Let Me Love You

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Let Me Love You Page 20

by Lily Foster

  Chris kissed my hand. “I’ve met him. I can tell he’s a good guy. I’m relieved, Rene.”

  “I’ve never been this happy in my life, Chris.”

  With that, Darcy slid back into the booth laughing after Dennis dipped her dramatically on the dance floor. Absolutely inappropriate dance moves given it was an alternative rock band, not an orchestra playing a waltz. I was glad she wasn’t a puddle of mope tonight. She took both of our hands and looked like she was having a moment of clarity, albeit a tipsy one. “Whatever happens, guys, I’m going to be all right. I love him and this sucks but I’m going to be all right.”

  Graduation Day was bright and sunny. I knew I wasn’t imagining it; each one of my roommates came into my room and hugged me extra tight this morning. I knew they felt bad thinking that while their families were all here to stand beside them, I was all alone. I was not alone; I had the only person here that mattered. I did have someone who was proud of me and someone to holler when I walked across that stage today. I had Caleb. He was texting me all morning:

  Are u packed for tomorrow?

  Are u excited?

  Can’t wait to see u.

  I think he was as excited as I was that this day was finally here.

  He caught up to me, Beth and Darcy as we were about to enter the stadium. He told us we all looked beautiful but he never took his eyes off me. I no longer cared about appearances; soon enough everyone would know.

  Caleb pulled Darcy off to the side. Seeing Caleb’s way with her made me feel, if possible, even more love for him. He was a loving, nurturing brother. I knew he would be good at every role he played in life. I had a lump in my throat all of a sudden as I was thinking of him as a husband and father in particular.

  I sat and drank in the words from the keynote speaker and the valedictorian. This was a big day for all of us but I recognized that for me, this was a day I had arrived at against all odds. I said a silent prayer for Miss Parsons and hoped she was looking down on me at this moment. I thought of my parents. There was no anger, no resentment. They were what they were. I wish they had been different but at the end of the day, people make choices in their lives—good ones, bad ones, ones they regret. I knew that as well as anyone else. I guess I had, if not forgiven my mother and father, moved past any ill will. I was good. Better than good.

  When I crossed the stage I was hoping to hear Caleb but the sounds of all my girls, Chris, Mac and Dan drowned out anyone else. I think they all felt I needed the extra loud holler to make up for the lack of family there.

  Afterwards I looked around me, people watching for a minute. Families crowded around their own, I saw Tom knocking over chairs trying to get to Darcy and I saw Dan grab Jenna in the most loving embrace. Two arms wrapped around me from behind then and pulled me in close. “I’m so proud of you, Rene. I love you.”

  I turned in his arms to face him. I had tears pooling in my eyes but I was smiling. All at once, the sadness of not having a family was mixed with the relief of having him. “I’m so glad you’re here, Caleb. You can’t imagine.”

  He lifted my chin and landed a tender kiss on my lips. His eyes were damp as well. It’s like he knew exactly what was going through my mind when he said, “I’m your family, Rene. It’s you and me.”

  I had been planning on dining out with Caitlin’s family after the ceremony but Caleb was not having it. “No way, Beaumont. Today’s the day. I’m not looking to make a big announcement at lunch or anything but afterwards I want to talk to my parents and you can tell Darcy. I want you to come with us now, though, please.”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  I don’t know how anyone could have been at that table and not figured it out for themselves. Caleb held my hand under the table and was looking at me with a shit-eating grin on his face the entire time. Maybe not Darcy, as she was definitely a bit out of it.

  The Donovans dropped Darcy and me back off at our place afterward. Everyone was coming back for one last night of parties and then we would all be heading our separate ways the next day. I’d already shipped most of my things to Caleb’s and had only what I needed packed for the trip. I still didn’t know where we were going but I didn’t really care. A beach and Caleb—what else did I need? Darcy’s family was staying at a hotel in town tonight and Caleb informed me we were meeting the family for breakfast before we set off for the airport. He was planning to meet up with Drew and Chloe later tonight.

  As soon as Darcy and I grabbed a beer at the party, she cornered me and smiled at me knowingly. “So? Are you going to tell me or what?”

  I knew she had figured it out on her own. “Are you mad?”

  “Why would I be? I love my brother more than pretty much anyone and you obviously make him happy.”

  “I haven’t been honest with you, though. I was going to tell you one night a few months ago but that was the night I came back home and Tanner was there. It just never seemed like the right time.”

  She laughed, spitting out a little beer as she said, “Oh now I feel really bad about trying to reunite you with Tanner! How long has this been going on?”

  I looked at her, bracing for the worst. “Off and on? I started seeing him during your year abroad.”

  She looked confused. “Yeah? So when he was having a rough time last year, did that have to do with you?”

  I nodded. “We went through a lot and broke up for a long time. We just started up again—”

  She broke in, “In Rincon. I knew it! I couldn’t figure out why he came down. The waves were crap.”

  “Darcy, I’m sorry I kept it all from you. A lot happened. It was complicated. I hope you understand but I just couldn’t—”

  “It’s ok. Weird…but ok.” She hugged me tight. “I understand how things can be complicated, Rene, just…”


  “Take care of him. I know he seems like a big, strong, got-it-all together guy, but he’s….I just hate the idea of him hurting. And I never want you getting hurt by him either.”

  “I have no intention of ever hurting him, Darcy. I love him completely. And he loves me. I’ve never met anyone like him. I’ve never opened up to anyone the way I do with him. He makes me feel…safe.”

  Darcy looked so sad. I knew she was hurting so badly. I hugged her, wanting to comfort her but also so happy to know I had another wonderful person in my life. “Give him time, Darcy. I think Tom’s probably still in shock. Give it time.”

  With that, Jenna, Dan and Caitlin practically crashed into us and Darcy smiled up at me. “Come on, let’s go have one last great night here together.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Mom looked teary eyed. She and Dad each held one of my hands when I told them. My dad cleared his throat. I couldn’t believe he was getting all choked up over this. Then he let out a little laugh. “I was wondering what was going on during lunch.”

  My mom squeezed my hand. “She’s warm, beautiful and just lovely. You seem happy and that makes us so very happy, Caleb.”

  “I’m crazy about her. I’ve never felt this way about any girl.”

  Dad asked, “Does Darcy know?”

  “Probably by now she does. I think she’ll be ok with everything.”

  Mom waved dismissively. “She only cares about your happiness, Caleb. I just hope our little Darcy is ok. What an awful situation, for them both. I feel badly for Tom as well.”

  With that, Darcy and Rene came walking into the restaurant and Darcy made her way straight to me and threw her arms around my neck, squeezing tight. “I love you, Caleb. And this is just great in my opinion. I couldn’t hope for a better match for you than Rene.”

  My mom and dad were hugging Rene and then Luke and Kate were hugging Rene. For a happy occasion, there were a lot of wet eyes in the room. I looked to all of them. “I’ve been busting wanting to tell all of you for the past few months. I’m thankful I have such a great family and I’m thankful that I have you, Rene.”

; Rene lowered her head into my chest as I hugged her. We were a bunch of mushes but I knew this was a lot of emotion for her and she was probably a little overwhelmed. She whispered against my neck. “I love you too.”

  I looked around the table as we ate, laughed and also talked about some pretty heavy stuff, given Darcy’s situation. I gave silent thanks for the hand that, despite everything, I’d been dealt in life. To have so much love surrounding me; I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

  “Are you going to tell me before we get to the airport?”

  I gave her my best smug expression. “No.”

  “Ugh! I hope I packed appropriately.”

  “You literally need a bikini. That’s all.”

  “Check. Got that.”

  “I hope you packed my favorite one.”

  “I did but that’s a few seasons old. I haven’t worn it much but this is probably its last trip.”

  “Nope. I want you to wear that until I can no longer stomach the sight of you in a bikini. Like sixty years from now.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  It was a long trip but well worth it when we finally arrived. I arranged the speedboat to take us from Male to the resort where we had a private villa that was set on pilings over the water. I went all out on this trip for Rene. The last time I was here it was more a laid back surfing trip with Mick, Conner and a few other guys. I loved it but it was not a luxury experience. This trip with Rene was still laid back but definitely five-star. Rene was practically speechless as the waiter handed her champagne as she boarded the boat transfer. She looked to me, eyes wide. “I’ve never seen water this color, Caleb.”

  “It’s paradise, right?”

  We spent the next six days in the closest state to heaven that I’ve ever experienced. We lazed in our giant, luxurious bed as long as we liked. A chef came in to cook for us and served us on our deck that jutted into the Indian Ocean. We jumped in the water, off our private deck, morning, noon and night. There was definitely some good night swimming. I forced Rene to get pampered in the spa and then she came to spectate when we trekked to my favorite local surf spot.


  We also had endless hours to just be together and talk. We’d been limited to a few weekends over the past few months. This was the first time we had an uninterrupted stretch to just be together. One morning, as we sat eating our breakfast in bed, Rene said dreamily, “I know if you did this every day it could get old but really, Caleb, wouldn’t it be heaven to just stay here, eat food like this, swim in this ocean and have sex all day?”

  When she said things like that I couldn’t help but rip the sheets off her and ravish her. Afterwards, we lay there just drowsy and sated. “Tomorrow we head back…can’t get too used to this. Once we get home, Rene, it’s going to be long hours for you and crazy long days for me.”

  She already knew Mick and I were striking out on our own but it was imminent now. I’d decided to leave my job after the end-of-year bonuses were distributed. Come January, Mick and I would be in a development phase and would be renting office space and launching by March. It was going to be a lot of work. I was ready and excited for it but I needed her to know what it entailed. It was going to take years to build the business.

  “Just let me know what it is I can do to help you, Caleb. Let me know when you need time without me, let me know when you’re so stressed out that you need a neck rub.” She laughed as she said, “Let me know when you’re in need of a home-cooked meal and I’ll find someone to cook you one.”

  “Seriously, Beaumont, you’re French. You’re probably a master chef and you don’t even realize it.”

  “I do like to watch cooking shows but right now my repertoire is limited to spaghetti with butter.”


  “I like sauce, you dope. It’s just that there was usually a shortage of groceries in my house growing up. I worked with what I had.”

  “Sorry, Rene, I shouldn’t have teased.”

  She smiled broadly and grabbed my face in her hands. “Stop, I’m fine. And don’t worry about me being lonely when you’re out entertaining clients and all. I’m going to be really busy too. I’m going to have to put my time in if I want to make it.”

  I kissed her hand and looked in her eyes as a thought came to me. I was suddenly wary. “Let’s just promise each other something. Plans and goals are important but life gets in the way sometimes. Everything doesn’t have to be planned and etched in stone. We can adapt to whatever comes our way and we’ll deal with things together.”

  Her eyes watered. She knew exactly what I was saying. She just nodded and curled into me. We stayed like that for a while, just lost in our own thoughts. When she shifted her body and nudged me to lay with my hips resting between her legs I knew she needed to feel close, to feel connected to me. That’s what I needed too. I’d always need it.


  On the plane ride home I had a million thoughts racing through my head. It would be Friday when we got home and Monday morning I was reporting to the studio at 5:30 a.m. I was no stranger to early mornings but I was going to have to have an early bedtime on work nights. I needed to unpack some things at Caleb’s, shop for some work clothes and shoes, and just get settled and ready for my big day on Monday.

  As I went through my bag looking for a pen and my notepad, where I was forever writing to-do lists, I came across a flash drive. I’d nearly forgotten about the woman on the beach who handed this to me as I sat watching Caleb catch his last few waves of the day.

  She told me she was a photographer and had been taking candids of the surfers. She took a few pictures of Caleb and I as we were sitting on the beach, hoped we didn’t mind, and thought we would want them. She was this really beautiful woman, mid-sixties, with long grey hair braided down her back and piercing blue eyes. She was one of those effortlessly stylish women who looked totally chic just barefoot wearing a bohemian tunic.

  I was restless, so while Caleb slept I used his laptop to view the pictures. Each one had a signature on it, like a watermark…Beatrix Drew. Her face wasn’t familiar but her name was. I didn’t read many fashion magazines—who had the time? –but her name was renowned. She had photographed most of the pop icons of her time. And the pictures she snapped of Caleb and I were…well, they rendered me speechless. She captured us in the most intimate way. In one, Caleb had just laid me back into the sand and covered me with his body. He was moving a piece of stray hair from my face as he smiled down at me. Another had me sitting astride him with our faces inches apart and we were smiling at one another. In another he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on my shoulder. We both looked out towards the surf lost in good thoughts. There were a dozen in all, each one a beautiful gift to us.

  I was going to wake Caleb to show him but I didn’t. Since I had missed his birthday last year I wanted to give him something special, something from my heart this year. One of these pictures framed would be perfect.

  We were so tired when we got “home” to Caleb’s place that we both fell into bed and slept the afternoon away. That night we were both still wiped out and fell back into bed early. Jet lag.

  The next morning I woke up with the sun, feeling refreshed. I had a lot to do and wanted to get an early jump on the day. Since the stores wouldn’t be open for a few hours I started unpacking a few things. When I went to go find a nook in the closet to hang some clothes, I saw that Caleb had cleared out an entire half of the large closet in the bedroom and hanging on “my” side were about a dozen really great shift dresses, a few skirts, tops, pants, sweaters and a light topper coat; all with the tags on. On the floor were several shoeboxes. It was practically an entire new wardrobe.

  The old Rene would have been indignant, as if such a gesture was an insult to my ability to take care of myself. Now, though, I was grateful and recognized the love that was behind a gesture like this. Caleb knew I wasn’t yet rolling in dough, he knew it was important for me to look good at work, and
he didn’t want me stressing about shopping on the two days I had left to enjoy with him. I crawled back into bed and kissed him. He kept his eyes closed but said sleepily, “Good morning, gorgeous.”

  “You have good taste in clothes, Caleb. I just found my new wardrobe. Thank you.”

  He looked at me and smiled. “I didn’t want you to feel like you had to run around like a nut shopping this weekend. I‘m selfish, I want you to myself for a few more days.”

  “You’ve got me.”

  “And for the record, I don’t enjoy shopping. Kate picked all of that out.”

  “So now that you have me for the weekend, what are you going to do with me?”

  He pulled me in close to his body so my back was pressed against his front. “What do you think?”

  I could feel him and wiggled in even closer. “Is this how you say good morning every day?”

  “Yes. Get used to it.”

  Much later, still lying in bed as Caleb went downstairs to make us coffee, I thought maybe I was being silly about not moving in with him. I mean, I could get used to falling into a nice routine with him and waking up like this every day. But my rational side said it was too soon. I was too young. I needed to prove that I could be on my own, supporting myself. Moving in with Maureen was the right thing to do. I knew that.

  We spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the great weather outdoors in the city. Caleb showed me his favorite running routes, favorite place to grab breakfast on the way to work, best dinner spots.

  We had lunch with his parents on Sunday. I felt a little awkward when we first got there but that dissipated within a few minutes. It was so easy to talk to them and they made me feel completely at ease, at home. When we were alone I told Sarah about the pictures. “Are you serious? I’m a little star struck right now. In my world, she’s a total rock star, Rene. I can’t wait to see them.”


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