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Dane Page 5

by Michelle Hughes

  “I’ll take this as slow as you want, Erin. You can even be on top if you want.” I wanted her to remember this night with positive memories, hopefully she’d come back again. I hadn’t wanted a repeat before except for the money, so that was a first for me.

  “You do it. I really don’t know how.” The insecurity in her voice made me livid, but not at her. I wanted to thrash the motherfucker that did this. Reaching over to the table, I pulled out a condom, and sat up in the bed to roll it on. Her eyes didn’t leave me for a second, and I was determined to make this good for her. With that little task finished, I grabbed one of the pillows and drug it down.

  “I want your hips on this, sweetheart.” She raised up giving me another terrified little look, and I slid it under that beautiful ass. Resting on my side beside her, I allowed my fingers to fall between her legs again, stroking her pussy until she was back on board with the pleasure before moving over her. When she left this room tonight fear would be the last thing on her mind.

  Pressing the head of my cock against her drenched entrance, I smiled as I pushed forward, knowing I needed to control my shit. She was so damn tight that I wasn’t sure I could fuck her without pain, but I was determined to do my best. “Relax for me sweetheart, put your legs around my waist.”

  Her entire body was shaking as she followed my softly spoken command, and my heart ached for her. It was one thing to fuck like a god, another to know this tiny little woman was afraid I’d break her. With more gentleness than I’d ever given before I carefully inched inside her tight heat a few inches before pulling back. I wanted her to love what I did but first I had to stretch her out.

  Those tiny little hands gripped my shoulders, and I could see she was waiting for something horrible to happen, but I refused to prove her right. My cock had never been squeezed like this and not thrusting forward and filling her to the max was torture. Gritting my teeth I continued the gentle give and take until she relaxed a little telling me she could take more.

  Thank fucking God, I thought as I pulled back and knew it was time to fill her up. With one deep thrust I impaled her and she screamed like I’d just broken her like I’d promised not to do. Instantly I realized that she’d never been fucked before, and everything about her fell in place.

  I didn’t do virgins. That was one rule I refused to break at any cost. Hell, they didn’t walk in my world so it wasn’t even a consideration. Until now. The tears streaming down her face was more proof that I’d just broken the cardinal rule. Holding myself still inside her gripping heat, I wasn’t sure what to do. “Shit Erin, you okay?”

  Her eyes were closed tightly, telling me it was a fucking stupid question, and I panicked. Wrapping my arms around her tightly, I turned her over on top and just held her until she told me what she needed. “It hurts.”

  Fuck me. Not what I wanted. Okay. Soothe her. How the hell did I do that? “I know baby. It gets better, promise.” I didn’t know if it got better but it had to or women would never screw.

  Her legs were sprawled on either side of my body, and she just laid there holding me so tight that my cock would explode if something didn’t happen. Pulling back slightly out of instinct I felt her tense and pushed back in. I couldn’t stand not moving, so I did it again. Barely moving, but at least it was friction.

  That time she didn’t seem to tense so I pulled out a little further before pushing upward. “That feels better.” Praise to whatever fate was on my side, I wasn’t sure I could hold back much longer!

  “You ride me sweetheart. Just sit up on my cock and take what feels good. There’s no right or wrong way baby.” Please do it and fast, before I forget this about your pleasure and not mine.

  I helped her sit up and she looked at me biting that lip again, making my cock throb inside her almost impossibly tight pussy. How the hell hadn’t I seen the signs! “Take my hands baby, turning them palm up I hoped it helped her balance, but I had no fucking clue how to guide a virgin on my dick. She did and I forced a smile. “Now slowly lift up then slide back down on me.” What I wanted her to do was fuck me like a whore, but I knew that would hurt her.

  The first timid movement of her on my cock was like nirvana, and I wanted to cheer her on. She squeezed my hands tightly and lifted up and down with awkward movements but it felt so damn good I could have come right then. Forcing myself to hold back I watched her learn how to fuck.

  Nothing sexier than being the training wheels when a beautiful woman rides your cock. Those huge tits bounced slightly and the way her pussy gripped me as if refusing to give way was the most pleasurable experience of my entire life. Each slow downward thrust she was giving into the feel good, and getting a little braver. It was like being a damn participant in the most incredible sexual awakening ever and not just the sensations, which were damn incredible!

  The look in her eyes as she took me in then released my cock made her body sing, because she tossed back her head and cried out, riding me faster. I’d never been more loved and I wanted nothing more than her to find release. When she came her tight folds pulsated my dick, demanding I join her and it was almost painful in the most pleasurable way imaginable to come undone that way.

  Falling on my chest, her breath rapidly pulling in and out, I could only wrap my arms around her pleased that she’d taken what she needed, and allowed me to be a part. Feeling my cock shrivel inside her, I wanted to get hard just to feel her fucking me again. I don’t know how long she laid there, but her soft snoring told me she was sound asleep. Carefully I inched her over to rest beside me, and slid the condom off.

  The blood tinged latex reminded me what I’d done, and I stared up at the ceiling needing to come to grips with the action. Sliding from the bed carefully, I walked to the bathroom staring at my reflection in the mirror. I was in way the fuck over my head, and needed advice. Walking back in the room, seeing her sweet body in my bed, made me want to wake her up and have a round two. Instead I picked up my cellphone and made a quick call to Brandt.

  “You done already man?” His voice was full of disapproval and when he discovered what I’d done, I knew he’d be fucking livid.

  “Uh no, she’s sleeping at the moment, but man I seriously fucked up.” It didn’t exactly feel like I’d done something wrong, except for sleeping with a woman who might not get this was just a job.

  “Damn it! What have you done?” For Brandt to be screaming I knew he was worried as shit. Deciding the truth couldn’t be worse than what he was thinking, I explained the minute details about my little encounter with Erin.

  “Well did she enjoy it?” That’s what he was worried about? I hadn’t met a woman yet that I couldn’t please, so it was an insult.

  “She’s sleeping ain’t she?” I let the ego fill my tone, waiting for him to remember who he was talking to.

  “I’ve never fucked one of those, how was it?” Brandt seemed damn calm that I’d just popped a girls cherry, especially when we all vowed to never mess with the innocent ones.

  Walking into the bathroom not wanting her to wake if she woke up to the conversation, I ran my hand through my blond shorn locks. “Tightest pussy in the world, why aren’t you going ape shit?”

  “Because the trouble with sleeping with a virgin is they always want more than just the sex. So this shit’s your problem not mine.” He chuckled and I’d of probably decked his ass were he in the room with me. “Might become mine if she gets to clingy though. Figure out what the hell you want and make it clear before sending her home. Best thing you can do with one of those is be honest, I guess.”

  He was talking about Erin as if she was an anomaly, and I guess maybe in our world she was. “What do you mean do with her?” I wouldn’t mind loving her sweet little body again, okay maybe a dozen times so I could show her all she was capable of.

  “You’re a cold ass bitch, bro. Do you want to have something more than a one night stand? That’s what her friends paid you for. By the way according to the little blonde the chick you’re with had no
idea until half way through dinner service you were paid to please.” He found that funny obviously since he laughed, but I wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

  “How’d you drag that out of her?” I had a good idea knowing how Brandt enjoyed a good time.

  “Nothing shy about that woman. She cornered me and told me what she wanted and I took her in the bathroom. Not the best place to get it on.” He chuckled and I shook my head.

  “You’re no damn help at all.” Pushing end, I walked back into my bedroom, and tried to get my head straight. Obviously I could do nothing while she was sleeping, so I decided catching up on some rest myself was the only way to get my brain working again.

  chapter six



  Waking up in bed with a man paid to have sex with you wasn’t the best feeling in the world. I carefully inched away, and hoped he was a heavy sleeper. Finding my clothes, I snuck into the bathroom to dress, trying to tell my reflection she didn’t have to feel like such a slut. My twat was sore, and I thought it was a discomfort I deserved. I wanted to blame the alcohol¸ but knew I’d been in my right mind when I’d agreed to let him teach me about sex.

  Tiptoeing out of the bathroom, I found my way to the door, and down the long flight of steps. I wanted to go crawl back in my safe little world, and put my night with a male gigolo behind me. A deep masculine voice stopped my quick exit out the front door and I turned to face my past, eyes widening as I recognized the officer who saved my innocence.

  “Erin? Damn honey, I haven’t seen you in ages.” My hand flew to my mouth and then I felt my face flush hotly. “Get over here!” He chuckled and held out his arms, and I couldn’t ignore this man. Walking over I gave him a hug wishing for not the first time in twenty-four hours the floor would swallow me up.

  “I’d say it’s good to see you again, but well, under the circumstances?” I gave an embarrassed laugh, and he let me go.

  “Shit, girl, this is the last place I expected to see you. Which one of my roommates did you hook up with?” His beautiful brown eyes filled with concern, and I felt even guiltier than I had few seconds ago.

  “Um. Dane. My friends set us up.” I couldn’t bring myself to say paid him off to this man who’d been so kind.

  “Damn honey, I hope you didn’t? What the hell am I saying, its Dane of course you did. Look just don’t take him too seriously, okay?” The plea in his gaze was a warning but it wasn’t needed.

  “Don’t think that’s going to be a problem.” I felt tears prick the back of my eyes, and knew he was the last person I needed to break down too. I wasn’t even that upset over having a one night stand, it was all the crap with my Aunt Peggy and being embarrassed about letting myself do something like that mixed .

  “Ah hell, he hurt you?” I remembered that protective look when he saved me from Bobby and I quickly shook my head no, not wanting to start trouble in his home where there really wasn’t any.

  “Dane isn’t the issue. I just lost my aunt recently, and afraid I did something stupid. My friends didn’t really set us up, they paid to make sure I had a good birthday.” Prostitution was legal in Nevada, so I didn’t worry about repercussions.

  “Sorry to hear about Miss Peggy, that woman was a pillar of the community. We all make mistakes honey, you just chalk this one up to needing something to make you smile. I’m sure he showed you a good time last night?” I nodded, blushing again and he chuckled.

  “So twenty-one, huh. Hard for me to see you all grown up little lady. Why don’t you come in the kitchen and let me cook you up something? No sense hiding from the inevitable anyway. Best that you face things head on.”

  I wasn’t sure he was right, but would not refuse him. I still felt like I owed him for all those years ago. My walk of shame delayed, I sat at the breakfast bar while he put together some eggs benedict. Mouthwatering aroma filled the large space, I sipped on the orange juice he’d given and hoped to learn how to cook them.

  Ian walked in when he’d plated our eggs, and I knew my humiliation was complete. Walking over to kiss my cheek, I got asked all the same questions again, but thankfully Nick filled him in. Ian had been Nick’s partner on the force and I’d gotten to know him well during my visits. Both were like the big brothers I’d never had. “I missed you guys.” Giving them a wide smile, I explained about being in my own world when Peggy was diagnosed.

  “When we started HUNKS it took all our time to get things off the ground.” Nick said with an apologetic grin. “By the time everything was running right, I figured you’d grown up and went to college. I’m sorry I didn’t find you, honey. Probably would have been nice to have some help, huh?”

  I didn’t blame them when I hadn’t exactly tried to reach out either. Between graduation and Aunt Peggy’s illness my mind hadn’t been in a place to worry about other people. I explained about her cancer and isolating myself to take care of her, garnering more sympathy than I felt comfortable with. “It’s over now. I still don’t know what to do with myself though.” Forcing a grin, I honestly wanted to think about anything else.

  “That’s a hell of a load for a young woman to carry. Are you financially okay?” This was from Ian who always made me more nervous than Nick. Something about him just screamed dark and dangerous, but he’d been nice.

  I wanted to lie, but it wasn’t in my nature especially since Nick and Ian knew my darkest secrets. “Not really, but Gabby, that my best friend, she think her daddy might be able to help me save the house.” Pushing back the delicious smelling eggs, I really wasn’t hungry now.

  “Shit baby, sorry. Don’t worry. Nick and I will help you. Whatever you need just say the word.” Ian pulled me into his arms, and I let him comfort me even though it felt a little awkward.

  “What you gonna help her with?” Dane’s voice broke into the room and I pulled back not sure what to say to him now.

  “Whatever the fuck she needs dickhead. That little girl you fucked is a real keeper, so make sure you treat her nice.” Nick’s words shocked me because he didn’t seem like a violent person. He’d always been so polite around me, definitely a different side to his persona.

  “I don’t know what she’s been telling you, but I’ve been very nice.” Dane looked at me with such a heated look I slid off the barstool, and backed away.

  “Don’t go scaring her with your bullshit macho act, she didn’t say a damn thing about you. We’ve known Erin since she was in high school.”

  Some of the heat left his eyes, and he shrugged apologetically. “Sorry then.” He sent a smile my way, but I wasn’t sure I wanted it now. Uncomfortable after what we’d one was putting it mildly.

  “Maybe one of you guys could drive me home?” Seeing them had been great, but it could have been under any better conditions. I looked to Nick and Ian, knowing that Dane was probably just annoyed I was still in his house.

  “Finish eating and I’ll drive you sweetheart.” Dane’s words were much kinder than his last ones, but I didn’t want him feeling put out.

  “I’m sure a cab will be fine.” I didn’t have my purse. “Is anyone in the restaurant, because I’m pretty sure I left my purse in the dining room last night?”

  “I’ve got keys. We can walk over and check, but there’s no reason to take a cab. It’s no problem taking you home.” I couldn’t argue without looking ridiculous so I nodded.

  “Leave us your number before you leave, honey. I want to make sure we get together again.” Nick was smiling warmly, and pulled out a drawer to retrieve a piece of paper and pen, laying it on the counter. I scribbled down my number before hugging him and Ian again, promising not to be a stranger.

  Back in the golf buggy, I felt very nervous being in the thing with Dane. I didn’t really know him except for our little encounter I refused to think about. He was dangerous to my way of life, because just looking at him made me want to share his bed again. Thankfully I didn’t have ten grand to throw away so the temptation didn’t matter.

; “So how do you know Nick and Ian?” His sexy hand gripped the steering wheel and I remembered how good those fingers felt stroking me. Feeling my face flush, I forced myself to speak but the words came out a little breathless.

  “They saved me when some jerk wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Needing to think about something other than how good he could give pleasure I rambled on telling him about our relationship over the next few years.

  We pulled up at the back of the club, and I slid out to join him at the door. “They were good cops, but too much danger in that job for the pay they offer. I’m glad they helped you though.” He opened up and we walked together back to where I’d lost my common sense. The place was deserted, and I felt a little shy being around him now. Not that I really had to worry. He’d been my paid man of the evening, as stupid as that sounded, and I’m sure he didn’t even think about me in a sexual way now. Luckily my purse was still under the table, and I quickly got down on my hands and knees to retrieve it.

  “Fuck girl, you can’t give a man a view like that and not expect him to want you.” He lowered to his knees behind me, hands pulling my ass against his hard on and I gasped. Instantly my body responded, and I moaned at the feel of him grinding against me through the thin material of my dress.

  His hand moved around front, sliding underneath the elastic of my panties, petting me until I was drenched. “Oh God!” It felt so good to have those long, thick fingers sliding against my flesh, and I wanted so much more than just a touch.

  “I wanna fuck you from behind. Tell me you want it too.” Two fingers slid inside, pumping softly and I was lost to sensation.

  “Please, yes.” It didn’t matter we were on the floor, if he didn’t take me now I would implode.

  “Shit, my condoms are at the house.” Groaning he continued to finger me and somewhere in my haze I remembered the ones given.


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