For The Love Of The Doctor (BWWM Romance)

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For The Love Of The Doctor (BWWM Romance) Page 5

by Tasha Jones

  “Yes Mommy” Tanya replied obediently.


  As Jeremy and Violet entered the restaurant, Violet couldn't have been happier. They were seated by their waiter and couldn't help but staring into each other's eyes, locked in a gaze that could last forever.

  Just then the sound of a husky, seductive voice calling out Jeremy’s name made Violet look up and what she saw almost took her breath away. A tall, stunning woman with masses of tumbling blonde hair was hurrying over towards Jeremy. She gave him a hug and pressed a kiss on his cheek in a familiar manner, making Violet feel jealous. The blonde beauty turned her heavily made up eyes towards her, giving her a once over. Her eyes deliberately travelled down the length of Violet’s body from top to bottom before dismissing her entirely. Judging by the little smirk on her face and her casual attitude towards Violet, Violet had clearly been found wanting. The slight roll of Venetia’s eyes indicated she didn’t consider Violet the least bit of a threat.

  In those few moments of perusal, Violet was painfully conscious of her inexpensive clothes, jewelry, shoes and haircut. Even her darker skin suddenly felt gauche and unstylish, which she knew was pure craziness but contrasted against Venetia’s, her silky hair, the custom tailored clothing and designer accessories, Violet looked like the hired help. She was suddenly acutely conscious of the vast difference of their classes. Venetia had money written all over her, no doubt she had attended private schools and finishing schools, she must be incredibly accomplished in any number of things, while Violet hadn’t even managed to finish college because she had been stupid enough to get knocked up and rush into a marriage. She was living, breathing proof that life really was that trashy in the projects.

  Venetia spoke to Jeremy for a few minutes, standing closer than she needed to, her perfectly manicured hand pressed lightly on his arm, her head tilted in an intimate pose as she spoke to him in low murmurs. Feeling self-conscious and excluded from the conversation, Violet decided to sit back down and focus all her attention on the dessert menu. But she couldn’t help stealing quick glances in Jeremy and Venetia’s direction. They looked like the perfect couple, golden, polished, successful and carried an aura of power and wealth about them. She didn’t care about Venetia’s antics but what aggravated her the most was that Jeremy seemed to be enjoying the attention being lavished on him and seemed devoted to whatever nonsense she was spouting.

  At last, to Violet’s immense relief, Venetia pulled herself away from him with great reluctance, “It’s been lovely meeting you, Violet, so refreshing to meet someone so…earthy.” Her tone of voice implied that being earthy was akin to being vulgar. She turned towards Jeremy and flashed him a sunny smile, “Jeremy darling, I do so love our chats, you’re such a naughty boy. I’ll see you soon and please say hello to your mother.” She pressed her glossy pink lips to his cheek and kissed him softly. Violet’s stomach churned in discomfort and she was almost tempted to pick up a fork and throw it in her face, but then she turned her attention back onto Violet again, “Such a wonderful woman, Grace, she’s raised quite a special son, we’re all very fond of him.”

  With a last little wave of her hand, she was gone. Violet watched her walk away, her heels clicking smartly on the floor and she thought how nice it would be if she tripped on something.

  “Sorry about that,” he apologized. “I didn’t want to be rude you know.”

  Violet shrugged her shoulders in a devil-may-care attitude, “Don’t be silly, she was lovely.” She responded with a false smile, unconsciously using Venetia’s word. “She’s also very beautiful,” she added. They went back to their food and she tried to keep up with their conversation but her evening had been spoiled. She felt miserable in the knowledge she was all wrong for him. He had probably only started dating her because she was a novelty, or because he felt sorry for her. But when push came to shove, Venetia was obviously the type of woman he would be with.

  “Hmmmm…yes she is.” Jeremy said without really paying attention to what Violet was asking or what he was saying. She didn’t know he was distracted by concerns of his own. “I think I'm falling for you,” he blurted out.

  All of a sudden, Violet’s irritable mood melted away and all her dark thoughts about Venetia vanished, “You what?”

  “I think I may be falling in love with you,” he repeated with infinite patience.

  She gazed at him for a few moments, overcome with emotion, her eyes sparkling with surprise and joy and then she found her voice again, “I've already fallen for you.”

  They rushed through dessert, both of them basking in this newfound joy in a hurry to go somewhere more private. Declining coffee, Jeremy asked for the check and hurriedly signed the slip before grabbing Violet’s hand and rushing out of the restaurant with her. They slipped into the waiting limo and began to tear at each other’s clothes.

  They managed to cool their ardor until they arrived at Violet’s place. But they barely made it through the front door before they succumbed to their desires. Jeremy brought his lips to hers, snaking his tongue in and out of her mouth making her moan out loud. She wanted to tell him to take her to her bedroom down the hall, but her need for him was so great she couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. Instead she kissed him back with equal fervor licking his lips with her tongue, biting down on his lips. As they tumbled into the living room, they collapsed on the couch, his lips were on her chin sliding down the length of her throat and across her neck. He placed his tongue in the little hollow of her neck, she closed her eyes and moaned again as he began to run his hands down her body, massaging the soft curves of her breast. His fingers brushed over her nipples, she felt the heat of his thumb through the layers of clothing and she was filled with an uncontrollable desire to rip off everything from her body and display her nakedness to him.

  “Take them off, please.” She half mumbled and half moaned out the words. “Take them all off.” Her fingers slid from around his neck, down his back to his belt. Fingers fumbling with haste, she tugged at the loops trying to get it to come off. He dropped his hands from her breasts and ended her frustrations by undoing his belt. With nimble fingers, she popped open the button, unzipped his pants and slid her warm hands inside and grabbed his rock hard penis.

  A grunt escaped his lips as her fingers wrapped themselves around his shaft. In a sudden frenzy, he started to yank at her dress trying to pull it off.

  “There’s a zipper, on the side,” she whispered.

  Obediently he found the zipper and pulled it down; her dress slithered to the floor. With an eager cry he fell upon her, unhooking her bra, releasing her breasts from their confines. His mouth made their way down from her neck to her nipples. “Holy shit!” he said in awe, staring at her perky breasts with their very large nipples. His mouth closed over one dark, hot, swollen nipple while his hand travelled down her smooth belly and reached for the band of her panties.

  Violet kept her eyes closed. Her hand still caressing his shaft, she sank into a pool of ecstasy which travelled through her body making her tingle and shiver with desire. He pulled down her panties and ran his hand between her legs. She was drenched with her need for him. Abandoning her nipples, his mouth travelled down her body and settled in the space between her legs. Violet thought she was going to explode as his tongue flicked out and teased her.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed out. “Oh my god!” she repeated.

  His tongue flicked in and out, in her hands his penis hardened even more. She arched her body and brushed her thumb over the head, it was sticky and wet. She pulled his head up and stared him deep in the eyes then with infinite slowness, she took her wet thumb and deliberately sucked on it. He groaned and his penis twitched in her hands, eager to penetrate her, bring her body to new heights of pleasure.

  “I love you,” he cried, “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.”

  Violet parted her legs wide, he pressed himself closer to her body and pushed inward. She wrapped her arms around
his body, clutching it dearly as their bodies moved as one. His lips peppered her face with kisses and she felt him hardening within her, preparing to come.

  She pressed on, moving her body against his faster and faster, his fingers toying with her clit, she arched her body and almost convulsed with desire as her orgasm came swiftly. She felt his release and waves of passion engulfed them in a loving embrace. They stopped moving and lay still, their hearts beating as one, one on top of the other.

  They made love at intervals throughout the night, discovering each other’s body while taking and giving pleasure. At last, spent and exhausted they fell into a contented sleep, their arms and legs entwined together.

  When Violet woke up the next morning she was surprised to find herself tangled up in sheets and bedding in her living room floor. She momentarily felt confused about what she was doing there until her eyes landed on familiar clothing neatly folded on a large armchair. Her clothing. And then she remembered her very important date from the night before and that Jeremy had spent the night. Her eyes scanned the room quickly.

  The sun was streaming into the room through the open windows, the floor length curtains swaying gently in the early morning breeze. Jeremy was nowhere to be found but that wasn’t surprising because she knew he had an early morning. A piece of paper with a smiley face stuck on the couch brought a smile to her face. A sense of peace and happiness settled within her as she sat up against the pillows and reached for the yellow post-it. She traced the childish drawing with a finger and wrapped her arms around herself replaying the events of the night before frame-by-frame, going over every little word and action like a giddy schoolgirl. She looked at the clock hanging on the opposite wall, it was only 7:30a.m., much too early to call Debra to check up on Tanya or to hash everything over.

  Lulled by the breeze and cocooned in the surprisingly comfortable bedding, Violet found herself dozing off again, enjoying the luxury of sleeping in. She was woken up two hours later by the ringing of the phone, it was Jeremy.


  “Hey, you.”

  “Hey, you,” she repeated, trying to keep her voice calm and nonchalant. She hated the feeling of relief that flooded through her at his call. She had been single for a while and it had been many years since she had dated or been with a man and a part of her had gone to bed terrified she wouldn’t hear from him anymore. Violet took in a deep breath and counted to five before answering his cheerful how are you.

  “I’m good, you?”

  “Couldn’t be better, sleep well?”

  “Yes, you?”

  “Is it corny if I say I slept very very well? What are you doing?”

  “Just lying in bed.”

  “Our makeshift bed from last night?” His voice was low and intimate.

  “Perhaps, yes.”

  “I had an amazing time last night.”

  “Me too, it was wonderful.”

  “Sorry I left so early.”

  “Don’t be, I know you have a demanding schedule.”

  “Hmmmm…what are you wearing?”

  The abruptness of the question threw Violet by surprise and she giggled at his silliness, “Is someone feeling naughty?”

  “Just a little bit maybe…certain memories are making it very difficult to not feel naughty.”

  “Oh is that so, and what kind of memories would those be?”

  “The kind where a beautiful woman lays on a bed touching her dark, rosy nipples, writhing in pleasure.”

  A mental image of herself spread out on Jeremy’s bed rubbing her own nipples filled Violet’s head. To her immense surprise, her nipples started to stiffen and a fluttery feeling settled into her stomach as she imagined Jeremy’s hands exploring the curves of her body. A sigh escaped her lips.

  Jeremy’s voice was low and husky, “I wish I could be with you right now, Vy. I miss you already. I want to taste you again.”

  “Me too, so much.” Feeling a little dirty, she impulsively added, “I’m so wet for you right now.”

  He groaned, “Oh God, you’re making me hard.”

  Feeling bolder and wishing to torment him some more she whispered, “I’m lying in bed naked and touching myself.”

  “Stop! Stop! Please. I have to go see patients now, I can’t have naked images of you in my head.”

  “You’re the one who started it,” she taunted him. “Admit defeat?”

  “Yes, yes, defeat. I’m waving the white flag in defeat. But you can rest assured you’ll be paying for this torment later tonight.”

  At the mention of seeing him later that day, the fluttery feeling in her stomach got stronger and she looked at the clock again, it was close to 8a.m. Later tonight seemed like a forever away.

  “So I will see you later tonight? No double shifts at the hospital today?”

  “No, not today. I’m working an earlier shift at the hospital today again so I shouldn’t be too late, I’ll bring dinner.”

  “I don’t mind making dinner.”

  “It’s your day off today, no? I want you to relax and enjoy your day with Tanya. I’ll give you a call when I’m done and know what time I’m coming.”

  “Okay…” she hesitated a little before adding in a rushed whisper, “I can’t wait to see you tonight.”

  She could feel Jeremy smiling on the other end, “I can’t wait to see you either.”

  “Last night was wonderful,” she said repeating her earlier sentiment.

  “Yes it was. Don’t be too naughty, okay?”

  “I won’t have to if you hurry on over.”

  “Don’t tempt me Vy…God I wish. But it will have to be tonight, inch by inch I’m going to have my revenge on you.”

  She shivered at the delicious promise and hung up the phone, unconsciously counting down the minutes until he would call again. She was appalled at her behavior, but she couldn’t help it, Jeremy was rousing long dormant emotions within her again, making her feel things she thought she would never experience again. The feelings were both exciting and terrifying. Thankfully she didn’t have too long to analyze the various emotions because the phone rang again soon after, it was Debra letting her know she was going to be heading over with Tanya soon and to put on a fresh pot of coffee so they could dish.


  Life with Violet in it was suddenly a beautiful thing. For Jeremy his personality seemed to have undergone a drastic change; even his mother remarked to him that he seemed more cheerful and happy. He lived for the days and hours when he got to see her, when he got to spend time with her and Tanya. As much as he loved his intimate dates with Violet where they talked, laughed and had a lot of sex, sometimes in very unsuitable places, he also made sure they spent a lot of time with Tanya going to the movies, picnics and even a trip to the zoo. People would see them walking down the street, a picture perfect family with the handsome doctor and a beautiful curvy woman and their angelic child. The more they did things together, the more they felt like a family. And Jeremy was shocked to discover how much he loved the notion of being a family.

  Maybe settling down wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe his mother had a point after all, he thought to himself as time went on. The idea of waking up next to Violet every morning and sharing his life with her and Tanya sounded like a wonderful dream. He imagined them going on family trips, swimming with dolphins or going on a safari. He imagined having children with Violet, little boys or girls running around a big front yard playing tag or kicking around a soccer ball. These were all pleasant visions and for the first time in his life, Jeremy began to appreciate the smaller things in life, he began to find pleasure in watching the sun rise or appreciate the smell in the air after a heavy rainfall.

  Even all his material possessions began to hold more meaning because they were things he could share with Violet and Tanya. Although he longed to buy them everything he could, Violet refused to accept anything from him and was very strict about him spending money on them. After multiple arguments, he stopped trying t
o buy them gifts out of respect to her because he knew Violet worried constantly about the differences in their social status. It was a discussion they had gone over many times and no matter how much Jeremy tried to explain none of it mattered to him, he knew it mattered to her.

  But they were blissfully happy nonetheless and things were starting to get serious between them when something earth shattering happened that popped Jeremy’s bubble of happiness. One of his patients who he thought was recovering well suddenly passed away due to a fatal reaction to the medication he was taking, and his distraught wife paid him a visit at his office the day after, angry and upset.

  “It’s your fault he died!” she shrieked, lifting a finger she pointed at him accusingly, “Your fault! You gave him the wrong medication, he died because he trusted you. May you rot forever in hell!”

  Jeremy tried to find the right words to calm her but his tongue felt heavy and his mouth dry. He had nothing to say. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw security heading their way. The few patients who had been sitting in the waiting room were openly staring at them, fascinated by the screaming woman and her accusations.


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