Spin Devil

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Spin Devil Page 3

by Red Garnier

  “You’re very aroused, Cleo. So wet. You’ve made it a habit of lying to yourself all these years.”

  “I don’t…lie. Please stop…stop this.”

  “Do you really want me to stop?”

  It was hard to look at him. Hard to look at his proud, powerful face, but she forced herself to. Bravely, she opened her eyes and met his lethal black gaze, biting her lower lip in a futile attempt to keep it from trembling. It wasn’t fair that he should know. Know how and where to touch her, to bend her will in such a way. “Yes.”

  That shaky word brought a well of stinging tears to her eyes and she quickly dropped her eyelashes to hide them from him. There was no way in hell she was ever going to admit that she wanted him. No way in hell would she ever succumb to his caresses, to his domination, no matter what her body wanted. No matter what her heart said. The poor thing was badly broken and poorly mended. The little dear obviously had no idea what it was in for if she succumbed. It was not in its best interest and she would not willingly put herself through four more years of misery.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and drew in a deep breath. She wouldn’t let him see her cry. Why should she cry? All she had to do was say no and mean it, and this would be over with. Sebastian might be the meanest son of a bitch in the world but her friends—no matter how far gone and drunk—would never allow him to hurt her. And deep down, Cleo knew it.

  “What is this?” Sebastian whispered, his breath hot against her face as he bent forward. She would have preferred he mock her, for the concern in his voice was even more painful. His thumbs brushed the wetness from the corners of her eyes. “Are you crying, Cleo?”

  Cleo forced her eyes open with the last remaining shreds of hostility she’d clung to like a lifesaver. “I hate you,” she hissed.

  The men’s grips tightened around her wrists when she tried to pull away but her movements were weak, as if she’d been somehow drained of all energy. She tried once again but before even making a decent effort, went limp in defeat. Maybe it was better to stop fighting so he could finish with her already—finish the slow, painful torment he’d subjected her to for years. Perhaps when he was through she might not feel anything anymore. Maybe this overwhelming hate for him would be replaced by nothing but a welcome, blissful numbness.

  “Baby…I want to make you shudder and scream and moan. I don’t want you to cry.” He cupped her face with his big, strong hands and brushed his lips against hers. Cleo lost her breath completely when he pressed his lips to hers firmly and forced his tongue into her mouth.

  Fire. She was on fire…blazing under the strokes of his strong, wet tongue.

  Heat flamed inside her like a furnace and he fed it with every thrust, every dark claim of his tongue. He pillaged her lips, claimed every inch of her as his own. She fell under his spell, his black magic, and even moaned when he tilted his head sideways to gain better access. He tasted of things that were hazardous, bad for your health—beer and cigarettes and man. It couldn’t be good for her, feeling this. It couldn’t be good for her, wanting him. All of him. All the time.

  When he withdrew, Cleo was feverish and breathing harshly.

  “Why don’t I give you a few minutes to think about it?” Sebastian calmly suggested, seemingly unaffected by the same kiss that had left her limp, dazed and burning.

  Chapter Three

  Cleo shuddered when he left her, suddenly feeling cold and vulnerable, her chest heaving with each breath, her eyes wild and desperate on his retreating back.

  For a crazy moment she would now promptly forget, she wanted to beg him to come back to her. Beg him to touch her, fuck her. Beg him to break the strict, self-imposed restrictions she’d lived with her whole life and make loud, crazy love to her like he had to the women who’d stumbled out of his dorm room after hours and hours of moaning. Instead, she silently watched as he paused before Luella and stretched a hand out to her, palm up.

  “Let’s show Cleo how it’s done, shall we?”

  “With you? Are you kidding me? I’ve lived for this moment.”

  There was a sharp spark of desperation in Cleo’s eyes as she watched Luella daintily set her hand in his bigger one. He lifted her to her feet with an effortless tug and with slow, precise movements that meant he did this sort of thing very often—more often than Cleo would like to know—began to remove Luella’s clothing.

  He pulled the pink cotton top over her head then kissed her lips while his hands worked on the button of her tight blue jeans. Luella wore no bra, and her breasts heaved as she bent and helped him undress her. Her jeans dropped to her ankles with a soft whoosh. Standing in all her splendor, wearing only a flimsy pair of panties, Luella stepped out of her jeans and toward the glorious man before her.

  “Nice,” Sebastian whispered, eyeing her appreciatively.

  Luella moaned when his hand disappeared into the soft silk fabric of her panties. Cleo’s throat went dry, and although the hold of the men beside her had slackened around her wrists, she was too engrossed in the scene unfolding to even notice.

  “You’re so wet, so slippery, baby,” Sebastian said in a hot, husky voice.

  Luella’s answer was a deep, loud moan and a thrust of her hips against Sebastian’s probing hand.

  “Bas, please,” Luella begged, rubbing her breasts against his chest and rocking her pelvis against the onslaught of his hand.

  “In a moment, sweetheart…but first things first.”

  He took Luella’s shoulders and turned her around to face Cleo. He stood behind her, a whole head taller than she was, and Cleo was helpless but to watch the slow movement of his lips as they grazed Luella’s earlobe while his hands cupped her breasts from behind. His fingers were long and tapered, his hands big and sleek, easily managing to cup the whole flesh of Luella’s perfect silicone breasts.

  “Do you see this, Cleo?” he asked softly, his eyes boring into hers. His thumbs ran circles around Luella’s areolas. “This is what I want to do to you.”

  He buried his face in Luella’s neck and nuzzled it with his lips while one of his hands traveled down past her navel, sinking into her panties once again. Cleo could clearly see the movement of his finger beneath the shimmering white fabric. It rose and stretched as the lean limb of his finger slowly thrust inside her. Moaning, Luella threw her head back, her long blonde-streaked hair falling over Sebastian’s shoulder.

  “See, Cleo? She likes it. So will you.”

  Cleo’s energy was now solely directed into fighting the wild, consuming ardor burning inside her. She met Sebastian’s compelling black eyes and remained silent as she watched him slowly pull away from Luella and begin to undress. She could feel his gaze engulfing her, slowly shredding away her decency, her morale, until everything she felt was nothing short of animal.

  “Take off your panties, sweetheart,” he uttered to Luella.

  In her hurry, Luella was faster than he was, flushed and eager to be taken by him, while Sebastian took his time. When Cleo finally saw him fully naked, his clothes discarded over the sand, she swore she hated him more than ever before.

  He was perfection, as tempting as sin itself. His was a body worthy of a centerfold, no airbrushing needed, no cropping or pasting. Just as he was. Tall, lean and muscled. His skin was tight over his muscles and deeply tanned, gleaming against the flickering lanterns like polished gold. Cleo all but gaped at the curves of his biceps and arms, the hardness of his pectorals, the lean, muscled valley of his stomach.

  And then his cock, standing tall and proud from a mat of hair as dark as his eyes. It was a weapon, one used to claim and conquer, and to have the honor of sheltering it, to sheathe and nurture it, had to be in its very own way a small piece of heaven. Cleo remembered thinking of it, dreaming of it, wanting it madly and to no reason.

  She hadn’t wanted to want him. Of the hundreds of men she’d met in her life, Sebastian was the last man she’d ever wanted to fall for. He was everything she’d been taught to avoid, everything she�
�d stayed away from her whole life. There was nothing honorable about him.

  If only her body would listen.

  Suddenly Haley joined them. When Sebastian cupped Luella’s hips from behind and slid his cock inside her, Haley knelt behind him, lowered herself between his long, powerful legs and slowly began to suck on the big, heavy balls dangling temptingly above her.

  “Whatever you do, Haley baby, don’t stop,” Sebastian said in a low, raspy voice, his words earning him a soft little moan and a long, thorough lick to the balls from the eager Haley, who’d closed her eyes and was kissing and nipping his sac like a starved person. As if suffering from a deadly fever, Luella bent forward and brusquely shoved back her ass to receive his length completely.

  For some reason Cleo was simply not aware of, Sebastian’s eyes never left her. Even when she’d been absorbed studying every inch of his naked body, she’d felt his piercing black eyes on her. And now, as he rhythmically slid his throbbing cock inside Luella, shoving his hips against her buttocks and making her breasts bounce from the force of his thrusts while Haley pleased him from underneath, he had eyes only for Cleo.

  She couldn’t stand it, the heat of his gaze, the dark proposal in it.

  Cleo closed her eyes to block the image but when she did, she found that the sight of Sebastian taking Luella from behind had been indelibly branded onto her retinas. Luella screamed like a she-cat and Cleo found little comfort in the pitch-blackness of her closed eyelids, for it was impossible to block their sounds. Her brain conjured up images as she listened to Sebastian’s harsh, deep breaths, Luella’s hussy little moans and Haley’s low, savoring whimpers.

  A moan tore from Cleo’s chest when a pair of lips closed around her nipple. Her eyes opened to find David bending to take the other nipple into his mouth while Jason licked and suckled the one he’d found first. Jason groaned in agony, as if he were in a terrible amount of pain, and then she realized he’d pulled out his dick and was slowly stroking himself.

  Cleo felt her sex tighten at the onslaught. Two tongues circling her nipples, two hungry mouths suckling her breasts.

  “Do you like this, Cleo?” David murmured against the flesh of her breast. “Would you like us to kiss you? Pleasure you?”

  She whimpered in answer and at the deep wanton sound, they both groaned, the vibrations on her flesh sending waves of pleasure through her body in torrents.

  Her eyes fell on Sebastian’s powerful form, his hips slamming against Luella’s buttocks while she yelped in heat and need and want. Haley was now cupping his buttocks and grazing the thin skin of his balls with her teeth, slightly tugging, and Cleo watched Sebastian close his eyes and groan deep with pleasure.

  She used to get both captured and enraged when she’d watched him simply kiss someone. Now, watching him with two women while she sat there naked, waiting like a captive for him to come to her, felt like dying. A war raged within her, desire, jealousy, hate and want collided and fought, made her whimper in frustration, desperation. Her sex clenched with desire while her soul seemed to shatter into a thousand pieces.

  “Can I put my dick on your tits baby?” Jason asked, his voice thick and urgent as he stroked himself.

  “Yes,” she found herself saying in a low, sultry voice.

  Yes, because she was crazy and angry and burning. Yes, because she wanted to hurt Sebastian Russo, hurt him like he was hurting her right now, torturing her as he had sex with the other women. Loving them. Touching them. Just like in college.

  David moved behind her and nuzzled her earlobe while Jason positioned himself in front of her and gently guided his cock to her breasts with a raw, frenzied look of ecstasy.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Cleo. I just want to rub my dick…here.” Cupping the sides of her full, heavy breasts, he pressed them together while he thrust his dick between them with slow, deliberate strokes. “You’ve got awesome tits, Cleo. They feel so good around my cock, so soft and big. Oh…baby…oh shit.”

  Cleo felt feverish, aroused at the thought of Sebastian seeing her like this, of making him feel the rage, the hatred, the desperation she felt in watching him do what he was doing. She’d been watching him fondle and kiss other women for years—dying slowly each time.

  “Yes…yes, Jason!” Cleo urged—and then she knew. Could feel it as certain as she felt her own pulse—Sebastian was watching. He was watching Jason as he rocked above her, whispering praises to her as he fondled and fucked her breasts, and all she could hope for—pray for—was that he would feel even a trace of the sheer, destructive pain he made her feel.

  Thrusting faster, Jason groaned and pressed her breasts tighter together. Leaning back against David’s chest, Cleo could feel his gaze burn the top of her head as he watched in fascination the way Jason’s erect cock fairly disappeared between the huge mountains of her breasts.

  “Your tits…so amazing…so soft…so damned huge…” Jason whispered. He looked down at her with ravaged blue eyes. “I wanna come, Cleo. I wanna come on your tits.”

  The carnal look in his eyes sent a spark of heat from her sex to every nerve in her body like a thunderbolt. She trembled slightly and arched her back as Jason pumped his hips and shuddered over her, shooting his semen in several thick, creamy spurts just above her breasts. His come was warm when it spilled and dribbled down her skin, trailing a shiny path toward her nipples.

  “Lick it baby,” he breathed, still shuddering slightly and rocking his hips in slow, receding efforts.

  For some ungodly reason she did as he asked. She pushed up her breasts and licked her skin, her own sweat and his semen. Jason plopped down to her side, his movement revealing Sebastian’s gaze, hot and livid on her. Under his watch, Cleo made an art of licking Jason’s semen with the tip of her tongue, drawing it into her mouth ever so slowly, as if it were a banquet. It was salty, warm, with a musky scent that filled her nostrils.

  Sebastian’s expression was that of an enraged, lustful demon as he watched her, narrow-eyed, his hands fisting over Luella’s hips. He was ramming into her like a primitive beast, the tight, sinewy muscles of his arms and legs rippling as he did so. Only seconds after Luella shuddered beneath him did he walk toward Cleo, his cock glistening from Luella’s juices and straining up toward the sky in defiance.

  “Cleo’s mine, fucking jerk-offs. Find yourselves another partner,” he snapped.

  David and Jason scrambled across the sand and Sebastian’s eyes fell to the distended crests of her nipples, shining with both men’s kisses and Jason’s semen.

  Growling low in his throat, he dropped to his knees before her, cupping her breasts in his hands and brushing his thumbs over the wetness, erasing their marks. Braced back on her elbows, Cleo was no longer being held down except by the force of his fierce black gaze, and she found it was just as efficient.

  She swore she hated him, and how she could hate him so powerfully when she’d loved him so deeply and wanted him so much was a mystery she would probably never in her life understand.

  Gathering saliva, she spit at him, sent it splattering to his face. Snarling, he narrowed his eyes, bending forward so that his bared teeth were only an inch away from her face. “You’ll regret that, Cleo.” Just as quickly he spat at her pussy, and she jerked at the impact of his saliva against her swollen labia and clit. Pressing his hands against her shoulders, he brutally forced her down on the sand.

  “Let me go,” she hissed with more force than she thought she could manage.

  “If you want to play the coy little virgin girl, that’s fine with me. I’m fucking you anyway.”

  Lowering her voice to a mere whisper, she searched his face with wide, cautious eyes. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I want to.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Just because you want and you can do something doesn’t mean you should!”

  His fingers dug into her shoulders. “Is that what’s kept you from my bed all these years?”

  “That, yes! And the fact that y
ou’re a vicious, rude, crude, nasty gigolo!”

  “Maybe if you’d given me some of this I wouldn’t have had to sleep with half the town, baby,” he gritted, cupping her cunt in his palm and brusquely rubbing in his saliva.

  Cleo stiffened at the touch, biting back a moan.

  When the pad of his thumb scraped over her clit, a scorching heat, swift and blinding, surged through her body in shock waves. She fought to still it, control it, tensing her muscles as it unleashed. Sebastian’s thick lips were an inch from hers and when he spoke, the scent of beer wafted to her nostrils, dizzying her. “I’ll bet your pussy is sweeter than any I’ve ever tasted before.”

  “No,” she breathed. “You’re mean. You’re a devil, Sebastian.”

  “Yes, I am. And I’ve been in hell because of you.” He parted her legs farther and shoved his hard chest between her thighs, gazing down at her swollen sex with hot, heavy eyes. “You’re so horny I can smell you, Cleo—it makes me want to eat you.” Her cunt flooded with desire when he bent and grazed her curls with his lips. Then, ever so slowly, he flicked his tongue and licked her clit with a single deep stroke.

  It was hell.

  “Sebastian, please don’t…”

  Don’t do this or don’t stop? she vaguely wondered. His touch felt so good yet at the same time, so very painful. She couldn’t think, couldn’t concentrate…could only feel. His swift, powerful tongue was now spearing inside her creamy pussy like a sword, killing her resistance with each thrust.

  “Quit the chat and fuck her, Bas,” Jason called from behind. “Fuck those tits, man!”

  “Yeah, we want to hear Cleo moan. Time to loosen up, Cleo sweetie,” Haley offered cheerily. “The time has come for you to come!”

  Sebastian growled between her legs, not liking the intrusion of their voices, not a man who appreciated being told what to do. But his tongue remained, delving inside her and Cleo thought she’d die from the shame. She was ashamed that she was enjoying this, ashamed to admit that, yes, she’d always—always—wanted this man. Inside her. Fucking. Taking. Cursing. Biting.


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