Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 4

by Samantha Clarke

  After a moment, Bridgette sighed, “Colin, dear, what are you afraid of? Nothing will change…Samantha will finally have a father figure in her life. Is that really so bad?”

  “She’s seventeen! She doesn’t need a father figure in her life. Even if she did, she has the entire pack, and me! Besides, do you want to turn the poor girl’s whole world upside down? Don’t you think she’s been through enough?” Colin’s voice was softer, he was clearly growing weary of the argument.

  “Sometimes the decisions that are right are the decisions that are the hardest to make…” Bridgette’s voice was equally as soft.

  Riley didn’t want to hear anymore. He was astonished, no appalled, by what he just heard. He had to tell Samantha, but he didn’t know how. He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. Before he could knock his parent’s door swung open without warning, and Riley looked up at his father sheepishly.

  Colin looked down at his, his face stern, “what are you doing up here young man? You’re supposed to be downstairs waiting for your guests.”

  “Mrs. Cook is here with Madam Pandev and I know we don’t have a handicap ramp and I wanted to come upstairs and get your help bringing her inside…” Riley answered quickly, his words running together, obviously nervous.

  Colin frowned and narrowed his eyes, knowing that his son had been eavesdropping by the guilty look on his face, “next time don’t come looking for me. You’re an able bodied young man, you and Jaden could have gotten her inside on your own.” Riley didn’t say a word, he just simply followed his father down the stairs. When they reached the bottom Jaden had already gotten Danica inside and was wheeling her into the kitchen. Colin glared at Riley, disappointed that he had not stayed downstairs to help.

  Meghan, Olivia’s mother, hugged Riley and Colin, giving Riley birthday wishes, then she turned to Alex and did the same. Olivia followed in suit, and then everyone followed Jaden into the kitchen. Riley walked behind everyone, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  “Hey,” He greeted Jaden, who high fived him in response, “what’s up? Where are the others?”

  “Runt’s on her way, she got a flat tire and Charlotte’s parents are picking her and Melody up. A tow truck already came and took the truck to Taylor’s Auto body Shop. Melody is going to pick it up later,” Jaden responded as he pulled out a chair and begun to help Danica into it.

  Riley realized how rude he was being and went over and helped Jaden. They lowered Danica into the chair and she kissed Jaden on the cheek, patting the side of his face.

  “Such a good young man…” She cooed. Then she looked at Riley, “and you too…happy birthday, dearie.”

  Riley smiled, “Thank you, Madam Pandev, how are you doing?” He asked politely.

  “I’m well, dear, and don’t make me tell you younglings again, Gram is all you need to call me…Madam Pandev makes me sound old and dried up!” She responded with a laugh, “I’ve still got some kick left in me.” Riley smiled, and excused himself from the room, using Samantha’s late arrival as an excuse. He went and sat in the den, looking out the window, waiting for her. He didn’t see Charlotte or her parent’s pull into the driveway, lost in his thoughts about what he had overheard as he stared at his hands. Her voice woke him from his thoughts and he jumped up.

  “Riley?” She called him.

  He rushed into the foyer and swung his arms around her. He lifted her up and spun her around, pressing kisses to her face. She winced in pain, and he panicked, putting her down quickly. He had forgotten all about her back, not even thinking that she might still be sore. He brushed her hair out of her face with careful hands.

  “I’m sorry…” He said softly.

  “It’s alright, I’ve got good news anyway!” Samantha chirped excitedly.

  “Really?” Riley responded, turning to Melody and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “She got her stitches out!” Melody exclaimed, then she added, “I’m going to put your present in the den… Where’s your mother?”

  “Setting up outside. The parties in the backyard,” Riley responded.

  “Isn’t it a little too cold outside for that?” Melody asked with a puzzled expression on her face.

  “It was mom’s idea, not mine,” Riley replied simply. Melody nodded in understanding and made her way to the den. Riley turned his attention back to Samantha, “It’s wonderful that you got your stitches out.” He pulled her close to him and buried his face in her neck.

  “It is wonderful,” She kissed him softly, “And happy birthday…”

  Riley kissed Samantha back, “Thank you…” He saw more people had pulled up in front of the house and he brought Samantha aside, taking her jacket from her and hung it up on the coat rack. He drew her close for another kiss, letting his lips linger against hers, “Let’s go upstairs I want to talk to you privately…”

  “We should really mingle with your guests before we disappear upstairs,” Samantha responded simply.

  Riley guided her into the empty hallway adjacent to the foyer. They kissed again and Riley put his hands on Samantha’s hips gently, “We have the whole party to mingle…”

  “And we have all night to talk,” Samantha countered.

  Riley sighed, he wasn’t going to argue with her, “You’re right, come on… Let’s go help my mom set up.”

  Hours flew by. It seemed as though the party was over in an instant. Riley kept trying to coax Samantha aside, but she wouldn’t go with him. She was insistent that he socialize with his party guests. He was relieved when the guests started to leave, and ecstatic when it was just his close friends left at the house. They all sat in the den and quietly drank coffee and snacked on pastries.

  There was a loud knock on the door all of a sudden. Jaden, who was closest to the window, moved the curtain aside and peaked. He frowned and Riley caught his parents exchange anxious glances.

  “It’s my dad…” Jaden mumbled.

  “Samuel? Did he expect you home at a certain time?” Meghan asked concern in her voice. Jaden shook his head but offered no other response. Melody quickly excused herself from the room, using Danica’s lack of a beverage as an excuse. Melody wheeled her into the other room, giving Colin an apprehensive look. Meghan and Charlotte’s parent’s followed Melody out of the room as well.

  Colin frowned and looked at Bridgette, “I’ll go see what he wants. Everyone stay put, I’m sure Jaden isn’t in trouble.” He ordered firmly.

  “I hope not…” Olivia worried aloud as she leaned her head on Jaden’s chest. Jaden wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head, following Colin with his eyes and he left the room.

  He walked into the entryway rather hurriedly. Riley also followed Colin with his eyes and then he looked at his mother who shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Riley stood and went to the door way to better hear the verbal exchange. Samantha was close behind him, but he was unaware of that.

  “Colin.” Samuel said in short greeting as soon as Colin opened the door.

  “Samuel. Come inside, please. We’ll go to my office to talk. The children are in the next room and I don’t want to make a scene, since it is Riley and Alexandria’s birthday.” Colin suggested in a demanding tone.

  Samuel huffed, and ignored Colin’s demand. He didn’t move an inch, “Did you think about the e-mail I sent you?”

  “I’ve yet to check them, Sam. Please, we will discuss whatever you would like in my office so the children won’t hear.” Colin insisted.

  Samuel snarled, “Understandable. But you best put some serious thought into my request.”

  “I give you my word…” Colin muttered, in an exasperated tone.

  Bridgette stood and exited the room, following close behind Colin and Samuel. Riley turned to his friends, his lips pressed in the thin line of aggravation.

  “Stay here, I’m going to go see what I can hear…” Riley commanded his voice firm.

  “Fine with me. He probably just wants to come and bitch about my a
ttitude and pull me out of the pack.” Jaden spat bitterly.

  “He wouldn’t do that… Would he?” Olivia inquired softly. Jaden simply shrugged in response.

  “Well, I’ll let you guys know what’s going on…” Riley lied.

  “I’m coming too.” Samantha declared stubbornly.

  Riley looked down at her, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea babe, stay here with everyone else.”

  “And if I do anyway?” Samantha wondered with a smirk.

  Riley rolled his eyes but didn’t say a word. He went up the stairs with Samantha and Alex close behind him. Colin left his office door open a crack and the children kneeled on the floor a couple of feet away. They stayed close to the wall and were absolutely silent, as not to be caught.

  “Colin,” Samuel’s voice was angry, “If you had read my email you would know that I have grown tired of these games. For years I’ve asked you over and over again to see my daughter. I’ve let you tell me no countless amounts of times. Well, I won’t stand for it any longer. If we were anything but the wolves we are you wouldn’t be treating our current situation like this. I’m done being pushed around and taking orders like some hurt pup. I was an alpha at one point in time. I demand to see her.”

  “Samuel, do you really think that it’s best to uproot all that she’s ever known? She’s been without you for seventeen years. Besides, you never made any effort to contact her while her mother was alive. What’s the difference now?” Colin retorted, his voice cold and unforgiving.

  “Because I was in love with Elizabeth and I didn’t want to destroy her marriage! But I want to see my daughter! Colin, either you let me see her or I’ll go to Melody. And neither of us wants to put her in that difficult position.”

  Riley looked back at Samantha. She knelt there frozen in place, the confusion clear in her expression. Every word she had just overheard was slowly sinking in. She frowned in disbelief, and then hurt filled her eyes. She looked up at Riley, her brow furrowing. He reached out to touch her cheek and stroke it, but she moved away from his hand and continued to listen.

  “Samuel, now is not the time. Come back tomorrow while the children are at school and we will continue this discussion. Maybe we can reach some sort of agreement.” Colin asserted.

  “There is no agreement. I will see Samantha, one way or another.” Samuel snapped, anger clear in his voice.

  Samantha quickly backed away from Riley and Alex. She turned and sprinted down the stairs. She grabbed her jacket and headed outside quickly, without giving an explanation or saying goodbye to anyone. Riley followed her outside and gently grabbed her arm. He turned her around and firmly put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Where are you going?” He asked, bewildered.

  “Home.” Samantha spat. She tried to pull away but Riley held her shoulder’s tightly.

  “You don’t have a car babe…” He remarked.

  “I’ll walk… Let go of me…”

  “No, you won’t. I’ll drive you, come on.” Riley practically ordered as he led Samantha to his truck. He helped her in then took the spare key out of his wallet. He got into the driver’s seat and started the truck, quietly heading towards Samantha’s house.

  “I can’t believe they fucking did this to me…” Samantha spat, “I can’t believe any of it. I thought my parents were happily married, and my mom had been actually screwing around with Samuel Adler! And you’re parents fucking kept it from me! All of these years I could have had a father, a real father and they kept us apart! That’s really shitty… I can’t even…” Samantha ranted as angry tears flowed down her cheeks.

  “Runt… Come on. Don’t be like that. I bet they only had the best intentions in mind,” Riley assured her softly, reaching over to hold Samantha’s hand.

  She pulled her hand away from his, “Bullshit. Your father is just a control freak and a jackass. He’s trying to tell a father that he isn’t allowed to be a part of his daughter’s life, simply because seventeen years ago her mother made a mistake. He’s a real bag of dicks.”

  Riley slammed on the breaks and turned to look at her, “And clearly your mother was a slut.” Samantha’s face fell, “Don’t look at me like that. If you’re going to speak your mind about my father, then I’m going to speak my mind about what I think of your mother. And you know what I think? I think only a low life slut would cheat on her husband and get pregnant.”

  Samantha smacked Riley hard across the face, leaving a bright red welt on his cheek. She quickly undid her seatbelt and got out of the still stationary vehicle.

  “Don’t ever talk about my mother like that!” She yelled.

  Riley leaned over and pulled the door shut, “Practice what you preach!” He snapped in response.

  “Go to hell!” Samantha hollered as Riley sped away. She huffed and turned in the direction of her house. It was only up the street from where she had gotten out of the car and it wasn’t long before she was unlocking her front door. She went right upstairs to her bedroom and threw herself onto her bed. She rolled over onto her side and stared at the picture of her and her parents that hung on the wall. She found herself madder at her mother than she initially thought she would be. She frowned and got off of her bed. She walked over to the picture and pulled it off of the wall, throwing it onto her bed.

  Melody walked into the room, knocking on Samantha’s door, “sweetie? Why did you run out of the party like that?”

  “My mother had an affair, didn’t she?” Samantha whispered, ignoring Melody’s question. She didn’t turn to look at her, she just stood still, staring at the photograph that lay face down on her bed.

  Melody was silent for a moment, then she nodded slowly, “yes…she did…”

  “Did you know that Samuel Adler is my biological father?” Her voice grew softer and wavered.

  Melody didn’t respond for a long moment. Tension filled the quiet between them. After an extended silence she breathed out the words, “Yes…I knew…”

  Samantha turned to look at Melody, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because it didn’t matter that he’s your birth father. Rodrigo raised you and put one-hundred-and-ten percent into being your dad. That’s what counts. Samuel didn’t want anything to do with you until your mother passed away. Had she been alive today he wouldn’t care if he saw you or not, and I knew that. He isn’t a real dad, I didn’t want you feeling that kind of pain and sadness. I didn’t want you to know how it feels to have a dad that only wants to be a part of your life when it’s convenient for him. You see how he treats Jaden, why does it matter that he helped make you?”

  “That isn’t the point…you could have at least told me.”


  “No…I think you kept it from me because you were being selfish. You only wanted me because you can’t have kids of your own, and if it were public that Samuel was my father he would have gotten custody of me, not you.” Samantha pushed passed Melody angrily. The hurt stung like fire lapping at her skin. She wiped tears out of her eyes as she walked away from Melody, who didn’t say a word. She simply stood there and watched as Samantha stormed down the stairs and out of the house.


  Samantha followed the path that led from her backyard for as long as physically possible. As she walked the path narrowed and vines, tree roots and greenbrier vines began to flow onto the path. She sighed loudly when she came across an enormous bristly greenbrier patch overflowed onto the slowly narrowing trail. She huffed and turned to her left, pushing through the ferns, lichens and other underbrush. It was much more difficult to maneuver through the over grown forests understory now that she had veered from the path, and she hoped she would come across another one soon.

  She looked up at the sky and she frowned. It hadn’t felt as though it had been hours, but the rising moon told her otherwise. It was probably almost nine and that did not sit well with her. Other woodland creatures would be coming out soon, and some of them could pose a threat to her we
llbeing. She thought about phasing, but the thought quickly passed. If she was in another packs territory she would get into trouble for trespassing again.

  As she wondered what she should do Samantha neglected to watch her footing and she slipped, falling into a briar patch, one twice the size of the one she had tried to avoid previously. She heard her ankle snap as she tumbled and she screeched out in pain. She carefully pulled her clothes free of the bristly briar thorns, leaving hundreds of tiny cuts on her hands, face and other exposed areas of skin. She dragged herself out of the giant, overgrown bristly greenbrier vines slowly. She leaned against a nearby tree, tears pouring down her face. She winced as she rolled up her pants leg to look at her ankle. She swore under her breath and closed her eyes. It was severely swollen and discolored.

  “Why is it always me?” She mumbled to herself. She ran her fingers through her hair. She looked around and slowly panic began to set in. She didn’t know where she was or how she was going to get home. She pulled herself up and limped away, trying to head in the direction from which she had come. It wasn’t long before she gave up, her injured ankle making it far too difficult for her to keep walking. She leaned against another tree and slowly slid down its trunk. She held her head and began to doze, crying once more.

  She woke to the sound of something rustling in the fallen leaves. She sat up and looked around. It was pitch black outside and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Finally she could see clearly. About twenty feet away from her was a young man. He was crouching over something, his back to her. He was quite muscular and Samantha could smell that he was a wolf, just like her. She shifted and tried to stand again, but she couldn’t. She slipped and fell, causing the leaves beneath her to crunch.

  The young man half turned towards Samantha. He had already known that she was sleeping there and he returned his attention to dressing the white-tailed deer her had caught. When he finished he simply hauled the deer away in silence.


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