Tides of Deception (Samantha Rite Mystery Series Book 3)

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Tides of Deception (Samantha Rite Mystery Series Book 3) Page 10

by Hope Callaghan

  Jason walked over to the worn, old cot in the corner. “Since I don’t have a silencer, this pillow is going to have to do.” He reached down to pick it up.

  Suddenly the door of the shack came sailing into the room, hinges and all.

  Right behind it was Lee and Donovan!

  Now was Sam’s chance. Gabby would be the easier of the two to tackle. With that, Sam raced towards her, determined to knock her off her feet and yank the gun out of her hand.

  Following her sister’s lead, Debbie dove onto the floor and pulled Gabby’s feet out from underneath her. The gun flew out of Gabby’s hand and into the air, landing precariously on the edge of a nearby cot.

  It was a good thing both Sam and Deb were working to take Gabby down. She was fighting like a street cat that had just been doused with water, clawing and scratching whatever flesh she could reach.

  Sam was really getting ticked off. To think she befriended this nasty, trashy piece of crap! Not only that, she’d actually felt sorry for her!

  Lee and Donovan were in the thick of their own battle. When Jason saw the two men come through the door and the girls hot after Gabby, he backed up, aiming his gun at the two intruders.

  Lee didn’t even give him a chance to level it. He quickly fired his own gun. With the precision of an expert marksman, the bullet grazed Jason’s wrist. Jason dropped the gun to the floor and grabbed his bleeding flesh.

  Donovan quickly shoved him onto the hard, dirty floor and forced his arms together. He turned to Lee. “We’re fresh out of cuffs, aren’t we?”

  Lee wasn’t watching Donovan any longer. He was focused on the girl battle waging on the other side of the room, a look of pride on his face. Gabby’s gun was a safe distance from the commotion taking place on the floor so he decided to stand back.

  Sam could certainly hold her own! Gabby didn’t stand a chance.

  His focus swung back around when he realized Donovan was talking to him. “There’s gotta be something around here we can tie him up…”

  Lee reached over and yanked a mismatched wooden cupboard open and peered inside. It was bare.

  He reached down and pulled a drawer open. He looked inside and quickly spied a pack of marine rope sitting on top of a pile of junk.

  He tossed the rope to Donovan who expertly banded Jason’s hands in a series of knots even a magician wouldn’t be able to get out of.

  By now, Sam and Deb had the upper hand on Gabby with Deb now holding Gabby’s gleaming little pistol and Sam sitting on top of Gabby, weighing her down.

  Sam turned and breathlessly asked. “Mind throwing a little rope over our way?”

  Lee quickly walked over to where Sam held her captive and dropped the rope beside her.

  “You’re getting pretty good at this,” he said admiringly.

  Instead of answering, Sam lifted herself off Gabby and motioned for her to stand up.

  As Sam tied Gabby’s hands behind her back, she glanced over at Lee. “You don’t really leave me much of a choice, now do you?”

  Before Lee could reply, Gabby swiveled her head around and glared at her boyfriend. “You’re such a loser! You can’t even manage to kill someone!”

  Just then, sirens began to wail in the distance.

  Sam turned to Lee. “Did you hear all that?”

  He nodded. “Every word.”

  Sam looked at Lee thoughtfully. She nodded in Jason’s direction. “He pretty much answered all my questions but I do have one left.”

  “So you didn’t end up at my table on the cruise by accident either?”

  Lee shook his head. “Nope. When the ship’s manifest added Gabby, Beth and Emily at the last minute and then mysteriously put them at the same table together – yours – we knew something was up.”

  “So I was added to the table, too.” Lee shook his head. “We definitely didn’t meet by accident.”

  “Looks like I missed most of the excitement,” Deb chimed in.

  Sam shook her head vehemently. “If you want to call it that.”

  Moments later the small room was full of uniformed police officers. One of them walked over to where Lee and Donovan were standing. “You two have been busy today!”

  As Gabby and Jason were led away, Sam stopped them at the door.

  “I’ll take those car keys now!”

  Gabby glared at Sam. “They’re in my purse,” she sniffled.

  Sam quickly fished them out of the small handbag and shook her head at Gabby. “I still can’t believe it.”

  With that, they were gone.

  Sam turned to Donovan. “I’m sorry about Gabby. I guess I’m not that good of a judge of character, after all.” She sighed.

  Donovan put his hand on her arm. “Don’t worry about it Sam,” he assured her. “She was entertaining enough – but she could also be annoying as all get out at times.”

  Sam couldn’t agree more. “You can say that again!”

  Sam almost forgot about her sister when Deb spoke up. “So what happened to you two?”

  Lee and Donovan briefly explained their last 24 hours and how the two guys that had taken them hostage were now in police custody, too.

  Lee remembered the dog tag and told Sam the story, his voice lowering in awe as he explained to her how the flimsy metal from the tag stopped the bullet from lodging in his chest.

  Sam shook her head in amazement at the awesomeness of her mighty God. “I’ve been praying for your safety – both of you.” She looked over at Donovan.

  “Me, too. Sam when things were looking grim, I prayed for the first time in a long time.”

  “And God heard me,” Lee added. “He saved my life.”

  Sam was beaming from ear-to-ear. “Isn’t God good?”

  She grew serious. “But that doesn’t mean you should start testing him,” she warned.

  Lee reached over and wrapped his arms around Sam. “You feel so good. I missed you so much!”

  Sam melted at his touch. The ominous feelings had finally disappeared. Maybe this whole crazy adventure had finally come to an end!

  With that, they slowly shuffled out of the shack and made their way to Gabby’s car.

  Sam dropped Lee and Donovan off at his truck and followed them back to the hotel where her daughter was waiting.

  Brianna was in the lobby pacing. When she spied her mother, she rushed towards her. “I’ve been worried sick! I tried calling your cell.” She turned to her aunt. “And yours, too!”

  “What happened to you?” She looked confused. “And where’s Gabby?”

  Brianna looked over her mom’s shoulder as she watched Lee and Donovan walk through the sliding doors.

  “You’re safe! Did mom rescue you?”

  Sam sighed. “It’s a long story and I’m hungry.” She looked back at the rest of the weary group. “We can explain it over dinner.”

  An hour later, Brianna was shaking her head in amazement. “Wow. That is one of the craziest stories I’ve ever heard.”

  She continued. “And if I hadn’t been part of it, I’m not sure I would believe it.”

  Her aunt agreed. “Neither would I.”

  Sam looked down at her watch. It was getting late and she was exhausted. “I’m ready for bed.”

  She turned to her sister. “I’m sure you’re ready to get out of here and go home to a normal life.”

  Deb shrugged. “I’ll probably be bored out of my mind. This is the most adventure I’ve had in years.” She laughed. “Promise me this much excitement and I may have to visit more often.”

  Sam frowned. “I hope it’s never this exciting again!”

  Donovan pushed back his chair and got to his feet. “Time for me to hit the hay.”

  He looked down at Lee. “See you down at the station in the morning?”

  Taking their cue, Deb and Brianna stood. “We’ll see you back in the room?”

  Sam nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  After they were gone, Sam turned to Lee. Fatigue was writ
ten all over his face. And guilt. “Sam, I don’t know how I managed to drag you into all this.”

  She shook her head in wonderment. “Believe it or not, I think I’m getting used to it!”

  He reached across the table and grabbed her hand, his voice lowering to a whisper. “We found it! We found the treasure.”

  He patted his pocket and looked around the restaurant before going on. “I brought back enough coins to help pay for a lot more dives!”

  Sam looked skeptical. “And you know where the rest of the treasure is at?”

  Lee leaned back in his chair and grinned. “I’m positive!”

  She let out a long, tired sigh. “Well, I’m glad.” She paused. “I’ll probably be a lot more excited about it tomorrow – after I’ve had some rest.”

  Lee stood and walked over to pull Sam’s chair out. “Time to get you to bed.”

  Moments later, they were standing outside her room. A weary Sam reached up and put her hand on the back of Lee’s neck, pulling him closer to her.

  She looked solemnly into his mesmerizing green eyes. “I missed you so much.”

  Lee returned the look as he gazed down at the woman he loved. His lips slowly lowered, capturing hers in a warm, passionate kiss.

  Sam’s heart began pounding as she leaned in even closer and the kiss deepened.

  Lee caressed her cheek before his hand slid to the back of her head, holding her in a tender embrace.

  Sam was lost in the glorious moment as she thought about all the long, lonely weeks she spent waiting to be reunited.

  Finally, Lee reluctantly pulled back ever so slightly as he gazed into her eyes. “I missed you so much,” he said huskily.

  Unexpected tears stung the back of Sam’s eyes as she looked up at her future husband. She spent countless hours terrified by the thought that he may be dead and the relief that he was still alive washed over Sam in huge waves. Not trusting herself to speak, she could only nod.

  Lee’s hands dropped down as he gripped her waist, pulling her in for an even closer, intimate embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled closer.

  They stayed that way for a long moment before Sam stepped back, her breathing uneven.

  His expression grew serious. “We need to find an apartment for you to rent short-term and then start planning a wedding.”

  Sam opened her mouth to reply but Lee quickly went on.

  “No arguments. Life is too short. I love you and I want to marry you,” he simply said.

  Sam nodded. She felt the same. It felt so right. The two of them.

  He gave her one final, leisurely kiss before taking a step back. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Not trusting her voice, she gave him a weak smile and nodded.

  Chapter 13

  Sam eased a tired eye open. Daylight was pouring into the hotel room. Her sister was already up, working on the computer.

  Deb looked over when she saw her sister stirring. “I found a flight home for later today.”

  Sam sat up in bed and stretched. “OK. I don’t blame you. I’d want to get as far away from this circus as I could, too.”

  Brianna caught the tail end of the conversation as she walked out of the bathroom. She was disappointed. “You’re leaving already?”

  Her aunt turned to study her niece’s crestfallen face. She got up from the computer and wrapped her in a big bear hug. “Yeah, I have to go – but I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “Tell you what. I’ll come down after you and your mom are settled into your own place,” she promised.

  “Or maybe for a wedding?” Sam offered.

  Deb swung around to face her sister. “Wow, that serious?”

  Sam nodded. “We haven’t set a date – but it won’t be long…”

  Deb walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at her younger sister. “That settles it. I’ll be back for the wedding.”

  A few hours later, Sam and Brianna were standing at the airport curb hugging their much beloved family member. It was a sad moment. The fact that Sam and Brianna were now a long way away from family was finally sinking in.

  Sam swallowed hard as she fought back the tears. “Thanks for everything.”

  Deb wasn’t that good at good-byes either. She silently nodded. With that, she grabbed her bag and quickly made her way through the sliding glass doors.

  Sam reached over and gave her daughter’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “This is hard right now but it’ll get a whole lot easier. I promise.”

  Brianna nodded tearfully as she watched her aunt’s retreating back disappear into the crowd. “I know, but today it sucks.”

  Thankfully, Lee met them at the hotel as soon as they got back from the airport. It was time to look at some apartments.

  It didn’t take long for Brianna and Sam to settle on one they liked. It had plenty of space for the two of them. It was also close to both their jobs and in a gated community, which Lee was happy about. And the best part – they were able to get a month-to-month lease.

  Sam signed the lease right then and there. As the agent handed her the keys, she let out a huge sigh of relief. Finding the right place had been weighing heavy on her mind, along with everything else. It was a wonder she didn’t have an ulcer!

  She glanced over at Brianna. She didn’t seem as glum now. Moving in and unpacking would take their minds off Michigan and everyone they were missing.

  To cheer Brianna up, Sam asked if Travis might like to join them for dinner. Brianna jumped at the chance. She’d actually thought of it earlier but with everything that had happened, she didn’t want to add to her mom’s stress.

  Lee and Donovan joined them at the restaurant later that evening and they had a great time telling Travis the story of the map and the treasure from beginning to end.

  After the entire story was told, Travis shook his head in amazement. “You could probably make a movie out of that!”

  Travis looked at Lee and Donovan. “So you’re going back for the treasure?”

  Lee looked hesitantly at Sam before answering. “We have a dive planned for next Monday…”

  Sam shook her head but she wasn’t surprised. “Just have to keep on praying…”

  By Saturday, Sam and Brianna had settled into their apartment and finished most of the unpacking.

  Lee texted Sam earlier in the day, asking if he could take her to dinner that night – alone. Sam was OK with that. Brianna and Travis had already made plans to hang out with friends.

  Lee wouldn’t tell Sam where they were going, just that he was taking her somewhere special.

  Sam spent extra time getting ready for the date. She chose a flattering little black dress and finished it off with a pair of her grandmother’s pearl earrings and matching necklace. As she studied her reflection one final time in the mirror, a small smile lit her face. Her grandmother would approve. Too bad she never got a chance to meet Lee.

  “Someday you’ll get to meet him in heaven, Gram,” she whispered softly.

  Just then the doorbell rang. As usual, Lee was right on time.

  It didn’t take long for Sam to figure out where Lee was taking her. Sam was almost giddy as Lee maneuvered the car into an empty parking spot.

  “I can’t believe you brought me to Breakers!”

  Lee smiled smugly, extremely pleased with his idea to bring her back here. He knew Sam really liked this place and wanted tonight to be perfect in every way.

  They made their way over to the hostess station. “Reservation for Windsor.”

  The tall, dark-haired girl smiled and nodded. “Follow me.”

  She led them over to the exact same table Sam and Lee had occupied the last time they were here.

  Sam was stunned. “Did you ask for this?”

  Lee looked down at her and smilingly nodded.

  Sam glanced around the restaurant. It was just as she remembered. Warm, cozy and so very romantic.

  The waiter took their order and walked away. Sam wa
tched his retreating back before turning her attention back to Lee. “So are you still searching for the treasure Monday?

  Lee had hoped to avoid talking about it tonight but since Sam brought it up, he might as well be forthright.

  “Yeah,” he admitted. “We’ll be heading out Monday morning.”

  Sam didn’t want to ruin the evening by pressing him for details so she changed the subject instead. They spent the next hour talking about her new job, the apartment and how bad Sam felt that Gabby ended up being a criminal as they enjoyed their scrumptious wood-grilled lobster and shrimp.

  Lee laughed. “Don’t worry about Donovan. He’s just fine.” He shook his head in disbelief. “In fact, there’s a dispatcher that’s been giving him googly eyes for days now.”

  “He finally got up the nerve to ask her out to dinner the other day.”

  Sam was relieved. No more matchmaking for her!

  Lee took a sip of water. “In fact, I think you’d like her. She’s very nice. Not nearly as annoying as Gabby was.”

  Sam smiled. “Well that’s a relief.” She searched for the right words before going on. “She could just be so over-the-top!”

  An unhappy thought suddenly clouded Sam’s mind. “I hate to bring this up now but I have to tell you something that’s really been bothering me.”

  Lee could tell whatever it was - was really weighing heavy on her mind. And that’s the last thing he wanted, especially tonight.

  He reached across the table and grabbed her hand as he waited patiently.

  Sam took a deep breath. Might as well just get right to it. “Exactly how close of friends are you and Agent Addison?”

  Lee let go of her hand as he jerked back in his chair. He shook his head in bewilderment. How on earth did Sam know about Jen?

  He shook his head vehemently. “We’re not friends at all.” He leaned forward in earnest. “I already told you about Jennifer and what happened between us. I can’t stand that woman.”

  Lee was starting to get upset. “Where did all this come from? Did she call you?”

  Sam swallowed hard. Maybe this could have waited for another time…

  “When you went missing, I called the station to try and get some help and they transferred me to her.”


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