Star Wars: Traits Of Descent

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Star Wars: Traits Of Descent Page 6

by Madman007

  Chapter Five

  Rhen Var spaceport

  Luke and Corran met Mara Jade in her newly acquired star ship, the Jade's Fire. Luke had seen it before on a trial run she gave him a few months ago. He was positive that she made modifications since his tour that she couldn't wait to brag about. There would also be modifications that she would rather keep hidden. They each sat in what would have been the lounge area in most models of the same ship. There was no such luxury in Mara Jade's personal ship. There wasn't even any food. Luke had to bring along his own rations since he had been starved. Luke shared with Corran some of the rations. Mara sat opposite them and touched no food.

  Corran began. "All right, what do you know about Skarce Voxan?"

  Mara replied , "He's a legend in the world of assassins. His techniques were famous. Palpatine even incorporated some of his methods into my training regime."

  Corran gnarled, "You mean like how to mutilate your targets while they're still alive?"

  Mara shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "Not those methods. Voxan used infiltration and evasive maneuvers that are still being used today. I knew him by reputation. I still use his layers of channels for my own funds."

  Luke questioned, "And that's all public knowledge?"

  Mara stated, "Not exactly. When Palpatine took over as Emperor, he obtained possession of the Old Republic's records and data. That included large files on Skarce Voxan, who it seems they were about ready to hunt down and bring to justice."

  Corran added in, "But a little war broke out that scattered what was left of the Jedi to the far corners of the galaxy."

  "And nobody cared after that."

  Luke speculated, "I'm sure Palpatine used Voxan to his advantage."

  Mara corrected, "No. Palpatine may have adopted Voxan's techniques but he would have never used him on an actual job. That's what I was for. Besides, the Emperor already had a right hand assassin at his control."

  Luke muttered in agreement, "Vader."

  Mara went on. "Palpatine wasn't vain enough to hire a finely tuned serial killer. Voxan was a loose cannon that Palpatine would have never been able to control. Voxan's results were too messy and public. He drew too much attention to himself. Palpatine didn't want that kind of exposure."

  Corran sniffed. "Of course not. He wanted to do all the major killing himself."

  Mara grumbled. "I'm not defending his actions, but contrary to popular belief, Palpatine wasn't as sadistic as the galaxy believes. He did have his moments with certain traitors."

  "He blew up a planet of several million of people, Mara," Corran countered.

  "That wasn't Palpatine's decision. Tarkin was acting on his own. He was more sadistic than Palpatine was with that weapon. Palpatine wanted to test it on a uninhabited system first. He was certainly not on Voxan's sadistic level." She paused and uttered, "There is a saying among assassins. Violence perceived is violence achieved. If your target thinks you're going to inflict extreme pain on them then they will believe it will come and you get whatever results you need out of them. Voxan threw that philosophy out. When I...did a job, it was professional and quick. I didn't stay to torture my targets for hours on end like Voxan did."

  Luke could tell Mara was getting edgier than usual and he changed the subject. "Were there any cases involving Voxan after the Clone Wars?"

  Mara took a moment to cool and answered, "No. He essentially disappeared after that."

  Corran slipped in, "The myths didn't end."

  "I suppose they didn't. I suspect that anytime a crime scene was found with tortured victims or an unexplained murder, Voxan was the likely culprit. Voxan became immortal through the threats of Security Officers across the galaxy. 'Better wise up or Voxan will come for you.' Trust me, Voxan, the man, was gone."

  "How would you know?" asked Luke before he bit off a piece of freeze-dried ronto.

  Mara sighed as if in defeat. "Because I couldn't find him. I was fifteen and Palpatine gave me my first solo mission." She considered. "It was more of a test than a mission now that I look back on it. I searched the ends of the galaxy. To parts known and unknown."

  Corran prodded, "You never found Skarce Voxan."

  "No. And I can't believe you two think you have. This killer of yours is calling attention to himself on purpose. He's inviting you to follow him. He wants to be caught eventually. Of course, he has some murders to deal out first."

  Luke asked, "You think that's his goal?"

  Mara stated, "I'm not sure what his end game is. I've read your report so far. The pattern is not Voxan's style."

  Corran gave his own subject change. "The Chief Of State gave us a list of former Black Sun and Black Nebula Vigos. There is confirmation that one lives here on Rhen Var."

  "Yes," Mara acknowledged. "If my memory serves, he lives in the hills of Mount Eonin."

  Luke smiled and shook his head.

  "What?" Mara caught his unknown humor.

  "It's just ironic considering who lived and trained here over three millennia ago."

  "Yes. Well, there won't be any great Jedi to help you on this one. Only their ghosts remain." She took a second to see Luke and Corran sitting back on the comfortable lounge seats and she barked, "Are we ready? We need to speak to Rhen Var's Chief of Security first."

  Corran frowned. "Not Dahn Cizler?"

  "The one and the same."

  Corran stood up. "That Zuulan doesn't know his antennae from his rumpus."

  "He hasn't changed since your CorSec days, Corran. He's annoying but he gets the job done." She got up and lightly kicked Luke. "You done stuffing your face, Farmboy? Time for work. Oh, and I suggest you put on something warmer. We're not in Tatooine anymore." Mara left the lounge for the outside ramp.

  When she was gone, Corran cocked his head at Luke. "Charming, isn't she?"

  "As a Tuskin Raider." Luke stretched himself as he stood and said, "Better get our thermals out of the storage."

  Corran grumbled. "A thousand and one systems in the galaxy to hide and this ex-Vigo picks the coldest one."

  "It's not as cold as Hoth."

  "Good thing we're not going there. You just might meet up with that one-armed Wampa."

  Luke laughed. "Yeah, he might want revenge."

  "And here I thought Wampa don't set out for revenge. Something against their beliefs?"

  "That's the Jedi."

  "Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting."

  Luke and Corran fetched their thermal suits and Mara met them at the bottom of their shuttle's ramp wearing several thick garments with a wide hood. They started walking the path to the main security building in the frigid wind. The whiteness of the snow-covered rocky terrain almost blinded them. After walking the path for a few minutes, Mara suddenly stopped dead in her tracks as she looked to her left at the other ships docked in the spaceport.

  "Oh no," she muttered.

  Luke followed the direction she was looking and he noticed the ships and the insignia that was plastered on each one. HoloNet News.

  Corran saw the ships as well and he grunted, "Just what we need. A media circus."

  Mara figured, "I'm willing to bet that the list of ex-Vigos that Mon Mothma gave you was public knowledge. And if HoloNet reporters know who's on that list, so does your killer."

  Corran added, "I can't see Cizler leaking it. He may be scum but he has no love for the press."

  "Agreed," Mara admitted. "Come on. Let's face the music."

  They reached the building and the guards asked them for their ident cards. Luke and Mara showed theirs and Corran flashed his quickly. The guards let them pass and they entered. Luke came up beside Corran and muttered, "You'd think they would recognize an outdated CorSec ident card."

  "I was counting on the fact that they wouldn't. Rouge Squadron doesn't have official ident cards and I can't exactly go around with my Hey-I'm-Really-A-Jedi card," Corran whispered back.

  Mara uttered, "Just be glad you belong to no one."

  Corran corrected her, "Uh, the
Wife card may argue with that."

  Mara snipped with no small amount of sarcasm, "Marriage. Ain't it the life."

  They reached the entrance to the main precinct and they opened the doors.

  Within seconds of their entrance, they were bombarded with several HoloNet reporters who instantly crowded them and started firing questions at a rapid pace.

  "Jedi Skywalker, are you here to follow up on the ex-Vigo murders on Nal Hutta?"

  "Are you here to protect the ex-Vigo who lives here on Rhen Var?"

  "There is a rumor that a lightsaber was used in the murder. Can you comment on if there's a rouge Jedi on the loose?"

  "Is the former Emperor's Hand helping you with the investigation?"

  Each of them ignored the questions as they tried to squeeze their way through to the Chief's office. They were still struggling when a large reptilian humanoid came bursting out of his office. He had grey-green skin and there were small antennae protruding from his forehead. His face was roughened like tight leather with two slits in the center of his face to form his nose. The Zuulan Chief of Rhen Var Security, Dahn Cizler, shouted with a scruffy voice, "Quiet! Now, I told you people that you will have your answers soon. Just not now."

  The reporters continued shouting their questions.

  Cizler cried, "Right now there is no comment. All I can tell you is that we have secured the former Vigo as a precaution. This investigation is still ongoing. Let us do our work and you will have your answers as soon as we have them. Now, let these people through. Thank you!"

  The reporters loosened their group enough so that Luke, Corran, and Mara could pass. As they did, Mara was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around to see a human male with perfectly groomed gray hair thrusting a HoloMic in her face.

  "Mara Jade, the former Emperor's Hand. I wonder what you have to do with all of this."

  Mara gave a sigh. "Mas Adema. I thought I smelled a sewer rat around here. As Cizler said, no comment."

  Mas grabbed her arm and said, "Come on, your appearance here only proves the rumor."

  Mara eyed his hand on her coat and then gave him a deadly green-eyed look. He immediately let go. She then asked, "What rumor?"

  "Don't play with me, Jade. You know who the suspect is. The most notorious assassin in the galaxy's history."

  "We can't confirm that, Mas. Now move along and find a burning home or a pet mongrel stuck in a tree," Mara spat back.

  "How about an exclusive, Jade? We can intertwine it with your history. 'Ex Assassin Chases The Voxan Myth'."

  "No thanks. Excuse me," Mara said as she pulled away from him.

  As they entered Cizler's office, Luke took off his thermal helmet and went over to ask Mara, "What was that about?"

  "Mas Adema...the most famous HoloNet reporter. He's been after my story ever since he reported the death of the Emperor."

  Cizler shut the door and he invited the three of them to sit and he sat behind his massive desk. His weight made the chair creak. "Well, as I live and breath through my gills, it's Corran Horn. Can't remember the last time you came around my system."

  Corran unfastened the helmet off his thermal suit and stated, "It was when CorSec followed up on that embezzler from Ryloth. Which you didn't have anything to with, of course."

  "Of course not. And Mara Jade is a part of this investigation now. Mon Mothma forgot to mention that."

  Mara said, "I'm sort of a last minute addition. First off, who leaked to the press?"

  Cizler replied, "Come now, Mara. You know the HoloNet reporters. They see the Master Jedi and a former CorSec officer running off to investigate a murder of a scum gangster and they salivate. Add you into the mix and they have their dream story."

  Luke hurried the talk along. "You spoke to Mon Mothma? When?"

  Cizler shrugged his huge green shoulders. "Couple of hours ago on Rhen Var time. She gave me specific instructions to secure the ex-Vigo. Data like that doesn't go unnoticed around here either. The press put two and two together and they've been camping out here almost right after Mon Mothma's orders."

  Corran nodded. "Playing the good little Chief and doing what the leader tells you these days, Cizler ?"

  "Hey, I've been more legit since those days, Horn. Besides, it's better to have a good impression now when the real leader comes into office." He looked at Luke with his version of a grin. "Right, brother?"

  Suddenly, Cizler's desk comlink chirped and he clicked it on. "Yes?"

  A voice of another officer spoke. "Sir, she's getting antsy. She knows they're here."

  "I know, I know, Vodd. Send her in."

  Luke leaned to Corran's ear and repeated, "She?"

  The door shushed open and in walked a human woman about middle age or beyond. She was dressed immaculately in a New Republic Security uniform. She was average height with short-cropped dark brown hair. Her eyes were firm and her expression meant business. She addressed the new arrivals. "Lieutenant I'hela Broadwater, New Republic Security Agent."

  Corran commented, "Mon Mothma is not kidding when she's sending in the NRS."

  Lt. Broadwater explained, "She suggested we assist in your investigation."

  Corran muttered to Luke, "Seems we're getting all kinds of help on this case."

  Luke shot back, "Good thing, too. You were becoming boring."

  "Ah, I'm hurt."

  Mara asked I'hela, "How current is your intel on this case, Lieutenant?"

  I'hela answered, "I know who and where the targets are. Former leaders of Black Sun and Black Nebula. There are approximately ten still living today. I calculated that you would come here after the death on Lianna."

  Mara tested her. "What death on Lianna?"

  She answered lightning quick, "Lohl Ch'la. He was a former accountant for Black Sun before the Clone Wars. He informed on them and went into a program formed by the Jedi to hide his identity. After Black Sun disbanded, he went back to the name Lohl Ch'la and married on Lianna. His wife died a year ago. He was found hours ago dead from being poisoned. I just received a crime report on the findings there."

  Corran questioned, "Who authorized that report?"

  " did, sir. Did you not ask the Lianna authorities to look into Lohl Ch'la's dwelling?"

  Corran remembered. "I did."

  Mara said, "And the Lianna authorities found Ch'la's link to Black Sun and called the NRS."

  "Correct," I'hela stated. "But you already knew Ch'la was poisoned."

  "Yes," Luke stated. "The killer forced him to give us a message on our shuttle."

  I'hela cried, "The killer knew your comm code on the shuttle? I've been trying to contact your shuttle to catch up to you but I haven't been able to get through your encryptions."

  Mara stated wryly, "Maybe you don't have updated enough equipment. The NRS is fairly new still."

  "Perhaps. What did the message say?"

  "Sorry, Lieutenant, but that's on a need-to-know for now," Corran exclaimed.

  I'hela pleaded, "I'm just helping, sir."

  Corran barked, "When we need it we'll call you. Thanks."

  I'hela shook her head. "Just like a former CorSec."

  Luke interjected by asking Cizler, "What kind of security do you have around the Vigo?"

  "Ten guards in all. Five in and five out. Stationed at the known and possible points of entry."

  Before any could reply, I'hela cut in with, "Good. We can set up a perimeter around his dwelling. I'm going to need the comm codes of your guards so that..."

  Corran almost shouted, "Wait a minute! This is a joint New Republic and Jedi investigation, missy. We were appointed by Mon Mothma herself. That's fine if the NRS wants to help. Just so you understand that this is our operation. We lay down the ground work. Understand?"

  "Fine," I'hela snapped back.

  Corran turned to Luke and Mara. "Now, what is our plan?"

  Mara and Luke looked at each other and shrugged. Luke stated first, "Set up a perimeter around his dwelling?"

Mara said plainly to Cizler with her eyes still on Corran, " And we're going to need the comm codes of your guards."

  Cizler nodded in a wide smile as Corran put his hands on his head and let out, "Perfect!"

  Cizler asked, "I would suggest not taking that bulky luxury ship near Mt. Eonin. That thing is too big for the ice up there."

  Mara glared at Cizler. "It's not a luxury ship."

  Luke said quickly, "We can take our shuttle."

  Cizler mentioned, "Do you really think all of this security around an old Vigo is necessary? I mean, I do have ten of my finest watching him."

  Mara stated back, "Believe me, it won't be enough."

  Inside the house of Thar Nolog

  The panic had been strong after he learned about the murder of Rousch on Nal Hutta. At first, Thar thought it was revenge on Rousch alone. The fat man was an idiot and had no business being a Vigo. Once Thar learned that Rousch's guards had been killed and the Rodian, Meeko, had been left alive, Thar knew it was more than revenge. It was vengeance. If it had been a professional hit, Rousch would have been the only target and there wouldn't have been any sign of torture. That sent chills up Thar's spine. The thought of revenge and torture combined brought back too many memories for the Mon Calamarian. It reminded him of one name.

  Thar spent the next days looking at holopics of his old times in Black Sun. There were several images of he and his fellow Vigo painting the Coruscanti nights red. They always considered Thar a dampener of their spirits since he avoided bars. He would find their fun elsewhere. An occasional Mon Calamari female escort certainly didn't hurt. Thar found a holopic of he and Prince Xizor. It was the day Xizor became Head Vigo. Thar saw Xizor's obsession with defeating Lord Vader years before it became destructive to their organization. By the time Thar could warn them, it was too late. Xizor and Black Sun was no more. Thar had anticipated the fall and got out early. He knew what their next act would involve. They would die before submitting to failure. And so, they did. Literally.

  He was summoned to the meeting. It was an obligation. Part of his allegiance to Black Sun. Death wasn't part of Thar's allegiance. Especially death by his own hand. He could never be that loyal to anything. He skipped the meeting. He couldn't have Vistulo brandal anyway. Black Sun was in tatters. There was nothing for him now except his wealth. He packed his bare essentials along with the hefty funds he collected as a Vigo and left Coruscant under unregistered transport. He didn't care where it was going. How ironic that it's destination had also once been a place of refuge for the Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma thousands of years earlier.

  Thar established his new home on the side of the mountain. Locals would recall the site as the place where Ulic trained the famous Vima Sunrider in the Jedi arts. The galaxy rolled on in turmoil around him over the years. The galaxy outside didn't matter anymore. Thar Nolog had a grand house that he loved. Even the Imperials let him be when they set up their outpost on Rhen Var. And the galaxy went on still. The Empire gave way to the New Republic. Thar had no interest in politics. He was happy. During his years as a Vigo, Thar never considered himself evil. He thought of himself to be somewhere in the middle of the moral compass. Yet, he could still see how someone could take revenge on members of Black Sun.

  Thar absently reached for his necklace. On the end of the chain was the piece of metal with his name etched. His Black Sun chit. He let go of it and took his glass of frogh water. He had it specially delivered every year. It also reminded him of days gone by. But the frogh water was connected to a place even farther back than his days in Black Sun. Mon Calamari. He missed his home world. The ocean water. The salty cool air. The energizing sun. The sounds of aquabirds splashing in and out of the water.

  Thar could never go back.

  He had his fun as a Black Sun Vigo. Giving up his home was his sacrifice. If he set foot on Mon Calamari, he would be arrested. Admiral Ackbar formed an ordinance against Thar on Mon Calamari similar to Naboo's against Palpatine. It stated that because of Thar Nolog's past acquaintances with the nefarious Black Sun, the Mon Calamari people disowned him and banished him from returning to his home planet.

  Thar didn't mind the coldness of Rhen Var. To an extent. He spared no expense in buying the state of the art in heaters for his house on the mountain. His neighbors would come to visit Thar just so they could feel the warmth that Rhen Var lacked. They visited, but they weren't friends. Occasionally, the sadness of his own exile crept up on him. Thar still had a great amount of wealth. He had no one to spend it on but himself. He was a hundred and forty five standard years old. It was not quite ancient for his species, but close. He made a deal that his wealth would go to the people of Rhen Var, who so willingly took him in regardless of his past.

  He gave a long yawn and he downed the last of the frogh water with his huge hand-flippers. He went to the front picture window. He didn't feel lonely that night. He watched the guards pacing around his house, protecting him. Chief Cizler informed him that the COS herself gave him an order to guard him. The irony of the New Republic securing the life of a former gangster was too bizarre for Thar to comprehend. Nevertheless, the initial panic that he felt after the Nal Hutta murders had subsided. No one would dare to try and attack with not only ten guards but also the Jedi Master close by.

  He reached for his cane sitting upright against the counter and headed towards his bedroom. He was ready to retire for the night. He approached the bedroom door, which now had a guard standing by. The other four guards were inside scattered by other possible entrances.

  Thar looked up at the faceless silver helmet of the Rhen Var guard. "I'm going to bed now," Thar's gruff voice said.

  No reaction.

  "I just had my frogh water and I'm tired. Ever had it? Frogh water? Heh, it probably tastes like sewer water to a human. It's certainly good to me." The guard's head never flinched. Thar tilted his enormous head. "You don't talk much, do you?" More silence. "I guess you're not trained to be casual. I'll say good night to you, then."

  Thar opened his bedroom door, which was transparisteel like the walls. He started to enter the room when something to his left caught his bulbous eye. He could see something through the transparent walls that was in the hallway beyond his bedroom. He backtracked into the hallway and crept around the corner. He could see that there was a boot on its side. He moved closer and saw that a leg was still in it.

  A human male was lying on his back in the hallway. Thar went to the man and saw that his clothes had been stripped to his undergarments. He edged closer but, suddenly, his cane seemed to slip out from under him. Thar caught himself on his knee before he went to the floor. He looked down.

  The pool of blood stained his robe. It flowed from under the man. The dead man. Thar looked closer at the man's shirt. There was a design on it. A logo. Rhen Var Security.

  Thar used his cane to bring himself up and he shouted, "Guards! Call security. There's been a murder. He's here! Get your..."

  When he turned around, the guard who he tried to have a conversation with was now standing before him.

  "Go get the medics! This man's been murdered!"

  The guard proceeded to lift his helmet off to reveal his hooded tunic. Black with red trim. There was no face. Only darkness inside that hood. Thar stared in disbelief. Next came the chilling rough whisper. "I know."

  "No! No!," cried Thar. "I retired. I'm not evil. I don't deserve to die."

  "Yes. You do."

  "It's true then, isn't it? You're him. Voxan. Not the original, of course. That would be impossible."

  "Nothing is impossible."

  "What are you? Some kind of vigilante?" Thar tried to add a hard edge to his voice to intimidate. It didn't work. "You're going around killing ex-Vigo for what? Revenge? Black Sun only made Voxan rich. We hired Voxan to do his jobs. What did they do to you?"

  The only answer Thar received was the revelation of a blaster pointed at his chest.

  Thar gave a nervous laugh. "A blaster? Not very original for a Voxan. Wh
at are you going to do? Shoot me?"

  "Not quite." The blaster emitted a purple-white spiral that his Thar's chest head on.

  Thar let go of his cane and fell backwards to the floor. The stun setting was low and Thar was still alert. He landed beside the dead guard. He looked up at the dark figure hovering over him. A small decanter was produced from beneath the folds of the black tunic.

  Thar couldn't move but he found that he could mumble his speech. "What...are you...doing?"

  "I'm doing what you so deserve. You have tasted the luxury of wealth for too long. No care should follow you as you cared for no one after your treachery." The decanter's lid was taken off. It was starting to angle progressively over Thar's head. "I believe you should have a toast in your own honor." The liquid started spilling onto Thar's brown skin. The screams of pain were wild. The sounds of anguish was an abrasive music. More liquid spilled. More screams. The sound filled the room. Soon, the noise would reach outside. There wasn't much time.

  A gloved hand reached down at the writhing form of Thar Nolog in outlandish pain. The movement had to be timed to avoid the enormous head as it swivelled around wildly. At last, the chance was there and the glove grasped at the necklace and pulled.

  "You won't be needing this anymore."

  The remaining guards finally came storming in at the sound of their protection's cries of pain. They saw and they confronted. Each were taken one by one with amazing ease. Amateurs. None of them were expecting a weapon so unique and strong. They each had spirit inside of them before their eventual end. Once they were all down, haste had to be recognized. Departure had to be swift before...

  She arrived. She appeared in the doorway. She was grown now, but not all that different. She gave the order to stop. That was impossible. The game was just now getting interesting now that she had entered the ring. The exit was allowed through thick vapors. Departure achieved. Mission accomplished. On to the next one.

  The crime scene in Thar Nolog's house

  Mara looked out through the broken window where the killer had jumped through minutes before she reached it. He was gone. And I missed him! Perhaps not. He was still on Rhen Var. How he jumped down to the rocky mountain range and live she'll have to ponder later. If there was a chance she could trap him...

  She reached for her comlink. "Cizler. I need you to set up a perimeter around the spaceport.

  Cizler shouted back, "What happened?"

  Mara stated plainly, "Nolog is dead. By a lot. So are your guards. All ten."

  "What? How?"

  "They were cut down by a large sword, and I don't mean lightsaber. Nolog...his death has to be seen to be believed."

  "All right. Why the ports?"

  "Because I just saw the killer jump out of a window over a fifty meter cliff not five minutes ago. If he's still alive, which I'm sure of it, he's still on the planet. He has to leave sometime."

  "Right. I'll keep you and Skywalker posted." The connection clicked off.

  She heard a few rasping coughs from behind her and she turned. "Speak of the devil."

  Luke was trying to regain his voice. " that I walked into?"

  "It was a dimonium burst. Nothing toxic. It just messes with your eyes and lungs for enough time so that the murderer can get away. You felt the pain, too?"

  "How could I not? It was loud in the Force."

  "I came as soon as I sensed it."

  Luke looked almost embarrassed. "I...would have been here sooner, but..."

  Mara finished, "Your thermal suit was giving you problems?"

  Luke winced and then looked around at the carnage. "Our killer did all this?"

  "Yes. He used a vibrosword. Those are not easy to come by. They're even harder to master. Platanium alloy base with a cortosis coating. Sharp. It made quick work of the guards."

  Luke slowly got closer to the body of Thar Nolog. Especially his face. Or what was left of it. "What happened to him? An acid?"

  Mara sighed. "Hardly. You mean you've never wondered why Ackbar is never in an actual bar? Or anywhere near liquor?"

  Luke was confused at the awkward question before he answered, "Can't say that I have. I just always thought he didn't drink."

  "Alcohol is a poison to Mon Calamari, brainless. It acts as an acid to them. They're never in bars because they're afraid liquor will get spilled on them."

  "Huh," was Luke's response.

  "You should put aside your Force manuals and pick up an alien anatomy book sometime."

  Luke looked at the carnage. "The killer has picked up a few anatomy books of his own. The Defel. The WeeQuays. Now this."

  "I think we can officially substitute 'killer' for 'mutilator' at this point."

  Within the next several minutes, security officials and medics arrived, making the scene more chaotic. At some point, Corran made his way through and came upon the bodies himself.

  "Now this is a mess!"

  "Your powers of observation are astounding, Corran," Mara quipped.

  Corran ignored her and informed, "I spoke to Cizler and he had no reports of anyone coming in or out for the entire time the guards were here."

  "That doesn't mean anything," Mara remarked. "Assassins always find a way in. Unless...he was already here. Waiting."

  "Great Tarkin's Ghost!" Corran erupted.

  Luke muttered, "He found Thar."

  "Yes. Well, he didn't die well. Is that the flask he used?"

  Their eyes went to the silver decanter that was laid down as an afterthought on the ground. Corran picked it up through the opening by his pinky. He sniffed the opening. "Whoa. Hydroxal wood alcohol. Potent." He lifted the flask to them. "Hey, there's still some left. Anyone want a nightcap?"

  "That's just wrong, Corran," Mara spat.

  He set the flask down. "Sorry. My humor gets the best of me at crime scenes. Bad habit."

  "Could your humor also take the worst of you along with the best?" Mara joked.

  Corran examined the wounds on the guards. "What was used on them? The cuts look too short for a vibroblade."

  "Think bigger," Mara suggested.

  Corran thought before he called out, "Vibrosword?" He let out a heavy sigh. "This case is getting worse all the time. I assume you're having Cizler keep watch of the ports."

  "Already done."

  While the sounds of the crime scene went on, in came Lt. Broadwater running. She was catching her breath. "It is...freezing out there. I came as quick as I heard. What hap...Oh!"

  Corran said casually, "That used to be Thar Nolog."

  I'hela stated, "Let me guess. Alcohol."

  Luke turned to her and asked, "How would you know that?"

  I'hela answered directly, "Alien Anatomy was part of my curriculum at the University of Coruscant."

  "Oh," Luke uttered. He avoided the red-gold eyebrows being raised at him.

  I'hela demanded, "Why wasn't I informed as soon as this happened?"

  Luke looked at her. "I would have thought you'd hear the commotion."

  "Sorry, I don't have extra sensory ability in the Force."

  Corran offered, "You're here now."

  I'hela looked at the guards. "Do we have a weapon that did this?"

  Mara put in, "I think the killer took it with him."

  Corran laughed.

  I'hela was beginning to have an edge. "Yeah, that's right. Laugh at the rookie agent."

  Luke asked, "Aren't you a little old to be a rookie?"

  I'hela explained, "I had a late start. It's a long story. Can we get on with it? This is real. You three know something you're keeping from me."

  "What could we possibly be hiding from you?" Corran asked.

  "The rumors. They're true. Aren't they? It's been going around since Nal Hutta. It'll spread more once this gets out. It's Voxan, isn't it?"

  All three of them jerked their heads in her direction and made gestures for her to keep quiet.

  Luke explained in a whisper, "We can't confirm that. It can't get out. Understa

  "So, it is true."

  "If it's Voxan, he must be immortal," Corran answered as he picked out shards of metal from one of the guards wounds and placed them in evidence bags.

  I'hela went on in near hysterics. "Then it's a relative or a copy cat. Or even a clone."

  Mara stated, "All are inconceivable."

  "It doesn't matter. The name Voxan will have everyone scared. The press will have a field day with this."

  Mara said, "They won't if they don't know about it. Keep it to yourself, if you don't mind. If that name leaks to the press, we'll never find out any leads."

  "How do we prevent that from happening?"

  Mara answered her, "Mislead them. Tell them we have the perpetrator on the run. Give them what they want to hear without any hard facts."

  I'hela admitted, "That's good."

  "So," Mara stood before the agent, "what are you still doing here?"

  "What? Me? Talk to the press?"

  "Wouldn't look bad for a rookie NRS agent. Plus it will give the NRS some publicity. A high profile case helping the Jedi."

  I'hela had the sparkle of fame in her eyes. "Yes. I see your point. They're still camped down by the spaceport. I'll tell them what went on here but only what's on the surface. Nothing concrete."

  "Be as non-specific as you can. They'll eat it up," Mara tipped.

  "Right. I'll meet you down there?"

  "In due course," said Corran.

  "Thank you, sir." I'hela started climbing around the bodies and the coroners who were now scattered around the crime scene. Within moments she was out of sight.

  Mara muttered, "I thought she'd never leave."

  "She's only doing her job, Mara," Luke said.

  "We'll see." Mara's comlink chirped and she reached for it and read the message. "Aw, Sithspawn!"

  "What is it?"

  "Karrde wanting an update."

  Corran said, "Chances are he already knows about the murders."

  "More than likely. The signal isn't too great in these mountains. He had to leave a message. I can get better reception in the shuttle. Excuse me." Mara edged her way between Luke and Corran to move outside the house. She flipped her hood up once she reached the outside cold air. She found a hidden alcove between two medic shuttles to shield her conversation from the wind. Before she put the call in, she made sure her barriers were fully equipped. She didn't know why, but she actually hated lying to Skywalker. Mara checked the screen of her comlink and reread the message.

  You almost caught me. Contact me before I have to leave.

  There was a comlink code after the message. Mara punched it in. She put the comlink to her ear.

  "Hello, Mara Jade. It's been a long time," a mechanical voice on the other end answered.

  "You're using a vocoder."

  "Did you expect anything less?"

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm doing what needed to be done a long time ago. Call it retribution."

  "I just left the scene and I'd call it a slaughter."

  "It's nothing you're not used to."

  "I killed out of duty. And I did it cleanly."

  "Is there a difference at how death is dealt? The result is always the same."

  "It depends on how much pain you inflict before the death. You could ask the victims. Oh, you can't. They're all dead."

  "Funny, Jade. I intend to deal more pain. I intend to give them the kind of pain they gave me all my life."

  "I'll know where you'll be heading next."

  "Good. I'll be waiting. Unless I'm already gone before you get there. Welcome to the game."

  "Your father played this game very well. He was a legend."

  A laugh through a vocoder had such a unique sound that most people would classify it as a screech. Mara knew the sound well through the most famous vocoder in history. Vader's.

  "You think you know who I am, Jade? Believe that you are wrong. I'm no longer who I thought I was. I have no identity." The connection went dead.

  Mara still held the comlink for a moment. Pondering. Calculating. Was that really who she thought it was? She finally placed the comlink in her coat pocket. She looked up and gasped.

  "Luke! I...didn't know you were there."

  "How could you? Did you update Karrde?" His voice was too calm and even.

  "Yes. You know Karrde."

  "I do. But that wasn't Karrde. Was it?" He was greeted with a rare silence from Mara Jade. He let it pass and said, "You were doing so well in the house when the comlink went off. But after you left, your barriers went up."

  "You know me by now, Skywalker. My barriers are always up."

  "Not like this. I can't describe it in words. I'll have to rely on an analogy. Usually, your barriers feel like they're permacrete. The ones you put up after you left the crime scene up there felt like transparisteel." He came closer to her. "And you're wrong."

  Mara gulped. "About what?"

  Luke stated firmly, "I don't know you at all." He gave his voice a dark edge she hadn't heard from him before. It was an eerie reminder of who he was related to. "We need to talk."

  She surrendered to him and said, "I guess we do."

  * * * * *


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