Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set

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Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set Page 3

by Rosette Bolter

  She stood up and reached down for the discarded gown. She put it back on and sat on the sofa.

  The fruit bowl stared back at her.

  Stacey wasn’t sure about what would happen next, but she wished she had more control of it. She didn’t understand why Zane had left her in such a quick fashion, even if he was morphing into his other form. Just that she didn’t understand it highlighted the fact that she knew very little about him – only that they’d just met and what had happened didn’t mean anything. But she was over-thinking it.

  Zane returned to the room ten minutes later. He was back to his human form and dressed in new clothes.

  “Hi,” Stacey waved.

  His dark eyes centered on her as he crossed the room. “Hello.”

  He stood in front of her.

  “What?” she questioned.

  “I can never really figure out what to say afterwards. Make a joke. Ask you how it was. Pretend it didn’t happen, business as usual.”

  Stacey inhaled.

  “But you did okay, you know? Obeying me and stuff.”

  “Are you making fun of me?” Stacey replied.

  “Yes,” Zane said icily. “Because that’s what you are. A bit of fun.”

  “Thanks a lot.”

  “You’re welcome. Now stand up please. Face me properly.”

  Once on her feet again, he put his arms around her and leant in for a kiss.

  It was as sudden as it was intense.

  “Now give me that hand of yours,” he murmured. As he said this, he seized her right and jerked her towards the entrance with him as he headed towards the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” Stacey asked breathlessly.

  “Wherever I say.”

  Not much of an answer.

  The staircase’s spiral swung round as they ran together up it, higher and higher, until they reached the top. The pale green walls had gradually become richer, darker as they went there, and the air had become cooler and more clear.

  In front of them was a set of glass red doors, with an eloquent design shaped around the borders. Zane put his palm down on the handle, and they made their way inside.

  Once there, he let go of Stacey’s hand. She was free to wander across the carpet which was facing a large pair of windows overlooking the island below. As she stood there, watching the wind rustling through the trees, and the sun’s rays grow dimmer still, Zane’s attention was diverted to a closet behind her.

  “I’m afraid I’ll need your clothes again,” he said in a low voice.

  Stacey turned slightly. “I thought we’d finished.”

  “I have something else for you to wear.”

  Stacey nodded meekly and removed the gown once more.

  “Put it on the bed,” Zane said, his back still turned.

  Stacey put the gown on the bed and instantaneously it changed into that of her old prison clothes. She felt the distinct need to cover up.

  “Come here,” Zane directly.

  Stacey walked slowly towards the the closet where her lover was holding out a gold, diamond encrusted dress in front of the mirror. Stacey’s jaw dropped at the sight of its beauty.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “As we will soon be dining with the Dragon King, you will be expected to be pleasing to his eye. Those rags I had you in earlier would not fool him.”

  Zane helped her into the dress and zipped her up from the back. His hands then moved towards her shoulders. With her watching him in the mirror, he lent down and kissed her neck.

  “He won’t want anything to do with me, will he?” Stacey asked.

  “Who won’t?”

  “The Dragon King.”

  Zane laughed. “Of course not.” He then let her go and proceeded towards the window.

  Stacey’s gaze followed him.

  “Why is that funny?” she asked.

  “The Dragon King has no interest in peasant girls,” he muttered.

  “But then why do I have to wear this dress?”

  “It is a matter of courtesy,” Zane said. He turned. “Do you not like the dress?”

  “I do. It’s lovely thank you.”

  “Of course it is.”

  Zane pulled back the window’s latches and pushed it open, so they were one with the open air.

  “When are we leaving?” Stacey asked.

  “Come here.”

  Stacey went to him and stood opposite, whilst he placed his hands on her shoulders once again. He kissed her lips.

  “How about right now?” he whispered.



  He took her hand and lead her further out towards the window.

  “When I say three, jump with me.”

  Stacey’s eyes bulged. “What?”


  Stacey looked at the ground below.


  Stacey looked at the sky above.



  Stacey didn’t jump. Zane pushed her out the window. And he was there with her too. Their small bodies, dots on the horizon, sailing towards the base of the tower. Stacey’s heart beat so fast she could hear it in her ears. Her realization that she was about to die, resulted in a scream that never managed to leave her lips. And before the last part of the drop, she wasn’t falling anymore. Something had come to her rescue. Now she was sailing.


  Stacey opened her terrified eyes.

  There she was, her legs wrapped around this reptilian beast, flapping its wings to rise above the tower. She shrieked, almost slipping off the back entirely, before somehow managing to steady herself. Of course she now realized the creature she was riding now was a beautiful green dragon, which also meant that she was riding Zane.

  “Oh my freaking God,” Stacey cried.

  Her mouth closed, almost frozen with disbelief, she braced herself as the dragon’s wings increased in speed and their flight became an unquenchable rush.

  Slow down, Stacey thought. You’re scaring me half to death here.

  She wondered though if Zane would even hear her. The sound of his wings in accompaniment with the wind meant she could barely even hear herself think. Her eyes were becoming blinded by the aching sunset they were now steering towards, so instead she closed them. And kept her complaints bottled up.

  It’s not as if, he’s actually going to listen.

  She was his property now. She actually preferred that concept than not knowing who she belonged to. After all, the sex was consensual between them, and she liked the idea of being possessed by someone who at least had some type of power. She didn’t know much about the political world of dragons, but then perhaps someday soon she would.

  The true test for her would be to persuade him that she was his perfect match. That was just a concept for now, her trying to make him fall for her… And it was such an idea that would probably eventuate to little in the face of what was about to unfold. She wished that she could be honest with Zane – open up to him, and have him do the same. For now the moment though was utter bliss, so she calmed her thoughts and allowed herself to take it all in.

  The sunset had almost passed.

  In the sky, the faint appearance of stars emerged, as the King’s Palace loomed in the distance. By now, Stacey’s anxieties were at peace with the dragon riding, and the side of her face was gently submerged in his tiny scales. She felt his heat underneath them – his breath, his fire, his soul. As an aspiring veterinarian she had always had a thing for animals. Especially in their differences to people. Zane wasn’t a man, and he wasn’t an animal. He was a unique, god-like combination of the two. Perhaps that was why she already felt attached to him – his animal side rather – as even though no words were being spoken between them now, communication was taking place. She knew she felt it.

  She knew he felt it too.

  What would become of the pair then, when it was time for them to play their hand?


  Horatio Hurux, King of the Dragons, was sitting in the middle of his bed in the Royal Chambers, having a conversation with his Human Mage, whilst two half naked slaves waved their fans over him. Dinner wasn’t for another half hour.

  “You know I get bored of all this,” Horatio growled in a deep voice. “All this eating and drinking and fucking. How we’re just all sitting on this island here, like animals in a pen.”

  “Indeed,” the Mage contemplated. “It’s not the Dragon’s way.”

  “My father would be disgusted with how complacent I’ve become. All these peace treaties. Everyone minding their own business. No one getting offended. It’s too easy. There’s no point to it.”

  “Still,” the Mage added, “your father would be pleased with our lack of casualties.”

  “What casualties? You have to go to war to have casualties. All my men these days, just sit around living in harmony. Have you seen how some of them treat their slaves? They actually marry them. Raise … filthy, self entitled half breeds. They’re so soft. They think the meaning to life is to just enjoy themselves.”

  “But they have a good leader. Zane is a true warrior.”

  “I have no doubt he once was. Back when father was king. But now… He just spends most of his time messing about with the birds in his avery. Between fucking every piece of ass that comes in here.”

  “Aye, it’s no way to live.”

  Horatio waved at his slaves to stop fanning him, and got up off the bed. He moved past his Mage and went to the cupboard to dress himself in his evening attire.

  “We’ve been far too weak for far too long. It’s time for blood to be shed. It’s time for a war.”

  “And yet you hesitate?”

  The King smiled at his minion. “The worst decisions are always made in haste.”

  “Not always.”

  His smile widened. “What would you suggest I do?”

  The Mage pondered his question a moment. The King turned away from him.

  “I would request a meeting with Zane. He’ll be able to shed some light.”

  “Zane huh?” the King chuckled. He turned back to his Mage now completely dressed. He picked up a glass of wine from the mantle. “Is he really the one to advise me on this subject?”

  The Mage’s eyes narrowed.

  “What would you have me do, if it were up to you?”

  “If it were up to me?”


  The Mage bowed his head slowly and walked towards the far window. He stared out.

  “Perhaps, instead of a war, we need some entertainment.”

  “What type of entertainment?”

  “An arena. Fights to the death.”

  Horatio stood beside him. “I’m not about to have my army kill each other off. Where’s the point in that?”

  “Perhaps your men don’t fight each other. Perhaps we make them fight humans.”

  “How would such an unequal battle be entertaining?”

  “There are ways,” the Mage mused. “It was just an idea.”

  Horatio laughed to himself and clapped the Mage over his back. “I think you were right the first time.”


  “Let’s go to war.”


  Zane circled over the roof of the palace a few times before diving down and landing in the courtyard. Stacey climbed off of him and jumped down to the grass with a great thud. In a whirl of smoke and wind Zane’s dragon form diminished and he was left standing beside her as they had first met. Ahead of them, Stacey made out the appearance of a group of iron clad guards advancing towards them.

  “You could have told me you were going to shift,” Stacey remarked, tossing her hair.

  “Pardon me?” Zane responded.

  “You like, pushed me out the window. You were trying to scare me.”

  “How does that feel?” Zane grinned. “To be scared?”

  “Shut up.” She punched his shoulder.

  As the guards drew near, Stacey leaned into Zane. She could see they were mostly focused on their head commander, but every so often a probing glance was cast her way. As strong and handsome as these men were, it was also alarming to consider the possibility she soon might be wedded to one of them.

  She already had the man she needed.

  Right here.

  “Good evening, gentleman. The raving beauty beside me is our guest, Miss Stacey Caversham. If you must interact with her, you are only to treat her with the upmost respect and honor. Is that understood?”

  The knights had formed a semi circle around them. After Zane’s address they stooped to one knee and called in agreement: “Yes, Master.”

  “It is her first night here in Firebound Island,” Zane added. “So you’ll have to forgive her for being nervous.”

  Stacey bit her lip.

  What’s wrong with being nervous?

  “Alright, stand up,” Zane ordered. “Return to your flanks. We know our own way around, thank you very much.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  The guards departed.

  Zane offered her his hand. “Shall we?”

  Stacey took it, beaming.

  Although the sun was almost gone now, Stacey could still see how colorful and rich the courtyard’s garden was. She and Zane proceeded slowly down a winding stone pathway, leading up to the palace. Stacey’s eyes drifted through the exquisite plants and trees, which were unlike any others she had previously seen. Their dynamic, florescent like mix, reminded her of fireworks. The wild and flashing lights of a carnival. In that there was peace, but also an adventurous spirit. The faint lines of the moon were ever present in the sky, and in it, and the stars surrounding, Stacey felt one with the world. And that she was having an adventure of her own.

  Zane seemed calm and pleasant. She was annoyed that she didn’t understand him; wasn’t able to read his thoughts. She knew though that was because of her feelings for him and how insecure she was about them. Everything had happened so fast and in the face of all the horrors behind her, this was the first time she’d felt separated them. Like that was someone else’s roommate who had thrown herself off the balcony. Someone else who had stood in court and was sentenced to twenty years. This island was her prison and Zane was her captor, but only now, in wake of the grand night before them, did she realize that she felt free.

  Torches of red fire burned outside the walls of the palace. The path led out to a set of steps and as she and Zane moved nearer to them, she could feel the heat of the flames. Each torch flickered and breathed in union with the others. From inside the palace, she could hear a tribal drum beating…

  “Do you mind waiting here?” Zane asked.

  “Oh,” Stacey mumbled. “Okay.”

  “I need to speak with the King first. About you … and some other things too.”

  Zane snapped his fingers and a guard emerged out from behind one of the pillars.

  “This is Miss Stacey Caversham. My honored guest. Watch her for a moment will you?”

  The guard nodded.

  Zane smiled at Stacey and let go of her hand.

  As he left her presence, her eyes circled the rest of the courtyard, aware that she wasn’t alone. Of course she wasn’t worried. Zane had warned the others not to mess with her.

  Stacey though, could help but wonder, what would happen if he hadn’t…


  Inside the palace, most of the King’s people were moving towards the banquet hall where dinner would be shortly served. Zane pushed through the crowd and made his way up to the stairs which came round on an angle leading up to the palace’s second floor. He was headed to see King Horatio in the throne room.

  The entrance to the throne room was wide open apart from the two guards who stood in its path. These weren’t the ordinary Knight Guards of the courtyard however – these were part of a select unit known as the Champions. While in technicality Zane was ranked higher than they were, the Cha
mpions took their orders directly from the King, and so he had no authority here. He was forced to wait whilst one of them went to the King to announce his arrival.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” King Horatio spluttered in response. “Send him forth.”

  The champion blocking Zane’s path removed himself leaving the way to the throne unchallenged.

  Zane slowly marched on.

  “So glad you’re here,” Horatio exclaimed picking up a chalice of wine from the slave girl’s tray. He got off the throne and walked past his mage advisor to meet Zane in the centre of the room.

  Zane took the chalice that was offered, and put the wine to his lips.

  “I haven’t seen much of you lately,” Horatio commented, circling him. “I trust there have been no disturbances in the stronghold?”

  “Of course not,” Zane answered. “You would be the first to know if there were.”

  “I was talking with our friend here,” Horatio said, indicating to the Mage, “and we were discussing the concept of going to war.”

  Zane inhaled sharply. He held his empty chalice out and a slave girl quickly came to retrieve it.

  “Obviously I would need a good dragon to lead the attack. Someone of already high authority. As far as I know, there is no better challenger than you.”

  “I’m more of a defense expert,” Zane replied.

  “Yes – but you are equipped with the skills required to lead an attack, are you not?”

  “Yes. Your Highness…”

  “Very good.”

  “And who might we be attack?”

  “Well, the humans of course.”

  Horatio stopped circling. His smug expression gave no indication as to what his next action would be.

  “Why go to war with them? Haven’t they given us what we asked for?”

  “I’ll admit,” Horatio said, “I’m bored. I find our dwelling here to be absolutely unsatisfying. How is it you occupy your time?”

  Zane nodded. “Perhaps it is time for you to find a mate.”

  Horatio roared with laughter. “Oh yes of course – Our Prince Zane here, the Ladies’ man who cannot help himself!”


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