls better.

  ”It’s fine, I wanted the break you had every right.” But he interrupted.

  “Maybe but I didn't want you to ever be hurt and I feel like I hurt you.” He said.

  “I hated seeing you with messy curls.” I admitted. I couldn't bring myself to use her real name.

  “Messy curls?” He laughed.

  “That was my name for her.” I laughed back.

  “Either way it’s ok and I am glad to hear you didn’t feel anything for her.” I smiled and squeezed his hand.

  “It’s always been you Liv.”

  “And to set the record straight, Zeke and I are not dating. We went to the dance as friends.”

  “You have no idea how much it drove me crazy to see you with him. Or any of the idiot seniors that put their arm around you.” He admitted.

  His words were laced with true love and I wanted to kiss him badly but the waitress showed up w
ith our waffles. We both inhaled the crispy waffles and when we finished Austin drove me to his house. We cuddled in his bed and a wave of power fell over us. Our electric connection was stronger than ever pulsing through my veins.

  “I have to tell you something. I read my Great, Great Grandfathers journal and I am almost sure he was an alien.” I said. Austin popped into a sitting position “What?!” He asked excitedly. “There was a drawing of electricity and hearts and living forever in his book oh and he was also super intelligent and died from alcohol it made sense to me.” Before I could sit up he lifted me in his arms. “Liv that is the best news of all time,” He wrapped me up in his strong muscular embrace a bit too tight. “Austin, wait! ouch!” I yelled. “Sorry Liv, I am just so excited, you’re part alien, your DNA calls to me which means we can be together.” He said. I had a big smile. “That is what I thought it meant but I wasn’t sure.” “When did you figure this out?” He asked. “Last week.” His face looked stressed “Why didn’t you want to tell me?” “Because I wasn't sure about all of this, us and you and messy curls but now I am, I want nothing more than to be with you. Forever if that’s what it means.”

  He hauled me towards him and we kissed passionately. “Then there is only one thing left to do. We must get married.” He said triumphantly. “Woah slow down were still in high school.” I giggled as we lie back down to cuddle. “For now we are, but I have some things to tell you.” He said seriously. “Before I met you I was planning on going back to Octavia.” “What? You were?” I asked shocked. “My Mom was a queen back home and when she came to Earth she upset the royal line by bringing me with her. Octavia hasn’t had a king since my Dad and apparently he didn’t make it through the rebel war. They have been coming to Earth every year searching for me.” My brain tried to wrap around the fact that he was royal. “So you want to go back and become king?” I asked with a bit of worry. I was just getting used to the idea of us being together on Earth and now he was ready to leave? “I wanted to go back to see what it was all about when I was struggling with my energy loss but then I met you. Then I didn’t think I could bring you with me but now that you’re part-alien you can come back!” My mind was dizzy thinking about leaving Earth or even worse not coming back. But before I could bring up my concerns he stopped me. “Don't worry Liv, were meant to be together and we will be in any way that you like, we have two months until the ship comes again and you can decide then. But for now rest and know that I love you with every part of me.”

  I didn’t know if I could fathom the choice ahead of me but it didn’t matter because every ending to our story would involve us together. My heart was his in every way possible. It was as if it never belonged to me to begin with and laying in his arms tonight I felt ALIVE and for the first time I knew this feeling would stay.

  Chapter 13: Two months until departure

  Austin and I had a lengthy talk that morning about us. We decided that we would never be apart but we also agreed that my moral code was an issue. The plan was to be careful for the next two months until the ship came and then re-evaluate. Once I left Earth with him there was no going back on us. We were most likely to be married and somehow work out this Octavia or Earth choice. I knew I should be afraid of marriage or leaving Earth but sitting in his arms I felt as if I could do anything, be anything as long as we stayed together. Austin and I were inseparable at school. Our normal lunch crowd got sick of the sticky sweet comments and found a new place to sit. I didn’t mind since I wanted to learn everything about Octavia.

  “So you told me before you can see everyone’s emotional energy there, what else?” “Well since I didn’t live there I only know what my Mother told me. The planet is ruled by a King and Queen, a royal family with special gifts that help keep the planet in harmony and at peace. My Mom was the last queen to rule and when she came to Earth she upset the family line. She left my father to escape the war that was waging. She was successful in her departure by hopping on research pod that was on its way to Earth. The rebellion at the time was in full swing and she worried about my future. My Father didn’t share the same concern so she did what she thought was best and escaped. She claimed that her love for him was shallow; he seemed to be more interested in power which led to his ultimate defeat in the end. After he was killed by the rebels the news of my existence is the reason why my home planet came searching for me. They were desperate to defeat the rebels and believed I held the power to do so. They come every year in December to the mountains. I know this because my dreams get vivid of the place I am supposed to go each year. They are trying to lure me there by sending me dreams since I have to choose to leave. My Mom tried to explain the danger of going back to Octavia. To make things easier we would vacation for Christmas every year to be far away from the mountain. My Mom met my earthly Dad Spencer when I was 13. She appeared to be in her late twenties, once our bodies reach about 20 the aging stops.” My mouth dropped.

  “You don’t age past twenty?” I asked confused. “Our bodies heal quickly and re-generate cells to keep us young and healthy forever, if we have a constant flow of electricity, as in a spouse.” I shook my head. “So if I marry you, you can stay hot and young forever and I will still get old, or what?” I asked now angry at the idea. He started laughing. “I’m not an expert in partial alien, but I assume now that we share energy your body will start the same processes.” “Woah that could be hard to explain to my family when I am forty but look twenty!” I bit my lip. “There is a lot that will be hard for your family if you choose to be with me.” He reminded me. He could tell I wasn’t ready to come up with a good excuse about that so he continued explaining his family.

  “Spencer is a star nut and loved all things mystical. It made it easy for my Mom to bond with him and tell him her secrets. He has done everything to protect me and my Mom and give us a normal life. I had no reason to go back, my life was good.”

  “So why go back? I mean I know you’re curious but how do you know it’s even safe? I would marry you here and we could make it work.” He held his uneaten sandwich and stared into my eyes straight to my soul.

  “Because I have these dreams, my planet is beautiful and the colors are vivid almost real and then I see their faces, adults and children in pain and dying. They are being held as prisoners by the rebels I want to save them and yet I am here on Earth ignoring my responsibilities.” He was torn by his own confusion. “My Dad says it would be suicide to go back, who knows who was in charge now. But I can’t wonder for the rest of my life if I could have done something.” My heart ached with his as I imagined his dreams and what it meant for him to be a leader and save his people. He honestly believed their suffering was his fault. I reached over and held his hands. I noticed he could feel the flow of electricity as he glanced back up to me.

  “I had no idea this was going on. You have to do something. I want to go with you to help.” I said with no doubt in my mind. “That’s the thing, until the other day I didn’t even know if you could, but being part alien makes it possible since you could survive there. But I have been thinking, what if it’s not a good idea, what if you get hurt.” “I won’t get hurt. I have you.” I said pointing at his muscles. “I don’t know, the planet could be in order and things would go well, or we could both be caught by the rebels and suffer an eternity of pain like the people in my dreams.” I realized what being caught by the rebels would mean, never coming home. My stomach sank at the thought of never seeing my family again. “Your family Liv, you have to think of them.” He said meaningfully. But then the realization between having Austin or no Austin made the answer clear in my heart. “I love my family but I love you more.” I knew that statement made me sound like a love sick teenager but I knew it was true. He chewed on my words for a minute. I don’t know what came over me but I suddenly felt heroic. We had to try. Every part of my body was saying Liv this is the right thing to do. It was a physical instinct that I knew came from our connection. “Austin, I don’t know how to even tell you
this but I just know it will work out, we will succeed in helping those people, I can feel it.” I bit my lip, afraid that he would think I was nuts. He gripped my hands tight and smiled that devilish grin that I loved. “I feel it to, we really are meant to be together.”

  That night I could not sleep. I keep thinking over the new information I had learned today. I couldn’t stop imagining what Octavia would look like, smell like or the danger I was thrusting myself into. But somehow I couldn’t shake the feeling of peace that came over me from the decision I had made. I could hardly wait for the ship to get here. We were going on a mission together, hopefully ending in a human/alien ceremony and saving lives in the process. The adventure rivaled any Europe trip I ever imagined. When my body finally gave to sleep my dreams were vivid. I could see Octavia, the pain in the people and it felt real as if they could see me too. I was torn apart as I saw them starving and miserable; all I could do was watch. It was torture. I woke stressed out and crying.

  Once I calmed down I realized that Octavia was calling and I was ready to answer. Our connection was more than likely the reason I was sharing his dreams. There was no other explanation of why I had his exact dream he had described. It was evident to me that something had to be done and I would stand by the man of my dreams to make sure we saved the Octavians that were being held against their will. Any feelings of doubt or fear were erased by my sheer determination to rescue the prisoners.

  I rehashed my dream to Austin the next day and he couldn’t believe it. “Are you ok?” He asked. “I am, but their faces.” I shivered from the memory. “I know, I see them almost every night.” “Every night?” My stomach knotted at the thought. “The dreams started coming a month ago but since we have come together my connection is stronger, maybe from our combined power.” I crunched a bite of my apple and nodded. “Octavia is calling me too Austin, my genetics are proof that this will work. I am meant to help you.” I said triumphantly. “I think you're right, to be honest it would be hard to go without you anyway.” He admitted. I smiled and gave him a soul stealing kiss that seemed to make the lights flicker. I wondered if the tingling of our lips would ever get old. Probably not!


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