Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set

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Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set Page 12

by Rosette Bolter

  Stacey tried to stand up, but Dennis dragged her back to the chair. “I’m not finished,” he said.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” Stacey complained.


  After a few more minutes of nothing, Dennis seemed to become restless. “Well, talk and stuff, you know. Act normal. This isn’t a big thing.”

  “So I can go to the bathroom?” Stacey demanded.

  “Fine,” Dennis shouted. He pulled out his gun and waved it in the hall’s direction. “Go find it. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Stacey walked briskly around the table and out into the hall. She found the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Stepping away from it, she saw Dennis’s outline appear through the frosted glass.

  “Hurry up,” he called to her.

  “Fucking bastard,” Stacey said under her breath.

  She went to the basin and washed her hands. Washed her face and stared at herself in the mirror.

  Oh crap.

  Oh crap, this had been such a bad idea.

  She splashed her face again and let out a sigh. Then she noticed the window just above the toilet. She flipped back its rusted lock, and then pushed it open.

  It was a small opening. Difficult to squeeze through, even for someone of her size. Still, she tried.

  “Come on, darling!” she heard Dennis shout. “I have to go too now!”

  Stacey forced herself through the window and hit the grass below.

  “Hey!” Dennis shouted. “I can’t see you in there – where have you –?”

  Stacey slunk quietly around the side of the house till she came out at the front. Zane was nowhere to be seen.

  “Master,” she called quietly. “Master – where are you?”

  The front door flew open. Stacey saw two shadows emerge on the porch.

  Jasmine was attacking her brother.

  “Stop it!” she cried. “Stop it! Stop it!”

  Dennis threw her to the side and fired a shot of his gun into the air.

  “Get fucking back here now, bitch.”

  Stacey looked back.

  He was marching over.

  “Yeah – you think you can escape from me – come on –”

  He grabbed her wrist and attempted to pull her way to the house.

  Then they both saw it.

  Red and blue flashing lights from not too far away down the road.


  Zane watched his beloved from the darkness, unable to move.

  Master, Blossom breathed. Where are you…?

  “Fuck,” Dennis cried. “Fucking shit.”

  They hadn’t even made it inside the house before the cops made it to their nature strip, rolling out in all sides with guns pointed at Dennis’s head.

  He pushed Blossom aside and dropped the gun. He fell on both knees and waited for the cops to come and apprehend him.

  Even more cars were on the way. There were enough cops on the ground for an entire siege.

  Zane remained frozen. There was nothing he could do. No move he could make to save Stacey from what was about to follow.

  She hadn’t been recognized yet. But soon she would be. The police were talking to her. Asking her about what happened. Even now, Zane could hear Dennis’s voice rising above the crowd:

  “She’s the criminal! Not me! She killed her friend!”

  They’d quiet him down eventually. But not before they asked Blossom a few questions. Like, what her name was.

  Zane turned.

  He couldn’t live through this anymore.

  A total and absolute failure on his behalf.

  “Wherever you wind up beautiful Blossom,” he whispered into the night, “I’ll be there to be break your fall.”

  Then he stepped away. And disappeared into the darkness.

  With all the wishful thinking in the world.


  Stacey was now in an interrogation room located on the fifth floor of the City Justice Department. Cops were watching her sit patiently at her desk from behind two way glass. There was a tri-pod pointed at the table. A security camera in the corner of the wall.

  She was lost now. She was afraid. Why hadn’t Zane come to rescue her? He could have blown fire at the cop cars and swooped her from the police’s clutches. It was possible. He’d done similar before. Why hadn’t he now?

  Because innocent people would have died…

  That much was true. It wasn’t the police’s fault that she’d been tried and convicted. Then again maybe it was, but it wasn’t the fault of those individuals who had just rescued her from that psycho Dennis.

  He was in the holding cells below. Jasmine had also been brought in as a witness.

  But the police knew who she was now. She hadn’t denied it. There was no point.

  “Just put me in prison,” Stacey had told them glumly. “It’s not the end of the world. I can work on my appeal. Maybe I’ll get out in a few years. With a bit of luck.”

  There was no alternative.

  Her initial interrogation had concluded about ten minutes ago. She figured there could be more detectives back to ask her to explain what happened to Zane, but she wasn’t going to give them anything. She wouldn’t give him up. As far as the other dragons were concerned he was dead, and she intended to keep it that way.

  She hoped he was okay now.

  The door to the room opened. Stacey recognized who it was. The unnamed, dark skinned guard she’d reached out to when she first came to the Island.

  “You,” she murmured.

  “Hello, Stacey. Do you mind if I sit down?”


  The guard took his seat in front of her. “I’m here to help you,” he said.


  “I’ve been looking into your case. I’m personally surprised that you were convicted of the crime, which appears as though it could possibly be a suicide.”

  “That’s what I’ve been saying all along,” Stacey said.

  “I found something out about the night your room mate died. Someone came to visit her only hour prior –”

  The door burst open and three other guards entered.

  The Head of Security stepped forward. “Can we wrap this up please, Walter?”

  Walter turned, smiled nervously. “Sure thing, boss.”

  He stood up and motioned to Stacey.

  She rose from her chair. “What’s going on?”

  “You said you wished to be transferred to prison. We’re here to collect you.”

  “Oh,” Stacey sighed. “Alright.”

  They then marched her out of the interrogation room. They went through numerous corridors and passageways until they reached an elevator.

  Stacey watched the Head Guard’s finger as it moved across the keypad.

  Which way were they going? Up or down? Down or up?

  “I’m so sorry,” Walter whispered in her ear.


  The chopper was waiting their arrival on the roof of the building. Stacey’s knees went weak when she saw it. Like she could hardly walk. The guards mercilessly dragged her towards it, and loaded her into the chair. She was strapped in and the buckles were fastened tightly. Her companion Walter offered little comfort behind his sunglasses, but at least she wasn’t sitting next to someone else.

  Not long after they took off, Stacey could see there were storms raging in the direction they were headed. She hoped that there might be a chance they would turn back because of them, but clearly they weren’t dangerous enough.

  She tried not to cry. She tried to remain strong. That was what Zane would have wanted. Not give in. Not show fear. Embrace her own inner dragon. He knew that strength was there inside her. But it was buried. And it was hard to dig out.

  The Island approached.

  Ominous, colorful, and busy with life. The chopper landed on the same building as it had before and Stacey was dragged from her seat out into the rain. They stopped halfway along, and dum
ped her there. The guards turned back to the chopper, but Walter remained behind briefly.

  “I won’t forget about you,” he said. “Don’t you worry. We’re building a case. We’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  “Walter, come on,” the Head Guard called to him. “If that beast shows up he’ll fry you too.”

  Walter nodded. He waved Stacey goodbye and then got onto the chopper to fly back to mainland.

  Stacey watched them disappear into the clouds.

  Then she looked at her surroundings. “Anyone out here?” she whispered.

  No answer.

  She stood up. She went to the door at the end of the roof but it locked. It wouldn’t budge at all.

  The rain came down harder. It was so cold. So fierce.

  She sat back down and let herself drown in it. There was so much water on her face she didn’t even know if she was crying or not.

  Then all at once, there was a loud swooping noise.

  A dragon was coming.

  For the briefest moment she thought that maybe it was Zane – that he’d somehow followed here – and that everything –


  Not him.

  Conrad landed on the roof and morphed back into his human form. He walked towards her.

  “Please,” Stacey said to him. “Don’t hurt me. I don’t want any trouble.”

  Conrad held out his hand. “Clothes.”

  “My clothes?” Stacey stammered. She couldn’t see that he was carrying anything. “But what am I to wear?”

  “Nothing,” Conrad replied. “I’m going to fuck you.”



  Stacey sat up and arched her back forward. She put her hands out on the wet ground in front of her.

  Conrad watched, unflinching. “Clothes,” he repeated.

  Stacey crawled across the concrete until she was at his feet. She put her hands around Conrad’s legs and he allowed it.

  “Please,” she said. “This isn’t a dignified setting.”

  “It’s dignified enough for me,” Conrad replied. “And what’s good enough for me is good enough for you.”

  He went for the collar of her dress and she latched onto his wrists.

  “There are other ways I can be of use to you,” Stacey protested. “I only ask that you show me mercy. As you showed your brother…”

  Conrad’s hands relaxed. They shifted from the dress to form a cup around Stacey’s neck.

  “You are not my brother,” Conrad said. “And I intend to use you in every way you can imagine. Now, if you want my mercy, you will get naked for me. Your body is not sacred.”

  Stacey closed her eyes. She let her hands slip from him, and slowly backed away across the ground. She opened her eyes again and looked out to the sky behind Conrad. Searching… Searching… Searching through the storm…

  “He’s not coming to save you this time,” Conrad stated. “There is more in his life than you.”

  Stacey continued to hesitate.

  “I can do it for you,” Conrad said. “If you leave me no choice.”

  “No,” Stacey replied. “I can do it.”

  She stood up and put her hands to the back of the dress. Moments later it fell from her body in a saturated heap.

  She took tiny steps backward. Her arms covered her parts.

  Conrad advanced.

  He stooped to retrieve the dress from the ground. He held it up, dripping.

  Stacey cringed.

  As his eyes centered on her, Conrad opened his mouth and stuffed the dress inside it. After it appeared to be swallowed, his body emitted a momentary green glow.

  Conrad licked his lips. “Come here, Slave. I’m still hungry.”

  Stacey continued to shield herself. Her feet were glued to the ground.

  Conrad took a step towards her.

  He reached out and ruffled her hair. “Why do you do that?” he mused. “Why do you make me feel like such a monster?”

  “I don’t belong to you,” Stacey said trembling.

  “I’ve had you before though.”

  “I haven’t had you.”

  Conrad put his hand to his chest and ripped the shirt from his body. He grabbed Stacey’s right hand at her breast and made her touch him.

  “You are mine,” he assured her. “I promise you, you belong to no one else.”

  The sky flashed with lightning.

  His body had surrounded her, collapsing her defenses. Still, he took his time. He would take Stacey here whether she wanted it or not, but his preference seemed to be to use as little force as possible.

  Stacey knew though, she would make him use all the force he had.

  And he would hate her for it.


  It was easier said than done though. Standing there, shivering, shaking, Conrad’s skin touching hers all over, she wasn’t sure how to resist him. Should she punch him? Should she try to push him away? She was too afraid. Yet, that was exactly what she shouldn’t be. That part of her needed to be stronger.

  She was disgusted by Conrad, but also turned on by him. And she was disgusted with her body for being turned on. And then maybe angry at him. There was no one emotion that Stacey was feeling. Except perhaps panic. She didn’t want this to happen.

  Conrad wasn’t going to back down now though. He loosened his pants buckle and they dropped to his feet. Both of them. Standing there touching. Naked in the rain.

  His hand was at her cheek.

  “You don’t have to feel bad about this,” Conrad said. “You don’t have to feel bad because he doesn’t love you. Think about it. This is all his fault. When I touch you –” (His hand gripped her ass) “– it is because he has allowed it to happen. Whether he didn’t have the strength, or the brains, or the love – he was the inferior dragon. Now kiss me.”

  Conrad leaned forward.

  “No!” Stacey shouted.

  She pounded his chest with both fists and slipped past him, out of his clutches.

  She heard him growl ferociously as she ran towards the other side of the roof. When she reached it though, there was no door to escape to. Just the ledge that would see her tumbling to her death should she keep going.

  Unless he’s out there somewhere, waiting.

  Unless he’s come to catch me.

  Conrad wasn’t even chasing after her. She could hear his disturbed grunts as he trudged forward, the anger inside building.

  Eventually it was just him standing there between her, and certain death.

  “What’s it to be?” Conrad challenged her. “Are you going to fuck me now? Or should I just kill you?”

  It was hopeless. Either way, he’d won. She was powerless and hated him for it.

  “Bastard,” she said under her breath. “You know it’s not right.”

  Thunder boomed.

  “Get on your knees,” Conrad ordered. “Bend your ass to me. Or I’ll kick you off.”

  Stacey turned and lowered herself. She placed her hands on the edge. Wrapped her fingers around the concrete tightly.

  She felt Conrad spreading her buttocks apart.

  “Now you really are mine,” he said.



  A voice not Stacey’s, nor Conrad’s.

  Behind them.

  “Let her go.”

  Conrad’s hands left her. He rose to his feet and Stacey shifted round.

  “It’s time we finished this,” Zane declared. “By sword. Or by fire.”

  “I told you not to come back here,” Conrad shouted. “You agreed.”

  “Well, I guess that means I’m not to be trusted.”

  Conrad looked back to Stacey. “You can have the girl. She doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  Zane walked over. “Just like that, huh?”

  “I’m not afraid to fight you, little brother,” Conrad said. “But if we do fight, then it should be for something more than this scrawny whore.”

  Zane reached
down and lifted Stacey to her feet. She hid from Conrad behind him.

  “I can’t really keep bailing you out though, can I?” Conrad murmured. “You’ll give me some trouble if the others find out you’re still alive.”

  “So let’s finish it.”

  Conrad lowered his head. “No.”


  “You’re not my enemy. To be honest, I feel sorry for you.”

  “If you’re not my enemy,” Zane said, “then you should help us.”


  “Has the Mage made you King yet?”

  “No. That isn’t up to him.”

  “You’re still waiting for the others to get here?”

  “They are sending someone. One of the Dragon Masters.”

  “And do you really think they’re going to hand over the Island to you just like that?”

  “I don’t know,” Conrad murmured. “But it doesn’t concern you now.”


  Zane and Stacey backed a few paces away from Conrad at the ledge.

  “Where are her clothes?” Zane asked.

  “He ate them,” Stacey answered.

  “You ate her clothes?”

  Conrad just smiled.

  “You disgust me,” Zane muttered.

  They were in the middle of the roof now.

  Conrad stepped out to face them directly, completely unashamed of his nakedness.

  “So this is goodbye again,” he said.

  “I guess so,” Zane said.

  “Just don’t come back here again.”

  “Or what? What are you going to do?”

  Conrad blinked.

  Zane turned to Stacey. “I’m sorry about all this. I know it was my fault.”

  “No, Master,” Stacey said sweetly. “You saved me from him.”

  Their faces burned into each other in the rain.

  Conrad was moving towards them.

  “Enough of that,” he barked. “Someone’s coming.”


  Stacey looked to Zane and saw the skepticism etched on this face before he even turned to Conrad. As he did so, however, Stacey became aware of a swooshing noise in the not so faraway distance.


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