Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 17

by Samantha Clarke

  “I’d wager that my sister isn’t lying.” Jaden’s voice and eyes were cold as he stared down Colin.

  Colin was speechless. He furrowed his brow and walked over to Jaden, pulling the necklace out of his hand roughly. He turned it over and grumbled, “That’s only two necklaces.”

  “Why are you treating us like the bad guys?” Samantha hollered as she jumped out of her seat, “We haven’t done anything wrong and you’re standing here practically defending that blood sucking leech!”

  Charlotte got out of her seat, “Don’t you dare talk about my boyfriend that way!”

  “Shut your biased trap, bitch!” Jaden sneered. The room erupted in noise. The majority of the pack began yelling at Charlotte and Colin for defending the vampires. Many began calling Charlotte a traitor, demanding her exile from the pack. Her parents jumped to her defenses, yelling back at the members who were verbally assaulting their daughter.

  Alex clenched her fists, “Shut up!” She yelled. The room fell silent once more and everyone turned to see what the alpha-in-training had to say. She trembled with anger, “We are not exiling anyone…” She snarled. Then she turned to Charlotte. She tore her necklace off and threw it onto the ground, “Tell your precious little boyfriend that he better stay out of my way, because the next time I see him, he isn’t going to like what I have to say…” She turned to her father, “Put a little faith into your pack members.” She stormed out of the room, pushing both her parents to the side.

  Colin was silent for a moment, then he turned to the pack. Everyone was watching him now. He wasn’t used to losing control of his underlings like that, and he especially wasn’t used to his own daughter talking to him the way that she had. He cleared his throat after a moment, “Tonight is an adult only patrol. Anyone under the age of twenty-one is to stay home tonight. All other pack members will be meeting at the usual point at the usual time. Tomorrow is an all-inclusive patrol. All thirty-six members, with the exception of Madam Pandev, Charlotte and Melody, will be required to join the patrol tomorrow night. If you’ve yet to patrol please give Bridgette or myself a call and we will arrange a time to meet with you all as a group before the patrol.” He looked at Charlotte, “Do not forget, young one, you are required to watch over Madam Pandev and Melody tomorrow night.” Charlotte nodded slowly, not looking up at Colin. “This meeting is dismissed. I apologize for having you all come out here.”

  Samantha stormed out of the room, pushing passed pack members. She bolted up the stairs as tears poured down her face. She slammed her door behind her, feeling angry, hurt and betrayed all at once. She leaned against the door for a moment and cried. When there was no more noise coming from downstairs she walked over to her bowed window sill and sat in it, staring out into the forest. She heard her door open and close, but she didn’t turn to see who it was. She knew from his heavy footsteps that it was Riley.

  “Sam?” He whispered.

  “I told you I need space. Get out.” She snapped.

  Riley sighed and took a step forward, “I just wanted to apologize for what my father said… It wasn’t right and I’m sorry that he did that, especially in front of the whole pack.”

  Samantha whipped around, “Really? Because as I recall, and correct me if I’m wrong here, but you sat down there with your tail between your legs and just let your father talk to me that way. Like I’m a lying piece of trash. You know who stood up for me? Alex and Jaden, and that’s fucking it. You’re a coward Riley. They had to stand up for me because you couldn’t man up and do it yourself.”

  Riley didn’t say anything. He contorted his face in a mix of anger and sadness, his eyes conveying his confusion. It was clear he didn’t understand why she was so upset, he had come to apologize to her after all. He took another step forward.

  “No. Get out. I’m done.” Samantha demanded, venom dripping from her voice. She turned back to the window without saying another word.

  “Done…?” Riley whispered.

  “Did I fucking stutter?” She seethed.

  “Like with me?”

  “Yup. With you, with this fucking relationship, with everything. Get out of my house. Now.”

  “Samantha, are you serious right now? Over some bullshit my dad said?”

  “It isn’t what your dad said, Riley!” Samantha yelled as she turned around. More tears began to flow down her face, “You told me you were sorry you were being such a shitty boyfriend and I believed you. But then you didn’t even stick up to your father for me? You just let him sit there and talk like I’ve ever lied to him before, act like he can’t take me for my word? And in front of the whole pack too! If anything, you refusing to stick up for me down there was the shittiest thing that you have ever done to me in the three years that we have been together. And it helped me make up my mind a little faster. So get the fuck out. Right now or so help me God. I am done.”

  “Babe…” He whispered. He began to cry and he took another step forward.

  “OUT.” She demanded, her voice croaky from yelling so loud.

  He stared at her with pain in his eyes. He turned around and left the room, shoving his hands into his pockets as he walked and slamming the door behind him. Samantha sighed, her own tears flowing from her eyes. She stared at the door for a long moment, but she didn’t move to go after him. She moved to her bed, curled up in the middle of it and cried hard, weeping as she hugged her pillow.


  The next day was Christmas Eve. Melody’s sister and her husband came early in the morning while Samantha was still asleep, in hopes of spending a few days with their family. Samantha woke at eight-thirty, unable to sleep any later, her body so accustomed to her waking up early for school. She rolled over and checked her phone, hoping to have a missed call or text from Kedar. Her heart sank when she saw that she had no missed alerts. She frowned, but got out of bed and took a shower. Once she was dressed she left her phone on her bed and went downstairs. She was pleasantly surprised to see her Aunt Katarina and Uncle Roberto sitting at the kitchen table with Melody. The last time she had seen them was the Christmas Eve party at Riley’s house three years ago. They sat and ate together, discussing what was new in each other’s lives. Samantha was careful to leave out that she had broken up with Riley. That was not the conversation she wanted to have at barely nine o’clock in the morning.

  They spent the day together, reminiscing and watching old Christmas movies. That evening they had a small dinner. Then Melody brought them all to a meeting at Colin’s house. She pulled up front and led her sister and brother-in-law inside, Samantha trailing behind them. The members of the pack greeted Katarina and Roberto warmly, glad to see them again. Once greetings were finished Colin brought the meeting to order.

  “Before I start,” Colin began, “I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Does anybody want to address the pack before we begin?”

  Samantha nodded and she stood. She pulled several newspaper clippings out of her pocket. She had clipped them out of a variety of newspapers while Melody, Katarina and Roberto had watched It’s a Wonderful Life. She handed them to Colin almost tentatively, and then she stepped back, stuffing her hands into her sweater pockets.

  “What are these?” He asked as he gave her a puzzled look.

  “Two missing people in Goldenborough, one in Fernridge, and another in Westbridge. One reported sacrificial “Satanic” murder in Goldenborough, three “suicides” in Fernridge, and two here. On top of Zachary’s missing person’s case. That definitely ten people that we can assume were murdered by the growing vampire brood, all within the past few months. Who knows how many tourists, prostitutes or homeless individuals have fallen victim to them that have yet to be reported. And honestly probably never will be. I would guess that it’s a pretty decent number.” Samantha said.

  Colin stared at her for a moment, and then he thumbed through the newspaper clippings. He looked up from them and smiled at her approvingly, “Very good job, Samantha. What do you suggest I do wi
th this information?”

  “Honestly sir…” Samantha hesitated, “Honestly I think that you should bring this all to Malcom’s attention and demand that he act. Nobody should have died at the hands of these monsters. We should have been taking the threat a lot more seriously.”

  Colin nodded, “I appreciate the concern. I will bring this to Malcolm’s attention. Thank you.” Colin put the newspaper clippings down on the table and looked around the room. Samantha sat. “Would anybody like to add anything?” Nobody else spoke.

  Colin nodded once more, “Very well. Now, I am aware that none of you actually want to be out patrolling on Christmas Eve. However, we have our responsibilities. I can assure you that although we all deserve to be home with our families tonight that these vampires will not stop their hunting simply because of a human holiday. Charlotte, do you have any word from Zach?” He turned to face Charlotte, who nodded.

  She shifted in her seat, uncomfortable as the whole pack turned to watch her, “Y-Yes sir…” She stammered.

  “Well?” Colin prompted impatiently.

  “He told me that there is a hole in our patrol around the town…” Charlotte stated.

  “I already told you there’s not much we can do about that, Char…” Alex mumbled.

  Colin turned to look at Alex as he raised an eyebrow, “Oh, really?”

  Alex rolled her eyes but nodded, “Yup. It was on the news this morning. There’s a new curfew being enforced by the sheriff and his department, put into place by our lovely mayor and Head Alpha. Although Sheriff Adler is out of town, the curfew is still going to be strongly enforced due to the strange killing in Goldenborough. It goes right along with the stupid curfew he gave us before, but now we can get into real world trouble if we’re caught out.” She explained.

  “Well then, some of us will just have to patrol the perimeter of the town in our other forms. Charlotte,” Colin turned back to her, “Did Zach happen to mention where in the town this hole in our patrol is located?”

  “The park, sir. The southeast corner that leads off into the woods.” Charlotte responded.

  Colin rubbed his temple, “Alright. Roberto, if you don’t mind I’m going to have you patrol with my pack tonight.” Roberto nodded in agreement, “Good. You and Riley will patrol the woods around the town tonight, from curfew until dawn. After the meeting you both may pick three pack members to accompany you, and then you may go get some rest. Everyone else will go about their usual duties. And Charlotte, don’t forget, you’re with Melody and Danica tonight.”

  “Why though? Katarina and Roberto are here…” Charlotte protested.

  “Do you have somewhere more important to be?” Colin asked, clearly aggravated by his tone of voice.

  “No, but Katarina is here, so is Roberto. Roberto can watch Melody until he leaves at eleven and Katarina can watch her from then until shift change at midnight. Why do I have to be there?” Charlotte persisted.

  “I can’t phase young one, I’m twelve weeks pregnant,” Katarina announced, her voice thin with annoyance, “And my husband is going to be resting before he goes out to patrol.”

  “You’ve got all the more reason to be there. If something happens at least there will be a pack member capable of phasing. And, Charlotte, don’t forget, this is your punishment. You must adhere to it, regardless of who is around.” Colin stated as a-matter of factly, “Any more objections?” The room was silent. “Good, if you’re not sure what patrol shift you are on or are not familiarized with the new shifts, please come see me and we will get it straightened out. First patrol shift begins now.” Colin stood, dismissing the meeting.

  Samantha sighed. She knew Colin was indirectly addressing her. She had missed out on quite a few patrols in the past weeks. She hadn’t been since they changed around the way that the patrols were run. She was about to go up to Colin when Alex grabbed her by the arm and pulled her aside.

  “You patrol first shift with me, let’s go.” She said.

  About forty-five minutes later the first shift was well into their patrol, their belongings with Melody and Charlotte. Alex led the group, going in circles around the forest looking for any trace of vampires. There were no unfamiliar or foul scents in the forest. Alex made the executive decision to lead the group in a patrol around the perimeter of the town once before heading back to the meeting point.

  She was silent while leading them and Samantha hung back, her nose to the dirt. She quietly followed the group while searching for any unfamiliar smell. She had an uneasy feeling in her stomach but she blew it off. She thought it was just nerves about running into any vampires. They found their way to the park and circled around it. They took care to inspect where Charlotte said Zachary had reported a ‘hole’ in the patrols.

  “I don’t smell any vampires…” Alex snarled.

  “Neither do I…” Samantha grumbled. She slunk along the forest ground, still sniffing.

  They investigated further into the woods, but still didn’t come across any trail. Alex grumbled and led everyone back to the meeting point. She snarled the whole way there, feeling agitated and as though she had wasted her time. When they arrived to the meeting point the pack members of the second shift had arrived, but Melody was nowhere to be seen. Samantha’s stomach dropped.

  Bridgette, who was leading the second shift patrol, stepped forward, “Alex, do you know where Melody is?”

  Alex whined and shook her head in response.

  Bridgette sighed. “It’s not like her to be late…” She looked around, “Samantha, Alex, head back towards the house. Perhaps she is just running late.”

  Alex turned to Samantha who followed obediently. They walked in silence until they say the path opening up into Samantha’s yard. Two feet off the trail was Melody. She lay on the ground. Motionless. Samantha froze for a fraction of a second. She bolted towards her unconscious aunt at full speed.

  She got to her and rolled her over by nudging her gently. She whined, blood getting into the fur on her muzzle. Blood stained her neck and the front of her shirt. Samantha quickly phased and she stared at her aunt in horror. She heard Alex shuffling through the duffle bag a few feet away. Samantha brushed Melody’s hair out of her face and to the side of her head. She inspected her neck for wounds. There were two puncture wounds, barely an inch apart. They were a few centimeters away from her jugular. Although they weren’t bleeding any longer she put her hand over them instinctually. Alex knelt down beside her as she pulled on her shirt. She handed Samantha her clothes. As Samantha hastily dressed herself Alex assessed the situation.

  “Help me carry her to the car. I’ll call my mom on the way to the hospital.” Alex said firmly.

  Samantha nodded slowly and helped Alex carry Melody’s limp body to Alex’s car. They laid Melody down in the back and Samantha sat with her, holding her head in her lap. Alex took her phone out of the glove compartment and sped away from the house. She dialed her mother’s cell number. After the phone rang three times Bridgette picked up.

  “Hello?” Bridgette’s voice came.

  “Mom? It’s me. We’re taking Melody to the hospital. She was attacked.”


  The minutes became hours. Samantha waited to hear word about Melody’s condition. The doctors who were wolves were busy forging Melody’s paper work so that it was not apparent that she had been attacked. An investigation would surely be launched otherwise, and pinning it on a vampire would not be a plausible explanation if the police were to get involved. It was hectic and noisy. Samantha sat in her seat, impatiently counting the passing minutes.

  Finally, after hours of waiting, Dr. Gardner moved the pack to a private waiting room on the fourth floor. It was just outside of the intensive care unit. Dr. Gardner regretfully informed Samantha that her aunt had been moved into the ICU approximately an hour ago but she was unable to get down to move the pack any sooner.

  “She’s in critical but stable condition. Do you know what that means?” Dr. Gardner asked Samantha
. For a doctor’s niece, Samantha knew very little in fact. She shook her head, “Okay,” Dr. Gardner continued, “It means that your aunt’s vitals are stabilized but her condition could get worse at any given time. Unfortunately, this condition is particularly unpredictable. I’ll be honest, young one…”

  “She may not make it… I know…” Samantha choked out as she sat down in a chair.

  “I wrote in her admission papers that she had thrown up blood and passed out and that you had found her in the bathroom… She is showing symptoms of meningococcal meningitis, so that will most likely be her diagnosis on paper. I am unfamiliar of the effects on vampire venom on a werewolf but it appears that she may have suffered from a seizure…”

  Samantha covered her face with shaky hands. She took a ragged breath in, pulling her knees up to her chest. She didn’t hear what Dr. Gardner said before she walked away, nor did she care. She had heard enough. She took another deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair as she leaned her forehead on her knees. She drowned out all the noise around her and hugged herself. The sounds of her pack members calling their families and other packs to inform them of what had happened became a low buzzing in the background.

  She wasn’t sure how long she sat like that, weeping. It felt like an eternity to her, but it could have been only a few brief moments. It could have been hours. The talk amongst her pack mates blended together. She wasn’t sure who was coming and who was going. Eventually her tears dried up and her throat was sore. She still didn’t move. She felt a gentle hand on her back, but she remained still. She knew who it was before he spoke.

  “Sam?” Kedar’s voice came. There was a mix of concern and panic in his voice. She looked up at him. “Are you okay?” He whispered.


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