First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 15

by Laura Marie Henion

  "Wow Theo. That was incredible,” she stated looking up into his eyes dreamily.

  He smirked a successful smile and placed his hand on her knee.

  She waved her hand in front of her pretending as if the heat of his description was liable to make her faint. Then as he inched closer she let him have it.

  He was about to move in to kiss her when she placed the palm of her hand firmly against his chest.

  He halted and the others waited.

  "Two questions for you stud. Number one, how many times have you actually used that description and collaborated story with your buddies on some unknowingly, misguided female, and number two, how many times has it actually helped you to get laid?” Katie blurted out and a burst of laughter filled the air. Theo's mouth practically dropped to his chest obviously shocked at his lack of success with Katie.

  She slapped his left bicep a bit too hard and glared at him.

  "I think you forgot, Theo, I've been around firefighters all my life. Did you really think you had a chance with those moves and a story like that, on me?” She giggled then grabbed hold of her wine glass to take a sip and break eye contact with Theo. Everyone continued to laugh including a very flushed looking Theo Walters.

  Katie gulped down the wine and glanced around the bar. Truth of the matter was that Theo did get to her. What woman in their right mind wouldn't be attracted to a 6 ft 3 in, hunk of a gorgeous firefighter with hands large enough to ... She shook her head, trying to extinguish the fiery thoughts about an old high school hottie. Thankfully, Jim started up on a similar story that had a more humorous outcome.

  Before long, they were joking around about the outcome after a more serious fire and their facial expressions of relief. Theo continued to take every opportunity to touch Katie's elbow, lean closer and he even touched the skin against her neck where her necklace lay. He claimed the heart pendant was twisted and that he was just fixing it.

  They were laughing up a storm and enjoying the conversation when Katie glanced around the room and caught sight of Ryan with Billy.

  Ryan was smiling as he walked through the bar and strange women let their hands glide across his chest. They smiled and winked and from where Katie sat, Ryan seemed to enjoy every second of it.

  What a jerk!

  Katie brought her attention back to the guys in front of her.

  "Hey there's Katie!” Billy blurted out.

  Ryan stopped dead in his tracks. He tried calling her cell phone multiple times today but she never returned his calls. Now there she was at the bar, surrounded by guys.

  His stomach churned something terrible. The jealous feeling consumed him.

  "Let's go say hi,” Billy said.

  "Let's!” Ryan said sarcastically, taking a slug from his beer bottle and determined to get Katie away from those other guys. He was feeling a ‘buzz’ from the beer he had consumed.

  As Billy and Ryan made their way closer towards the bar, Ryan was shocked at who was hitting on Katie. He felt the heat hit his face, his hand clenched into a fist. No way was Theo Walters going to make a move on Katie. He would rip his head off.

  When Ryan and Billy made their way to Katie, Theo Walters had his hand on Katie's knee.

  "Hey sis!” Billy interrupted saying hello and squeezing his way between the guys and his sister. Ryan nearly pushed Theo out of the way and now stood by Katie's side.

  Katie had an annoyed expression on her face but Ryan did not care.

  Katie noticed her brother Billy giving Theo a dirty look but she dismissed it, her attention immediately drawn back to Ryan and his obnoxious invasion. What was wrong with him?

  "Hi Billy. You remember Theo, right? Also Ben, Jim and Calvin and Larry?” Katie asked, introducing the guys to her brother and trying to ignore Ryan.

  Billy knew exactly who Theo was. Theo and Ryan were sworn enemies for many reasons. Billy could not stand the guy and the smirk on his face said that Theo was aware of it. Billy wanted to knock that smug look off Theo's face but it was not the time or the place.

  "Yeah, we know Theo. I want to talk to my sister, why don't you take a walk,” Billy stated moving next to Katie's stool.

  Theo put his hands up, palm forward in retreat.

  "Hey man, all I'm doing is reminiscing with an old friend. You can talk to her later,” Theo replied.

  Billy watched Ryan as he nearly knocked Theo away from Katie. Billy smiled.

  Theo placed his hand on Katie's shoulder.

  Billy watched Ryan's face turn a bright shade of red.

  Ryan reached over and pushed Theo's hand off Katie's shoulder.

  "Her brother said he wants to talk to her. Give him some room?"

  Billy hoped the two men would not make a scene. He did not want to risk the fight. If the two boxers were caught brawling outside the competition and the ring then they would automatically be disqualified.

  It was too late. Theo was in Ryan's face.

  "What are you doing, Masters? I was talking to the lady first."

  "Well you're not any more. I am.” Ryan turned his attention towards Katie.

  "How you doing, Angel?” he asked.

  Katie crinkled her nose. She could smell the beer on his breath. This was not good and obviously there was some bad blood between Theo and Ryan and her brother Billy as well.

  Now she sat in the middle of something she hated, barbaric men using their hatred for each other and interest in the same woman as an excuse to brawl. The Pit was filled beyond the limit with adrenaline, testosterone and macho attitudes tonight. The probies could not wait to fight their first ‘real’ fire while the veterans were beyond that and just full of themselves and their abilities. Firefighters had strong personalities. They lived to compete, especially with other Ladder Companies. Ladder Company One with Engines one and two thought they were better than Ladder Company Two and Engines three and four and so on. It was a constant competition. Katie knew that, and once you mix alcohol into the picture things get bad. Katie realized she needed to do something. Billy looked like he would back up Ryan and she needed to intervene.

  "Want to take this outside?” Theo challenged with his chest puffed out like some crazed giant.

  Ryan was about to say ‘yes’ when Katie stood between the two monstrosities.

  "No you don't Ryan. I am not going to stand by and watch you two destroy the celebration these young probies are enjoying. Neither of you have a right to start fighting.” Katie had her hands on both firefighters’ chests. Katie's head barely made it to either man's shoulders.

  "That's why we're taking it outside Angel. Dipshit here and I have a score to settle.” Ryan began to move forward. Katie pushed her hands against Ryan's chest and Billy grabbed Theo. Someone yelled “White Hats,” then coughed loudly.

  A fight was about to break out just as Chief Rodney, Captain Morton and two other higher-ups were walking by. Both Ryan and Theo stopped. If they caused a fight at The Pit, both men would suffer and the ‘white hats’ were in charge of promotions. Never mind they could be thrown out of the competition.

  "Hey Katie darling how are you? Is everything all right?” Chief Rodney asked as he embraced Katie but kept an eye on the men around her.

  He gave Ryan a stern look and Ryan turned away. To Katie, the chief seemed to sense the conflict between the two firefighters.

  Katie hugged the chief, her nostrils filled with his cologne and immediately it reminded her of her mom. Mom smelled the same when she hugged Katie the other morning. Oh My God! William?

  She suddenly suspected the good family friend was involved with her mother.

  "What's wrong Katie?” William asked and she smiled.


  Then she could not resist. She eyed the older yet handsome man from head to toe. He was in good shape, tall like her dad was and almost as built. Her mom had good taste.

  William? No wonder mom was so nervous about everyone finding out.

  "What's going on?” Michael asked, joining the conversa
tion with Ella at his side. The two of them had walked outside together to talk and now returned to the bar.

  The conversation continued with Ryan gazing at Katie every chance he got and Katie praying no one noticed. Theo promised Katie that he would see her again before he and his friends walked away.

  Katie emerged from the ladies room to find Ryan waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hand before she could protest and pulled her past the kitchen and through the opened back door.

  "Ryan let go of me. What is wrong with you tonight?” She asked as he led her to the side of the building.

  The man could sure fill out a pair of blue jeans nicely. Katie couldn't help but give Ryan the once over. The short sleeve black shirt he wore accentuated the bulging arm muscles but hung loosely against his waist.

  He was so damn attractive her heart raced from his touch.

  "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I called you, left messages for you."

  Katie turned away from him knowing damn well that the more her eyes absorbed this man's body the less self control she had.

  "I was busy at work."

  "You came here though. You look like you were having a good time.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and stood tall and authoritative with his legs slightly apart.

  "I was until you showed up and ruined it."

  She was angry as hell and wanted to tear his head off. The anger from this afternoon and her talk with Shelly got her blood boiling all over again.

  "Is that right? You like that guy? You think he's better than me?” Ryan asked taking a step towards Katie, filled with anger.

  Katie shook her head. Ryan's temper was outrageous.

  "My conversation with him has nothing to do with you Ryan. I went to high school with Theo. We were talking."

  "He had his hands all over you."

  Katie recognized the angry expression and it confirmed her thoughts that Theo and Ryan were enemies of some kind.

  "So what? You were walking through that crowd with strange women touching your chest, rubbing their bodies up against you, pushing themselves on you and you didn't make a move to stop them. You're a ‘player’ and I want nothing to do with you.” Katie started to walk away but Ryan grabbed her hand and pulled her body against his.

  His breathing was rapid as he stared down into her eyes. He began to speak then stopped.


  He started again.

  "It's not true. You think I like that?” he asked, with his teeth clenched.

  "It sure as hell looked that way. You are self-centered and heartless. Your words of affection, promises of helpfulness are just lies to get what you want.” Katie was thinking about Shelly.

  Ryan looked at her sideways as if asking what she could be talking about.

  "That's not true. I care about you, I wanted to help you, and I want to be with you."

  "I can't be with a man that doesn't see things through or a man that allows his temper to get the best of him and his selfish pride. The world doesn't revolve around you, your fears, your inability to handle what life throws at you,” Katie yelled and pushed away from Ryan.

  "What are talking about?"

  "Shelly!” Katie yelled.

  Ryan instantly lost color in his face.

  "That's right Ryan. Shelly is back and working at the hospital, volunteering to help other victims. She told me all about you not wanting to see her. About you not being able to handle looking at her. Damn you for your insensitivity! It is easy to say you are going to be there for someone, it's another thing to actually do it. Stay clear of me, Ryan. I mean it!"

  "Katie!” Michael and Billy were standing in the doorway. They heard Katie tell Ryan off. She looked back and Ryan turned away from them, placing his hands in his pockets.

  Katie pushed by her brothers and headed through the bar and out the front door.

  Billy drove her home.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 9

  Bolton Bay Police Department

  Arson Investigator Kenny Travis stood alongside Detective Lou Bachelli.

  "It's plain and simple Lou, he's taking this to a new level,” Kenny stated as he ran his fingers through his hair. He was tall, lean and in his forties but he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. These were the types of cases that sent guys into early retirement.

  Kenny was not the only one mentally affected by the arson investigation and the others involved in the investigation wondered where Redding Jr. might head next. Lou exhaled.

  "Just when we think we're close he pulls something like this. I don't get it. What is he after?” Lou asked looking at the pile of photographs from all the previous fires.

  They posted the material on the wall in the room, filing each piece of evidence alongside the proper fire and crime scene. There was not a pattern or at least not one the task force could identify. With each fire, innocent people were injured or killed. Earl Redding Jr. was using accelerants and other traceable and not so easily traceable means to set the fires.

  Kenny picked up the photograph from the recent fire at the club.

  "The damage here was slight compared to the previous fires. The firefighters were able to get to the scene quickly and expel the fire's potential to burn out of control. I have a feeling this set Redding Jr. off. He retaliated by setting the other fire at the other club down near the boardwalk."

  "Yeah and two employees weren't so lucky,” Lou added.

  "Redding set what we arson investigators call a ‘plant’ or ‘booster'. From my initial investigation at the fire scene, Redding had gathered many gasoline covered rags and had moved storage boxes and other flammable material in the basement of the club. He then poured gasoline along the concrete flooring and towards the stairs leading to the upstairs of the club. No one had a clue what was about to happen. Patrons were dancing and enjoying drinks at the bar while a fire began to emerge right below them."

  "So that's why the fire burst through the flooring? Why wouldn't it just melt through the floor and penetrate through the wood?” Lou asked.

  "If he did it that way then yes, you're right Lou, the flooring might have begun to melt through and the patrons would have felt the heat and the flooring on fire. Redding wanted to ensure that people did not escape. The fire patterns on the wall indicate some kind of liquid thrown against it. I took some samples and from my experience, I think Redding had thrown two flammable solutions—for example, Molotov cocktails—against the other two corners of the basement walls. When the accelerant and the flames united, bursts of fire ruptured the basement ceiling, immediately penetrating the wooden planks and hardwood flooring above. It was amazing that more people weren't severely burned or killed."

  "Thanks to the fact that the club owner had gone that extra mile by installing sprinkler systems and many smoke and heat detectors throughout the basement and club area. Witnesses say that the heat alarms immediately activated, signaling trouble. The owners, bouncers and staff were able to evacuate the patrons right before the dance floor turned into flames. They were damn lucky,” Lou said.

  "So Redding Jr. tied two club employees up in the offices behind the bar and above the only corner of the basement where an accelerant wasn't used?” Lou asked.

  "Yep. Redding's intents were obvious. He wanted those two individuals to burn to death. He doused them with lighting fluid and left them there to die,” Kenny said, his tone filled with anger.

  "I'm curious buddy, how did you figure out the whole basement thing?” Lou asked.

  Kenny thought about the evidence to support his theory on the use of accelerants.

  "The concrete flooring in the basement looked popped and uneven. I found finger-like patterns against two corners of the basement. This usually indicates an accelerant of some kind, as I mentioned before, probably a Molotov cocktail. He intentionally threw them against the corners. The liquid dripped down against the wall, pooling at the corners before igniting."

  "This all conf
irms arson?"

  "Yes. Remember Lou, I am thorough. I want to be sure that Redding will spend the rest of his life behind bars when we catch him. By following procedure, documenting every detail and form of evidence collected at the crime scenes, we are ensuring a solid case against Earl Redding Jr."

  "The son of a bitch just added two more counts of murder to the charges against him. What is he after?” Lou asked.

  "He's making a point, Redding wants to be on top, cause fear and stay in control.

  "Stay in the spotlight. He enjoys knowing that we cannot catch him and he is right under our noses. Damn, this guy is sick!” Kenny crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the desk.

  There was a knock on the office door. Lou waved the police officer in.

  "Here are the reports on the two victims.” The officer handed Lou the folder then left the room.

  Lou opened one folder up at a time. He read the names of the victims. They sounded familiar.

  Lou looked up the victims’ names from a list retrieved by the officers who canvassed the neighborhood where the fire took place. He then looked at the list of surviving victims from the previous fires. He was sure the names were on that list.

  A few minutes later, he saw a connection.

  "What is it, Lou? What did you find?” Kenny asked.

  "These two kids who died in the club fire, they worked in the same club that was Redding's first major fire. There was no escape route, people were trapped and killed."

  Kenny was silent a moment.

  "I don't get it. Coincidence or—

  "Oh shit Lou, you don't think this could be some hit list or something?” Kenny asked.

  "Although many people died in that fire there were still survivors. It would be absurd to go after every single one of them."

  Lou instantly thought about Bradley and Katie.

  "Now this could be our link. As crazy at it seems, Redding is a serial arsonist. He could be paranoid and is now afraid that someone may be able to identify him, find him and cause his demise. He will not accept failure. Think about it Kenny, most serial arsonists suffer from paranoia and are schizophrenic. He may have perceived these two individuals as a threat."


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