Electric Fog

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Electric Fog Page 15

by Kara L. M.

  “Nice ride.” I said as he opened the door and put me in. “Just picked it up yesterday.”He grinned. “You bought this?” I asked stunned. “Well I told you before that I have some online companies that have paid off.” He winked and shut the door.

  The Roof was magical. It’s a restaurant at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building that has stunning views of Temple Square and Salt Lake City. The live piano, delicious buffet and sparkling lights made the evening feel unreal. After topping off with many desserts we left for the helicopter ride. I loved the feeling of floating over the city and seeing the Christmas lights at temple square was magical. I once heard that a single tree in Temple Square has 75,000 lights strung on it. The beauty of the lights was mesmerizing. My homecoming dance had nothing on this date or on the guy I was with for that matter. We later arrived at the State Capitol in time for pictures. We entered the main room and it was decorated with snowflakes and blue and white icicle lighting. It was a winter wonderland. The usual Christmas trees and garland also made the marble room festive. A live band was playing while several couples danced in the middle. He held my hand and led me to the dance floor.

  “You are breath taking in yellow.” He said as our eyes met. “I am glad you like the dress.” I smiled. “The dress is beautiful but familiar?” He eyed me. “I have always liked yellow.” I lied, now embarrassed of the connection he was making. “Ah, well even so, you will make an incredibly stunning bride.” He said with a wink. He made my soul tickle from my head to toes. “I have to admit, it was my Hail Mary to get you to take me to Octavia.” I confessed. He laughed out loud. “So you thought to dress like my bride would make me take you with me?” I turned my head a bit embarrassed. “Well it would have worked.” He said, and he kissed me. “Forever is all I want, and I don’t want to wait anymore.” He admitted. We danced for an hour and then I ran into my friends. We did some dancing together and at one point Katie asked to slow dance with Austin. I happily agreed although I knew he was going to get a talking to. I wandered to the dessert table while they danced.

  “The chocolate ones are the best.” I glanced up to see Zeke picking up a chocolate éclair. “Hey Zeke, having fun with Samantha?” I asked casually. He swallowed his in one big bite. “Yes she and I are just buddies though.” He sounded disappointed. “Well that’s great! No awkward pressure.” I laughed. “We should dance, for old times’ sake.” He suggested. I knew Austin wouldn’t like it but I owed this to Zeke. How many times was I hot and cold for the poor guy? “Samantha went to find a friend and won’t miss me.” He reassured. We stepped onto the dance floor. The song was half way over. He held me delicately. “You are beautiful.” He said looking me up and down. “Thanks you clean up well yourself.” I smiled. We sat in silence. It was weird, we used to talk easily but since me and Austin got back together our friendship ended. “He doesn't deserve you, you know that right?” Oh no here it comes. “Zeke, stop.” I said quietly. “I mean it, he thinks he can mess with your head and then get you back when he feels like it.” He sounded disgusted. “Zeke, he’s not like that. You don’t know him.” He let out a loud pfft. “I know high school guys and trust me when I say that.” I started to break apart our arms so I could walk away and he held me tighter. “No, Liv sorry finish this dance?” He said pleading. “Zeke, I wish we could be friends.” I said defeated. “Me too.” He agreed. “Can you at least promise me something?”I refused to stare into his eyes because I knew I was in dangerous territory. I noticed Austin watching me with wide eyes and I mouthed “Sorry”. Zeke held me tighter as if he knew Austin could see.

  “Promise me you won't do something stupid with him, something that you would regret.” He said. Now I was confused but then I had an idea of what he was thinking. “Are you telling me not to sleep with him?” I said now angry. “I know you Liv, don’t do something you would regret.” Now I was fuming. “First of all you don’t know me and second it’s not your business what I do with Austin.” I was pushing against him now trying to escape. “Liv, don’t go.” He held me tighter. “Let go Zeke, I can’t believe you.” I shouted. Suddenly I felt his electric pulse through mine. Austin wrapped around my waist and tugged me effortlessly from Zeke. “Enough, you need to get over her already.” He said harshly. I was grateful for Austin saving me but the hurt in Zeke’s eyes made me feel a bit bad. I was not ok with how he had talked to me, but his facial expression made me see his genuine worry, it had always been genuine with him. I watched my friend walk away and I felt regret over how things ended with us.

  “Hey gorgeous.” He purred into my ear. “Ready to get out of here?” I was ready, but not to get out of the Capitol to get off this planet. “Yes babe, let’s go” I said. The drive home was slick from black ice. Austin got a kick out of my facial expressions as we slid back and forth around corners. Dang his calculated mind. I knew we were safe but it didn’t mean it wasn’t terrifying!

  “I hope Katie went easy on you.” I said as we passed the moonlit snow covered hills. “She simply asked me to protect your heart at all costs. She also asked me to not make you marry me in high school.” He laughed out loud. “What? Oh gosh she really thinks we’re going to get pregnant!” I put my palm to my face. “No matter what happens you get to choose if we wed or not on Octavia. I am ready, it’s in my blood to be more than ready by now and well no one could be more perfect for me.” He placed his hand to my face. I shivered from the shock.

  Chapter 16: Love conquers all

  When we arrived at his house his Dad was sitting in the living room reading a book. Spencer and I had become good friends over the past few months. He was a handsome, tall and brown haired man who was into camping and outdoor sports. He also loved to read books and owned stacks of them and naturally he and I bonded quickly. “You look lovely Liv.” He said eyes beaming as we walked in. “Thanks Spencer.” I said smiling. “We will be watching a movie Dad.” Austin said. “Have fun guys.” Once downstairs I went into Austin’s bathroom to change. It was nice to get out of the long dress. I slid on black velour pants and a tight pink shirt. I went out to the living room and it was lit with candles. Austin was nowhere to be found. “Austin?” I called out. “Sit on the couch sweetheart.” He ordered from somewhere in the dark. I sat down and saw two glasses filled with Martinelli’s apple juice and a note. It read: “My life wasn’t worth living until you showed up.” Then the TV flicked on and a slideshow of pictures of us was playing with Coldplay's “Yellow” in the background. It gave me Goosebumps. He remembered the first song we listened to in his car on our unofficial yogurt or homework date.

  I shed tears at the gesture. No one had done something this thoughtful for me. Watching our last six months on screen was incredible. I longed to hold him in my arms when the show flipped off and he was kneeling by the couch still in his tux.

  “Liv, we were made for each other, quite literally. I could never want someone the way I want you. You stole my heart the first day I saw you and when we touched I knew you were as special as you had seemed. Do me the honor of making me your alien husband.” He winked. My heart was thumping quickly now. He opened the little white box and inside was the most beautiful crystal ring. The band was made of crystal and the top had a bubble like effect. It was breathtaking and seemed impossible to make. “Yes, I have never been surer of anything in my life!” His smile grew wide as he slid the band on my finger. We embraced and kissed in a way that I would never forget. So much finality in that kiss made me realize I would be his soon.

  Relief and excitement poured over me. Then he laid me back on the couch and before I know it we were entwined. I wanted him more than ever. I was ready to be with him. He could sense it as he pulled my hips closer. He caressed me below the hip bone and I shivered in delight. Our electric fog had set in and I lost all my judgment as I pulled my own shirt off. I was happy I wore my cute lace bra. He stopped kissing me and stared at me in my underwear. I delighted at his eyes wide open as if he was drinking me in. “Holy beautiful!” H
e complimented. I helped him remove his shirt. Then I placed my hands on his strong shoulders and slid them down his perfect chest and over his chiseled abs. It was still shocking how attractive he was. He grabbed my hands and pinned them back and started kissing my chest. I was overcome by hormones and couldn’t believe how good it felt. I was anxiously waiting for the next thing when my phone went off. I ignored it, and then it kept buzzing and buzzing. I finally stopped Austin. “Hold on something is up.” I lifted up my phone panting from the intense make out session. Katie had called six times. I became worried and I called her back.

  “Hello?!” Katie said. “It’s Liv are you ok?” “Liv, please can you help me. I am stuck at make out point. I wouldn’t kiss him and we got in a fight so I left his car and told him to go.” She was crying. “Oh my we will be right there.” I hung up the phone slid my shirt back on. Austin sat on the couch defeated. “Sorry babe but Katie is in trouble.” He nodded understandingly. The fog was clearing from my head as I ran around getting ready. Then it hit me how far I almost went with Austin. The guilt crept in. On the drive over I stared at my beautiful ring and couldn’t believe it. “You like it?” He said when he caught me staring. “I love it, did someone make this?” I asked. He laughed. “It was my Mothers, and on my planet that is the only ring of its kind.” He smiled. “I can tell it’s unique. It’s beautiful. Austin.” I drew in a deep breath. “About tonight.” He stopped me. “I know Liv, will wait until we're married.” He smiled and squeezed my hand. The man of my dreams knew me too well. He held my hand and slid my ring off. “I know you’re not ready to tell anyone and that’s ok. I will give it back to you tomorrow.” Katie was waiting by a stop sign at the top of Suncrest when we arrived. I couldn't help but remember being left on that mountain with Dennis. I shivered at how similar this felt. But where was Katie’s hero? Next time I see her date I will punch him in the face.

  “Katie are you ok?” I asked as I jumped out. She was no longer crying but her voice cracked when she spoke. “I don’t know what I was thinking.” I slid in the back seat with her. “It’s not you; these seniors think they can do whatever they want.” I gave her a big hug. We rode in silence till we arrived at her house. I peeked up at Austin in the rearview mirror and he mouthed “Go.” I loved how he knew what I would ask before I said anything. “Katie, I am spending the night.” I said softly.

  I helped Katie pluck the bobby pins out of her hair and we both settled in on her queen bed. “I can’t believe he was my first kiss. What a joke.” She shook her head. “At least it’s out of the way, I mean next time you will be ready and it will be the best!” I said encouragingly. “Austin is so good to you. I am sorry for doubting him.” “Don’t be, you were right to be worried; we got dangerously close to making a mistake tonight.” I admitted. Her eyes got wide. “What tell me?” We decided after talking it was fate rescuing my virginity. We actually laughed at how the jerk face did something right in all of this. I loved Katie like a sister, she would be hard to let go if I didn't make it back.

  The last week before our departure Austin sent a fake acceptance letter from the Chinese teaching exchange program. My Mom was thrilled that my top grades gave me an all expenses paid trip. I felt a bit bad lying to her especially since I had no idea if I would return. My Mom happily helped me shop for my trip but couldn't get over the no phone call clause. “China has phones this is ridiculous.” She spouted. “Well we are working in poor villages maybe our access is spotty. I will do my best to get back to you if we go into town.” If it wasn’t for the amazing website Austin created my Mom never would have been ok with this. But according to the web it was one of the most prestigious programs and there were even rave reviews from parents about the safety. He also had automated emails set up to send on their own that would appear to be from me and he had hired a person to manage answering the ones from family.

  The night before the ship landed Austin helped me prepare. We packed the plainest clothes I had and a few other essentials. He said we would find me clothes to fit in and that I shouldn't bring anything to flashy. He kissed me long and hard and left me to sleep early since we would be leaving by 3 a.m. to make it to Albion Basin by 5 a.m. This didn’t feel real. I knew our departure was soon but it was strange to wonder if I was ready for it. I knew I needed to get to sleep in order to keep dreaming. My dreams were no longer dreams; they became part of my nightly routine in planning the trapped alien’s escape. I kept trying to transport things in my room at Austin’s suggestion but was unsuccessful. I was hoping to find a way to harness my power in order to aid the rescue properly.

  Before I went to bed I wrote my family letters and hid them where they would eventually find them if I didn’t make it back. They simply said sorry and that I loved them. Sentences were hard to form since I couldn’t reveal anything. My eyes were misty as I wrote the last letter to my brother. We had become close after this year with Austin acting as the big brother he never had. I pulled myself together and enjoyed my last shower on Earth. Time froze as I stopped to enjoy the little things.

  I crawled into my bed and noticed my phone had buzzed. It was a text from Zeke. “Liv, I don't like how we left things. I will always care about you even as you run into a broken heart. I will be here to pick of the pieces over and over until you realize you care about me too.” Oh gosh. He had no idea how much my heart wasn’t his to give. This may be the last time to talk to him so I wrote something I would never write if I was staying on Earth. “Zeke, I am sorry too, my heart is Austin’s but you know if I could have given it to anyone else, it would have been you. Don’t wait for me; your true love is out there.” It was sweet and to the point. It may have given him a bit more hope but once I had disappeared for few months he would forget.

  My dreams made resting impossible as I saw myself in third person. I was fighting the rebels. It was strange to see myself kicking and punching. I was strong. I woke up hoping the new alien planet would grant me those powers so I could be that strong girl. Austin pulled up in his hummer in the early morning. I climbed in and he kissed me. “Not too late if you’re scared.” He said seriously. “I can do anything with you.” I smiled. He slid on my beautiful crystal ring. We drove to the top of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Then we hiked to Albion Basin in the snow. We waited for what felt like hours in the night cold. Then lights broke through the clouds above. So dim you would have missed it. Suddenly a helicopter shaped ship hovered above the frozen ground and landed. Aliens with large weapons and metal clad suits covering every inch of their body exited. I inhaled sharp at the hostile feeling they gave off. Austin put his mother’s royal book in the air. “It’s me Austin of Octavia Reign.” They flashed a light on his book and his face and then me. They turned to me and held up their weapons. “Stop!” Austin screamed but it was too late. I felt the warming sensation of a laser beam hit me and I melted to the ground and everything went black.

  When I woke up hours later I was surprised to be in Austin’s driver’s seat crashed at the bottom of the canyon. “How did I get here?” The lights from the ambulance flickered through the car and I blinked hoping this was a terrible nightmare. Austin was nowhere to be seen and I felt pain and glanced down at my leg which was mangled with the car crunched around it. I started screaming at the sight and passed out from shock.

  I awoke in the hospital with my Mother worried and pacing the room. “Mom?” I croaked. “Liv! You’re ok where is Austin? What happened?” Where was Austin? Oh my gosh, we were supposed to be on a ship. But his alien mob stopped me. They must have taken him and staged the accident. What do I say?

  “We uh we got car jacked. We picked up a hitchhiker and then he demanded that we drive him to the top of the mountain. Austin fought back and once they were both out of the car Austin told me to drive and I must have slipped on a patch of ice and crashed.” That was a random story. I hope she bought it. “Oh I am so glad you’re ok, but Austin. We need to tell the police.” I wanted to stop her but the story was already out. There
wasn’t going to be a better explanation for his whereabouts and the cops would never find anything. “You are lucky to escape with your life and only a broken leg.” She said with tears in her eyes. I suddenly felt nauseous. My love of my life is gone. Would he come back? This wasn’t supposed to be like this. I reached to my fingers to touch a piece of him and my crystal ring was missing. “Mom did they take my ring?” She shook her head. “What ring?” She asked. I started to panic. “A crystal ring where is it?” “Honey you didn’t have a ring on.” Then the tears fell. That was it. The love of my life and the little piece he had given to me was gone. I cried so hard my little brother left from the awkwardness.

  That night I was on pain pills and feeling better. I couldn't wait to sleep hoping I would dream of him. I was interviewed by the police. It felt wrong to send them on a wild goose chase for a hitchhiker that did not exist. Spencer’s Dad had visited with flowers but we were never alone to talk about what actually happened. I couldn’t erase the sadness in his eyes. My dreams came but they were not of him they were of the metal clad aliens coming after me. No matter what I did or threw at them it bounced off them and they broke my leg again and again. My dreams continued with this pattern for the week I was in the hospital. I was finally released which made me grateful to be in the comfort of my home where I could mourn for Austin’s disappearance. I held out hope he would contact me or be back for me. The days passed slowly and I wondered how long distance couples ever made it. One night Spencer came by with enchiladas. We stepped outside to catch finally catch up. He was surprised to hear about the alien ambush. He kept saying over and over again how he wishes we had never gone. I was starting to agree with him. I knew Austin had to try, if Spencer could have seen and felt the dreams we had of the alien captives he would understand. But not knowing if Austin was going to be alright made me feel regret over the decision to meet the ship.


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