First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 13

by Laura Marie Henion

  Thank God, she wasn't tongue-tied.

  "Now did the original house have these large windows? I thought they were smaller and square?” Katie asked, squinting her eyes and trying to remember.

  Ryan cleared his throat, released his strong hold on the railing and amazingly responded to Katie without a cracking voice.

  "You're right. They were square and too small. You really could not see the view so I opened up the wall completely and had Elegant Glass Window Company, in Pearl, install the large panes of glass.

  "It is really great how you restored this house. It's one of the last original houses on the island, isn't it?"

  "Yes it is. I have gotten so many crazy offers on this house. Just last week someone offered me two million for it."

  Katie gasped in shock. “Oh my. What did you say?"

  "I told them no freaking way! This house means so much to me. Just think about the history and the people who lived here. My relatives, people I never met before, walked on that beach and through the doors downstairs. Some of the ‘old timers’ in town told me a few stories about the parties that took place here. Some of them attended them when my grandparents were still alive."

  "I can understand why you would want to hold onto this house. Family memories alone would make me want to stay and keep the connection."

  Ryan smiled at Katie. “This house has been through so much. Just think about the storms, the high tides and it even survived a fire over thirty years ago."

  "Really? That is amazing. I think you made the right decision, Ryan. If you maintain it then you can pass it along just like your grandparents did."

  Katie walked past another room, noting the beach theme that flowed smoothly throughout the bedroom. A light beige quilt with a seashell embossed pattern covered the queen size bed. The bedside table, hope chest at the edge of the bed and the headboard were all made of light brown rattan.

  Two tan colored lampshades sat atop each bedside table and seashells filled their glass bases to the rim.

  Katie smiled at Ryan, complimented his decorating skills then exited the room.

  They continued to walk down the hallway and surprisingly three other full size bedrooms filled the second floor.

  When they were finished looking at each room Katie began to head back towards the staircase.

  Ryan took her hand to stop her.

  "You're sincerely impressed, aren't you.” It was a statement not a question and before Katie could acknowledge it, Ryan embraced her.

  He kissed her neck softly, trailing kisses to her ear lobe. He whispered, his breath warm and sexy against her ear. “You're perfect, do you know that?"

  She still held the water bottle in one hand and her other hand lay against his upper arm. She stilled in his arms and welcomed his embrace.

  Ryan's breath was hot against her ear lobe and he whispered again, tickling her ear.

  "You're driving me wild, Angel. I want you."

  Katie's head fell back in defeat at Ryan's tactics. He was thrilling with his hands, with his lips. The strength of his hold was so enticing, from the heat of his palms, fire, searing against her hipbone. He nibbled her bottom lip, trailed kisses against her cheek and she found herself turning to the right, allowing Ryan better access to her neck and earlobe. Katie determined that Ryan's mouth was sinful as she fell into a trance, again feeling content and whole. Her imagination ran wild just thinking about Ryan's mouth investigating every inch of her body.

  Ryan pulled Katie against the hallway wall cradling her head in his hand. He began kissing her softly, at first, nibbling on her bottom lip teasing her then covering them with his own. The sound of the water bottle hitting the floor was lost in their panting. Their breathing grew rapid, their chests rose and fell as one. His body molded against hers as his mouth ravaged every inch of her mouth.

  She wanted him so badly she was throbbing everywhere. Ryan's breath grew shallow as his lips scattered kisses across Katie's skin.

  Katie held on to Ryan. One hand wrapped around his arm the other laid flat against his chest. She could feel his heart beating faster against the palm of her hand. He kissed her harder, deeper and she felt his hand glide under her t-shirt. Katie jumped at his touch singed with heat and passion. Her legs instantly felt weak and wobbly. As if sensing it, Ryan held her tighter.

  His hand cupped her breast and he moaned against her mouth. Katie felt the rush of heat between her legs. His touch aroused her and suddenly her whole body felt as if would burst into flames. Ryan wanted more, his hands could not seem to get enough of Katie's skin as he made his way down her rib cage then to her hipbone. Katie felt every sensation, every movement to her core. His calloused hand lingered against her muscled abs then the protruding bone and hips. Calloused hands that she was certain, on a daily basis worked so hard to save lives and to put out fires. Remnants and physical proof created from gripping an axe, a Halligan or a chainsaw. Firefighters were brawny, tough and unique in such a special way. She instantly felt Ryan's fingers glide across her ribs, her hipbone then against the material of her shorts. He pulled at the elastic on Katie's shorts while his mouth tasted every inch of her neck.

  Katie's eyes widened, shocked and scared She placed her hands against Ryan's chest.

  "Ryan stop, please.” she insisted while she pushed him away. Katie hurried towards the stairs and Ryan followed close behind.

  "Katie, what's wrong? What are you doing?” He called after her, catching up he stopped her.

  Katie's eyes welled up with tears.

  "I can't Ryan. I'm sorry. I can't."

  Did he push her too far? What was wrong?


  "Ryan, please! Don't ask me to explain. I need to go."

  Katie left the house through the kitchen door. He heard the screen door slam then watched as Katie ran down the beach then disappeared.

  Ryan wanted to run after her. He felt so confused, so unsure of what the right move would be. He recognized that look of pure fear in Katie's expression. Had he caused that fear? Did she think he would force her to ... no, she could not have. Ryan ran his hands through his hair then walked out onto the porch. He stared at the empty beach before him, not quite sure why or how things had taken a turn for the worse. Katie seemed to be attracted to him. She kissed him back just as passionately as he had kissed her. He exhaled, consumed by the events that had taken place from the time he met her on the beach until moments ago as Katie stormed off. She was practically in tears.

  Ryan rubbed his chin and envisioned the look of fear in Katie's expression. Maybe someone hurt her. Another guy? Instantly, he wanted to find out who the guy was and wring his neck.

  He started to feel the throbbing in his head, a sure sign of the beginning of a headache.

  He would have to take things slow with Katie. She was special, unique and very unlike the other women he had involved himself with in the past.

  On that note, he headed back into the house to get ready to meet the chief at Robert's Gym. The boxing event was approaching quickly. Thoughts of some abusive, mean ex-boyfriend of Katie's would make a perfect imaginary image on the punching bag, during his training.

  Ryan still had an uneasy feeling inside. He wanted to see Katie again, talk to her and make her see she did not have to fear him. What was it about Katie McKeller that had his emotions and his mind so twisted? he wondered, as he grabbed a bottle of water and the keys to his truck.

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  Chapter 7

  Katie made her way down the hallway to the burn unit. She wanted to check on Kevin. Supposedly, they were going to release him in the next couple of days.

  When she arrived at his room, a young woman sat there talking to him.

  At first, Katie thought she could possibly be an older sister then she remembered that Kevin was the Murphy's only child.

  Katie knocked on the door.

  "Hi, am I disturbing you? Can I come in?” Katie asked lingering in the doorway.

she is Shelly. That's Angel,” Kevin blurted out with a grand smile that warmed Katie's heart. She was still trying to accept her new nickname. She especially liked it when Ryan called her Angel.

  She pushed those feelings aside. It would only lead to trouble.

  "Hey big guy! Who's your friend?” Katie asked as she shook Kevin's hand and stood near the bedside.

  "This is Shelly. She was in a fire just like me but she is all better now. Right, Shelly?” Kevin asked, looking wide-eyed towards the young woman.

  "That's right Kevin. It's nice to meet you, Angel. I've heard nothing but great things about you.” Shelly directed her comment towards Katie and held out her hand.

  Katie shook the young woman's hand and noticed the faded burn scars on her cheek and neck. Katie was curious about the fire.

  "Well, Kevin's a good friend."

  "The word's out. You're top nurse around this hospital especially in the ER."

  Katie smiled, glad she was making a good impression, but she did not want the extra attention. She enjoyed her job, it was fulfilling.

  "Do you work here?” Katie asked.

  "I volunteer here, just started a few weeks ago. I was away for six months at Belmont University Hospital and their awesome burn center. Been through a bunch of surgeries similar to what Kevin will have. I stopped by to let him know I was here for him and invited him to the SOF meeting."

  Katie knew that was the survivors of fire group that met every Tuesday afternoon and Thursday evening. It was a great idea and helpful to the victims of fires. Katie attended a similar group out in Bolton Bay.

  "That sounds like a great idea,” Katie replied.

  "I'm not sure I want to go. I'm a little scared,” Kevin confessed.

  Katie felt the discomfort in the pit of her stomach.

  "There's no need to be scared Kevin. I have gone to similar meetings where I used to live and everyone is great. They had similar experiences as you did and it's good to be able to speak with someone who understands,” Katie told them and Shelly smiled.

  "Angel's right. I will be there too. Usually we just talk about fun stuff anyway. It's just nice to know there are other people out there with scars from their fires that are dealing with the same feelings,” Shelly told Kevin.

  "Shelly's right. It feels good to know that we're not alone,” Katie replied and Shelly stared at Katie a moment understanding her meaning.

  The comment should have gone over Kevin's head but the kid was just too smart.

  "How do you know Angel? Were you caught in a fire?” Kevin asked.

  Katie swallowed hard then leaned closer to the bed and stared at the two expectant faces.

  "I didn't want to say anything. I too am still healing and that takes time."

  "What happened? How did you get out? Did a firefighter save you?” Kevin asked the multiple lines of questions and Katie's heart ached. She did not want to give all the details but soon she found herself sharing some of the story.

  Then Shelly told her story and about the firefighter who saved her.

  "Did you get to thank the firefighter? Has he seen what you look like now after all the surgeries?” Kevin asked.

  Shelly shook her head side to side.

  "He doesn't know I'm back. He had a hard time seeing me after the fire. He did come every day and even left me a flower. Usually a daisy.” Shelly smiled at the memory.

  "Why did he stop coming?” Kevin asked.

  "I think he had a hard time seeing my injuries. I looked bad. It was devastating. I saw him one last time before I left for the university but not since then. I didn't think he cared anymore."

  "What was his name?” Kevin asked.

  "Ryan. Ryan Masters,” Shelly said.

  Katie's eyes widened in shock and she felt like her whole world just crumbled. Shelly appeared to pick up on Katie's shocked look but before she could question Katie the sound of Katie's pager interrupted the moment.

  "I have to go, I'll stop by later to see you. Nice meeting you Shelly,” Katie managed to say with a smile even though she felt the tears stinging her eyes.

  The bastard! How could he be so cruel? What would he do, how would he react if they had continued their relationship and became intimate? The scars would surely turn him off, so would her experience. He was an egocentric heartless bastard!

  That poor young woman, Shelly, was hurt.

  Katie thought Ryan was sincere, strong and she cringed at the thought that she nearly spilled her guts to him. Surely he would have run for the nearest exit.

  She was a damn fool to fall for his lies, his false sincerity. Obviously, Michael was right. Ryan does not see things through. His tough, I care about you, want to help, fireman attitude was all a façade. Well she was not falling for it. No way!

  Katie approached the emergency room and left thoughts of Ryan Masters at the door.

  She entered the room instantly in ER nurse mode. There was no room for personal thoughts in the ER and the victim of a motorcycle accident was being rushed into the room on a gurney.

  "I need some morphine, pronto!” Dr. Broderick yelled out with other orders.

  "Got it!” Katie said, and they continued their combined efforts to save the critically injured man.

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  Chapter 8

  Katie, Lucy, and Ella sat on the couch in the staff lounge with their heads leaning against the top of the sofa

  "I'm exhausted,” Lucy stated.

  "Me too,” Ella replied and sat up.

  "I'm going home,” Katie told them and sat up stretching her legs.

  "Oh no, you're not. We have plans,” Lucy announced, then looked at Katie as if she should know what she was talking about.

  "What plans?” Katie asked.

  "The three of us have been working our tails off all week. We don't have to come in until tomorrow night, which means we can sleep late. We're going to The Pit,” Lucy stated and rose from the couch.

  "No. I don't think so, Lucy. I haven't been there since I was eighteen,” Katie replied.

  "It hasn't changed much but there's a bunch of new ‘probies'. They just graduated this afternoon and The Pit is going to be so crowded. You'll have your pick, Angel, there's no doubt,” Lucy commented, giving Katie the once over.

  "Count me out. I'm beat Lucy. You and Katie go right ahead. The guys will swarm after you two.” Ella tried to leave but Katie grabbed her hand. The young nurse was lacking in self-confidence. Katie liked Ella, she was pretty and oblivious to it, but so down to earth.

  Katie was not about to go to The Pit with just Lucy. The woman was Firemen crazy and the complete opposite of Katie. However, despite their differences they had become friends.

  "You're not making me go alone with this crazed woman. You and I are going to have to keep an eye on Lucy,” Katie stated and Ella smiled.

  Suddenly Katie was looking forward to going to The Pit and checking it out. She had not been out to a bar or a club since the fire. She should be safe with a bunch of firefighters around and she needed the distraction.

  Smiling, the women headed home to change. An hour later, Lucy was honking the car horn outside Katie's mom's house.

  Katie was laughing and having a good time. It was wall-to-wall people at The Pit and the feeling of excitement was incredible. She had forgotten about the emotion and the desire the young rookie firefighters had just getting out of the academy. They were ‘pumped’ to the say the least and Katie noted the huge smiles, the cheering and massive drinking.

  They all deserved to celebrate. It had been a hard road getting through all the physical testing and conditioning. Never mind the mental part. Those instructors at the academy could tell if a man or woman was capable of doing the job and if they were not then the instructors forced those people to see it.

  "This is great! Look at all these guys.” Lucy said, smiling wide, then crossing her legs seductively as she sat on the barstool. Katie watched Lucy flirt her way from the door to where the three of t
hem now sat.

  "You're too much, Lucy,” Ella stated placing her purse on the bar where she sat. The bartender, an older, attractive man, winked at Lucy then took their drink order. Lucy smiled and winked at the bartender then turned her attention back towards the crowd.

  "We're going to have a good time tonight, ladies. I'm going to hook you two up,” Lucy stated.

  "I don't think so Lucy. We said we would join you for a few drinks,” Katie stated then glanced towards Ella. She appeared nervous and about make a run for the nearest exit. Lucy appeared to notice and started laughing.

  "Hello ladies, how are we this fine evening?” The young fireman asked with his three buddies who winked and smiled at Ella, Katie and Lucy. The three gorgeous, young probies had their shirts unbuttoned, practically to their waists and carnal looks in their eyes that stated their true intentions.

  Katie laughed but Lucy jumped right in on the opportunity to help the ‘probies’ celebrate. She glanced back towards Katie and Ella, nodding her head back towards the boys as if asking them to join her.

  "You go ahead, Lucy,” Katie said.

  "You boys in need of some company?” Lucy asked, placing herself between them and draping her arms around all three.

  They smiled and off they went.

  Katie and Ella looked at each other in shock then started laughing.

  "She's crazy, Katie,” Ella yelled next to Katie's ear. The crowd was getting louder and rowdier.

  "That she is,” Katie answered in a yell back then they both turned towards the bar and their glasses of wine.

  "I don't know how she does it. Every weekend, a different guy, a different affair. I just couldn't,” Ella stated.


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