Holding on to Someday

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Holding on to Someday Page 13

by K. Leah

I’m very curious as to this "place" Brady is taking me, but if I’m honest with myself, I don’t care. He could take me to Walmart right now, and I would be as happy as long as I'm with him. After pulling out of the parking lot, he reaches over and places his hand on my thigh. Instinctively, I lay my hand on top of his.

  “I’m sure, as long as you’ve lived here, you’ve probably been to this place plenty of times before, but I love it," he says, glancing in my direction. "I thought we could go to the overlook at the airport.”

  The overlook is just a parking lot overlooking the airport runway. People go there to watch airplanes take off and land, but I've never experienced it myself.

  “Well….I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never actually been before,” I tell him.

  Brady darts his eyes to me. “What! You’re kidding right?” His disbelief over my response is cute.

  “No,” I respond. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve never been there. With my job I’ve been to the airport PLENTY of times, and I guess because I spend so much time on the inside, I never venture back to observe.”

  Brady shakes his head and says, “I’m not disappointed, just shocked. I thought everyone who lives here has been there at least once. But, all the better, now I can take you for your first visit,” he says, giving my knee a gentle squeeze. He turns his attention back to the road. “Now and then, when I'm on my lunch break, I'll stop by, especially if I’m on this side of town. It’s very peaceful any time of day, but night time is my favorite.”

  A few minutes later, we turn onto the road leading to the overlook. It runs parallel to one of the runways, and planes fly right over the top of the car as they land. “Whoa… that is close!” I exclaim as a plane roars above us, vibrating the car.

  As Brady pulls into the parking lot, I notice several benches lined along an open area. Trees are spaced throughout, with picnic tables under them, and I think this is probably a nice place to come for a picnic when the weather is warm.

  A chill in the air sends gooseflesh across my skin when we get out of the car. Brady walks to the back of his SUV and pulls out a large blanket. Seeing him with the blanket tells me he prepared for this part of the date and the thought makes me smile. We take a seat on a bench, and I scoot in close to him while he covers our legs with the warm blanket. I lean in closer as he drapes his arm around me, curling his fingers into my arm.

  “It's pretty out here,” I observe. “And it’s odd looking at the airport from the outside. I mean, I get on a plane about every other week, but I've never really noticed how massive these planes are.”

  “I like to spot a plan in the sky when it's nothing more than a tiny dot, and then watch it get bigger as it gets closer.” Brady points to the sky, and I follow his gaze until I see a little light flickering in and out. Now that I know what to look for, I see five other dots in the air, each one's twinkling light getting a little bigger as they approach the landing strip.

  We watch several planes land, and then one, taxis close, ready to take off. The wind is chilly, but I feel Brady's warmth through the blanket. “They are so fast,” I tell him when the plane takes flight. “It’s amazing how quickly they get going and into the sky. And then....poof....they're gone. Off to the next destination.”

  I keep my eyes on the plane until I can’t see it anymore. When I turn my head back toward the airport, I realize Brady is looking at me. Intently. As our eyes lock, electricity fills the air between us. My eyes instinctively travel to his mouth. I want to kiss him. Badly. I want to know what his lips feel like against mine.

  Brady shifts his body toward me, never releasing his hold and whispers softly, “Clara, I really want to kiss you right now.”

  “So kiss me,” I whisper, breathlessly.

  The next second his other hand comes up to my face and circles around the back of my neck, pulling my mouth to his. His lips are so soft, and his touch is gentle. The kiss gives me just enough of a taste to let me know I want more. After a few seconds, he releases my lips and rests his forehead against mine. His hand caressing my cheek, he asks, “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that?”

  I smile, “Probably about as long as I’ve wanted you to do that,” I respond, certain those electric sparks dancing between us are visible in the night sky.

  “Clara, I like you a lot… and tonight…” he pauses, and pulls back slightly, trying to gather his words. “Tonight has been wonderful. Just getting to spend this time with you….getting to know you, laughing with you… I don’t want it to end, and I know you have a busy day tomorrow.” His eyes search mine with a tenderness I can almost feel. “But, I’m not ready to take you home yet.”

  My heart swells with happiness. This man has me completely smitten in just a couple weeks time. I’m not ready to go home either, so I lean in to place a kiss on his cheek, and then on his lips. I open my eyes and smile at him.

  “How about this? You can take me home but stay a while. Let’s not call it a night just yet." I shrug playfully, "Who needs sleep anyway?” I ask with a smile.

  His brown eyes search my face. I hope I’m not too forward by asking him back to my place, but the truth is I could stay up all night long just being with him.

  “Ok then, let’s go,” he says and grabs my hand to pull me up. He’s almost running as he tugs me toward his car. He opens the passenger door, and I hop in, but before he shuts the door, he pauses, and I turn to see what he’s waiting on. He’s just standing there, looking at me, smiling like a teenager.

  “What?” I ask him and his big cheesy grin.

  “Nothing,” he says and closes the door.

  As soon as he climbs into the driver’s seat, he leans across and places another quick peck on my cheek. I laugh because he’s in a playful mood and I like it. As we pull out of the parking lot, he takes my hand in his and doesn’t let it go until we get back to my apartment building. I reach over to open my door, and he quickly says, “Wait!”

  Startled, I stop and look back at him. “Let me,” he says, and he’s out the door walking around to my side to open the car door for me. He offers me his hand. He still has a big grin plastered on his face, as I place my hand in his and he helps me out of the car.


  Back at my apartment, we sit on my couch for hours, talking about everything from favorite foods and board games to our least favorite songs from the 90’s. We cover so many topics, both fun and serious, and learn so much about each other. It amazes me how easily conversation flows and how nice it is just being with him.

  We decide to put a movie on, but it’s an excuse to dim the lights and sneak in some more kisses. I snuggle close, enjoying the feel of Brady's hands on me…twirling a strand of my hair with his fingers, drawing circles in the palm of my hand, rubbing my back. The night is filled with tender touches from Brady that makes my heart skip.

  I never imagined I would like this man so much after just one date.

  When it’s time for him to leave, I walk him to the door. We stand, lingering, as we both stretch our time as long as we can. He pulls me in for another kiss and holds me close for what seems like minutes, but not nearly long enough for my liking.

  “Good night, Clara. Tonight was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time,” he tells me as he cups my cheek into his hand, placing another kiss on the other side. As I lean into his hand, I close my eyes, absorbing the feel of his warmth, and respond, “Maybe we can do this again,” I say with a smile.

  “That is a given. I’ll call you tomorrow,” are the last words as he turns to leave. I stay by the door and watch him pull out. Just before he is out of my lot, he waves one last time. I close the door and fall back against it letting out a huge sigh. I touch my face where his hand last was and then let it fall to my lips as I rub my finger over them, thinking of his kiss.

  Oh, Brady Reese has taken up a serious residency in my soul. I close my eyes and remember his smell and his touch, and feel the butterflies rise through my body once again. How am I ever going
to be able to go to sleep tonight?

  Surprisingly, as I crawl into bed, I fall right into a sweet slumber, dreaming of the man who has captured my heart.


  Time Will Tell

  Brady left my apartment at 1 am, after he insisted he leave so I could get my beauty sleep. The next morning, I wake up to the ding of my phone. I roll over to grab it from my nightstand and look at the screen.

  Brady: Good morning beautiful! ☺

  A few seconds later another ding…

  Brady: Have a safe flight today. Thinking of you. Call you tonight.

  What a wonderful wakeup call! I hop out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I can't stop smiling; I smile the whole morning while getting ready and try to focus on getting some things finished up here before I head to the airport.

  My phone rings about 9:30 am, and the caller ID reveals it’s my mom. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Clara, dear, I just wanted to call and check in with you before you leave today. Are you ready for your trip? I do hope you make time to visit us while you are in town,” she prods.

  Even though I'm 38 years old, my mom still calls to check on me before, during, and after a business trip. It’s sweet, and I appreciate the sincerity. “Yes, I’m ready for my trip, and of course I want to see you and Dad.”

  “Honey, as much as I'm looking forward to seeing you, I wish you would get a job where you don’t have to travel so much. It worries me that you are gone so much. Don’t you ever get tired of traveling all the time?” she asks.

  Oh, if she only knew.

  Instead, I lie. “It’s okay, Mom. This is what I do. I have a great job, and I do enjoy traveling.” Secretly, I wish for something completely different.

  “Hey, Mom… soooo… I want to tell you….. um…..I had a date last night.” I hold my breath because I'm not sure what kind of reaction that statement will get me.

  Insert long, awkward pause.

  Finally, mom clears her throat, and I know exactly what that means. She gave up all hope of me being in a relationship a while ago since I’m 38 and still single. I can almost see her smoothing the front of her dress while she tries on a fake smile and bats her eyelashes. She is so "June Cleaver" in her reactions and responses, and for a split second, it irritates me.

  “Well, that sounds nice, dear. What’s his name?” she asks.

  “His name is Brady, and we met a couple of weeks ago at the café down the street from work.”

  “Mmmhmmmm…” she says out of the required response.

  With a heavy sigh, I respond, “Mom, I….” but she quickly cuts me off.

  “No, no… I’m sorry, Clara. I am happy for you. I am. Just don’t get your hopes up right away.”

  “I know, Mom. Trust me. I, of all people, know about getting hopes up for something that may never happen.” I want to tell her so badly that he’s different, but the truth is, it’s not been long enough for me to make that assumption. I guess time will tell. After a few more minutes of small talk with mom, we make plans to meet for dinner tonight when I get to Richmond.

  I arrive at the airport and go through the motions of checking in, boarding, and then waiting to take off. Staring out the window at the Charlotte skyline, my mind drifts off to last night and the what ifs of this new relationship.

  What if this does work out? What if Brady could be the one? What if I can finally have a forever with someone? What if that family I dreamed of as a young girl becomes a reality?

  I close my eyes and lay my head against the seat, and smile at all the possibilities.


  Today’s destination, Richmond, Virginia.

  After an uneventful flight, I check into my hotel. Once in the room, I take in the sight - neutral tans and browns, a table in the corner with a matching lounge chair, a flat-screen TV sitting on a large dresser, and a king size bed covered in white bed linens and way too many pillows. I glance at the closet, with the customary metal luggage stand sitting inside, and the bathroom counter with the standard 2-cup coffee maker. Yep, Hotel rooms are pretty much all the same.

  Thinking about how many nights I’ve spent in rooms just like this one reminds me how tired I am of living out of a suitcase. Last night woke something inside of me that I’ve never felt before. Not just spending the evening with Brady… although that was something, I’ve never felt before… but the desire for something different in life. I’ve always been content with my job - traveling the US, seeing different places, and meeting new people. Normally I look out my hotel window feeling excited about what the next few days might bring.

  But not today.

  Today brings a sense of longing I’ve never felt before.

  My body is here in Virginia, but my heart is in North Carolina.


  Since I’m not too far from my hometown, my parents drive up to meet me for dinner. I told them all about my date with Brady last night, and while I can tell they are happy for me, I know my mom is skeptical.

  “He almost sounds too good to be true, honey. I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but I want you to be careful,” she tells me.

  Frustrated, I decide to change the subject, so I don’t get any more depressed about the topic. For the rest of the dinner, we talk about the upcoming holidays, business trips, and my parents' dogs, Benny and Buster. After dinner, my parents drop me back at my hotel, and we say our goodbyes. Once in my room, I plant myself in the middle of the huge bed and mindlessly flip through the channels on the TV. When I hear my phone ring, I look over to see Brady's number on the caller ID.

  “Hey, you!” I answer.

  “Well hello, my little world traveler,” Brady says, and I immediately feel butterflies dancing around my stomach.

  “So, how’s the big city of Richmond?” he asks.

  “Same as it was last time I was here. I just got back from having dinner with my parents,” I tell him.

  “And how did that go?”

  “It was good,” I say. “We went to my favorite restaurant.”

  “Which is...?” he asks.

  “Gregory's on Main… it’s a local place that has a little bit of everything. It’s fantastic. I forgot how much I enjoy eating there.”

  “Does it beat our little Corner Café?” he jokes.

  I smile thinking about his reference to our place.

  “Not by a long shot. It’s different. Different style of cooking, different atmosphere, different scenery.” I pause, and then add, "But our café has the best company."

  He laughs. “Maybe you can take me there sometime,” he adds.

  “Maybe I can,” I say. The thought of bringing Brady home to meet my parents sends a rush of excitement through me. I'm smiling so big that my cheeks start to hurt.

  “Are you ready for your big meeting tomorrow?” he asks.

  “Yes, I think so. I’ve done my homework, now all that’s left is to put the plan into place. It’s like clockwork I’ve done it so much. No big deal.”

  “Well, I’ll be glad when you are back,” he says. I feel heat burn through my cheeks as I think about missing Brady and him missing me. He has captured my heart.

  “I’ll be home late Tuesday evening,” I tell him.

  “Can I pick you up from the airport?” he asks.

  “That’s sweet, Brady, but I’ll be fine. I drove my car.”

  “Ok. Well, if something changes and you need me, you know where to call me,” he says sweetly.

  “Thank you, Brady.”

  “I know you have an early morning, so I won’t keep you.....I just wanted to hear your voice.” Awe, he’s not helping me hang up the phone. “If I could reach through the phone and kiss you, I totally would. I guess I’ll have to settle for a goodnight, Miss Clara May Willet.”

  I smile when he uses my full name. “Goodnight, Mr. Brady Reese.”

  “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

  I giggle at his lame humor. “You too, Brady. Bye.” I hang up the phone feeli
ng so different than I did from my last business trip in Texas.


  My Monday morning meeting goes as I planned. I meet the team, we iron out the final details of the marketing strategy, and then we discuss its implementation. When we break for lunch, I check my cell phone for any missed calls or voicemails. There is also an unread text message from Brady.

  Brady: Just wanted to say hi. Coffee Wednesday morning?

  I miss him. A lot. Knowing I have to wait a whole day before I can see him again makes my heart ache a little. I send a quick response before I tuck my phone away again.

  Me: Hi. Absolutely :)

  The team and I work until late afternoon. Afterward, I head back to the hotel to take a break and freshen up for a working dinner with the team and my boss. When I check my phone, I see another text.

  Brady: What time will you be back on Tuesday?

  I decide to call him because I want to hear his voice. I look at the clock - 4:30 pm - I'm not sure if he will be free to talk or not, so I send a quick text first.

  Me: Do you have a minute to talk?

  Almost immediately, he texts back.

  Brady: For you… always :)

  A rush of emotion runs through my body and erupts in pure elation.

  This. Man.

  I press "call," and he answers on the second ring.

  “Hey, Clara,” he says. I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Hey, Brady! I wanted to talk to you instead of sending a text. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important at work.”

  “Not at all. I’m finishing up early for once.....I was getting ready to head out the door.”

  “Good. We just took a break, and then I'm meeting the team, and my boss, for a working dinner tonight,” I tell him.


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