The Jersey Scene series box set

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The Jersey Scene series box set Page 34

by Georgina Troy

  Sebastian looked over his shoulder at her and grinned. ‘Are you not paying attention to my tour?’

  Paige grimaced, aware that she’d been caught out. ‘Yes,’ she fibbed, taking in how perfectly his white T-shirt showed off his taut back. She was going to have to be careful to guard her feelings against this man. What the hell was she thinking, only yesterday she was upset about Jeremy. She studied Sebastian silently once more. If only she’d known him before now, maybe she wouldn’t have wasted so much emotion on her ex.

  Sebastian stopped abruptly, and Paige slammed into his hard body. ‘Ouch.’ She rubbed her nose.

  ‘Are you OK?’ he turned and taking her face in his hands inspected the damage, concern obvious on his face. ‘Does it hurt much?’

  ‘Does your back?’ She tried to sound light-hearted to hide her embarrassment and wiped the tears away from her streaming eyes.

  He shook his head. ‘No, I’m fine. Come here,’ he said, his voice tender. He pulled her into a hug. ‘You’re so refreshing to be around.’

  Paige frowned, wincing in pain. ‘I am?’ She wasn’t sure that was the impression she was trying to give him. She would have rather he thought her sophisticated.

  ‘There’s nothing wrong with that, surely?’

  ‘Are you laughing at me?’

  Sebastian pulled a scared face. ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’

  She slapped his arm. ‘Stop teasing me.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he said putting his arm around her shoulders and leading her down the road once more. ‘How about that coffee? Maybe we could have some cake too?’

  She tilted her head. ‘It sounds tempting.’

  He took her across the road to the café, and after she’d pointed out the cake she wanted to try, Sebastian ordered their coffees and led her to two seats at a table outside where they could watch the visitors coming and going from the entrance to the Pompeii site.

  ‘I don’t know how you drink that stuff,’ she said, pointing at his double espresso. ‘A latte is strong enough for me.’ She took a sip of her drink. ‘Tell me, what exactly do you do for a living?’

  Sebastian shrugged. ‘I work for my godfather. He has various interests, which is why I travel so much.’

  ‘And he has business over here, too?’

  ‘He does.’

  ‘Which is why you’re here now?’ She took a sip from her drink, just as a thought occurred to her. Breathing in sharply, the latte went down her throat the wrong way. She cleared her throat.

  Sebastian patted her on the back. ‘Hey, are you all right? I seem to be causing you more pain than anything else today and that really wasn’t my intention.’

  Paige nodded. She tried her best to catch her breath, drinking a little more to clear her throat. She noticed he was watching her. ‘What?’

  ‘You look thoughtful. What’s the matter?’

  She gazed at him trying to reason with herself. How well did she know this man? Would she have been so quick to accept his invitation to dinner, and now to Pompeii, if he hadn’t been so incredibly handsome? There was something about him, a power he exuded but seemed unaware of.

  ‘What?’ He frowned.

  She looked around to check that no one was in earshot and then leant in closer to him. ‘You’re not in the mafia, are you?’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  She could see he was trying not to laugh at her. ‘You heard me.’

  ‘Why would you think that?’ he whispered, the amusement in his voice obvious. ‘Do I look like I’m a member of the mafia?’

  ‘You do, actually,’ she said thinking of the gangster films Jeremy enjoyed so much.

  Sebastian gazed across at the ruins thoughtfully. ‘Is this because I mentioned working for my godfather?’

  Paige, not trusting herself to speak, nodded.

  He lowered his head a little. ‘No, I’m not.’ Paige looked up at him, not looking convinced by his assurance. ‘Really, I’m not. The only business my godfather,’ he lowered his voice and smiled, ‘who is also my uncle, has over here is with property. I needed to sign some paperwork on his behalf, that’s all. Nothing dodgy about it, I can assure you.’

  She felt a little awkward. She was sure he was being honest, and now she’d probably gone and ruined their day by accusing him of taking part in criminal activities. ‘Look at that,’ she said, desperate to change the subject. She pointed at a small church perched on the edge of the hill that had been cut away to reveal the ruins tens of feet beneath. ‘How odd must it be to live up there and look down on all this? It’s like a huge graveyard really, isn’t it?’

  Sebastian looked in the direction of her focus and then back at her. ‘It’s all right, you haven’t insulted me, if that’s what you’re worried about.’

  She turned to him, his tanned face untainted by sarcasm, or annoyance, and she believed him. ‘Sorry, but I had to ask.’

  He smiled at her, kindness exuding from his dark eyes. ‘I know, and it’s fine.’

  Paige smiled. ‘Phew, that’s a relief. I thought for a moment there that you’d resigned as my tour guide.’

  ‘Not a chance.’ He raised his cup. ‘Here’s to our Italian tour continuing for as long as possible.’

  ‘I’ll drink to that.’ She took a drink from her coffee cup and looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. ‘Are you busy tomorrow, or will you be able to show me more of the sights?’

  ‘I have an early conference call to make, but my diary is pretty clear. Maybe we should have a quieter day. We can investigate the small shops in the old town and then have lunch down in Marina Piccolo.’

  ‘I like the thought of eating there.’ She wondered if he was making the time to take her to all these places and felt a little guilty that the notion pleased her. She was supposed to be devastated by being jilted. Surely, she couldn’t recover from Jeremy’s actions so quickly? Then again, the shock of him jilting her had subsided a little, and now all she could muster was a deep anger towards him for being able to lie so convincingly to her.

  ‘I’ve got a busy day after tomorrow, but then things should ease off. I thought maybe I could buy tickets for us to take the ferry across to Capri.’

  ‘I’ve always wanted to visit Capri. I hear the views are awesome, especially from the old town palazzo.’ She tried to hold back from giving away too much of the excitement she was feeling. ‘Maybe we can have lunch up there, my treat as a thank you for you showing me around.’

  He laughed. ‘You don’t have to do that.’

  She narrowed her eyes, determined not to let him pay for everything. He’d already insisted on paying for last night’s meal and the tickets for the ruins of Pompeii. ‘No, it’s my turn to pay for something. You bought these, don’t forget.’ She motioned towards the coffees, and the plates displaying their impressive slices of cake that the waitress was placing on their small metal table.

  ‘Fine, but then I’ll want to arrange for us to take a taxi for a tour to see the Blue Grotto.’

  She nodded. ‘Sounds perfect.’

  Chapter Three

  Paige ate her breakfast and stared silently out of the dining room window overlooking the mist-covered roofs of the ancient town by the Bay of Naples. She didn’t know if it was being away from her recent disappointments, or simply the time she’d been spending with Sebastian, but whatever it was she felt sure that inside she was beginning to heal.

  She watched a cruise liner drop anchor off the Marina Piccolo, imagining the excited passengers setting off to explore the tiny cobbled streets, and wondered if the cruise her parents had booked on the Queen Victoria would be docking here. Dad would love this, she thought. She spotted a clock in a coffee shop, and remembered she was taking a boat with Sebastian to Capri in an hour’s time. She would have to hurry, if she wasn’t going to be late to meet him.

  ‘Good morning,’ he said, standing up to greet her as she hurried into the reception area.

  ‘I’m not late, am I?’

  ‘No. The fe
rry goes back and forth several times throughout the day. It’s only in the evening when we have to keep an eye on the time; otherwise we’ll be stuck there until the following day.’

  Paige straightened her top. She’d decided to wear linen trousers and a baggy blue top to keep cool. ‘It’s hot today,’ she said, plonking her floppy straw hat on her head.

  ‘Loving the hat,’ he said.

  ‘It’s not too much, is it?’

  He led her outside. ‘You’re a hard woman to compliment,’ he said. ‘I wouldn’t say I liked your hat if I didn’t.’

  ‘Don’t you ever lie?’

  He shook his head. ‘Not if I can help it.’ He motioned for her to walk ahead, when the pavement became too narrow for them to walk side by side.


  Sebastian shook his head. ‘Why the surprise, do you lie?’

  ‘No, of course not, but in my experience, men find lying infinitely easier than women do.’

  ‘That’s a matter of opinion,’ he said smiling at her.

  Paige shrugged. ‘OK, so maybe not you, but I definitely know some who find it easier to lie than tell the truth.’

  ‘They sound despicable,’ he laughed.

  ‘They are,’ she agreed, pushing a picture of Jeremy from her mind.

  Paige insisted on standing at the back of the boat on the way to Capri.

  Sebastian stood next to her, leaning against the edge of the railings and stared out at sharp rocks emerging from the Aegean Sea ahead. ‘I think you’re going to love it there.’

  Paige breathed in deeply, relishing the salty air. ‘I can’t wait. What are we going to do first?’

  ‘You’ll have to wait and see.’

  As their boat drew closer to the island, she could see varying sizes of white homes clinging to the side of the steep hills rising sharply from the sea. ‘It’s magnificent.’

  ‘It is.’ Seb said.

  She turned to smile at him, wondering for a moment if he’d meant the island, or her. She hoped it was the latter. She’d woken with butterflies in her stomach at the thought of seeing him this morning. Bea hated to think of this idyll ending. He had the personality and looks that could break hearts, and she was going to have to be wary and not allow herself to get carried away with the magic of being here with Sebastian. It was far too soon after being jilted, especially as she knew she could no longer trust her instincts when it came to men.

  They waited for the ferry to dock and Sebastian took her hand to help her off the boat and onto the dockside. ‘Where would you like to go to first?’ Paige asked, pushing aside her concerns, impatient to start exploring the island.

  ‘We’re going with him.’ Sebastian pointed over at a red fifties drophead Cadillac. ‘He’s taking us in his taxi to the Grotta Azzurra, the Blue Grotto. I thought you’d like to see that first.’

  ‘Yes, please.’

  The taxi driver welcomed Sebastian by shaking his hand and giving him a brief hug. ‘Signor Fielding, is good to see you again. And this must be your beautiful Signora.’ He opened the door for them, waiting for them to get settled.

  Paige sighed. This was like a dream. She settled back against the warm red leather interior and looked across the wide back seat at Sebastian.

  He leant an elbow on the ridge of his open window. ‘You approve?’ He smiled.

  She nodded. ‘I do.’ She rested a hand on his leg. ‘You ready to leave?’ Their driver squinted in the bright sunlight in the rear-view mirror at Sebastian, who nodded.

  Paige was relieved that the car moved off instantly, the force of the acceleration momentarily pushing both their heads backwards. Sebastian laughed, and her awkwardness forgotten, Paige did too.

  The taxi slowed down once again, and the driver settled into a gentle speed. The vehicle purred around the coast. Paige gasped at the first of the sheer drops on her side of the car. ‘I never realised Capri was so enchanting.’

  ‘You haven’t seen anything yet,’ he said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes for a moment.

  She focused on her surroundings. Who knew if she’d ever be lucky enough to visit this magnificent place again? She glanced at Sebastian, surreptitiously grateful to be kept busy, so her troubles back at home in Jersey didn’t sting quite so much.

  The driver pointed out properties where famous people had lived as they drove by. She wasn’t sure who Gracie Fields was, but seemed to recall her father mentioning the name. She must tell him about this place. As they rounded a sharp bend, the dramatic cliff side came into view, and Paige couldn’t help comparing it to the north coast on a sweltering summer day in Jersey. How many times had she and Jeremy walked along the cliff paths when they were first seeing each other, she wondered. They even had a spot where he’d dreamt of building their perfect home. Not that they could have ever afforded to do so, but it had been fun to make plans, however improbable. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Maybe, just maybe he had done her a favour? Olly had never overly liked him, despite being polite whenever the two had been in the same room together.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Sebastian asked, snapping her out of her daydream.

  Paige forced a smile. ‘Yes, of course.’

  He thought for a moment before speaking. ‘It’s just that sometimes, these high roads can be a little unnerving to people who have a problem with heights.’

  Paige shook her head. ‘No, it’s magnificent. I was just thinking, that’s all.’ She pushed away the thought that she should be sharing this ride with her husband, but rather than upset her as that thought probably should have done, she couldn’t help feeling happy to be spending today with Sebastian. The realisation made her a little uneasy. How could she be so fickle? She was positive she’d been in love with Jeremy just over a week ago. Was she still in some sort of shock since discovering he’d been sleeping with her friend? She wasn’t sure, but it made her question how she could have ever truly loved him enough to get married, if this was how she felt right now.

  ‘If you need someone to talk to, I’m a good listener.’ He shrugged. ‘Most of the time.’

  Paige laughed. ‘No, it’s fine. Thank you though.’

  She focused on the view as the car descended the steep hill. The turquoise blue of the sea was enticing and made her long to kick off her shoes and cool her feet in the sparkling ocean, but more than anything she wanted to forget Jeremy existed, at least for today.

  The car wove its way down the narrow roads until they reached a beach and stopped. ‘Thank you,’ said Sebastian as he stepped out of the car. ‘Will you collect us in about an hour please?’

  ‘Si, enjoy the grotto.’

  ‘This way,’ Sebastian winked at her. ‘I think you’ll like it here.’

  He took her to a small boat and helped her climb in. Paige sat in the middle and waited for Sebastian to step past so that he could sit behind her. ‘I’ll never forget the first time I visited this special place.’

  Paige couldn’t hide her excitement. ‘I’ve never visited a grotto before. Well, apart from Santa’s one at the garden centre near my parents’ home, of course.’

  Sebastian laughed. The sound was deep and made her smile. ‘I hope you won’t mind not finding any elves or fairies in this one?’

  ‘What? No Santa either?’

  He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. ‘Nope, sorry.’

  ‘I’m not sure if I want to bother going there then.’ She rested her hands on her hips.


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