Razor (K19 Security Solutions)

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Razor (K19 Security Solutions) Page 20

by Heather Slade

  Ava heard the front door open again, turned, and gave Tabon her biggest smile. “Thank you,” she said, walking into his arms for a kiss.

  “We wanted to surprise you.”

  “I’m so happy right now.”

  “I hope what I’m about to tell you is going to make you happier…”

  “Let me tell her,” said Aine, bouncing over to them. “Peggy’s on her way.”

  Ava’s eyes opened wide, and she looked between Tabon and her sister. “Why?”

  “Because she wants to,” answered Aine.


  “Quit saying that. She…uh…says she quit drinking.”

  “Get the hell out.”

  “I will not. She said she stopped the day she found out that we’d been kidnapped.”

  Ava counted the number of days on her fingers. “It hasn’t been that long.”

  Tabon put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “Let’s say we give her a chance.”

  She folded her arms, trying to decide how she felt about him and her sister seemingly ganging up on her about her mother. “I don’t think I could take it if it didn’t go well,” she admitted. “I mean, I want her to be at the wedding, but why is she coming now?”

  “Let’s see how it goes. You can always change your mind.”

  Ava looked into Tabon’s eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “She’s here for a long weekend, that’s it. If you’re uncomfortable, we’ll elope.”


  “Yep. Come here.”

  She let him lead her over to the window, where he pointed down to the beach below his house. “We’ll sneak off in the middle of the day with my best friends and yours, and have a secret wedding by the sea.”

  She turned in his arms and kissed him. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I’m sorry my family—”

  “If you want, Saylor and I can tell stories about my dad all night long, and then you’ll never feel the need to apologize again.”

  “He really was a dick,” Saylor shouted from the other room.

  “What’s a dick, Mama?” they heard Savannah ask.

  Both she and Tabon were laughing too hard to hear how Saylor recovered that one.


  “I don’t think we should meet here,” Razor told Gunner the next morning.

  “I don’t either. Got any ideas?”

  “Actually, I do. My dad’s fishing cabin.”

  “Onyx and Alegria will stay here with the girls, and Dutch and Monk can stay with Ava at your place.”

  Razor hung up and went to look for Ava, who was sitting by the window, looking out at the ocean.

  “Catch any blows?”

  “What?” she asked, looking up from a book.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were reading.”

  “I wasn’t really, or at least I haven’t been able to concentrate on what I’m reading.”

  “What’s got you so distracted?”

  “What do you think?” she said, rolling her eyes.

  Both of her parents? Just her father? Or was she still anxiety-ridden about her mother’s impending arrival? He didn’t want to ask and inadvertently bring up something else for her to worry about.

  “The team has scheduled a meeting this afternoon,” he told her.

  Ava nodded, but didn’t ask any questions. On one hand, he was relieved. On the other, it broke his heart a little that some of the spunk had gone out of her. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

  “Dutch and Monk will be here with you.”

  Again, she only nodded.

  Razor pulled a chair closer to her. “Talk to me.”

  Ava’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m not feeling sorry for myself,” she blurted.

  “Didn’t say you were. So, what’s got you in tears?”

  “It isn’t like Quinn had her mother at her wedding. That had to be as hard or harder than me not having my father at mine.”

  “There equally difficult.”

  “I hate those weddings where the bride has her mother walk her down the aisle. It’s just stupid.”

  Razor nodded. “Who says anyone has to walk you down the aisle?”

  Ava shrugged. “I’ll just look so pathetic.”

  “Come here,” he said, pulling her over to sit on his lap. He shifted so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

  “We can do whatever we want to, Avarie. We don’t even have to have an ‘aisle.’ All that matters to me is that we’ll be married.”

  “That’s all that matters to me too, but I know my mother. She’ll want to go all out, have this extravagant and embarrassing affair. And honestly, I can’t afford it. That’s the other thing, I don’t have any money, Tabon.”

  He’d known Striker had asked the justice department to freeze Petrov’s assets in order to make it more difficult for him to run. However, no one was foolish enough to think he didn’t have money in offshore accounts.

  Since Ava didn’t have access to her bank account or credit cards, Razor wondered how much she actually knew of her current financial situation. To his knowledge, her funds hadn’t been touched, not that it made any difference to him whether she had money or not.

  “That’s the last thing I’m worried about.”

  “It shouldn’t be.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m sure you don’t want to marry a woman who has less than five dollars in her pocket.”

  Razor stood and, in doing so, picked Ava up. He carried her into the bedroom, rested her body on the mattress, and then stretched out next to her.

  “Would you have said no when I asked you to marry me if you didn’t think I had much money?”

  “Of course I wouldn’t have.”

  “Why is it different for me with you?”

  He ran his fingers through Ava’s hair and looked into her tear-filled eyes.

  “I’m such a burden.”

  “Seriously? A burden? You’re hardly that, Avarie. You’re the woman who makes me want to get up in the morning and stop putting my life on the line every day. You make me laugh more than anyone I’ve ever known, and my family adores you. You love my home, and you appreciate all the things about living on the Oregon Coast that most people wouldn’t even see because they’d be too busy bitching about the weather.

  “You’re smart, and honestly, hot as hell, woman. If I could spend every day of the rest of my life with you wrapped up in my arms, I would die a happy man.”

  “My family…”

  “I love you, so how could I not love Aine? I don’t know your mother, but my guess is, somewhere deep inside, she too is very lovable. As far as your father is concerned, tell me this—do you look at Quinn any differently because of her mother?”

  “Of course I don’t.”

  “Then don’t put that on me either. The truth is, for most of your life, he provided for you and you had no reason to doubt him. Right now, he’s a man with his back to the wall. His life is about to implode, and that means he’ll likely spend the rest of it in prison. He did this to himself.”

  “Do you think he would’ve killed me?”

  Razor shook his head. “I don’t.”

  “He said he would.”

  “Only because he knew I would choose letting him go over losing you.”

  “Aine thinks he’ll come back for me. Maybe her too.”

  He hated that she had to live with that fear, but until they located Petrov, it was a fear he had to live with too.

  “That’s why we practically have you wrapped in bubble wrap, baby. I’m not going to lie to you and say that doesn’t worry me too. However, you have the best operatives from three different agencies looking for him in order to put an end to your fear and bring him to justice.”

  Ava put her arm around his waist and squeezed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “When do you have to leave?”

  Razor closed his eyes, wishing he didn’t have to, but the truth wa
s, he should’ve left fifteen minutes ago.

  “About time,” Striker said when Razor pulled up to find everyone waiting outside the cabin.

  “Fuck off,” he muttered. Were they really considering asking this asshole to be part of the K19 team? Who out of the current partners actually liked him? He knew Doc didn’t.

  When Razor walked up to the door, Gunner clamped his shoulder. “Easy there, big guy.”

  “You can fuck off too.”

  “Hell when it’s personal, ain’t it?”

  He got the door open and invited the men inside. The last time he’d been here was when the Armenians took Ava. He didn’t realize how much it would affect him until just now. He felt physically ill. Maybe that’s how Gunner felt all the time. Ava was home, safe. Lena was dead. Yeah, it was hell when it was personal.

  “Gentlemen,” said Doc, “take a seat so we can get started.”

  Razor watched as everyone sat but him. Doc commanded the room in such a way that everyone complied with his orders, even Striker, the man that K19 essentially worked for. Even Shiver, who outranked Doc in terms of how high he’d risen in MI6, did as he said. There’d been a point he’d thought about confronting him about it, but with everything that had happened, it didn’t seem important anymore.

  “Shiv,” said Doc. “Why don’t you brief the rest of us on what you know about Petrov?”

  Shiver stood and opened his laptop. “From what we’ve been able to glean from MI6 sources, he’s no longer in the country. In fact, it appears he’s returned to Azerbaijan.”

  “What about Ivashov?” asked Gunner.

  “She’s with him—although not willingly.”

  “Any theories on who shot me?” Razor asked.

  Shiver nodded and turned the laptop around. “Anyone recognize this guy?”

  Razor did, so did Doc and Gunner.

  “Rauf Evasov,” said Razor. “Thought to have been executed by Azerbaijan’s military as part of a mass wave of arrests made last year. The number of suspected Armenian spies killed is nearing one hundred, minus one.”

  “Double-agent,” muttered Gunner. “He wasn’t part of our count.”

  Razor shook his head. “That’s how Petrov knew where the women were being held. He was working with Evasov.”

  Shiver nodded.

  “If Petrov has returned to Azerbaijan, we’re going to have a hell of a time getting to him,” said Striker.

  “He’s got Raketa,” said Gunner.

  All eyes turned to him.

  “You’re suggesting we go in after her?” asked Doc, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

  Gunner shook his head, but Razor knew the look on his friend’s face better than anyone seated at the table, even better than Doc did. Gunner wasn’t suggesting they go in after her; he was planning to do it solo.

  “Taking down Petrov is non-negotiable,” said Shiver, “at least for MI6. We’ve been working this op too long to let him go just because he’ll be hard to get to.”

  “The CIA—”

  “Fuck the CIA,” Gunner said to Striker, pushing his chair back from the table and standing.

  “Agency resources are…unofficial,” Striker continued.

  Gunner looking at Shiv. “Are MI6 resources official?”

  Shiver nodded.

  “Then I’m in.”

  “You’ve got eyes on him? Ongoing, I mean?” Razor asked.


  “Any ties showing up back here?”

  “I can answer that,” said Striker. “CRM Allied has essentially disappeared into thin air. And, without Finnegan’s testimony, the justice department has no case against ‘Conor McNamara.’”

  “What about the wife?” Razor asked.

  Shiver turned his laptop back around. From where Razor stood, he could see the photo of the woman who had been with Petrov at the wedding.

  “Damn,” said Razor, reading through the dossier on Adrine Shahij, also known as Kelly McNamara. While she looked to be younger than Ava, she was actually closer to his age.

  “She’s with him,” said Shiv. “Our guess is that she’s more of a bodyguard than a spouse.”

  “Let’s recap,” said Doc. “Are you saying the agency is officially out?” he asked Striker.

  “Officially, yes,” he answered.

  “What he’s saying is that he’s in,” said Shiver, “and so is the agency, unofficially.”

  All eyes shifted to Striker.

  “You quit, or did they let you go?” Razor asked.

  “Resigned, effective this morning.”

  “Over this?” asked Gunner.

  Striker nodded.

  Razor saw the shift in his friend immediately. Striker had just gained Gunner’s respect.

  “Again,” said Doc. “Who’s heading up this mission officially?”

  “MI6,” said Shiv.

  “What about Dutch?” Doc asked.

  “He’s part of the team that will stay on the ground here. So is Monk,” answered Striker.

  “On behalf of the agency?”

  Striker shook his head. “I don’t need to say it again, do I?”

  The meeting wrapped with a definitive list of those on the Azerbaijani team, and those who would continue handling asset protection in the States.

  Ava’s friends, Penelope and Tara, would no longer be required to stay in Oregon, and neither would her sister. However, Aine would have ongoing detail until the threat from her father was neutralized.

  Neither he nor Doc nor Mercer appeared on either of the lists compiled at the meeting. Razor and Gunner had agreed with Doc that it was time to make official K19 partnership offers to Onyx, Alegria, Monk, Dutch, and maybe even Striker.

  “See you later this afternoon,” Gunner said before leaving with Shiv.

  Razor waved. “Roger that.”

  “Retirement’s looking more imminent,” said Doc.

  “Sounds good to me. Never could’ve predicted I’d say that.”

  “I’m going to make a prediction that Gunner will be next, once this op is over.”

  “Yeah?” Razor wouldn’t lay odds either way.

  “He would’ve gone in for Ivashov alone.”

  Razor laughed, maybe Doc did know Gunner as well as he did.


  The scent of Jasmine perfume permeated the entryway of Razor’s house, letting him know that Ava’s mother had arrived. However, he didn’t see or hear her or Ava.

  “Where are they?” he asked Monk, who was coming up the stairs.

  “The beach. Dutch has eyes on them.”

  “Doc wants to meet with the two of you,” Razor told him.

  Monk held up his phone. “Got the message.”

  “It’ll be good to have you as an official part of the K19 team.”

  “I haven’t accepted yet.”

  “No?” Razor laughed. “What are your conditions?”

  “Whether there are rules about partners getting involved with other partners’ family members.”

  “This ain’t the agency,” said Razor, slapping Monk on the back. “The only rules we have are, try your damnedest to stay alive while, at the same time, making sure your teammates do too.”

  “Then I’m in.”

  Razor walked into the bedroom where he had a better view of the beach itself. From there he could see where Ava was sitting on the sand next to her mother. The two were head-to-head enough that he decided not to interrupt them. Instead, he walked out to the deck where the steps from the beach led, and sat in the sun.

  It had been close to fifteen years since he’d felt as at peace as he was today, and even then, he wasn’t certain that he’d ever felt as whole.

  “Hello, Peggy,” Razor said when the two came up the steps. “You look great,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  “Thanks. I feel great too.”

  “Hey, baby,” he said to Ava, hugging her.

  “I’m glad you’re back. Peggy and I want to talk to you about something.” />
  “Who?” asked Ava’s mother.

  “Sorry, Mom and I want to talk to you. Aine should be here shortly, along with Pen and Tara.”

  Razor wondered if anyone had told them yet that they’d be permitted to leave whenever they wanted to. And if they had, how Ava would feel about them doing so.

  “Should we wait?” he asked.

  Ava shook her head. “Mom and I think that you and I should get married tomorrow. Oh, and your mom and Saylor are good with it too.”

  He was stunned, but tried not to look like he was. He was all for it. The sooner the better as far as he was concerned.

  “What about a dress?” he asked.

  “I told my mother you would ask that. You’re always so worried about what I’m wearing. Anyway, there’s a dress shop in Newport. I looked online, and they have a lot of cute things.”

  “It doesn’t have to be a traditional wedding dress, Razor,” said Peggy. “You’re getting married on the beach.”

  Razor laughed. “You’re right.” Evidently, Ava’s mother wasn’t pushing for an “extravagant and embarrassing affair.”

  “So?” asked Ava.

  “Oh, are you waiting for me? Yes. I’m all in.”

  “I was thinking since everyone is here…Quinn asked Mercer to talk to Gunner and Doc, and they’re okay with it.”

  He sat in one of the deck chairs and pulled Ava down on his lap. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  “Thank God,” said Saylor, walking out to the deck. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep the girls from wearing their dresses.”

  “We went ahead and had flower girl dresses made for them,” Ava explained.

  “Hey, Sis,” said Razor when she leaned down to kiss first his cheek, and then Ava’s.

  “Get this,” said Saylor, chuckling. “Mom asked Andie if she’d make a cake.”

  Ava gave him a stern look. “She isn’t invited.”

  “You’ll get no argument from me.”

  “Neither is the other one.”

  Razor laughed. “You have one hundred percent control of the guest list.”

  “You two need to get going,” Saylor said, poking him.

  “Okay. Where?”


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