One Night With a Cowboy

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One Night With a Cowboy Page 8

by Cat Johnson

  She sighed against his mouth. It set his pulse racing and his cock throbbing. If just a sigh did this to him, he couldn’t imagine what it would be like to hear her come. He wanted her beneath him during a full body-writhing orgasm, but for now, he’d be happy with another pleasure-filled sigh. Tuck drew her closer still, tighter against him, until there was nothing between them but the thickness of the clothes they both wore. She came to him easily. He took advantage of the bench seat and guided her until she straddled him where he sat in the center.

  Making out in a truck had its disadvantages, mainly the lack of space and the risk of getting caught, but it had a certain nostalgic charm as well. As a teenager, he’d lost his virginity in the front seat of his first truck. An old clunker that broke down as much as it ran. Damn, he’d loved that old thing. His initiation into the world of sex, with women and not his own hand, was just the first of many good memories associated with the vehicle he’d long ago replaced.

  No, Tucker didn’t object to being in the truck. He just never thought he’d be in his thirties and making out in the front seat like he was a teenager again. At least now he had a few more skills in his sexual repertoire, not to mention more control of himself than he’d had back then. Though as Becca leaned harder against him and he felt the heat between her legs clear through the denim of his jeans and straight through to his cock, he had to question that control a little bit. If he’d been ten or fifteen years younger, he’d worry he might shoot off right there inside his pants. That’s how much her closeness tortured him.

  Even so, there was no way in hell he was going to move her. Instead, he planted a palm on each cheek of her ass and held her right where she was. He’d be happy if she stayed pressed against him, just like this, for a very long time.

  When she started making small circles against the crotch of his jeans, the seam of which was pressing right into his erection, Tuck drew in a sharp breath through his nose. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take before he either flipped her onto her back and took her right there, or actually did end up coming in his pants.

  A vibrating in Becca’s front pocket pulled his attention away from his wishing both of their clothes would spontaneously disappear so he could plunge into her. He reluctantly pulled back. “I think your jeans are getting a call.”

  “Sorry.” Breathless and adorably apologetic, she leaned back from him just far enough to wrestle her cell phone out of her front pocket. She glanced at the read-out. “It’s a text from Emma.”

  Of course her sister would be looking for her. They’d been right behind Emma and Jace on the drive over, right until the red light he’d been lucky enough to hit had separated them. Still, it shouldn’t be taking him and Becca this long to park and go inside to the bar—unless they were occupied doing something else, of course. Tuck noticed Jace wasn’t texting him asking where they were. Smart man. He always had been a good wingman. But Emma and Becca were a different story. As much as he hated the interruption, it was right for Emma to worry about her sister and check on her.

  “I’m sure they’re inside waiting for us.” He smothered his disappointment. Inside, where there were lights and people, and where it would be really inappropriate for Becca to straddle him and press her hot-as-hell body against his like she was doing now.

  Since she didn’t move, Tuck remained where he was as he watched her read the text and then type in what he assumed was a response to her sister. Then she shoved the phone back into her pocket and leaned forward again. With a groan, she wrapped her arms around his neck and zeroed in on his mouth for a kiss deep enough to surprise even him.

  He shamelessly took full advantage of the contact, sliding his tongue between her lips, plunging into her mouth the way he’d love to plunge another part of him inside a different part of her. Meanwhile, that other part of him was currently very happy with Becca’s close proximity, even if they were still clothed.

  He allowed himself a few moments more to enjoy her before, like an idiot, he pulled away and did what he considered to be the right thing. “I guess we should get inside. They’re expecting us.”

  “I texted Emma and told her not to wait for me. Is that okay?” Her words came out soft and a bit hesitant.

  Was she really worried he wouldn’t want to stay right here and make out with her, rather than go inside to some bar full of strangers watching them? The thought nearly made him laugh. What man wouldn’t want to stay here and ravish her?

  “Yeah.” He smiled and added, “Very okay.”

  The shyness or insecurity, or whatever had made her sound uncertain before, was completely gone when she leaned in this time. While Becca kissed him, she pressed harder against his belt buckle.

  Her kiss got more intense. Her tongue tangled with his as enticing sounds escaped her throat and she ground her pelvis against his. There was no cowboy on earth who wouldn’t love getting his buckle polished in this particular way. Tuck was no exception. With her ass held firmly in his hands, he followed her motion against him.

  She may have complained she was getting fat and her jeans were too tight, but he enjoyed every beautiful curve on her. Besides, tight jeans could only work to his advantage right now. If hers were torturing her the same way his were him, she felt every move the two of them made together threefold thanks to the denim pressing into her. He decided to help with that.

  He ran one hand down the cheek of her ass until he could reach between her legs, then he rubbed the sensitive spot hidden beneath her clothing. She drew in a staggering breath the moment his fingers made contact.

  Oh, yeah. He’d have her coming in no time, right through her pants. His only regret would be not being inside her at the time. He repeated the action and rubbed her again. This time she pulled back from the kiss and let out a breathy sound of pleasure that nearly had him coming, too. With more space between them because she’d leaned back, he had more room to operate, and he took full advantage of it. Bringing his hand around, Tucker approached Becca from the front this time.

  Her eyes drifted closed as he started to work her in earnest. She began to breathe heavier, and he wished for the hundredth time they were both naked. Or at least she was, so he could give her just a taste of what a man who knew his way around a woman’s body could do.

  She unfastened the top button of her jeans, and his stroke faltered. He stopped moving all together as she slid her zipper down. The invitation was clear, and who was he to ignore a lady’s invite?

  His hands were big, and her jeans were tight, but he was nothing if not a problem solver. He slid his palm, fingers first, down the silky skin of her stomach and beneath the waistband of her panties, all the way to her warm, plump lips. Hot and wet, just as he’d hoped, she was ready and waiting to be taken, and he was in the mood to take all she offered.

  Just the touch of a fingertip on her clit had her hissing in a breath. She braced her hands on the seat back on either side of his head. Good. She’d need something to hold on to now he had access to what he needed to drive her crazy. He’d have preferred to use his mouth, but this would have to do. For now.

  He worked her until her whole body began to shake and she gave up the attempt to be quiet, letting her cries fill the truck and surround them. He ignored the tingling in the hand he had squeezed into her jeans as it began to fall asleep from lack of circulation. He wasn’t going to stop until he had her writhing from his touch.

  Luckily, he didn’t have long to wait. Her grip moved to each of his shoulders as she held tight and rode his hand. A frown creased her brow and her eyes remained slammed shut as the unmistakable sounds of a woman in orgasm hit him hard. He kept working her until she fell forward against him, gasping for breath. Tuck found he was breathing pretty damn hard himself.

  They stayed like that. Becca heavy against him, panting. His hand still inside her pants because she was on his arm and he couldn’t move—not that he really wanted to in spite of the pins and needles. Finally, she leaned back again and he pulled his tinglin
g hand out of the happiest place he’d been in quite a while.

  With eyes heavily lidded and full of desire, she looked every man’s fantasy even before she reached for his belt and began to unfasten the buckle. His pulse raced. A woman only opened a man’s pants for one reason, and that was because she was interested in getting to know what was inside a little better. And he sure as hell wanted her to. But damn, here was not the place for what he wanted to do.

  He put his hand over hers to stop her before she unleashed the beast and he couldn’t control himself.

  “I don’t want to do this here. Zip up.” He patted one well-shaped ass cheek and leaned his head back as far as he could, away from the temptation of her kisses so he could say what he needed to before he got distracted again. “We’re going inside and I’m getting us a room . . . If that’s all right with you.”

  “I don’t want you to have to spend the money on a hotel room.” Since she kept her hands on his buckle and tantalizingly close to his dick, he didn’t think she was coming up with an excuse because she was worried about being alone in a room with him. Her concern really must be the cost.

  “If you’re honestly worried about me spending the money, don’t be. I took second in the bull riding tonight. I went to the payout window right before the autograph signing and now I’ve got an envelope stuffed full of cash in my gear bag.” As well as the strip of condoms Jace had put in there. Damn, he really, really hoped he’d be using some of those tonight. “Now, if you don’t want to—”

  “That’s not it.” In the dim light of the truck, she watched him as he tried to read the emotions crossing her face. “If you really are okay paying for it, then I’d like it if we did . . . get a room, I mean.” Her gaze dropped away from his, though why she was so shy and insecure he had no clue.

  Hell, he’d give a lot more than the cost of a hotel room to be with her. Alone, behind closed doors, and in a cool, comfortable place where they could both stretch out naked on a nice big bed with lots of room to get creative. That was truly priceless.

  The thought had his heart beating faster and the pulse throbbing in his erection. “Trust me. It’s fine.”

  “Okay.” Ducking her head so it didn’t hit the ceiling of the truck, she backed up and managed to turn herself around and sit facing forward in the passenger seat as she refastened her jeans.

  He took a steadying breath and dashed the sweat from his forehead. Between the heat of the summer night and the heat between him and Becca, Tuck was even gladder they were going inside to a nice, air-conditioned hotel room. Getting sweaty with a woman after some good sex was one thing, but he’d rather not start out that way.

  Opening his door, he got out and stood, stretching his back in the process before he reached behind the seat for his gear bag. Under the guise of getting his payout envelope, he also grabbed the other necessity he’d need for the night, the condoms Jace had supplied him with.

  As he shoved both into the pockets of his jeans, he spared barely a thought to what Jace might or might not be doing at the moment with Emma. If Becca wasn’t worried about her sister, then he wasn’t, either. Jace was a good guy and Tuck knew his friend could definitely take care of himself, and would take good care of Emma, too.

  Jace and Emma were probably at that very moment wondering what he and Becca were doing. It was a funny thought. There’d likely be an inquisition in the morning, for both of them.

  Lucky for him, tomorrow was hours away. As he walked around the truck to open Becca’s door for her, he couldn’t care less about the morning. All he had thoughts for was tonight. And her.

  Chapter Eight

  “How many nights?” Fingers poised above the computer keyboard, the front desk clerk waited for Tucker’s answer.

  Meanwhile, Becca stood slightly behind him so the guy behind the counter wouldn’t be able to see the guilty expression she was sure was evident on her face—not to mention the flush that was most likely still present from the orgasm she had experienced in the truck. She glanced one more time over her shoulder to make sure Emma or Jace wasn’t lurking nearby. She certainly didn’t need her sister or Tucker’s friend standing here with them while they booked a hotel room for the night so they could have sex.

  “Just one.” Good thing Tucker answered because Becca wasn’t sure she would have been able to get through this whole registering for a hotel room for their one-night stand process if she’d been in charge of the check-in.

  One-night stand . . . Jeez, what the hell was she thinking?

  A quick review of her life over the past few months squashed that momentary doubt. It was about time she enjoyed herself; that’s what she should be thinking. She deserved a little fun after having worked hard her entire life, both in school and in her career. Lot of good that did her. It had left her with nothing but a written recommendation and a severance check from Vassar—small comfort in the line at the unemployment office, where she’d be if she didn’t ace this interview tomorrow.

  Then there was her personal life. She’d devoted years to working on her relationship with Jerry. All it had left her with was ten extra pounds on her ass and thighs and scratches in the paint on her door frames from when he’d moved his shit out.

  No more. Time for less work and more play, starting tonight. She drew in a deep breath and prayed they’d get to their room before anyone saw them here.

  “I have a room with a king-size bed available. Will that be all right?”

  “Perfect.” Tucker shot her a smirk and she felt her cheeks heat.

  How many more embarrassing questions could this desk clerk ask? There couldn’t possibly be any more. He’d pretty much covered everything he could to humiliate her.

  Yes, only one night. Yes, the bigger the bed the better. Yes, we’ll be having lots of sex. Thank you for asking.

  “Do you need help with your luggage?”

  She nearly choked as the hotel employee managed to come up with one more thing she hadn’t even considered.

  No, no luggage. Just sex.

  “No, thanks. We’re good.” Cool as a cucumber, as he had been through the entire check-in, Tucker picked up the pen and signed the paper the clerk had pushed toward him.

  “We’re all set then. Check-out is eleven, and elevators are to your right.”

  “Great. Thanks.” Tucker slid the signed form back and took the keycard from him. After slipping the small piece of plastic into his back pocket, he took her hand in his and turned toward the elevators.

  At least that part of the night was over, but even though she couldn’t wait to get out of sight of the lobby and the front desk, Tucker moved at his usual pace. Something between an amble and a stroll. It would be very atmospheric in an old Western movie. Here and now, it made the New Yorker in her cringe as she fought the urge to sprint—or at least power-walk—to their destination.

  When they finally reached the elevators and were out of earshot of the clerk, she turned to glance at Tucker. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  He frowned down at her from beneath his ever-present cowboy hat. The bad-girl side of her—the one she hadn’t known existed until Emma forced her to go to the rodeo to look for cowboys in the first place—couldn’t help wondering if Tucker normally took his hat off to have sex or if he left it on. It was like a fist to the stomach when she realized she’d know one way or the other very soon. Wow.

  “Embarrassed about what?” he asked, knocking the image of him, naked except for his hat, out of her spinning brain.

  “He must know why we’re here. What we’re doing.” Even though there was no one nearby, Becca kept her voice as low as humanly possible.

  “You mean that we’re checking in to have sex?” He leaned toward her and hissed the last word in an exaggerated whisper tinged with a laugh. “Becca, why would he assume that?”

  “Because it’s practically the middle of the night.” She opened her eyes wide. Jeez. It was so obvious.

  “So? We could just as easily be two weary travelers
looking for a place to rest on a long journey.” The smirk on Tucker’s face told Becca he was enjoying this a little too much. She, on the other hand, was not.

  She frowned. “We don’t look like travelers. We don’t even have any luggage.”

  “You’re so cute being embarrassed. Just because we don’t have luggage.” He smiled and ran one hand up her arm. “If you want, I can go get my gear bag from the truck and carry it past the front desk so he thinks it’s our overnight bag.”

  “No.” She rolled her eyes at his suggestion. “That won’t work.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because this is Oklahoma, the rodeo state. He’ll probably know it’s full of bull stuff and think we’re doing kinky things upstairs with it or something.” She felt the scowl settle on her face at the thought. Best to leave it alone and cut their losses.

  “First of all, Oklahoma is the Sooner State, not the rodeo state. But besides that, I’m trying to imagine what kind of kinky things we could possibly do with the bull stuff in my gear bag.” Tucker raised a brow. “I suppose we could get creative with the tape I use to wrap my wrist. There is the cowbell hanging on my bull rope . . . Although unless you’re into some really weird kind of roleplaying, that won’t be of much use.”

  He grinned as her cheeks grew hotter. “I know I’m being silly. I felt like he was watching us and, you know, judging. And I’m babbling again. Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. Your babbling is adorable. Though I’m definitely looking forward to keeping your mouth otherwise occupied once we’re in our room.” The elevator door finally swished open in front of them right as he made the suggestion that set Becca’s insides fluttering. Acting just as calm and collected as he’d been through this whole harrowing hotel experience, Tucker nodded to the couple who stepped out.


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