First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 21

by Laura Marie Henion

  Chapter 13

  Lou Bachelli stood over the body at the crime scene. His stomach was in knots, his head pounded and he felt like his nerves were just about shot.

  He got the call twenty minutes ago, the victim's address was the third one down on a list he and Kenny had formed. Harris Feeley was a survivor from the original club fire and now he lay murdered and burned to death.

  The fire department had responded in record time to the condominium complex. Redding could have taken out half the residents and Lou wondered what had gone wrong.

  The fire never made it across the living room and down the hallway. The fire appeared to have started against the curtains in the front window. That was Redding's mistake. Someone was walking their dog and saw the flames. They immediately dialed 911 and the fire department responded. The firehouse was only a block down the road.

  Lou had questioned the witness already and found out that he saw a man leaving the grounds in a hurry as the sirens blared. The man's description of the person leaving in a hurry matched Redding's size and build. There was no way to be positive but Lou had a feeling it was Redding.

  "Hey, what do we got?” Kenny interrupted Lou's thoughts as he entered the room with his entourage. They immediately began their investigation finding the fire chief, the first responding officer, identifying the victim and whether there were any suspects.

  "It looks like Redding rushed the job. The flames never made it close enough to the victim to destroy evidence of his death,” Lou said, as Kenny absorbed his surroundings.

  Kenny walked past the crime scene being careful not to get in the way as the technicians continued their investigation. The homicide investigators, forensic technicians and the mobile arson unit had collected all the pictures, prints and other evidence. It was now Kenny's turn to look into the cause of the fire.

  Kenny scanned the room with his eyes. Even a novice would be able to figure out where the fire had begun.

  He walked over towards the curtains and opened his special kit.

  Lou absorbed it all as he watched the two departments working hand and hand, side by side trying to stop a madman. He walked over towards Kenny.

  "I think I should call Katie. Her brothers work for one of the local fire departments and getting in touch with the chief and giving him the heads up as well might be a safe thing to do. What do you think?"

  Kenny took a deep breath. As much as he hoped Redding would not go after Katie, the possibility was great. Katie had been through enough. All the survivors had been but Redding was an arsonist filled with suspicion.

  "I think you should get in touch with her and the chief. Keep it low-key and insist that she take precautions. Redding is smart, he was wearing another disguise, he's good at that and finding him in a crowd, on a bus or train would be impossible. Our only choice is to pull the last two victims in. Make them aware of the situation and get the department to provide some protection."

  "He's going to go after Katie next,” Lou stated then looked around him before continuing his sentence.

  Kenny stood next to him.

  "What is it?"

  "Some reporter did a huge cover story on Katie and the fire in a magazine called Your Community Your World. It's a national magazine distributed all over the United States. Redding gets his hands on that and—

  "Get on the horn now and let's move on this. Get the chief and the local cops on top of the case. You may have to fly out there and check things for yourself to make sure the locals are aware of the intensity of the case and the capabilities of Redding.” Kenny shook his head.

  Lou headed out the door.

  Lou sent out a description of Redding, his crimes and the urgency of his capture and made certain that the information reached all law enforcement personal and departments nationally. The Bolton Bay P.D. also sent out an all points bulletin to every police department and fire department in the area and nearby cities. Someone had to have seen Redding or know where he had been hiding out. Lou hoped that it was not too late and that Redding had not succeeded in leaving the Bolton Bay area. They needed a break and they needed it fast. Lou had the department arrange for him to leave for Warren's Cove on the first available flight when the time came. Currently, he and his detectives were following up on numerous leads and it seemed like they were only steps behind Redding.

  Lou pulled into the police department parking lot and took a deep breath as he dialed the phone number for the Ladder Three firehouse in Warrens Cove.

  "Chief Rodney."

  The chief answered the phone, within five minutes he was instantly afraid for Katie and the family. Detective Bachelli was going to call Katie next.

  "I have a task force and will bring a few people with me when the time comes. We have a few leads here that I need to look into but then I will be coming out your way. Now I know your arson department is small but this situation requires special handling so no one else gets hurt,” Lou told William.

  "I understand that and we will all do our best to assist you, detective. You should know that I am close with the McKeller family. Katie is like a daughter to me. Our whole department is close. We'll help every way we can and we'll protect Katie from this monster."

  Lou went over everything he needed from William and before long William's phone was ringing off the hook and multiple specialists were volunteering their help to capture Redding.

  William waited in his office. William's heart was heavy with concern and impatience as he waited for Katie to arrive at the department. She was meeting Ryan after his shift and Lou was about to call her to tell her of the situation.

  William sighed, took a few deep breaths then started to organize the necessary steps.

  First, Katie and her mother would need protection. The two McKeller women were not going to take this sitting down. He sighed again. At least he had backup. Ryan and the boys would make certain that Lea and Katie received the protection. Second, they needed a plan of action. He already spoke with the Chief of Police and the head Fire Marshal. They would be arriving at the firehouse shortly.

  They would have to go over everything from steps of necessary precaution, surveillance with Katie and then discuss the situation with the rest of the family. Without creating a scare, William would have to inform the other fire companies of the situation and organize a meeting. If Redding made his way to Warrens Cove, he could attempt to create a diversion of some kind to get to Katie. He could also start little fires to keep the departments busy or to make them tired. By exhausting the crews and their resources, Redding could have full control of the situation. Katie did not need to be present for that meeting. She had a right to be informed and William was certain her brothers would be right there in the middle of it all.


  Immediately William stopped thinking about organizing his plan. Instead, he thought about Katie. She had been through so much, now this? He glanced at the clock, knowing that Detective Bachelli was probably breaking the news to her right now.

  He sighed then his phone began ringing. He answered it and refocused on organizing an emergency meeting at his office.

  Katie was standing beside her jeep when her cell phone rang.


  "Hey Katie, it's Lou."

  Katie felt her heartbeat pick up the pace. Was Redding captured, was he dead, did he strike again? Her mind asked a bunch of questions.

  "Hi Lou. How are you?"

  "I'm hanging in there, Katie. I saw the story on you about the fire."

  Katie sighed a breath of relief. He was only calling because of the article.

  "Yeah, pretty crazy, huh?"

  "You look good and it was a great article."

  "The local burn units should be getting some nice donations, I hope."

  "I'm sure they will."

  Katie could sense the tension in Lou's voice.

  "What's really going on Lou?” Katie asked and Lou was silent a moment too long.

  "Where are you?"

  "I'm ju
st about to leave for the firehouse."

  "Good. I've got some news on Redding."

  Katie got into her jeep and listened to everything Lou was telling her but it was as if her mind was not processing everything. She seemed to be stuck on the realization that Redding had a hit list and she was on it.

  She grabbed the steering wheel feeling her hands, her body shaking.

  This could not be real. This could not be happening.

  "Katie, the local departments are aware of everything. I will be heading out your way with a few others from the task force. Now we could intercept Redding before he attempts to locate you. There's the possibility that he may not be aware of the article or your location."

  "Do not bullshit me Lou. I understand the seriousness of the situation, what I am concerned about is my family. I do not want them involved, I do not want them to get hurt. Is there any way we can set this up as a trap for Redding?"

  "I'm not using you as bait Katie."

  "I'm not going to place my family in jeopardy."

  "Listen doll, I know this is upsetting. He's crazy, he's paranoid. From our previous homicide investigations, he's made a list, and your name is on it."

  "How can you be sure?"

  "I wish I were wrong. I wish many things Katie, as I am sure you do. I won't place you in any amount of danger and it's just not an option."

  "You said other homicides, has Redding continued setting fires and killing people?” Katie swallowed hard as the realization of her question hit her, the instant the words left her lips.


  Katie was silent a moment. She took a deep breath then spoke.

  "Then we have to stop him Lou. If he wants to come after me, then we need to set some sort of trap."

  "No! I'm standing by this Katie and placing you in danger is not happening."

  "God damn it Lou, this man is crazy, he's evaded capture for nearly two years. If you think he's coming for me next then let's make a plan. We can end it all right here."

  "Bradley would want me to protect you."

  Katie covered her mouth with her hand, she felt the tears roll down her cheeks and her heart ached at the sound of Bradley's name. Bradley. Oh God why was this happening?

  A sound of upset escaped her lips.

  "Katie, I'm sorry, I know this has to be hell but I need you to be strong. I'm telling you one final time, placing you directly in harm's way is not an option I am willing to entertain, do I make myself clear?"

  Katie was hesitant a moment.

  "Yes. How long before you think he'll be here in Warren's Cove?"

  "There's no way of knowing. I do have a few leads and if they pan out then he is still in town. I'll keep you updated and you get to the department and work out a schedule with your family and friends."

  "Thanks Lou."

  Katie closed up her cell phone and stared out the windshield. She scanned the neighborhood with her eyes, watched the children riding bikes, the parents smiling and laughing. The town of Warren's Cove had no idea who was on his way to visit or what he was capable of accomplishing.

  Her fear and sadness thinking about Bradley was beginning to turn to anger as she thought about her family and the danger she was placing them in.

  She started the engine and headed towards the firehouse trying to prepare herself the best she could. There was no way William, Ryan or her family would stay out of this.

  She thought about Ryan and their relationship. Redding could purposely try to sabotage a fire in an attempt to kill her brothers and Ryan. No way could she allow that to happen.

  She decided that her plan was to try to convince Lou and the team to use her as bait. If Redding wanted her dead then she could put a stop to his madness, to the pain he caused so many and it would all be over. He needed to be stopped. If using herself as bait was necessary then she would be just that—bait.

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  Chapter 14

  Lou felt exhausted and nearly out of fuel and patience. His desk was a mess, his head was pounding and he could not shake the bad feeling he had in his gut. His concern for Katie grew stronger. She was tough, he knew that but she went through enough, losing Bradley and surviving her injuries. There was only so much one person could take. The sound of her voice and knowing that she was in pain had killed him inside. He thought about his nephew Bradley. He was a great firefighter and Lou knew he saved Katie's life. Lou remembered when Bradley first introduced Katie to the family. They instantly fell in love with her. She was precious, compassionate and she came from a firefighting family as well. She understood the dangers, the intensity of the job and she showed respect. Bradley's death had changed Katie. She was depressed, pushed through her injuries and refused to continue with her counseling. He sighed just thinking about it. What she went through, the loss, the pain and she refused to tell her family back home in Warrens Cove everything about the fire. He never understood that and often wondered why she had distanced herself from them. Especially since she had spoken so highly of her brothers, her mom and her dad. She helped so many fire victims at the hospital, had a reputation as being the best ER nurse and that was one of the qualities Bradley loved about her.

  Lou sighed, thinking about his nephew and the conversation he had only days before the fire.

  "I know it's crazy Uncle Lou, but I think I love her."

  "What's so crazy about it?" Lou recalled asking his nephew. He was delighted that Bradley had confided such information with him. They were always close and he would treasure that moment forever.

  "I don't know. We have only known one another for a few months. We both have demanding jobs and she is somewhat shy. I don't want to scare her away."

  "I've seen the way you two look at one another kid, I'm sure she feels the same way. So when are you going to tell her?"

  "Soon ... real soon."

  Lou could not help but wonder if his nephew ever had the chance to tell Katie how strongly he felt. It wasn't as if he could have asked Katie about it after the fire. That would have torn her up even more. In his mind, Lou believed Bradley got the chance to share his feelings with Katie.

  Katie never got involved with any other man after the fire. Over a year had passed and his niece Terry expressed great concern for her best friend. They talked about it one night after Terry dropped by Katie's apartment for a surprise visit.

  The place was a mess, all the blinds closed tight and Katie looked terrible. Terry thought about calling Katie's brother, Donny. Katie pleaded with her, convincing Terry that it was pure exhaustion from over working. They all tried to get Katie to go out with them, join the family for gatherings, but she always had an excuse. Then one day, she called Terry and told her she was leaving Bolton Bay.

  Things were improving for Katie. She headed back home which she seemed happy about, aside from saying goodbye to all of them here in Bolton Bay. Bradley's sister took it hard but knew her best friend needed to leave. Bradley would want Katie to move on with her life. There was no doubt that the two kids loved one another.

  He closed his eyes and began to rub them, hoping to take some of the fatigue away. Flashbacks of Bradley's funeral, Katie sobbing in the hospital, went through his mind. Then the crime scenes after the multiple arson fires and the remains of innocent people caught in Redding's paranoid world. It had been about five minutes since his office door opened or his phone rang and he embraced the few minutes of silence.

  Then came the knock at his office door.

  Lou sighed heavily.

  "Come in."

  "Detective Bachelli, this is Officer Tyler. He has something important to discuss with you and feels he may have information on the case you're working on."

  Lou was up to his neck in possible sightings on Redding and dead end leads. Now people were showing up at the precinct.

  He could not help the doubtful emotion that consumed him but over the years, he learned to never leave any rocks unturned. Sometimes the smallest clue was right in front of a detecti
ve's eyes.

  "Come in, Officer Tyler,” Lou said. He greeted the young cop and a young woman who stood beside him.

  "Thank you detective. This is my girlfriend Stephanie. She's a social worker working at The Rainbow."

  Lou shook her hand and smiled at the attractive woman who seemed rather nervous.

  "Nice to meet you. What is this all about? As you can see I'm up to my ears.” Lou waved his hand signifying the mess of papers and chaos around him.

  "Yes sir. Well Stephanie thinks that maybe she knows this guy you're looking for.” Tyler passed over a pencil sketch of Redding to Lou. Lou took the picture and looked at it. The guy had a gruffy beard and green eyes.

  "Who is this?"

  "I work at The Rainbow and there was this weird guy I kept bumping into. He gave me the creeps big time and one of the things that stood out about him was that he always was playing with a lighter. Flicking it on and off, I saw the wanted poster when I went to meet Tyler for lunch yesterday. I could not get this guy off my mind. I swear this is the guy you're looking for."

  "Who did the sketch?” Lou asked.

  "I did. I drew him when he was fresh in my mind. I'm an artist and have even helped out doing suspect sketch work for Tyler's department."

  "When did you see him last?” Lou asked, now interested in the story and the possibility that Redding and this guy were the same person.

  "I saw him yesterday at The Rainbow."

  "Do you know what room is his?"


  An hour later, The Rainbow was swarming with cops.

  Lou walked through the main entrance to The Rainbow. It was a filthy mess covered with wall-to-wall scum. He received the evil eye from multiple residents of the home and Lou was sure he had locked up a few of them in the past.

  His senses were irritated from all the pungent smells as he made his way up the narrow staircase. Lou noted the elevator was not working or the residents decided to use it as a dumpster instead. He tried to hide his disgust as his shoes stuck to the dirty floor, making noises with each step he took. He was careful not to put his hand on the railing or lean against any walls.


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