Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set

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Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set Page 10

by Rosette Bolter

  “Where’d he go?” Conrad shouted at the scattering people. “The green dragon – where is he?”

  Not wishing to find out whether or not his approach was successful, Stacey raised herself onto her knees and tried to stand up against the building next to her. Once she’d gotten some ground she started to walk away from the road quickly.

  But not quick enough.

  “Not another step,” Conrad shouted in her direction.

  Stacey looked back, tearfully.

  He marched forward and stood in front of her.

  “I need your help,” he said. “You have to help me draw him out.”

  “How do I –?”

  Conrad put his hands to her and then produced a knife from his pocket. He held it close to her neck and then they moved towards the road.

  “Come out, brother!” Conrad shouted. “I just want to talk to you!”

  Both Stacey and Conrad looked around for him. A thin like fog had emerged from the heat of the accident, obscuring their view.

  “If you don’t come out right now, I’ll cut her throat,” Conrad declared. “I know you still feel something for her. I know how rare that must be for you.”

  Stacey looked to the left. Nothing. She looked to the right. Nothing still.

  Then she saw the outline of a figure emerging directly in front of them.

  “Good!” Conrad said. “Come here now, brother! Come quickly!”

  Zane staggered out. His shirt was ripped apart and he was bleeding.

  “Excellent. Now don’t do anything silly, or I’ll cut her. We’re just talking.”

  “What do I care what you do to her?” Zane shouted back. “You’ve already claimed her as your own.”

  “Well, since you made your claim first, I’d hardly think I was entitled.”

  Zane stopped. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the ground. “What happens now?”

  Conrad removed the knife from Stacey’s neck. He pushed her towards him.

  “You’re very strong,” Conrad said. “Even stronger than I am it would seem.”

  Stacey limped along the path between them.

  “What of my strength?” Zane snapped back.

  “Because you’re my brother, and because I believe you might be innocent, I’m allowing you to go free,” Conrad said. “I will tell the Mage I saw to your demise. The only thing I ask in return is that you do not come back to the Island.”

  Stacey landed in Zane’s arms. They reluctantly held her.

  “That’s all?” Zane replied.

  “You can’t let anyone know of your survival. Not the shifters, not the otherworld. No one.”

  “What happens if I do?”

  “Then I’ll have no choice but to hunt you down again. I don’t know why you would want to risk that. You’re free to do anything with your life now. Anything at least…” Conrad trailed off.

  Zane nodded. “You have yourself a deal. I will not return.”

  Conrad smiled. He turned as if he was going, but then stopped.

  Looked back.

  “I should let you know, that I had the Mage make me a doppelganger potion so that your Slave would think I was you.”

  Zane’s jaw dropped. “Is that so?”

  “You can ask me one final question. You can ask me why I did it, or you can ask me why I told you just now.”

  “I don’t need to ask you,” Zane said. “I know the answer to both.”


  Relief flooded through Stacey’s veins as Conrad shifted back into his blue dragon, and soared back into the skies until he was out of sight. She turned and stepped back from Zane, who was watching her carefully.

  She attempted a smile. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” Zane said, breathing in deeply.

  From all sides and directions the wailing sounds of fire trucks, ambulances and the police cars had begun to emerge. Zane grabbed her hand and led her back down the path from which he had just come.

  “You’re not still mad at me, are you?” Stacey said along the way. “I really thought he was you.”

  Zane appeared to ignore her. He said nothing and instead only paid attention to their environment abound. Stacey held her teeth tightly together and thought to herself that she should just be thankful she was with him again, and not his brother. There would be time enough to work things out between her and Zane, and this wasn’t the best moment right here.

  They approached one of the houses and climbed up over the back fence. They then rushed through the backyard and climbed the fence at the end to land in someone else’s backyard.

  Already, Stacey was out of breath.

  “Can we stop a moment?” she asked.

  Zane turned back, looking annoyed.

  “Please,” Stacey said. “Can’t you just turn into a dragon again?”

  “It’s not safe to. There’s too many people around. And I’m hurt.”

  “Well, where are we going then?”

  Abruptly, the backdoor to the house’s backyard they were in, and a man stormed out. “Hey. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Zane whipped round and instantly belted the man in the face. He dropped to the ground howling, clutching his nose full of blood.

  Zane grabbed Stacey’s hand. “Come on.”

  They ran together past the man and unlocked the back gate so they could exit.

  Once they were on the road again, danger lurked down every corner.

  Zane spotted car parked across the road, and after a moment of inspection, he put his first through the glass and opened the front door.

  “Shit,” Stacey gasped, startled by the noise.

  Zane dived into the car and went to the passenger side and unlocked the door for Stacey. She quickly jumped inside.

  Zane’s thumb was on the empty ignition. It glowed bright red a moment, and then Stacey heard the sound of the car’s engine. She closed her door, locked it and Zane pulled the car away from the curb.

  “Thanks for saving me back there,” Stacey said. “When I was falling off the balcony. It means a lot to me.”

  “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do about us,” Zane replied tonelessly. “Don’t get your hopes up.”

  But there was nowhere else for Stacey’s hopes to go.


  The sun over the city had been gradually sinking for the past hour or so, and it now left the sky with a gentle pinkish glow. Stacey leaned back in her seat, thankful for this long enough interval that she could relax, and just watch him. The man she loved…

  She didn’t want to say anything that would upset him. She had to be very careful about choosing her words. Zane’s temperament had always been volatile since she first met him, but now that she had slept with his brother it completely changed everything. Even though he now knew that she was fooled by Conrad and she hadn’t done anything wrong, that didn’t change the fact that his brother had been all over her body. And she all over his.

  Feelings of jealousy, were hard to deal with. Stacey understood what Zane was going through. At the same time she wanted to be reassured that he still loved her, and that they were going to work through them. All she wanted to know was that he was going to try. That he hadn’t given up on her. And yet, as much as Stacey wanted to ask him, the fear that asking would upset him further, had swallowed her whole…

  Night time.

  The horizon before them was full of starlit skyscrapers, and a dark busyness only the city was to behold. Stacey and Zane had outrun the police and the dragons to arrive here in the jungle of humanity – a place neither of them felt was home.

  The car slowed down outside the gate of a multi leveled car park. Zane wound down his window and grabbed a ticket from the machine and the lever gate lifted granting them access. White and yellow lights flooded the car as they climbed the levels of the car park, one after the other. The second floor from top was near empty. Zane parked by the ledge and pressed his thumb at the ignition to shut off the car

  Stacey looked to Zane, but he did not look at her.

  “Listen,” she said. “I’m really sorry about everything. I don’t want it to stand between us.”

  “Sing to me.”


  “I said sing to me. Or have you forgotten how.”

  Stacey sighed. She searched her heart. She searched her mind. What were the words inside her that he was after?

  Then she felt his fingers on top her hand. Gentle. Sensitive.

  He looked into her eyes. Then whispered another word: “Please.”

  And once more she was his.


  No more talking. Barely a few lines had left Stacey’s lips and Zane was close to her. First it was just those fingers touching her own. His skin touching her skin. Warm sensations flowing through her body. Then she felt his fingers behind her neck. Then inside her hair. Tears fell from Stacey’s eyes, her heart beating faster and faster. She wanted it. She wanted him so much. For a moment there she’d been so afraid he hated her, but when she looked into his deep and assured stare, she knew it was not the case. Their connection, was still real…

  Between the next verse, that she’d made up from nothing, his lips were at her cheek, kissing ever so softly. Her tears ran down Zane’s hands as he pressed them against her face, and kissed her mouth raw and hard. Stacey kissed back forcefully and he pulled her towards him.

  Zane reached for the lever underneath his chair and then pushed it back so he was lying on it, and Stacey was lying on top of him. He ran his fingers through her hair again and held her face to his. He kissed her mouth hard and plunged his tongue into it. His hands moved to her back and she felt the rags she was wearing rip apart. He shredded the top so it fell off in pieces, and even though this meant there would be nothing to cover Stacey afterward, she didn’t mind at all.

  His hands went to her waist. He massaged the sides of it and then her tummy. She loved it; she loved his warmth. She put her mouth into his neck and kissed it, her tears finally drying. He returned the favor by taking her breasts in his mouth and giving them much needed attention.

  It was on now.

  Zane sat up and lifted her to the backseat of the car. He removed his pants and underwear and then ripped what remained of her rags away with his teeth. He grabbed her legs and put his face between them. Stacey’s cheeks went red and mouthed: “Oh shit” to herself. Zane didn’t see. He was buried deep within her.


  Or love?

  An intoxicating blend of the two was always preferable.

  Zane bit and licked and sucked and slurped. Stacey just put her head back and let it happen. How it felt though, wasn’t as though he was trying to please her. Not that it was anyone’s business, but of course, as any sexually experienced woman would be able to tell you – it’s not hard to figure out if the guy knows what he’s doing. With Zane it wasn’t so much that he didn’t know what he was doing, but rather, he was on his own separate path. He was eating her out to please him, rather than to please her.

  It was mind melting. Stacey didn’t want it to stop.

  Of course, when it did it was replaced by something even better – Zane’s rock hard cock ramming her hard.

  She got lost in it. Forgot all about her horrible experience with the Zane who wasn’t really Zane from that afternoon. She could have let that bother her. Especially given how similar the circumstances were. But it was almost impossible for her to be able to. All she could focus on was her moment with the true Zane here. Who was fucking her with his throbbing heat, and not causing her pain.

  But did that mean that he’d gotten control over his feelings?

  Or did he just not feel anything at all now?


  They were going all the way. No pulling out. No cumming on the floor, or her back, or wherever. He’d shoot his load inside of her and he wouldn’t shift. Zane picked Stacey up and forced her onto her knees so he could fuck her doggystyle. Sex was sex. They were both getting off to it. For Stacey though, she felt they needed this. It was the only way to erase what his brother had done. Sex with Zane was nothing like the awful sex she’d had with Conrad.

  Oh shit, Stacey thought. Don’t think about that now. Not when he’s about to –

  Zane ejaculated hard and fast inside her, holding her buttocks in his firm hands as he did so. Instead of immediately withdrawing, he stayed inside her after he orgasmed, and then she felt her own orgasm taking place as she was flooded with his cum and cock at the same time. He nestled in behind her and cupped her breasts to hold her. To make her feel safe.

  Stacey closed her eyes.

  So they could just be together. In this moment…


  Tap, tap, tap.

  A flashlight poured into the car.

  “Shit,” Zane cursed. To the security guard: “Do you fucking mind?”

  “Put your clothes on, sir,” the guard replied. “Step out of the vehicle. I’ll give you a moment to sort yourselves.”

  The flashlight moved away.

  “What the fuck are we going to do?” Stacey exclaimed. “I don’t have any clothes.”

  “I’ll deal with it. Don’t you worry.”

  Zane climbed off her and went to retrieve his clothes.

  “Be careful,” Stacey whispered.

  Zane’s face screwed up slightly. He looked outside the car menacingly. “I won’t be long.”

  He got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

  “Oh man…” Stacey gushed.

  She raised herself so she could see outside the back window as Zane approached the security guard. She couldn’t see what they were saying, but it seemed Zane was about to go off.

  He was yelling now. That much was obvious.

  The guard picked up his radio and began speaking into it.

  Then Zane went up around behind the guard and said something directly in his ear. The radio fell from his fingers.

  Zane stepped back from him and the guard watched silently as he returned to the car.

  “Put on your seatbelt,” Zane told her.

  Stacey sat up and fastened it. “What did you say to him?”

  “What do you think?” Zane replied. “I told him I was a dragon.”

  The car’s engine spurred and then they backed out of their park at blinding speed. From the back window Stacey could see the guard scrabbling for his radio.

  Then she turned around and looked forward.

  She had no idea where they were going. But at least for now, she wasn’t afraid to ask.


  “We need somewhere to stay, obviously,” Zane answered her whilst they drove out of the car park. “I was thinking about just leaving you back there. Figured you would be able to find your own way. That was until, you started singing.”

  Stacey didn’t want to believe it. “You were just going to … leave me there?”

  “My brother is a bastard. He damaged you. Damaged our love. I wasn’t sure if there’d be anything left between us.”

  “But there is, right? You still feel the same, don’t you?”

  “No, not the same. It’s not perfect anymore.”

  Zane swerved into the road and then took the car around another corner. Too fast for Stacey’s liking.

  “What can we do?” Stacey murmured. “To make it perfect again?”

  “I think we’ll be okay,” Zane said indifferently. “We have a lot more to worry about at the moment besides us anyway.”

  No! Stacey’s mind squealed. That’s what I’m most worried about!

  “Are we going to be together?” Stacey asked. “Are you going to protect me?”

  “Don’t like playing hard to get, do you?” Zane replied coldly.

  “What?” Stacey scoffed. “Gees. I – You’re like insulting me –”

  “Sorry. Forget I said anything.”

  Stacey’s lips trembled. “You’re right. It’s not perfect anymore, is it?”

  She sat back in her seat with a sigh.

  Zane remained silent.

  “You know what?” she said. “If you feel that way, then maybe you should just let me go here. If you don’t want me, then I’m not going to just keep trying to please you. I’m hurting through this too. If you weren’t so selfish then maybe you’d notice.”

  Zane hit the brakes.

  Stacey’s eyes widened with alarm.

  Zane leaned over his seat. He was smirking.

  “You can stand up for yourself,” he said. “That’s good. I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you want to get out of the car now?”

  Stacey groaned. “I’m naked.”

  “Well,” Zane chuckled. “I guess we’re stuck with each other then.”

  Stacey leaned forward in her seat. She touched his hand.

  “I don’t want to fight with you,” she said. “I want to be with you. As it was before. Please try.”

  She took deep breaths whilst he considered.

  Then she added one word.

  One word that might just have changed everything…

  “Master,” Stacey whispered, staring into Zane’s eyes.

  He stared back.

  And the longing between them was still there. As if nothing had ever changed.

  “Blossom,” Zane whispered back.


  Zane gathered up the remains of Stacey’s rags and then opened up his car door. He stepped out into the cold of the night and threw the bundle up into the air. He opened his mouth and let a burst of fire escape it, igniting the clothes.


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