Passion For the Bear (Series 1, 2, 3 Compilation): White Spirit Bear Romance: Shifter, Erotic Romance, Suspense, Paranormal, New Adult Romance (Shifters Book 5)

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Passion For the Bear (Series 1, 2, 3 Compilation): White Spirit Bear Romance: Shifter, Erotic Romance, Suspense, Paranormal, New Adult Romance (Shifters Book 5) Page 209

by Michelle Hart

  There was a knock on her door, she was ready in her yoga outfit for the arrival of Anurag. He was such a handsome exotic looking man, married man she thought as she invited him in. He brought along the book on Tantric sex as he had promised. Violet thanked him, saying she was better at doing things hands on, rather than reading about them. She couldn't believe she had just said that, but for some reason she could not help herself. “Would you like to try some of these positions with me?” asked Anurag with a deep sexy voice. “I have been thinking of you in a sexual way ever since I first met you Anurag—so yes I would love to try some Tantric sexual moves with you”. After a short awkward pause, the next thing Violet knew they were suddenly kissing each other in a frenzied way full of forbidden passion, it was exhilarating, she felt lightheaded, but then he made his way down to between her legs where he was gently licking her body all over. It felt so incredibly good, she was moaning and groaning as he gently licked her. By the time they had finished with their Tantric sex lesson Anurag had managed to make her have two orgasms, something she had never actually been able to accomplish before. She felt alive again. Now she was armed with some new techniques that certainly fired her up sexually like never before in her life.

  This man had opened up new sexual experiences for Violet, he had certainly taught her more than just a few yoga moves. This was a whole new way of enjoying her sexual pleasure, she felt that she had been introduced to an incredible side of pleasure that she had no idea even existed up until recently by Anurag. After this experience, Violet felt guilty and uncomfortable with continuing with the yoga lessons. So afterwards she thanked Anurag for the lovely experience, but she would no longer be needing his services. She explained that under the circumstances she felt it was best that they part on good terms. Anurag was very understanding and wished Violet the best of luck in her life. He expressed to her that he found it very pleasing himself, being with an older woman. They had both experienced something special together that day. But it was a first and a last time for Violet, she felt content now that she had experienced being with a younger man. Not only had she enjoyed the experience of being with a younger man, but she had learned some new sexual acts that allowed her to get to the point of orgasm. So after their passion filled first and last session, both of them parted ways on a good note. Both had given each other a new experience, Violet had the experience of being with a younger man, and Anurag had the experience of being with an older woman. Now that Violet had gone through this new experience she felt she was ready to keep moving forward in her life.

  Two days later Violet received a call from Gavin stating that he was now the proud owner of a houseboat. He asked her if she would like to join him for dinner that evening to celebrate. Violet agreed and Gavin was going to pick her up in a cab at seven. He had made reservations at the East Indian restaurant “Vichi's” for seven-thirty. They enjoyed a pleasant meal at the restaurant, then Violet asked Gavin to come back to her house for drinks. Gavin readily accepted her invite, and so off they headed to Violet's, but not before stepping into the flower shop beside the restaurant where Gavin bought Violet a dozen gorgeous yellow roses. She gave him a light kiss of thanks for the lovely flowers and dinner just before they stepped into the cab.

  They sat drinking a few glasses of beer, laughing and enjoying each other's company immensely. When all of a sudden Violet asked Gavin if he would like to kiss her. He said he has been dying to kiss her since the first moment he laid eyes on her at Anne's place. Suddenly they were kissing each other with a great hunger, both starving with passion. Before long Violet stood up, suggesting that Gavin give his brother a call and tell him not to expect him back this evening. She then instructed once he had finished making his call he was to join her upstairs in her bedroom. Telling him that her bedroom was at the end of the hall, the room with the double doors. Violet made her way upstairs to prepare herself for a night filled with passion, something that she had not had in so many years. She quickly changed into a sexy long lilac colored silk lingerie gown. And slipped on her white furry high heel bedroom slippers. She sat on her bench seat brushing her hair, awaiting the arrival of the hot Scotsman. Gavin asked if it was okay for him to enter her bedroom, she invited him in. Gavin looked at Violet sitting on the bench as she put her brush down. “My god you look absolutely breath taking” he replied as he stepped toward her picking her up into his arms and carrying her over to the bed where he gently placed her on top of the bed. He then stood before her while undressing himself.

  Violet groaned with passion as her eyes took in the handsome naked body of Gavin standing before her. He slowly laid down beside her then began to kiss her deeply, as he moved his hands around her body feeling her perky breasts and erect nipples through the silk garment. He exposed a breast from within the garment and began to gently suck on Violet's erect nipple. They both groaned with sheer delight, slowly he removed her gown, leaving her lying naked beside his naked body. He ran his hand up her leg and began to gently massage between her legs, she moaned with pleasure. Violet shared some Tantric sexual positions with Gavin, mentioning that she had read a book on them recently, he was more than happy to try them. Gavin was fully erect and wanted to get into Violet so badly, he could not hold back any longer. He mounted her gently and slowly began thrusting into her moist special spot between her legs. It felt so liberating to Violet when she made love with Gavin, after spending so many years of her life without this passion in it. It felt so amazing to experience it once again. Gavin too had missed making love for many years, both enjoyed reintroducing sexual pleasure into their lives. It had been a wonderful night finishing off some great morning sex, before they got up and enjoyed a coffee together, before Gavin took his leave. Not without asking Violet if he could see her again once he had moved to America, and into his houseboat. He mentioned maybe she could give him some pointers in decorating, so he wouldn't end up with a couch that looks like a giant set of lips. They said their goodbyes with both looking forward to reuniting in a couple of months’ time.

  Chapter 7. Spending the Day On Neil's Yacht

  Neil prepared a wonderful lunch, out on the deck of his lovely yacht. They sat sipping on Margaritas enjoying the view off shore from this lovely spot where they had anchored. From out here was a lovely view of San Francisco bay in the distance. It seemed so peaceful and tranquil out here, Violet felt that she didn't have a care or concern as she sipped on her cool drink, praising Neil for the lovely lunch that he had provided for them. “Violet you look so beautiful lying on that deck chair, sipping on your drink—you look like you belong there. Let me put some sunblock on your skin, we don't want that lovely skin getting burnt—would you mind me rubbing some on your back for you?” “That sounds like something I am not going to turn down—having a handsome man like yourself rubbing lotion into my back sounds wonderful” replied Violet as she rolled onto her back. Neil stood over Violet spraying lotion on her back, he then bent over her, rubbing it into her body, massaging her neck and working his way down her back. Violet was in heaven she couldn't remember the last time a man massaged her back with lotion. Obviously it had been far too long—and it felt so good. Neil had amazing hands, he was so gentle as he rubbed her back, massaging her muscles in a way that made her tingle all over.

  “Now that you have rubbed my back, the least I can do is put some on your back” replied Violet as she stood up taking the bottle of sunblock from Neil's hands. Now lie down and I will get your back covered in sunblock” replied Violet with a grin. Neil laid down on his deck chair, Violet began to spray lotion across his back. She leaned over his back and began to massage in the lotion, up and down his back, while he groaned in a pleasing manner. “God Violet you have magic fingers that feel so good” moaned Neil as he lay there enjoying every moment of this attention he was getting from Violet. Violet returned to her own deck chair and lay down, picking up her glass and taking a sip. They lay out on the deck chairs for another half an hour or so, then they went inside to make some
more drinks.

  “Violet I have been looking so forward to this day, spending it with you here alone on my yacht—I can't believe you are actually finally here with me” replied Neil as he lifted a part of Violet's hair from her face. He then drew her close to him and began to kiss her deep and passionately. He then led her to the bedroom where he guided her towards the bed. He removed her bathing suit and quickly removed his trunks, then they both joined each other on the bed. Neil gently began to kiss Violet around the nape of her neck, and made his way down to her breasts to suck on her erect nipples. “Violet I have wanted you since the first moment I laid eyes on you, I have been dreaming of this moment—god your nipples are a lovely rose-bud pink” replied Neil with an excited tone. He rolled over on his back asking Violet to straddle him, his member was standing erect and waiting for Violet to wrap herself around it. She got up on top of him, and started to ease herself over his hard member, both of them groaning with pleasure. Neil had his hands wrapped around her waist supporting her on top of his member as she began to slide up and down slowly at first and then going faster and faster. She then rolled off him, lying on her back, where he then got on top of her, sliding his member slowly into her. He thrust deep inside her, with her moaning out begging for more. Neil quickened up the pace until he got to the point where he had an explosive orgasm, shouting out in pleasure, and rolling off Violet, lying beside her, breathless, and satisfied. “Wow—I have not had such great sex in a long, long time—you really know how to please a man Violet that's for sure”. As for Violet she felt the experience had gone by a little too fast for her liking, he didn't use any Tantric sexual moves—but it was still nice to know that she had pleased Neil. The good news was that we are never too old to learn—she learned how to apply Tantric sexual moves at 55 years of age—so this was something she would be willing to teach others.

  Just as Neil and Violet were finishing up with docking the yacht or the “Seahorse” as she was named, a man came up the dock calling out to Neil. “Neil—what the hell is going on with you? Mr. Travis called earlier to say he is coming down here this evening, he wanted to make sure that you had done the repairs on his yacht. I have been looking all over the Marina for you, just to discover you and Mr. Travis' yacht are both missing” replied Ted Green the marina owner. Neil quickly looks towards Violet, she is shocked at what she hears coming from Ted Green. She thinks in horror—my god I was out in a stolen yacht—Neil lied to me, I feel so betrayed, he is not who he says he is—who is this man she has just spent the day with getting very intimate with on someone else's yacht. Violet grabs her bags and rushes away, with tears streaming down her face, caused from both anger and humiliation. She rushes past Ted Green heading towards her car with Neil quickly at her heels. “What is going on here Neil—you have some explaining to do” grumbles Ted Green. “Ted can you give me a minute, I will meet you back in the office and I will explain everything—okay—just let me go and talk to my lady friend first” replied Neil as he rushed past Ted. Neil made his way towards Violet, begging her forgiveness, stating that there had been a terrible miss communication.

  Violet threw her bags in her car, and turned to face Neil. “Yes Neil I think there was—being the fact that you lied to me about that yacht being yours—and you stole it! I can't believe I actually thought you were a really nice man, so much so that I gave myself to you, only to find out this! I feel so hurt and humiliated right now” said Violet as she wiped her tears away. “I am so sorry Violet, I should have been honest with you, I am an idiot, the truth is I am a boat mechanic here at the marina. I was desperate to attract you to me, so I made up that I was a marine biologist. The yacht I was planning to purchase from Mr. Travis, he had told me I could take it out today for a test drive after I replaced the fuel filter in it for him. So I guess I jumped the gun in telling you it was my boat. Mr. Travis must have forgot that I was taking the boat out today. Look I am so sorry for all I have put you through today—I was going to tell you the truth, but we got into doing more fun things than me doing a confession. I am sorry I have caused you this grief” replied Neil. “I suppose you don't have a Lexus in the shop either?” asked Violet. “No actually that rusty pickup truck over there is my vehicle” answered Neil. At that moment Violet put her car into drive, and drove away leaving Neil standing looking at her as she departed. She decided that Neil was not a guy that was going to work out, she couldn't have a relationship with someone that she couldn't trust.

  Chapter 8. Reunited On a Boathouse

  The past two months Violet had not bothered to look for a date on “Golden Dates”, she had decided to take a break. She used this time to get things sorted out in both company branches so that she would no longer be there, she stepped down, leaving the companies to be run by others that were well equipped to handle it. She still had the majority of shares in her design company, only going to the odd meetings if she cared to, but other than that she was living more or less as a retired woman in her golden years and making the best of her life. She was enjoying getting to spend time with her children and their families, she felt blessed that she was able to rebuild a connection with her two children. All was going well in Violet's life, she felt good about herself, but she still had that little ache deep within her that was hoping to find someone to share her golden years with. She sat looking out her bay window sipping on some yummy blueberry herbal tea, thinking about the different men that had recently came and gone from her life. The one she had gained the most affection for was the Scotsman, Gavin, that had made her laugh at life in a way no one else could. Suddenly her phone was ringing, she answered to find that it was none other than Gavin. He had recently moved into his houseboat and was inviting her for dinner on Saturday, if she was free. She told Gavin that she was just thinking about him, when he called. He hoped it was good thoughts and she confirmed that they were. They made arrangements that Violet would join Gavin at his houseboat for dinner on Saturday night. He was also having his brother and Anne there as well, it was a bit of a houseboat warming dinner.

  Anne called a few hours later to see if Violet wanted to be picked up by her and Dan on Saturday. She agreed that she would love to go with them. So, they agreed that she would be picked up by them at around six-thirty on Saturday. Violet got up and went to shower and get dressed, she was off to do a bit of shopping for a houseboat warming gift and a new outfit for herself for the occasion. She felt happy and thrilled to be seeing Gavin again, she felt that this was a man that she could see herself sharing her golden years with and beyond. She just hoped that he felt the same way! Violet wondered what on earth to get for Gavin for a houseboat warming gift, as she grabbed her car keys and purse and she rushed out the door for a fun day of shopping. Violet found herself wandering into this little shop that sold all kinds of cute items for the house and garden, like lovely stain-glass wind-chimes, and colorful candles, blankets, and then she saw the perfect gift sitting on a chair—it was a pillow that was shaped like a set of lips. This was too funny to pass up, she would get the lip pillow along with a nice wind chime that would look nice on his deck. She had picked up a nice lime green sundress for herself that she could wear with her comfy Birkenstock sandals. She also got a nice silver necklace with matching earrings that had lovely purple stones on the jewellery set. Violet had worked up an appetite doing all this shopping, so she headed home to make herself some dinner.

  Dan gave a honk of his horn to let Violet know that he and Anne were waiting for her outside. It was Saturday and they were off to Gavin's houseboat for dinner. Anne straightened her purple stone necklace at the mirror at her front door, and grabbed the gift bag and her purse as she hurried out the door. She jumped into the back of Dan's grey SUV, giving thanks and greetings to Dan and Anne. “I will say that I am so glad you are coming with us to Gavin's tonight because it would put me off my dinner if I had to look at his disappointed face if you did not accept his invite” chuckled Dan. “Somehow Dan I find it hard to believe anything could cause you t
o lose your appetite” replied Anne with a laugh. “But I do have to agree he would have been very disappointed if Violet was not coming this evening, he has been singing your praises since the day he met you Violet. You certainly made quite the impression on him” replied Anne looking back in the seat at Violet with a smile. Well I am so happy to be coming with you both tonight, I have missed Gavin's company. I had such fun with him when he was here, I am so thrilled that he is here to stay. I can't wait to see his houseboat, now that it has his own touch and decoration in it” replied Violet. “Yeah in the decorating department he might be asking you for some help in that area, not his cup of tea I am afraid” replied Dan. “Wait to you see what I got him as a houseboat warming present—you will certainly get a good laugh when you see it” said Violet with a smile.

  They had a wonderful dinner of barbecue chicken and ribs that Gavin prepared on his barbecue out on his deck, which was accompanied with a lovely spring salad and red wine. After dinner they gave Gavin his houseboat warming gifts—the best part was when Gavin pulled out the pillow that looked like a set of red lips—they all had a great laugh. Gavin had stated that he would have made an offer on the previous owner's “lips couch” if he had only known that Violet was bringing him the matching pillow. That is just a gag gift—I got that for a good laugh—here is your real present” said Violet softly as she handed him the bag with the lovely stained glass wind chime. He thought it was beautiful and he walked over to Violet and asked her if she would help him find the right spot to hang on the deck. The two of them walked out onto the deck, Gavin telling Anne and Dan that they would be right back. He walked out and when they got out of view of the others he grabbed Violet and drew her close to him and gave her a passionate tender kiss. “I have been dying to do that all night, I have missed you so much Violet, thanks for coming” replied Gavin softly to Violet. “I have missed you too Gavin, I was so thrilled to get your invite” replied Violet softly. “I want to spend a lot more time with you Violet, I hope that you will allow me to be a part of your life for a very long time, I ache for you” Gavin said softly into her ear. “I am not going anywhere, I would like to spend more time with you too, but first let us get this wind chime hung up—the others will be wondering what has happened to us!” They found a spot to hang the chime right at the right hand front corner of the deck, it looked perfect. Just as they were ready to head back in to join the others, Gavin grabbed Violet towards him whispering in her ear that he wanted her to spend the night with him. That he was dying to make sweet passionate love to her. He has thought of nothing else over the last two months that they have been separated. He was hungry for the taste and feel of her. Violet gave Gavin a sexy seductive looking grin, then she softly whispered in his ear “I will stay but only if I get to use your lip pillow” they hugged each other, then walked in to join the others laughing and holding each other as they did so. Violet had a good warm feeling that this Scotsman was going to be her golden years companion, that would share many happy years with her to come!


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