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Dane Page 10

by Michelle Hughes

  My words obviously mattered, because he lifted my legs over his shoulders with a speed that left me gasping, and he plunged deeply inside. His tongue showed no reprieve as he fucked me senseless and I could do nothing but cry out in ecstasy as I came forcefully, making me almost dizzy with the bliss he unleashed. My clit was sensitive as he continued and I whimpered, needing a little time out.

  Moving up to lay beside me, he pulled me over to rest on his chest. “Just so you know, you’ve got the most beautiful little pink pussy. Maybe the prettiest one I’ve ever seen, little bit.” I wasn’t sure I needed to know that, but it gave me more confidence especially when I was sitting there trying to catch my breath after the mind blowing orgasm he’d given me.

  When I could breathe again, I lifted up to look at him. “You won’t be mad if we don’t, um, well have sex?” He hadn’t asked me to do anything else and seemed comfortable with just laying here with me, but I had to ask.

  “No I won’t be mad. I hope you’ll want that with me one day, but I enjoyed having what you allowed today.” He was smiling, so obviously I wasn’t a horrible person for not doing the other. I guess it was strange, but playing around and stuff was enough. I still had hang-ups about doing the deed, even though Dane and I had done it, maybe there was a part of me that wanted to keep that as something special between us. I couldn’t really put my finger on why.

  Running my hand over his chest, I was deep in my own world for a minute as I thought about why I wanted to keep that between me and Dane. I was sure he wouldn’t think twice about doing it with another female, so why did it matter to me?

  “What’s on your mind?” Ian lifted my chin, and rubbed over the tiny cleft there, smiling.

  “Is it wrong that I feel like I’d be cheating on Dane if I did the deed with you?” I figured he’d had lots more experience than me in this stuff, so why not just ask him?

  “Little bit, I don’t want you getting hung up over him. He’s a good guy, and one of the best friends I’ve ever had, but I’m not sure he’s capable of a relationship.” Worry filled his sexy blue eyes, and his words made my heart hurt. I knew Dane didn’t owe me anything but the thought of him sleeping with another woman did something to me I wasn’t sure how to define.

  “I know he does that for fun, or money, but?” Sitting up I fixed my clothes, not sure what I was trying to say and getting a little depressed about the thought of him screwing someone else.

  “I really wish I’d been your first.” Ian slid out of bed, walked over to his dresser, pulling out a fresh pair of shorts and sliding them on sans underwear. “Just be careful there, okay? He’s a great lover, or so I hear, but anything else I’m afraid you’ll get your heart broken.” Walking back over to me, he lifted me into his arms, and hugged me tightly.

  chapter eleven



  Bringing Erin’s stuff back, I knew she was still here, but couldn’t find her anywhere. I’d rushed to get back because I didn’t want to leave her with the guys alone. Nick had gotten on my last nerve telling me I couldn’t keep her on a leash when I would play the field like I always did, and my mood was foul as shit. Brandt hadn’t seen her, so I found Ian, hoping he knew where she was. Finding her in his bed made me see so much red I was ready to charge like a bull and spear his ass.

  I knew she was a nice girl, but seeing her in there brought many negative shit to my soul, and I wanted to hurt her for not being faithful. Fucking hypocrisy I knew, but dealing from emotions I wasn’t used to having all I could feel was rage. “Out of my bed and into another so quick? Guess even a virgin can be a whore!”

  The look of hurt on her face was like a kick in the gut, and I deserved the punch in the face Ian gave. Walking out of the room instead of retaliating when I knew I’d been an ass, I stomped downstairs to find a bottle. I was half way through the thing before Ian met me downstairs glaring like he wanted to deliver more beating. “You enjoy fucking my leftovers?” I wanted to hurt him the way he’d done by sleeping with her, even if she wasn’t mine, technically.

  “For your information I didn’t fuck her, you stupid ass sonofabitch. If she’d have let me I sure would have though, because the last thing she needs is getting her heart broken by you!” He was poking me in the chest, and I didn’t give a shit, because I’d read the situation wrong apparently.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, another argument over Erin?” Brandt got between us, and I shrugged my shoulders not giving a damn how pissed he was. He hadn’t fucked her, that was all that mattered, and I needed to apologize for jumping to conclusions.

  “He thinks he has some claim because he was bought and paid for, I’m done with his shit. I’m not going to let him hurt her.” Ian was glaring at me like he had some right, he shouldn’t have had her in his room to begin with. “I did get a little taste and if she wants me I’m going to enjoy more next time.” He was goading me and he damn well knew it.

  “Her pussy is off limits to you, ass wipe.” I was pissed off all over again that he’d touched her, not at her though because I knew what a devious fuck he could be with the ladies. She didn’t have a chance with a man like him, or hell any of us. We knew how to seduce, our bread and butter was made from reading women.

  “You’re going to calm your shit down and pay attention.” Brandt was all in my face and I wasn’t appreciating it one bit when I wasn’t the one stepping out of line. “Can you tell me you’re giving up sex with anyone other than Erin?”

  Was he crazy? I had a huge sex drive and one woman, monogamous sex? That shit wasn’t happening. “Of course not!”

  “So you think she should only be able to fuck you while you stick your dick in whatever skirt turns your attention?” Brandt’s smirk over his valid point made me stop to think about what I was doing. Was it fair to ask her to only find my bed, when I had no intention of only warming hers?

  As much as I hating admitting he was right, I wasn’t that big of an asshole. “No. I hear where you’re coming from man, I just go nuts when I think of her sleeping with someone else.” I wouldn’t admit that shit to anyone but my best friends, and wasn’t sure I wanted them to know I had some strange emotions tied to little Erin.

  “It’s cool to see you caring about someone again. But unless you’re willing to promise to keep that dick a solo act for her, you need to back off.” Brandt looking at me with sympathy in his gaze, made me feel unmanned. I wasn’t a pussy, and emotional shit like this wasn’t the norm for me.

  “Shit, Ian. Sorry bro, I just lost it for a minute I guess.” I didn’t know why that little woman could make me go insane, and nothing was worth me losing my family over.

  “If you tell me you’re willing to only be hers, I’ll completely back off man. Nothing would make me happier than to see you find some woman you can really be happy with.” Ian looked sincere, and knowing him the way I did, it wasn’t an act.

  “That’s not me.” Wishing I could offer that up, and keep him away from her, I knew it wasn’t fair. “Just promise me you won’t hurt her. Don’t know what the fuck is going on but the idea of her suffering does something to my gut.” It was the closest I’d ever come to admitting a chick meant something and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

  “Rather cut off my dick before hurting her. You might want to apologize though. She felt like she’d done something wrong when she hadn’t. Think it might be wise to lay out the truth while you’re at it.” Ian was back in his laid back easy mode, and I couldn’t be pissed at anyone other than myself for my inability to commit.

  “Yeah, guess so.” He pulled me in for a hug, which for us was slapping each other on the back and getting the hell away from each other. That touchy feely shit wasn’t cool. Walking my sorry ass upstairs, I didn’t understand how to make up for the bullshit I’d thrown at her. Her bedroom door was open and she was sitting in the center of the bed looking like she’d lost her best friend.

  Knocking on the door her haunted eyes met mine. “Can I come in and apologize fo
r being the worst asshole in the world?” Giving a half-hearted smile not knowing how she’d receive me, I waited in the doorframe.

  “I didn’t sleep with him.” Her words were soft, and she looked shamed-face. I hating putting that look on her beautiful face.

  “Even if you had, there was no reason for me to call you names. I’m so sorry, honey. Think you can ever forgive me?” Walking in the room as she nodded, I joined her on the bed.

  “Would you really think I was a whore if I had?” Biting that sweet little lips of hers again, I knew I had to be honest.

  “You couldn’t be a whore if you tried. Hell most women your age have slept with a dozen guys by now.” At least the women I knew had, I wasn’t sure how things were done outside the life we lived.

  “Do you not want me to have sex with anyone other than you?” Her eyes were studying me, trying to understand my mindset, and in her innocence it was an impossibility.

  “If I was being a complete dick maybe, but you should explore. I don’t have it in me to be monogamous.” I hated telling her that, because she deserved someone that would only want her in their life.

  The tears that filled her eyes made me realize that what Brant and Ian were throwing out spot was on. “I don’t like the idea of you sleeping with other women.” Fuck me up the ass, those words broke my cold heart. Pulling her into my arms, I knew she deserved a hell of a lot better than me. What could I say to her that wouldn’t hurt her more, or be a goddamned lie?

  Those sweet little lips met mine, and I wasn’t nice enough not to take what she gave willingly. My hands held her face in my hands and our tongues plunged together in mindless passion, making me forget everything but the beautiful woman before me. I couldn’t give her my heart, that didn’t mean there weren’t other ways I could make her smile.

  The kiss wasn’t enough, lifting her shirt up over her head, I made quick work of the bra until my hands cupped those beautiful tits more like a work of art than just flesh and blood. Pinching her nipples hard, I loved how she cried out at the painful pleasure, and I tugged determined that she feel what I could give. Lowering my mouth to one of those rosy nipples, I suckled her deeply, my hands lifting her into my lap to straddle me. Still not fucking enough!

  Lifting her slightly I grabbed the flimsy material of her panties, ripping them apart, slid my shorts down quickly to free my dick, then put her right back where she needed to be. Grinding my rock hard cock up I rubbed against her damp pussy, needing to sink balls deep, but not ready for the climax to happen yet.

  Latching on to her other breast I bit down slightly, loving how she threw her head back in ecstasy flooding my dick more with her passion. I couldn’t wait, lifting her slightly I brought her hot gripping heat down on my cock, impaling her with one forceful upward thrust, loving how she felt stretching around me, but holding me like the tightest glove.

  Her fingernails bit into my shoulders, and I somehow remained still as she adjusted to my size, but I had little patience left. “Better?” Grabbing her hips in my hands, I hope she said yes because I couldn’t hold back from fucking that tight little pussy.

  “Uh huh.” She was breathless and adorable with those wide baby blues locked on mine, and I hoped she really was. Forcing her up, I pulled her back down not showing any mercy. It felt too damn good to stop and like a man possessed I controlled the ride from beneath until I felt those gripping folds squeezing the life out of my dick as she came. Holy fucking hell it was almost painful the way she squeezed. I realized that we were doing the deed without a condom and it almost made my raging hard on shrivel away.

  “Hands and knees, now.” I didn’t mean to be such a domineering jerk, but I had to have relief, right the fuck now. The woman drove me absolutely bat shit crazy with lust and I couldn’t contain it.

  She looked at me biting that damn lip again, and I swear I almost lost it. Helping her adjust on the bed, I worked my fingers into her dripping cunt, bringing them back to her ass. This was mine too, and I planned on claiming it! So tight here, I would have all her firsts. Lining up with that puckered little hole, I pressed forward, barely filling her with the head of my dick before she cried out.

  “I’m going to have you this way, honey. Relax so I don’t hurt you.” I was out of my mind with need as I pressed forward, stretching that almost impossibly tight chamber to accept me. She whimpered again, and I rubbed my hands over the beautiful mounds of her ass attempting to soothe.

  After working myself in with small thrusts, inch by inch, I finally filled her up. “Such a beautiful sight.” I wanted to take this slow, but I was so hard I couldn’t hold back. With abandon I took that tight little virgin ass, plowing into her until I spilled my load deep inside. The pleasure was so intense I was almost dazed with it as the world went black for a second.

  When I finally came back to the real world, I inched out slowly not liking the soft cry of pain she gave. What the hell was I thinking! She pulled away from me, curling up in a little ball on the opposite of the bed and I knew I’d screwed up. Attempting to cuddle up next to her, she tensed and gave me the cold shoulder.

  “I don’t want you to do that ever again.” She was sniffling and I felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world. I could have broken her in so much easier, but as usual I’d thought about my own needs first.

  “I won’t, honey. It can be really good, though.” Doubted seriously she’d believe me and since I’d never had my assed fucked what did I know? Those women I’d been with before seemed to enjoy it. Pulling out my arms, she stood up and walked to the bathroom and I felt even more like a piece of shit, since she was still wearing her skirt.

  I waited for her to come back for what felt like forever, and then was tired of waiting. Walking into the bathroom without knocking, I found her sitting on the toilet crying. I was a motherfucking bastard. “Shit, Erin, did I hurt you that bad honey?” What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Go away, please.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and shut me out by looking away.

  “Not doing that until I know you’re okay. I’m sorry, really didn’t meant to hurt you.” Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should be nowhere near a sweet little thing like her.

  “I’m fine, now would you please just leave. I want to take a bath and I’d prefer not doing that with you watching.” She lifted her tear stained face up and there was nothing on her beautiful face but anger. I probably deserved that, but I didn’t want to leave her this way. “Damn it all to hell, Dane. Leave me alone!”

  She was pissed, something told me she didn’t curse like that normally. Holding my hands up in surrender, I gave her what she wanted, not sure how to fix this fuck up. Storming downstairs I went for the bottle, needing to drown my stupidity. Ian and Nick played that stupid ass game again, and looking at me like I was the one with an issue.

  “You alright man?” Nick looked concerned, and I wasn’t in the mood for a pity party considering what I’d done.

  “No. Could one of you go check on Erin, she won’t talk to me and I’m afraid I hurt her.” She needed someone to make sure she was okay but that wasn’t me since I’d been the bastard that did it.

  “What do you mean hurt her?” Those looks of pity turned to rage, and I was much more comfortable with that because I damn well deserved it.

  “Took her ass, and probably left her sore.” I didn’t mince words, they could be pissed at me all they wanted after they made sure she wasn’t hurt.

  “Fucking Christ, Dane.” Nick looked ready to strangle me but didn’t waste the energy as he took after Ian who ran upstairs.”

  “Do I want to know?” Brandt huffed, watching the guys run off, and I shook my head.

  “I’m sure you’ll hear it all later, I really just need to blow off some steam before work.” Grabbing my keys off the table, I knew Erin would be safe with them, and the best thing I could do was get the hell away from her.

  chapter twelve

  Love Hurts

  Sitting in the steamy water help
ed ease the ache Dane had left, but I was never doing that backdoor crap again. Why women would even think that felt good was beyond me, but they could keep it. A knock on my bathroom door made me tense, because I really didn’t want to look at Dane right now. I’d get over my hurt feelings, and sore ass, but it wouldn’t be tonight.

  “I told you to leave me alone!” I’m sure those women he slept with enjoyed the act, or at least faked it for him, I couldn’t pretend that well.

  “It’s Ian and Nick, baby. Can you pull the shower curtain closed and let us talk to you?” Nick sounded concerned and I wasn’t mad enough to take out my anger on him. Pulling the curtain closed, because having them look at me naked wasn’t happening. I told them I was decent.

  “You okay, little bit. Dane told us he’d been a little rough on you.” Grumbling under my breath about him not keeping his mouth shut, I nodded then realized they couldn’t see me through the curtain.

  “I’m just sore, and he shouldn’t have said anything.” Was nothing personal to him? Not, he spoke about sex like it was everyone’s business. I was quickly learning there was nothing reserved about Dane.

  “What he shouldn’t have done was take you without preparing you first.” Nick was pissed off and I was happy about that even though I shouldn’t be.

  “Not sure how you can prepare someone to be speared that way.” Laughing without humor, I sure as sin didn’t believe it was possible.

  “If I hand you a towel so you can cover yourself will you let me pull this back. I don’t like not seeing your face when we talk.” Nick’s tone told me he was worried, and I honestly couldn’t deny him much.


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