The Jersey Scene series box set

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The Jersey Scene series box set Page 55

by Georgina Troy

  ‘Are you OK?’ he whispered, moving away from her.

  Paige nodded. She smiled up at him and stood up.

  ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘I’m not going anywhere,’ she said, gently pulling her hand from his and lifting her arm to unzip her dress. She watched Sebastian, transfixed and silent, as she lowered first one, then the other shoulder strap, pushing the material slowly past her hips, stepping out of it when it reached the floor.

  ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he murmured, standing up and kissing her neck.

  ‘I think you’ve got a little catching up to do, don’t you?’ she teased. ‘You’re still fully clothed.’

  Sebastian hurriedly pulled off his tie, undid his shirt, losing patience and ripping off the last few buttons.

  Paige took hold of his belt, smiling to herself as she felt him hold his breath. She undid the buckle, then his trousers, only taking her eyes off him to look down as they fell onto the floor. Sebastian kicked them off and took her in his arms.

  ‘Not yet,’ she giggled. ‘We haven’t finished undressing.’

  Sebastian smiled and slid a finger into the straps of her bra, lowering one side, taking her nipple in his mouth. Paige groaned. He sucked gently, flicking his tongue back and forth across the tip. She felt as if her legs were about to give way, but he held her tightly to him. She dropped her head back, when he lowered his free hand down lightly over her belly and into her lace panties.

  She sighed, glad he was holding her up, this was so good. ‘No, wait.’

  Sebastian sighed. ‘Really?’ he breathed, his mouth returning to her nipple just as he brought her to the peak of ecstasy.

  ‘Oh God,’ she cried. Paige felt like she was dying. She didn’t care about anything apart from this man and the incredible places he was taking her to. He held her in his arms, kissing her face, her neck, her shoulders.

  Her senses recovering slightly, she smiled at him. ‘I’m so selfish,’ she whispered, aware she’d done nothing at all for him.

  ‘There’s nothing selfish about how you make me feel,’ he said.

  Paige sighed. She moved back slightly. She loved him and wanted to make him feel as good as she felt. ‘Your turn now, I think.’

  She slipped a finger in either side of his boxers, slowly lowering them, her eyes widening as she saw him completely naked for the first time. Paige gawped at him for a few seconds and then realized Sebastian was watching her, looked up at his face.

  He smiled. ‘You’re going to make me feel self-conscious, if you keep staring at me like that.’ He bent slightly and putting his hands under her arms lifted her gently to her feet. He stepped out of his discarded shorts. ‘You are so beautiful.’

  Wanting to take control again, she ran her hands up his muscular thighs, Sebastian tensed when her fingers took hold of his hard buttocks. ‘I’m really enjoying this,’ she said, sighing happily. She kissed his neck, relishing the pressure of his chest against her breasts. He moved to take hold of her, but she shook her head. ‘No,’ she said, hearing his breath catch in his throat as she took him in her hand.

  Sebastian groaned. ‘Enough,’ he said quietly. ‘Come here.’

  She happily let him lower her down to the Persian rug and kissed his shoulder, impatient for him to make love to her.

  He worked his way down, from her mouth to her neck, nipping lightly at her breasts. Paige wanted to cry out, when he reached her stomach. He moved down to her hips and between her legs. She pushed her fingers into his hair, losing any thoughts of control.

  ‘Oh, this is …’ She groaned louder, as his tongue connected with her in the most delightful way. Then remembering Harwood was somewhere in the house, Paige bit on her lower lip to keep from making so much noise. ‘Please,’ she sighed. ‘Please’ what, she wasn’t sure. Losing herself to the pleasure of Sebastian was delicious in so many ways.

  ‘I’ve been waiting so long to do this,’ he said, moving back up to face her, his voice husky with lust. ‘You’re so perfect.’ He paused. ‘Shall I fetch some protection?’

  Paige shook her head. ‘I’m on the pill.’

  Sebastian grinned and kissed her, pressing himself against her as she moved under him, driven to near madness. Sebastian smiled as he entered her.

  Paige closed her eyes, lifting her legs around his waist and arching up to him. She wrapped her arms around his broad back, lost in a delirious haze as he thrust into her taking her breath away. She clung to him as the compounding exquisiteness of sensations washed through her. Everything obliterated from her senses apart from this man and what he was doing to her. Paige cried out as she felt her body explode into a million shards of pleasure, seconds before Sebastian groaned, reaching his own shuddering climax.

  ‘You are incredible,’ he whispered.

  She could feel his heart hammering against his chest as she lay enveloped in his arms. Lost in their own thoughts, their breathing slowly returning to normal. Paige shivered.

  ‘You’re cold,’ he frowned. ‘Come with me.’ He stood up and helping her to her feet, picked up his jacket and wrapped it over her naked shoulders, smiling as it swamped her much smaller frame.

  ‘Thank you,’ Paige said. She bent to grab her clothes.

  ‘Here, let me,’ he said, scooping them up.

  She let him take her by the hand and lead her up the stairs to his vast blue bedroom. Throwing back the downy duvet covering his bed, Sebastian lifted her into the middle of it, climbing in behind her and immediately covering them both.

  ‘Better?’ he asked, holding her against him, his warm breath causing her to shiver once more although this time with pleasure.

  ‘Yes,’ she murmured, snuggling closer into him, feeling certain that she would never be this happy, or content, ever again. Paige knew without doubt this was where she wanted to be, always.

  He wrapped himself around her. Paige slowly pushed her hand between her bottom and him, giggling when she discovered he was hard already.

  ‘I know. What can I say?’ he said. She could hear the amusement in his voice. ‘I’ve missed you,’ he said, his voice serious. ‘We have a lot of making up to do.’

  She missed him too but wasn’t ready to think about anything further than tonight.

  Sebastian nuzzled her neck. ‘If you’re going to keep doing what you’re doing, then I’m not going to be able to just lie here.’

  ‘Good,’ she teased, squealing as he flipped her on her back and was on top of her in no time at all.

  ‘I love you, you gorgeous, sexy woman,’ he laughed.

  Paige’s heart contracted as he voiced her own feelings. She dared not believe he might love her, but couldn’t imagine hearing anything more perfect. ‘I love you too,’ she whispered. ‘I think I always have.’

  Sebastian stilled. Resting his weight on his elbows, he stared down at her for a few moments, adoration in his dark blue eyes. ‘We’ve wasted so much time.’

  ‘I know,’ she agreed, pushing her fingers into his hair and pulling his head down until their lips met.

  ‘Again?’ he asked, bending down to kiss her stomach.

  ‘Yes please,’ she said, wriggling underneath him in anticipation.

  They made love again, each unable to get enough of the other. Finally, Paige drifted off into a deep, contented sleep, waking slowly the following morning feeling bruised and sore from their lovemaking. She sighed, gazing around the room through half-opened eyes, relishing her memories of their night together.

  Seb’s leg lay heavily across her own, with an arm draped protectively over her waist. She moved to get more comfortable, instantly feeling him become aroused. Paige stifled a gasp. He couldn’t possibly want her again, she thought, certain he was still asleep.

  ‘I’m not,’ he whispered, his voice gruff in her ear.

  Paige giggled. ‘Did I say that out loud?’ she asked, confused, but delighted at his response.

  ‘I read your mind,’ he kissed the back of her neck, turning her gently over
on her back. ‘Yes?’ he asked.

  ‘Definitely,’ she nodded. Lying back, she slid her hands down over his firm buttocks, pulling him into her as hard as she could. Seb thrust into her slowly at first, then when Paige wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting more, he moved faster and faster until groaning with pleasure he climaxed, moving until she came too.

  ‘You’re exquisite,’ he breathed, his heart pounding against her breasts.

  Paige held him tightly, as they laid back against the warm, creased sheets in sated silence. She couldn’t help smiling. Gradually she dragged her mind back into the present. ‘It’s Saturday,’ she said, panicking that she had forgotten to open the shop.

  ‘No work today. It’s Sunday,’ he said, nuzzling her neck.

  Paige sighed. ‘Unfortunately, I still must leave you,’ she said miserably, wishing she hadn’t promised to cook the meal for Clem and Olly.

  ‘Why? Where do you have go?’

  She looked at her wrist, annoyed that she had forgotten to put on a watch the night before. ‘What’s the time?’

  ‘Don’t panic, it’s still early.’ He leaned over her to peer at his bedside clock. ‘Just after ten.’

  Paige pushed herself up against the thick, downy pillows. ‘I have to go home,’ she said.

  ‘Right now?’

  Paige did not want this dream world where nothing else mattered to ever end, but she knew she could not escape reality for long. She held the sheet up over her, the daylight making the events of the night before and earlier that morning surreal, as if already belonging to another life.

  ‘I need to shower, and I really do have to get home to my sister.’ She chewed her lower lip thoughtfully and smiled at the big, tousle-haired man looking so sexy in his bed. ‘And if I don’t move now, I’m going to lose any resolve I have left.’

  He pulled her back down to him. ‘Then I’ll have to think of a way to keep you here. Can’t you give your sister a call? I’m sure she won’t mind if you explain that you’ll be a bit late?’ He kissed the side of her neck.

  Paige tried to concentrate on giving his suggestion some thought. ‘I could, but don’t you have things you need to do today?’

  ‘I’d like to spend some time with you.’ He pulled a mischievous face. ‘And there’s nothing on today I can’t postpone.’ He raised a finger in the air. ‘In fact, why don’t we start by me cooking you a leisurely breakfast. You can take that shower,’ he pointed to his en-suite bathroom. ‘Give your sister a call, then I can drop you home in a couple of hours?’

  Paige couldn’t help smiling at him. There was nothing she’d rather do.

  ‘Say yes.’ He pushed a strand of hair away from her face. ‘Let’s make the most of having this time alone together, while we still have the opportunity.’

  Not quite sure what Seb meant, Paige moved to sit at the edge of the bed and pondered for a moment.

  ‘Well? Shall I get my apron on, or not?’ he asked, his eyes twinkling.

  She knew that if she were truly honest, Clem would probably be only too happy to have the cottage to herself for once. ‘I’d love to,’ she admitted. ‘I’ve always thought there’s something sexy about a man who loves to cook.’

  ‘Then I’d better get into the kitchen.’ He winked at her as he stepped out of the warm bed.

  Paige noticed the scratches she’d inflicted on him during the heat of their passion. ‘Your back,’ she winced, grimacing.

  ‘It doesn’t hurt a bit.’ He bent down to kiss her naked shoulder. ‘Now don’t be long, your chef will be waiting to serve you downstairs.’

  Paige knew he must be lying about his back, but waved him away. ‘I’ll give you a head start, so you can impress me with your culinary skills.’ She watched him pull on a pair of boxers and leave the room, then dutifully picked up the phone.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Sebastian hated to leave her. He paused at the door, watching her, wishing he could wake up to this exquisite woman every morning. Paige, oblivious to his presence, sat with the duvet held up against her. She held the receiver to her ear and waiting for someone to answer her call. She noticed him standing there and smiled. Seb had never before seen anyone as appealing as this woman, with her ruffled hair and the dimple in one of her cheeks. He wished more than anything that he could go straight back to join her in his bed.

  ‘Hello?’ she said, as he forced himself to turn and leave the room.

  Once showered and dressed, he crossed the courtyard to his office and telephoned his investment broker. ‘Sorry to change plans at the last minute,’ he said, ‘but I’m going to need to put off that game of golf until this afternoon.’ He knew the man was not going to argue, he’d waited too long to get Sebastian to agree to spend this time with him out of the office. ‘I’ll catch up with you at one o’clock.’

  Ordinarily he hated rearranging meetings at the last minute, but the opportunity of having a quiet morning with Paige wasn’t something he was willing to give up. Business was business, but Sebastian decided it was about time he took a morning for himself. Sebastian hummed to himself. The smells of the bacon, eggs, and mushrooms as they cooked made him realise how ravenous he was.

  ‘Sir,’ said Harwood from the doorway. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer me to cook breakfast?’

  ‘No thanks,’ Sebastian said, knowing that despite never allowing himself to ask, Harwood would be inquisitive about Paige. As with his uncle, Harwood had uncharacteristically voiced his dislike of Lucinda, and both men had been furious on Seb’s behalf when she’d so publicly jilted him. He smiled at the thought of the favour she’d done him by leaving.

  Seb heard Harwood close the door behind him and carried on preparing the food. Hearing footsteps, he said, ‘I won’t need you for anything today, so if you have somewhere else you’d rather be, please feel free to go.’

  ‘If you’re sure,’ Paige said, amusement in her voice.

  Sebastian swung round and dropped a fried egg onto the terracotta floor. ‘Shit.’ Grabbing a couple of pieces of kitchen roll he bent down to clear up his mess. Looking up at Paige and seeing her trying to stifle a giggle, he pulled a face. ‘I thought you were Harwood.’

  ‘I gathered that,’ she said. ‘Do you need any help over there?’

  ‘No, thanks.’ He motioned for her to sit down. ‘I’ll try again. As you can see I’m a typical man and can’t do two things at once.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know about that,’ Paige giggled. ‘You seemed perfectly capable on concentrating on more than one thing at a time last night.’

  He looked over his shoulder at her and smiled. ‘Behave yourself, young lady,’ he said, cracking another egg against the rim of the pan before dropping it into the oil. ‘I’m finding it difficult enough concentrating on this without you reminding me about last night.’ He enjoyed the intimacy of her being in his kitchen with him.

  ‘Sorry, I’ll let you focus on my breakfast.’

  ‘I think that’s probably wise.’ He served her food, placing the plate carefully in front of her. ‘I didn’t know which toast you’d prefer, so I’ve done white and wholemeal.’

  ‘This looks delicious,’ she said. ‘I haven’t had a fry-up in months. You’re a good cook.’

  ‘You haven’t tasted anything yet,’ he teased. ‘Tell me that when you’ve eaten it, and I’ll be happy. Please start. You don’t want it to get cold after all the effort I’ve just put in to cooking it.’


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