Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 1

by Samantha Clarke



  Samantha Clarke

  I would like to dedicate this book to the love of my life and best friend E and also to our cat Tiger. May you rest in peace, bub.

  Copyright © 2014 Samantha Clarke

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.


  Here in this notebook is the story of the millennia.

  A love story surpassed by none except William Shakespeare.

  A story so complex it rattles the very soul.

  It is the story of wolves.

  Now, Daniel, my boy – this is how it all began…

  Your father,



  Samantha woke as she usually did at six-thirty in the morning. She rushed to get ready, hopping in the shower to get ready for school. After she showered and got dressed she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen in order to grab a breakfast bar and a drink before her ride arrived. Her aunt sat at the table, drinking a large cup of coffee with the newspaper in front of her. Samantha walked up to her and gave her a tight hug before skipping over to the cabinet. Melody followed her with her eyes, smiling softly at her. Samantha smiled back at her, grabbing her bar out of the half empty box in the cabinet. Their eyes mirrored equal sadness as they looked at one another; it was anniversary of Samantha’s parents’ death, the ninth anniversary to be exact. Samantha tried to make her smile more genuine, knowing her aunt still struggled with the loss of her beloved sister, possibly more-so than Samantha. Melody at least remembered her sister Elizabeth, Samantha barely did. Of course Samantha missed her parents, but she felt as though things were the way they should be, and that something out there would complete her closure and make everything right once more.

  A loud beep from outside roused Samantha from her thoughts. She sighed, bid her aunt goodbye and ran out the door. Idling in her driveway was her best friend, Alex, and two other pack members; Riley, Samantha’s long-term boyfriend and Alex’s twin, and Charlotte, Alex and Samantha’s other mutual friend. Samantha slid into the backseat and Riley kissed her on the lips, almost catching her off guard. Alex shot Riley a harsh look as he pulled away from Samantha and he snickered, pressing another kiss against her lips. Samantha smiled softly, kissing him back.

  Alex sighed, pulled out of Samantha’s driveway and followed the road through the town, all the way to the high school, which was all the way across town from where Samantha lived. Riley held Samantha’s hand loosely, tracing hearts on the back of her hand with his thumb, Samantha looking up at him warmly all the while. Alex abruptly turned the volume of the radio down and she cleared her throat.

  “So, we have a pack meeting tonight, as I hope you all know,” She stated in her soft and sultry voice. Samantha was always caught off guard by how gentle yet commanding Alex’s voice was.

  “We all know, trust me,” Riley replied sarcastically, his voice equally as firm and commanding as his twin sister’s. He pushed his hair out of his face, running his fingers through his chin length, fiery locks.

  Alex stopped at a stop light and turned to give Riley a cold look, her brown eyes stern and conveying her annoyance with her brother’s sarcasm. She huffed and pulled her coal black hair into a bun as she waited for the light to turn green. She and Riley rarely ever saw eye to eye, as they were both thick headed and as stubborn as mules. She never appreciated his sarcasm, especially when discussing pack matters, and he knew that, always taking full advantage of every chance he got to get under his sister’s skin. She rolled her eyes and looked back to the road as the light went from red to green, continuing the ride to school. Samantha leaned into Riley and he wrapped his arm around her tight, warranting another look from Alex via the review mirror.

  “Since you brought up the meeting…” Charlotte began in order to break the silence that was steadily growing awkward, “Are you going to tell us why your father decided to call an emergency meeting? On a school night, no less?”

  “If I’m going to disclose such information it is going to be when Jaden and Olivia are also with us,” Alex replied as-a-matter-of-factly.

  “Where are Jay and Liv anyway?” Samantha wondered aloud.

  Charlotte snickered, “They’re probably hiding in the back of the school lot snogging or getting busy in the back of Jaden’s car,” she remarked with a wicked grin, “Since we all know that’s their favorite activity.”

  “We could “hide” and do some of that later…” Riley breathed in Samantha’s ear, nibbling on her lobe a bit. Samantha blushed deeply as Charlotte reached around and smacked Riley on his arm hard.

  “Not in my car you won’t…” Alex snapped as she took a right turn onto School Street.

  “Relax Alex, he’s only busting your balls.” Samantha declared quickly, knowing full well that he was not.

  “Or am I?” Riley chuckled, pressing a couple of kisses into the crook of Samantha’s neck. She shot him a look which matched Alex’s own, but he quickly wiped it off of her face with a soft kiss.

  After a few moments of awkward silence; Alex tapping her fingers on the steering wheel along with the beat of the music; Charlotte staring out the window with her feet on the dash; and Riley playing with Samantha’s thick brown hair, Alex pulled into Greenwood High’s parking lot, and parked her beat up old SUV in the first spot that she saw. The group got out of the car and walked up to the steps of the school together. They parted ways as they reached the entrance, Alex and Charlotte heading towards the West wing.

  Before Riley followed his sister, leaving Samantha to go to the North wing alone, he grabbed her by her waist, “Are you alright?” He asked gently as he pressed kisses all over her face, towering over her at five-feet and nine-inches tall.

  “I’m fine,” Samantha assured him, playfully pushing him away.

  “I’m not very convinced yet…” Riley said as he pulled Samantha against him. She turned bright red, but before Riley could give her the passionate kiss he had planned on, a passing teacher cleared his throat and gave the couple a warning glare. Riley’s freckled face turned bright red and he released Samantha quickly. The teacher huffed and continued on his way and Samantha giggled.

  Riley cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed, “I’ll go to my locker then meet you at yours before walking you to your homeroom?” He suggested.

  Samantha nodded, “That sounds like a plan,” She replied. They kissed and then parted ways.

  Samantha walked up the flight of stairs immediately to her left and all the way down the corridor to the end. At the end of the Second floor North Wing corridor was her locker, third-to-last on the left hand side. She quickly entered the combination on the lock without looking; having the locker for the past three years – since she was a freshman – made it easy for her to open her locker without having to think. She gathered her books, or the ones she cared to bring to class with her anyway, and she closed the locker with her hip.

  “Ayy, Runt!” A sharp but feminine voice called from behind her.

  Samantha gritted her teeth. Some of her pack members called her that nickname with the best intentions in mind, but she knew the voice and the owner was not one of her pack members. She turned, sighing loudly. Behind he
r stood Heather Armstrong, the daughter of the alpha of a neighboring pack.

  Heather and Samantha hadn’t gotten along since the day they had met. Samantha pursed her lips, annoyed by such ill company. Heather was a tall, busty blonde standing at five-feet, five-inches tall, with a full figure that made everyone stare. Her face put that of any angel to shame and she had the bluest of blue eyes that Samantha had ever seen, besides her own of course. She was only a year older than Samantha, at eighteen years old, and she was graduating at the end of the year with Alex. That suited Samantha just fine – the less she saw of Heather, the better.

  “What do you want?” Samantha mumbled.

  Heather leaned against the lockers, a curly lock of blonde hair falling into her face. She smirked, “That display of yours downstairs was… Cute.” She growled.

  “Display? What do you follow me and Riley around or something?” Samantha accused in an aggravated tone of voice.

  “Not at all, I just happened to see that you were all over him. It was disgustingly pathetic,” Heather seethed. “I hope you remember that you’re nothing but a family-less mutt, right? Damaged goods that’s lower than the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Don’t forget that, omega.”

  Samantha turned beat red in anger, feeling as though a slight fire had engulfed her belly. She was about to say something cruel, but Riley walked up from behind and wrapped his arm around her.

  “Heather, didn’t I already tell you to stop harassing my girl? Leave her alone, I’m not going to tell you again,” He snapped, clearly furious.

  “I’m sorry it just makes me sick to see such a lower life form hanging all over you…” Heather replied defensively.

  Riley scowled, “Why? I’m not your boyfriend, I’m Runt’s. Now, if I ever hear of you harassing her again, I will make your father aware of you awful behavior,” Riley threatened.

  “Make him aware of what? That I’m bullying your omega? That’s what she’s there for,” Heather hissed.

  Riley moved in between Heather and Samantha, pushing Samantha behind him protectively, “She is my girlfriend, regardless of her pack standing, and if you harass her again I can promise you that I will make your life a living hell.”

  Heather started to say something, but Riley led Samantha away, three classrooms down to her homeroom. Sitting right next to the door was Olivia, who was playing with her hair. The first bell rang as Riley slowly kissed Samantha, and then he sprinted down the hall, heading to his class. Samantha smiled to herself before ducking into her classroom. She took her usual seat next to Olivia and she smiled at her.

  After roll call and homeroom was dismissed, Olivia and Samantha walked to biology together, meeting Riley halfway. Even though Riley would soon be nineteen and should have been a senior, he stayed behind in the fifth grade, keeping him one grade behind Alex. The three sat in the back of the classroom, whispering, passing notes and staring out the window, admiring the early September foliage. Then the bell rang.

  Samantha’s day was incredibly boring. After biology she had algebra, then English with Riley, and then it was lunch period. After lunch she had study hall with Olivia, Riley and Charlotte, and then gym with all of her friends. She didn’t care too much to pay attention in her classes. All throughout the day she was distracted by what Heather had said to her. It was true, she was the omega – the lowest ranking pack member – but Heather calling her damaged, saying she was lower than the dirt on the bottom of her shoe, stung. Knowing Heather was trying to get under her skin did not lessen the sting – it made her wonder who else thought like that about her.

  The final bell rang, dismissing the students from their classes. She was relieved and she quickly changed and walked to Alex’s SUV with her group. On the ride home everyone was quiet, Samantha falling asleep as she leaned against Riley. He gently nudged her as Alex pulled into her driveway and she stretched. They went inside and downstairs to the recreation room in the basement. They hung out there waiting for the meeting to start. When it did, Bridgette, Alex’s mom, called the group upstairs.

  Samantha followed the group upstairs, Riley walking alongside her holding her hand. They walked in silence to the enormously spacious family room, full of other pack members. The whole pack had come to the meeting, including the inactive members of the pack such as Melody and Danica, Olivia’s grandmother. Riley sat next to Colin, his father, and Alex sat beside Bridgette. Samantha maneuvered around the room and sat down beside Melody. She obediently turned her eyes to Colin, waiting for him to start the meeting.

  Colin had once been a young and active alpha, but he had aged considerably over the years since taking alpha-ship. His hair was no longer a fiery vibrant red, and was instead a pale gray, almost white. The wrinkles in his face had become deep and pronounced, despite the fact that he was only in his mid-fifties. His smile was soft and kind, but his eyes commanded a level of respect. He scanned the room with his green-brown eyes, taking a mental head count. Once he was satisfied that the whole pack was there his smiled widened.

  “I bet that you’re all wondering why I called you here tonight for this meeting. There’s a threat, potentially to our safety. As you all know rogues have been increasing in numbers, and the other alphas and I have reason to believe there is a pair of them circling our territories. We’ve yet to catch them, because they haven’t stayed in one place for very long. Because of that, I am officially allowing the younglings to join in our late night patrols. Friday will be the first patrol they can join in on.” There was a roar of celebration, and Riley and Alex reached across their parents to high five each other. When it quieted, Colin continued, “We are merely looking for signs of the other wolves, not capturing them. Unless given cause. Is that understood?” There was a unanimous ‘yes’, “Good, does anyone have any questions?” Silence answered him and nodded. He dismissed the meeting and he stood from his spot.

  Samantha pushed through the crowd in order to get back to the recreation room once more. She gathered her stuff, swinging her messenger bag over her shoulder. Riley walked up behind her and rested his hand delicately on the small of her back. Samantha turned and smiled up at him. He smiled back and began playing with the hoop earring he wore, almost as if he were nervous.

  “Do you want to spend the night…?” He asked softly. His voice wavered, Samantha could tell that he was unsure, probably afraid of her rejection.

  Samantha knew there was only one reason why he wanted her to spend the night, and she quite frankly was not in the mood. She shook her head slowly, “Not tonight, sweetheart…” She replied softly.

  Riley frowned, “Are you sure? I can sleep on the floor, if you would like.” He stopped fidgeting with his earring.

  “I’m sure, another night, I promise. I want to be with Aunt Mel tonight.”

  Riley looked disappointed, but he attempted to hide it with a smile, “Well, in that case, allow me to walk you out.”

  Samantha smiled, “Thanks…” Riley led her out and stopped at the end of his walkway. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a passionate kiss that lasted longer than was necessary. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers.

  “I love you…” He muttered, grazing his lips against hers playfully.

  “And I love you…” Samantha responded.

  Riley smiled widely. He absolutely loved how ‘I love you’ sounded coming from her lips, “Good night,” He whispered, pressing another hungry kiss against Samantha’s lips.

  Samantha pulled away, blushing a deep red, “good night…” She responded.


  Soon it was Friday. Samantha went straight home after school and started her homework. She completed her English paper and her math assignment when Melody came to tell her that it was time for them to leave. She followed her aunt into the backyard, nervousness making her stomach flop around and tangle itself in knots. She and Melody lived on the forests edge, which was extremely beneficial to the pack; they would cross into the forest on patrols through Samantha’s ba
ckyard constantly. Samantha and Melody reached the meeting point after they followed the path from their backyard for about twenty-four feet.

  Half of the pack was there already, phased and waiting to leave for the patrol. The other half was in town patrolling the streets and keeping them safe, as always. As Samantha ducked behind a prominent oak tree Melody gathered everyone’s clothes and other belongings, stuffing them into an oversized duffle bag which she had been carrying. Samantha carefully stripped, staying hidden behind the trunk of the tree. She closed her eyes and willed herself to change. It felt as though the transformation took ages to Samantha, when in reality it only took a few moments. The sensation of all of her bones breaking, re-breaking and rearranging, left her sore all over. She stretched, trying to work the pain out.

  She trotted out from behind the tree and Melody patted her on the head and took her clothes. She bid Samantha goodbye and began to walk away. Melody was unable to join the pack on patrol due to being born with a defect in her genes that made it impossible for her to phase when it was not a full moon. Samantha watched her walk away until she couldn’t see her anymore. She then turned her attention to the rest of the pack.

  Colin was explaining to the younglings of the pack where the territory boundaries were, warning them not to cross them. Samantha knew that the lecture was directed towards her as well, but she hadn’t been paying attention.

  No matter… She thought to herself, I know the boundaries and the rules already.

  Once Colin had finished lecturing the children, the pack was off. They headed in the direction of the last estimated location of the rogue wolves were. The group followed Colin in silence, noses pressed to the dirt. After approximately twenty minutes of what seemed to be aimless walking, Colin stumbled across a scent that he did not recognize. His fur stood on end and he raced off, following the trail of the scent.

  The pack followed closely, dodging around the underbrush and tree roots. Colin pushed himself to run faster, and the rest of the pack doubled their speed in order to keep up with him. They ran and they ran, for what felt like an eternity to Samantha, when Colin stopped abruptly. He growled and he sat, the fur on his back standing on end. The rest of the pack froze in their places as well, except for Samantha, who trotted up next to Colin and looked at him.


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