I am Yours (An Alpha Male BDSM Romance)

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I am Yours (An Alpha Male BDSM Romance) Page 8

by Linnea May

  He certainly appreciated it when I took off my jacket at the bar we had decided to go to. It was an izakaya again, just like our first meeting, squeezed among thousands of others in a small but high building in the middle of Shinjuku. But this one was more exquisite and had been chosen by him. We were on the eleventh floor and lucky enough to be seated next to the window, because he had made a reservation.

  “Wow,” I gasped when we were seated. My face was glued to the window as I stared down at the busy streets of Shinjuku. It was an amazing sight and once again made me realize how much I loved this city and its bustle.

  “This is amazing, thank you!”

  “Glad you like it,” he said. He cast a glance out the window. I couldn’t help but notice a spark of affection in his look. He certainly shared my feelings in regards to this city, this extraordinary place that remained a mystery to most people in our respective homelands.

  “What do you want to drink?” he suddenly asked.

  “Um,” I mumbled. “A ginger highball would be nice. But you’d probably prefer me to stay sober?”

  He smiled mysteriously. Unreadable, as always.

  “Do you want me to forbid you to drink?” he asked.

  “No, but I thought that, maybe—”

  “You’re right, though,” he interrupted. “I don’t want you to drink tonight. If it has to be ginger, go for ginger ale.”

  No back talk allowed, that was for sure. I frowned at him, but did as he pleased.

  He ordered a ginger ale for me and a beer for himself.

  “I didn’t think I would find someone I liked so much so quickly,” he said after the waitress was gone. He was not wearing a suit today, but a black shirt, and his short, black hair appeared uncombed, wild. I might have been a bit lust drunk, but to me he looked incredibly sexy. All I could think of when I saw this man was sex and affectionate play. And I could not pinpoint why exactly that was. I’d had good sex before… but not like this.

  And I always found myself dumbfounded in his presence. It was ridiculous. The things that came out of mouth did not in the least represent what I truly felt. “I like you a lot, too.”

  “I want to play with you,” he said, intensely looking at me. “More. A lot more than we already have.”

  “Yes, sir, me too!” I blurted out.

  He chuckled. “Good, very good.”

  Our drinks came and interrupted his intense gaze for a minute. We clinked glasses and both took a sip before he continued to speak.

  “However, I think we need to have a little talk first. You need to understand what it means to be mine.”

  I looked at him in anticipation. “Okay.”

  “I like you,” he continued. “I want you to be mine, to be my little pet. My pleasure toy. I want to fuck you in ways you have never even dared to dream of. I want to spoil you, take care of you, and please you endlessly. Your body will be mine—and I will treasure it like no other. Do you understand?”

  I could hardly contain my breathing. “Yes, sir.”

  “You will be my pet, not my girlfriend…”

  “Yes, I understand.” This time it was me who interrupted him. “Certain things will remain secret. I understand that, sir. I just want to play.”

  “Good,” he said. “That I can give you. Plenty.”

  I smiled. “Yes, I have a feeling you can.”

  “I don’t need to know much about you and your life outside of what we are doing together. When you are with me, you are mine, my little slut. All I am interested in is pleasure, yours and mine.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you don’t need to know more about me than what I am when I am with you. Your Master.”

  “I understand.”

  “I need to know one thing though,” he said. “Is it safe to come in your pussy?”

  I nodded. “Um, yeah.”

  “Are you on birth control?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “And are you healthy?”

  I nodded. “I am, sir. Are you?”

  He smiled. “Yes, of course I am. I get tested regularly. If you wish, I can show you.”

  I pondered for a second what this told me about his—assumingly rather active—sex life, but shook my head. “It’s okay. I trust you.”

  “I just needed to know if it’s safe to come in your pussy.”

  “It is.”


  I let out a subtle sigh of relief. As awkward as conversations as these are, I felt reassured and liked the idea of having unprotected sex with him. It was so much better.

  “Let me set a few rules.” He took another sip from his drink, carefully observing my reaction. I mirrored his gaze, awaiting what was coming next.

  “I want to see you about twice a week,” he started. “At least once every weekend. We will meet here in Shinjuku, or go to your place, if that is okay with you. But never mine.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  But he shook his head. “You don’t need to know why.”


  “Also, I will pay for everything. I don’t want you to ever bother with that, understand?”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Next, I want you to wear what I tell you to. I like dresses and skirts, so you have been doing well so far. Especially tonight, you look gorgeous.”

  I could feel my cheeks blush. “Thank you.”

  “Sometimes, I might have special requests, though. I might ask you not to wear any underwear, or to strip in hidden public places. Do you think you could do that?”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. I also like to mark what is mine.”

  “I know,” I whispered and cast him a coy look. “I had to cover my neck the entire week.”

  As I had expected, he loved to hear that. The triumphant smile on his face was proof enough.

  “You have to get used to that. I like you too much. Even now all I want is to bite into that beautiful, delicate, pale skin. I love your paleness. You look so noble and pure—it makes me want to corrupt you so fucking much.”

  Oh, God. I was shifting in my seat and again breathing like a bitch in heat. He knew exactly what to say to turn me on. And he enjoyed my reaction just as much as I enjoyed his words.

  “You want to get fucked, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir,” I breathed. “Very much.”

  He chuckled. “Your accent is adorable.”

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “I am not, my pet,” he said. “But before we play any further, I need to know more about you. I need to know your limits. I know you have little experience with certain things and I want to be the one to introduce you. But there must be some limits you can tell me about right now.”

  I pondered it for a moment. Judging by my own experience, there had never been a time when my limits had been tested.

  “I don’t like golden showers…or you know, anything in that…area.”

  He nodded. “Good. Me neither. What else?”

  “I don’t know… I have never been tested.”

  “You enjoyed the spanking.”


  “Do you like pain? Nipple torture, harder spanking, getting whipped…”

  I blushed and took a sip of my drink before I was able to reply. “I would like to try all of that.”

  His smiled widened. “Good. Very good. You still owe me for our last meeting, you know.”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you know what a safe word is?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I hope you won’t need it, but if we’re ever doing something you do not enjoy at all, you need to let me know by saying red. Understand?”

  Again, I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “You have to remember that. Saying no or stop won’t do it. You have to use the safe word.”

  I took another sip of my ginger ale and nodded again. This was getting more and more interesting.

’t use it carelessly, though,” he added. “I want to see you reach new heights, and some of them might be challenging to achieve. I want you to take on these challenges.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Why did this sound so incredibly hot in my ears?

  “But you’re not going to make me sign a contract now, are you?” I teased.

  He smiled, but only for a quick moment. “You’re cute when you’re impudent like that. But be careful, I don’t like bratty pets.”

  “I’m not bratty, sir.”

  He smiled. “We will see.”

  He finished his beer and placed the empty glass on the table in a sudden, loud movement that startled me.

  “Let’s get out of here.”


  “Where are we going?” I asked when we were waiting for the elevator outside the izakaya.

  “For a walk,” he said without looking at me.

  “A walk?”


  I noticed that he kept checking his surroundings. The area between the entrance of the izakaya and the elevator was small. There was just one other couple besides us. When the elevator arrived, they entered before us, but when I made an effort to follow them, he held me back.

  “We’ll take the next one.”

  He gestured for the other customers—who were looking at us in anticipation—to close the doors and leave.

  I looked up at him, bewildered. “There was plenty of room for us.”

  He didn’t give me a reply, but just a devilish smile. Pulling me toward him, he planted a kiss on my forehead.

  “You still owe me something for last time, remember?”


  “Be a good girl then.”

  The elevator arrived. This time it was empty and we were the only ones entering. He gently pushed me inside and followed closely behind me. “Perfect.”

  I sensed something was about to happen, but before I could wonder any further, the wolf grabbed me, turned me around and pushed until I stood with my back against the wall. I could see the doors close behind him.

  “Get down,” he ordered, but didn’t wait until I did as I was told. Instead he pressed me down on my knees and opened his pants, just enough to free his half-erect cock. I instinctively opened my mouth as he pushed my head forward, forcing himself inside my mouth. We only had time for three, four strong thrusts, before a subtle beep announced the impending opening of the doors. I could feel him get harder between my lips with every shove, and it made my heart jump.

  It ended just as quickly as it had started. A split second before the doors opened, he had put his cock away, zipped his pants up and helped me to get back up on my feet. A keen observer might have noticed that I had been on my knees just a second before the doors opened, but none of the waiting people outside made the impression that they had seen anything.

  The wolf smiled triumphantly and took my hand. We squeezed through the waiting group of people outside the elevator, both with knowing grins on our faces.

  “Good girl,” he said when we were outside on the streets. He pulled me closer and gave me another kiss.

  I smiled, looking up at him. “That was risky.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Oh, my cute little pet. You have no idea. Let’s walk.”

  And we walked. The streets were crowded, packed with people who were out for a night of fun. We passed a group of foreigners who stood in front of a 7-Eleven, drinking cheap beer and chuhai—sweet, carbonated, alcoholic drinks that tasted like lemonade but contained at least as much alcohol as a beer.

  “How long have you been living here?” I randomly asked.

  “A few years,” he said, without looking at me. He was once again checking his surroundings while practically pulling me next to him. His steps were so wide and fast, it was quite an effort for me to keep up with his pace.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Nothing in particular,” he replied. His smile told a different story though.

  “How long is a few years? Like five or six?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “You don’t know?” I asked. “Or don’t want to tell me?”

  He slowed down. His eyes were glued to a small, dark alley to the left of us.

  “You worry too much,” he said and pulled me toward the alley he had spotted. It was tiny, hardly wide enough for two people to pass next to each other. And dark, completely dark. I stumbled behind him, not knowing what was beneath my feet.

  “What are we—” I started but he hushed me.

  He moved insanely fast. I tripped several times, trying to keep up with him. How could he even see where he was going? There was nothing but dark in front of my eyes. It felt like I was holding on for dear life. Luckily, his grip was strong, supporting me each time I tripped.

  Just as I was about to complain, we reached the end of the alley, leaving the dark and—farther away—the noisy streets of Shinjuku behind us. He turned right, pulling me behind him. But now there were dim lights leading the way.

  “Oh,” I breathed when I realized where he had brought me. It was a small, hidden shrine. I had forgotten its name, but I knew I had been here before by accident, because I had gotten lost on one of my drunken stumbles home from a night out in Kabukicho. It was a beautiful and deserted place with a small pond surrounding the shrine itself. Small lanterns were bathing the area in a warm, dim light and it was almost completely silent except for the constant stream of water that flowed into the pond.

  He stopped and for a moment we just stood there, looking at the beautiful scenery that was unfolding in front of our eyes.

  I was, at least. It was quite apparent that he was checking for other visitors, and I had an idea why.

  “Perfect,” he whispered after a while. He entered the garden, and as always, I was following his lead closely behind. We stopped in rather dark corner next to the pond, a good distance to the shrine itself, which was the most lit place in the entire area. He took me by the shoulders and made me stand in front of him so that my back was facing the pond and the shrine. He cast one last glance over the garden behind me before turning his look down to me.

  “My cute little pet,” he whispered, looking at me with dreamy eyes. “Show me what a good girl you can be.”


  He leaned down for a kiss slowly, very slowly, tenderly kissing my lips, while tightening his grip on my shoulders. I loved the contrast between the kiss and his grip. Even after dragging me through the streets, letting my mind wander and worry about my steps and potential rats that might cross my feet—it would not have been the first time in Japan—his magic still worked on me. My breathing changed and I caught myself eagerly leaning into him. I was aroused within seconds.

  His tongue invaded my mouth with sudden force, and I welcomed it. He had a very characteristic taste, sweet as always. I could not get enough of it and longingly stared up at him when he pulled back. His black eyes narrowed, seductively looking down at me. “Get down.”

  “Yes, sir,” I breathed and did as I was told.

  I got down on my knees in front of him and looked up in anticipation. He smiled. “Good girl.”

  I felt a sense of accomplishment for remembering two things at once: that I was to say “Yes, sir” and to never touch his belt. He had every reason to be pleased with me.

  The wolf unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, freeing his rock-hard cock right in front of my yearning mouth. I was about to passionately welcome him between my lips, but before I could the wolf held me back, grabbing my hair at the back of my head. He pulled my head and my neck and bent over, getting his head low enough for our faces to be so close our noses almost touched. “You owe me, remember my pet?”

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered.

  “You have been a good girl so far tonight,” he said. “But I still need to punish you for your offense from last time, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  He straightened
up, loosening his grip on my hair but still holding it in a messy ponytail. I knew he wouldn’t let me devour his beautiful cock the way I wanted to, but he would take what I owed him instead. And he did.

  With a sudden thrust, he started face-fucking me harder and longer than he had ever done before. I was gagging and choking on his cock, thrusting deep against the back of my throat again and again. Tears began running down my face and I started to get dizzy from the constant in and out, gagging uncontrollably.

  My spit was running down my chin, joined by salty tears, when he suddenly stopped, pulling my head back and bending my neck again so I was looking up to him.

  “Get up!”

  I did as I was told. He supported me when my weakened knees failed me. “Easy there.”

  I leaned in to him and tried to catch my breath. He let me, stroking my messed-up hair while I gasped for air.

  “I need to fuck you,” he whispered. “But you are not allowed to come.”

  I looked up at him. “What?”

  His hands wandered beneath my dress and he let out an approving hum when he noticed that I was wearing stockings again.

  “You’re such a good girl. But I can’t let you come tonight.”

  Yet his right hand was moving between my trembling legs. He started stroking my clit over the fabric of my black panties. I moaned.

  “Are you wet my pet?” he asked. “I think you are, you little slut.”

  He drew closer, tenderly kissing my left cheek and wandering to my ear. As he started nibbling on my earlobe, his right hand dipped beneath my panties. He started stroking my clit, gently at first, but becoming more aggressive within seconds. I closed my eyes in shame and arousal, moaning louder as he pushed one of his fingers inside me.

  “God, you’re so fucking wet,” he whispered directly into my left ear. “Why are you so wet?”

  I was unable to reply, but started winding my body when he added another finger.

  “Are you wet just for your Master?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir.” I breathed.

  “What do you want?”

  “Fuck me!” I blurted out, pathetically loud. “Please, sir.”

  He started circling his fingers inside me, skillfully locating the sweet spot that made me jump with lust when he pushed it.

  “All right then,” he said. “But remember. You are not coming tonight.”


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