by Vanda Krefft
O’Neill, Eugene, 357, 375
One Touch of Sin, 222
Ordynski, Richard, 188
Orphans’ Bureau, 287
Orphans of the Storm, 332
Orpheum Theatre (Jersey City), 81
Orpheum Theatre (Seattle), 209
Osborne, Thomas M., 219
Oscar II (peace ship), 706
Ostrer, Isidore, 576, 583
Othello (Shakespeare), 139
Other Men’s Daughters, 222
Otterson, John, 396–99, 447–48, 519–21, 528–30, 540–43, 556, 558, 561, 563, 567, 569–70, 574–83, 585, 589–90, 593–94, 598, 602–9, 612, 614–19, 622, 625–27, 629, 635, 638, 641, 664–65, 667–68, 678
Over the Hill (1921), 304, 306–12, 315, 330, 353, 357, 450, 598
remake (1931), 653
Pacific Railroad Act (1862), 343
Pacific Theatres, 709
Palestine, 318
Pan American Exposition (Buffalo, 1901), 45–48, 593
Panic of 1863, 22
Panic of 1873, 125
Panic of 1893, 23
Paramount-Artcraft, 282
Paramount (formerly Famous Players-Lasky), 2, 53n, 286, 288, 399, 426, 436–37, 445, 457, 481, 483, 485, 513, 531, 539, 542, 567, 568–69, 629, 653, 677, 694, 723, 743
Paramount Publix, 694, 697–98
Paramount Theatre (NYC), 408
Parker, Alton B., 95
Parkhurst, Charles H., 67
Parnell, Charles, 169
Parsons, Louella, 480
Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 221, 324
Passion (Madame DuBarry), 313
Pathé Faits Divers (Pathé’s Weekly), 298
Pathé Frères, 122, 132–33, 282, 437
Patterson, Dr. Ross V., 719
Pearson, Virginia, 186, 221, 251, 279
Pecora, Ferdinand, 690–91
People, The (Socialist weekly), 30
People’s Institute, 159
Pepper, George Wharton, 699, 720
Percy, Eileen, 319
Peril of the Plains, 118
Perils of Pauline serials, 282
Perjury, 321
Pershing, John J., 196, 237, 284
Perutz, Julius, 417
Peter Pan, 333
Petofi, Sandor, 16
Phelps, William Lyon, 215
Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger, 303
Philadelphia Inquirer, 276
Philadelphia Lawyer (Pepper), 699
Phoenix Amusement Company, 76
Phonofilm Corp., 389–90, 393–95
Photophone sound-on-film, 395, 399, 437, 438, 440, 446–47
photoplay, term coined, 131n
Photoplay magazine, 141, 382, 383, 410, 452
Pickford, Mary, 137, 145, 158, 263, 282, 287–89, 663
Pilot, Bernice, 459
Pisarro, Vincent, 59
Pittsburgh Courier, 461
Plastered in Paris, 456
Plaza theater (Denver), 292
Plutarch’s Lives, 193
Poli, Sylvester, 508
Poli Theaters chain, 464, 484, 508
Pollard, Harry, 459–60
Pope, John W., 666
Portugal, 248
Post, Charles S., 388
Post, Dr. Wilfred M., 533–34, 536
Powell, Frank, 132–34, 138n, 141, 165
Power, Tyrone, 287
Pratt, George C., 609, 626–27
Price of Her Soul, The, 222
Price of Silence, The, 212
Princess Romanoff, 165
Principles of Bond Investment, The (Chamberlain), 548
Producers’ Distributing Company, 399
Prohibition, 286, 299, 332, 473
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 327
Prudential Life Insurance, 126–27
Prussian Cur, The, 237, 415
Public Enemy, The, 653
Public Is Never Wrong, The (Zukor), 287
Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, 126
Public Service Electric and Gas Company, 477
Publix Theatres, 370, 481, 539
Pujo Committee, 95n
Pulitzer, Joseph, 22
Pynchon, George, 664
Queen Elizabeth, 130, 287
Queen of Sheba, The, 304, 312, 381
Queen of the Sea, 192
Que Viva Mexico!, 675
race and racism, 162–63, 220–21, 324–26, 378, 458–63
railroads, 21–22
Rainbow Trail, The, 294
Rambusch, Harold W., 464
Ramish, Adolph, 367, 368
Rappe, Virginia, 315
Raskob, John J., 506–7
Rasputin, 188
Rasputin, the Black Monk, 188
RCA, 390, 393–95, 399, 437, 438, 440, 446, 461, 522, 542–43, 553, 694, 698, 700
Real Tinsel, The (Rosenberg and Silverstein), 266
Reass, Benjamin, 675–76
Rebellious Bride, The, 293
Red Cross, 233–35, 564
Regeneration, The, 156, 260, 454
Regent Theatre (NYC), 412
Reichenbach, Harry, 308–9, 430
Reilly, Joseph, 701
Reis, Dr. Herman, 101
Renowned Pictures, 238
Republican Party, 100, 460, 515, 550
Republic Pictures, 437
Return of Tarzan, The, 308
Rhoads Opera House fire, 74–75
Rialto Theatre (NYC), 289, 408
Rich, Walter J., 388, 396
Richards, Ernest V., 369–70
Richman, Charles, 123
Rickard, Tex, 305
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 744
Riders of the Purple Sage, 294
Riis, Jacob, 17
Rimini, Francesca da, 304, 319
Rising Tide of Color, The (Stoddard), 324
Riskin, Joseph (son-in-law), 690, 750
Riverside Theater (NYC), 79, 144, 147, 266
Riviera Theater (NYC), 79
Rivoli theater (Denver), 292
Rivoli Theatre (NYC), 289, 408, 412
RKO, 437, 631, 663
Roach, Hal, 277
Road to Glory, The, 381
Roberts, Grace Van Braam, 509
Roberts, Kenneth, 324
Robin Hood, 320
Rockefeller, Abby Greene Aldrich, 234
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 234–36, 253, 338, 564–66, 687
Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 24, 26, 28, 230, 476, 565
Rockefeller Center, 565, 687
Rockefeller Foundation, 230
Rockett, Al, 672
Rogers, Gustavus, 64, 70–71, 74–75, 94–95, 107, 110, 114–16, 337
Rogers, Saul, 491–93, 513, 515, 544, 546, 573, 579, 613, 640, 650
Rogers, Will, 654, 702
Romeo and Juliet, 144–45, 200, 214
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 723
Roosevelt, Theodore, 95, 109, 226, 245, 520, 582
Roscoe, Albert, 201
Rosen, Harry B., 231–32
Rosenberg, Bernard, 266–67
Rosenthal, Herman, murder of, 100–101, 108, 119–21, 224n, 615, 677
Rosenwald, Julius, 402
Rose of Blood, The, 188, 204, 236, 251, 325
Rosher, Charles, 457
Rothafel, Samuel “Roxy,” 408–9, 411–13, 425, 525–27
Rothchild, Edward S., 41, 58
Rough Riding Romance, 281
Rowland, Richard A., 671
Roxy Circuit Inc., 410–11
Roxy’s Mansion theater (NYC), 407
Roxy’s Midway (NYC), 407
Roxy Theatre (NYC), 1, 4, 6, 406–13, 425, 427, 452, 455, 496, 508, 525–26, 654, 682, 716
Roxy Theatres Corporation, 407, 412
Rubens, Alma, 654
Rubin, J. Robert, 517, 518, 624
Rubinstein, Jacob L., 531–33, 555
Ruling Passion, The, 154
Russell, Lillian, 336
Russell, William, 319
Russia, 248–51
Russian Revolution, 187–88, 249–52, 325
Ruttenberg, Joseph, 307, 319, 330–31, 333, 454
Ryan, Thomas F., 285
Sabin, Edwin L., 343
Sadie, 293
Saenger Company theater circuit, 369
Salome (film, 1918), 207–10, 231, 271, 298, 321
Salome (Strauss opera), 208
Sam H. Harris Theatre (NYC), 380, 398, 408, 458
Samson, 321
Sandburg, Carl, 312, 325, 380
San Francisco Chronicle, 209
San Francisco Fox Theatre, 521–22
financial judgment on, 709–15
Sardou, Victorien, 193
Sarnoff, David, 394–95, 538
Satanas, 358
Saturday Evening Post, 450, 685
Saturday Review of Literature, 688
Scandal Proof, 383
Scandinavian Film Agency, 252
Schenck, Joseph M., 282, 332, 703–4, 720–21, 743
Schenck, Nicholas M., 2n, 6, 233, 480–82, 485–86, 488–89, 491, 493, 495, 517, 519, 531, 704
Schiff, Jacob H., 231–33, 251, 290, 647
Schine theater circuit, 521
Schmaltz Brothers, 32–34, 261
Schoeneck, Edward, 233
Schwab, Charles M., 624
Schwartz, Milton Jerome (son-in-law), 338, 478, 546, 600, 689, 750
Schwartz, Samuel, 527–28
Schwartz, William Fox (grandson; later William Fox III), 400, 478, 546
Schwimmer, Rosika, 706–7
Scientific American, 297
Scull, George F., 114
Securities Exchange Act (1934), 506
Seiler, Lewis, 259
Selig, Al, 140, 175
Selig Company, 150
Selig Polyscope, 152
Selig studio, 280
Selwyn Theatre (NYC), 304, 311
Selznick, Lewis J., 185, 297
Sennett, Mack, 261, 288, 305n
Seretan, L. Glen, 30
Serpent, The, 142, 159
700 Broadway movie theater, 6, 53–58
7th Heaven, 454–57, 472, 629, 755
Shackles of Gold, 321
Shakespeare, William, 139, 144–45, 193
Shame, 321
Shamrock Handicap, The, 376
Shapiro, Victor Mansfield, 470–71, 645, 652
Shapiro, William, 615
Shaw, George Bernard, 444, 599
Shay, William, 182
Shearer, Norma, 2, 320
Shearn, Clarence, 581–82, 591–92
Sheehan, Clayton, 579, 597, 613, 640
Sheehan, Winfield R., 4, 6, 118–21, 125–26, 129, 136, 138, 140, 152, 160, 168, 173, 175, 198–99, 218, 242, 248, 250, 257, 283, 292–93, 342–43, 349, 358n, 362, 380, 415–17, 419–20, 422, 424–25, 435, 440, 445, 449–51, 457, 463, 468–70, 472, 490, 544–45, 575–81, 600, 606, 613, 615, 618, 628–32, 634, 638, 641, 645, 650–51, 656, 658–60, 671–72, 677, 701–2, 704, 744
Sheik, The, 320
Sheldon, Edward, 162
Shepherd King, The, 318, 417
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 23, 95, 97, 114, 489–90, 492, 516
Shermar Corp., 510, 648–49
Sherwood, Robert E., 312, 429, 434
She Wolves, 383
Should a Mother Tell?, 157
Shubert, Lee, 233
Shubert Brothers, 181
Shubert circuit, 305
Silber, William L., 124
Silent Command, The, 320
Silent Lie, The, 155
Sills, Milton, 146
Silverstein, Harry, 266–67
Silver Treasure, The, 381
Silver Wings, 329, 334
Simmons, William Joseph, 325–26
Sin, 142, 169
Sinclair, Mary, 675–76
Sinclair, Upton, 55n, 675–80, 684–90, 693, 741, 754
Singer Sewing Machine, 250
Sing Sing prison, 219
Sins of Her Parent, 156
Siren’s Song, The, 272
Sister Against Sister, 222
Sjöström, Victor (later Seastrom), 245
Slide, Anthony, 207
Sloane, Paul, 461–62
Slocum, Edward, 731
Small Town Girl, A, 264
Smith, Al, 243, 460, 495
Smith, Courtland, 392, 403–4, 556, 579, 599, 636, 651
Smith, Wingate, 469, 470
Socialist Labor Party, 30
Socialist Party, 30
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 59
Soldier’s Oath, A, 154
Sorrell and Son, 333
Soul of Broadway, The, 165–66
Soul of Buddha, The, 271
Soul of Satan, The, 222
sound-on-disk, 387–89, 391, 393, 397–99, 437–39, 445
sound-on-film, 387–99, 408, 437–40, 445–46, 540–41, 755
Sound Your A, 302
South America, 245–47, 252–53
Southern Pacific Railroad, 344
South Jersey Gas and Electric Lighting Company, 126
Spain, 244, 248, 252
Spanish American War, 34
Spanish influenza, 284
Speakeasy, 458
Spence, Ralph, 311, 378
Spirit of ’76, The, 239–40
Spoilers, The, 150
Sponable, Earl I., 390n, 441n, 443
Spoor, George K., 130
Spy, The, 237
Squaw Man, The, 118
Stage Madness, 456
Stage Romance, A, 322
Stain, The, 133
Stallings, Laurence, 378
Standard Oil Trust, 24, 113n, 234, 253
Stand Up and Cheer, 702
Stanley Company theater chain, 371, 484–85
“Star Comedy” series, 277
Star Theatre (NYC), 78
State Department, 245
State Fair, 702
Stately Homes in America (Desmond and Croly), 24
Steedle, Robert E., 715–19, 730
Steffens, Lincoln, 66, 688
Steger, Julius, 333
Steiner, Max, 266–67
Stern, Morton J., 618–19
Stiller, Mauritz, 245
St. Louis Fox theater, 465
stock market
boom of 1920s, 483, 498–500, 539
crash of 1884, 22
crash of 1929, 550–69, 623, 678
Stoddard, Lothrop, 324
Stoker, Bram, 358
Stone, Harlan F., 699
Story of Motion Pictures, The (brochure), 548
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 459
Strand, Mark, theater circuit, 371
Strand theater (Denver), 292
Straton, John Roach, 328–29
Strauss, Richard, 208
Street Angel, 454–57, 472, 484, 629
Stresemann, Gustav, 444
Stroheim, Erich von, 702
Strong, Sidney, 158
Struss, Karl, 422, 457
Stuart, Charles B., 564, 650
Stuart, Harry, 507–9, 518–21, 523, 528–30, 543–44, 556, 561–62, 564, 569–70, 574–85, 589–90, 593–94, 598, 602–9, 612–19, 622, 625–26, 629, 631, 635, 638, 647, 650, 664–65, 667–68, 678
Student Prince, The, 432
stunts, 143, 176–77
Sudermann, Hermann, 417, 426
Sue, Eugène, 30
Sugar Trust, 23
Sullivan, Ed, 683–84
Sullivan, Florrie, 98
Sullivan, Margaret Catherine, 106n
Sullivan, Patrick, 101, 103, 105–6
Sullivan, Timothy D. “Big Tim,” 67–82, 98–108, 119–20, 127, 132–33, 172, 211, 214n, 242, 283, 361, 370–71, 497, 615
Sullivan, Timothy P. “Little Tim,” 68, 76, 98–99, 105, 242, 283
Sullivan & Kraus, 69, 70–71, 105
Sullivan and Considine vaudeville circuit, 69, 100n
Sullivan Law (1911), 104n
mmer Bachelors, 383
Sunday “blue” laws, 63–65, 71, 74–75
Sundheim, Harry, 602, 633
Sunrise, 414–36, 440, 451, 455, 457, 472, 484, 755
Sunshine Comedies division, 261, 279–80, 293, 302
Sun Theatre (San Francisco), 273
Suratt, Valeska, 155, 165–66
Swaine, Mr., 634
Swanson, Gloria, 375, 380, 406, 426, 663
Sweden, 245, 248, 252, 540
Széchenyi, Count István, 15
Szent-Györgyi, Dr. Albert, 751
Tabu, 435–36
Taft, William Howard, 95–96, 108, 227
Tale of Two Cities, A, 213–14, 258, 279, 321, 755
Talmadge, Norma, 181, 275
Talmey, Allene, 411, 485, 530
Tammany Hall, 66–75, 82–83, 95, 99–104, 119–20, 243, 258, 285, 401, 615, 697
Tangled Lives, 222
Tanguay, Eva, 275
Tarbell, Ida M., 22, 235
Tarver, Jim, 262
Tauszig, Douglas N. (son-in-law), 337, 477–78, 482, 487–88, 545
Tauszig, William Fox (grandson, later William T. Fox II), 478, 546
Taylor, Estelle, 321
Taylor, Thorne & Co., 500–503
Taylor, William Desmond, 315
Teapot Dome scandal, 525
television, 522, 539n
Temple, Shirley, 702
Temple Emanu-El, 712, 748
Temple Israel (Hollywood), 471
Temple Israel (Lawrence, NY), 674
Ten Commandments, The, 320
Terminal Theatre (Newark, NJ), 430
Thalberg, Irving, 517–18, 522, 624
Thalofide cell, 390
Thank You, 376
Thaw, Harry K., 282
Theater Owners’ Chamber of Commerce, 310
Thérèse Raquin (Zola), 153
Thief of Bagdad, The, 359
Thomas, Norman, 616
Thompson, Bill, 140–41
Thompson, C. Stanley, 491–92, 513
Thou Shalt Not, 283
3 Bad Men, 376–78
Three Musketeers, The, 320
Three Stooges, 658
Thru Different Eyes, 458
Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 147
Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 226
Tiger Woman, The, 204
Tilden, Bill, 539
Tillinghast, A. W., 404
Times Industrials index, 539
Times Square Theater (NYC), 427–31, 453, 458
Timothy D. Sullivan Association, 68
Tinee, Mae, 193
Tinker, Edward R., 670–72, 701
Tobis-Klangfilm, 541–42
Tolstoy, Leo, 136, 139, 159
Tom Sawyer, 653
Tourneur, Maurice, 305n
Traverse, Madlaine, 322
Treasure Island, 262
Treasury Department, 252
Trenton Evening Times, 201
Triangle-Fine Arts, 138, 174
Triangle Studios, 258
Tri-Ergon patents, 395–96, 447–48, 493–94, 529, 540–41, 599, 608–9, 627, 633, 638, 676, 693–700, 710, 714, 720, 724
Trinity Church soup kitchen, 674
“Trip to Tilsit, The” (Sudermann), 417