Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set

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Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set Page 18

by Rosette Bolter


  There was a pause on his end of the line. It seemed he was moving around wherever he was.

  Stacey heard a door close.

  “What I’m going to do Ms. Caversham, is ask you a series of questions related to your accident, and your most recent conviction. Do you have any problems with that, or any questions for me?”

  Stacey sighed. “Not yet.”

  “Right. So just be relaxed. Be yourself. I am recording this so, just be aware of that.”


  “Shall we begin?”

  Stacey leaned back in her wheelchair. “I’m ready.”


  Downstairs at the ground floor of the hospital, Dennis was loitering there, but had yet to approach reception. He was completely sober unlike the previous couple of times he’d met up with his ex-girlfriend. Although he’d never admit it to anyone, he was seriously embarrassed about the night he’d pulled a gun on her. It was just that he’d thought she was gone forever, and then seeing her there in the house with that ‘I’m so perfect’ dragon-mutant made him want to claw his own eyes out. After all, how was he supposed to compete with that guy? The man wasn’t even a human like Dennis was, so it was completely unfair. He’d never liked the idea of these shifter-dragons or whatever they were called. They were supposed to stay on their Island and not fuck with his people’s way of life. Yeah, they’d stolen his girlfriend away from him … but once she made it out of there that didn’t mean the dragon was allowed to follow her. The whole thing was weird to Dennis. He knew in his heart that Stacey truly loved him and not this fake creature… But the way of the dragons was evil and their powers had taken hold of her.

  Now that he was sober and he could see straight, he realized that he must protect Stacey from them. He wanted to badly go see her, but hadn’t summoned the courage. He would have to work his way back with her. Earn her trust. He wasn’t exactly sure how he could do that, but showing up unannounced might freak her at this stage. His sister Jasmine had greatly advised against it.

  He was thinking about calling her. Asking what she thought about it now. If she’d had a change of heart. On the face of it though, he knew the dragons had messed with her mind too. She still spoke of Stacey’s dragon/boyfriend as though he was some kind of rockstar. Had they forgotten that his friend had raped one of them, and threatened to do the same to the other? Thank God the building collapsed when it did. Otherwise they might not even be alive.

  His sister.

  His girlfriend.

  Dennis could feel the sweat pouring off him. He wanted a drink and a joint so bad, but it would probably make his anger even worse than what it was.

  “Are you alright?” a passing nurse asked him.

  “Yeah…” Dennis murmured. “I’m just … dealing with anxiety.”

  “Why don’t you have a seat?” the nurse said kindly. “I’ll get you some water.”

  Dennis smiled. “Cool.”

  Hot nurse, he thought to himself. I wonder if she has a boyfriend.

  She brought him the water and he sat down, thanking her. He stared at her jugs for a bit when she returned to the desk. It calmed him. He shook his head.

  Focus, Dennis. Focus.

  He shouldn’t be here now. The dragons weren’t coming. They had plenty of opportunity to already without him being here. But they stayed away. They finally got that she was a human and did not belong to them.

  “It’s not like I’m trying to bang a dragon bitch,” Dennis muttered to himself. “That’s disgusting.”

  But it wasn’t as though he could blame Stacey. She was just a chick.

  He leant his head against the wall, and pulled out his phone. Dialed his sister’s number.

  “Hey,” she answered the phone. “What do you want?”

  “Yo,” Dennis said. “So … I’ve been thinking about Stacey.”

  “What about her?”

  “I thought I might get her some flowers.”

  “No, Dennis. I told you to stay away from her.”

  “Come on,” he argued. “She needs some cheering up. I swear I’ll only stay for like … half an hour or –”

  “Please, Dennis. Don’t do it. Don’t go. Promise me you won’t.”

  Dennis sighed.

  “Promise,” Jasmine repeated.

  “Alright,” Dennis muttered. “I promise.”

  “Thank you. Trust me. It’s for the best.”

  “Yeah, well…” Dennis put his water down. He stood up. “You owe me, sis.”

  “Okay. Just leave Stacey alone.”

  Then right about then, Dennis almost dropped the phone.

  “No,” he whispered. “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “What is it?” came Jasmine’s voice on the other side.

  Dennis put the phone back to his ear. “That fucking dragon’s back here.”

  “Which one?”

  “The boyfriend. I’m gonna fucking kill him –”


  Apart from the questions he asked, Mr. Sherper hardly spoke at all during their phone conversation. Stacey found herself telling him her full story. From Teresa’s death up until Zane saving her at Quraal’s apartment. Hearing it out loud, she could hardly believe it. Not that there were dragons. Not that she’d come close to death so many times, and somehow survived. But that Zane loved her as much as he did. She didn’t understand it. The amount he’d sacrificed for her. And she’d caused him nothing but trouble…

  “Finally, Ms. Caversham,” Sherper said at the end of the call, “what is your overall impression of dragons mingling with humans? Do the two species mix? Or are the two simply not meant to be together?”

  This was hard for Stacey to answer. In a way the reporter was asking her to take an almost political overview of the situation, but when she began to answer the question, she found she couldn’t do that. All she could think about was her and Zane.

  “It’s really hard,” Stacey said finally. “There is so much each of us has to do in order for it to work. But … if it does work…”


  A series of loud gunshots sounded downstairs.

  The cop at the door immediately left his post, gun drawn. Stacey inhaled sharply.

  “Ms. Caversham?”

  “I’m afraid I have to go now. There could be trouble here.”

  She put down the phone’s receiver.

  Stacey kept still a moment. Several people ran past the room.

  She wheeled herself to the doorway and opened it slightly.

  Distant shouting. Still not this floor.

  Stacey wheeled her way back to the phone and picked it up. She dialed the police.

  After a brief conversation describing the incident, Stacey suddenly realized that whoever had been shouting, was now on the same floor as her. And she recognized the voice.

  It was Dennis, calling her name.


  A minute or so later, he burst into the phone room where she was, his face completely red, out of breath. He was holding a gun in his hand.

  “Dennis!” Stacey shrieked. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “He’s here,” Dennis wheezed. “He’s after you.”

  “Who’s here?”

  Dennis indicated to the corridor behind him. “I shot him. I mean, I…”

  Stacey wheeled towards him. “Who did you shoot?”

  “Who do you think?” Dennis shouted. “Your dragon-man. I can’t believe he’s here for you. I can’t believe he won’t let go.”

  “You won’t let go!” Stacey snapped. “I’m in love with him.”

  “He’s got you brainwashed. He’s got you all turned around –”

  Stacey grabbed Dennis’s waist to get his attention. “You know that’s not true.”

  “Don’t say that,” Dennis cursed.

  “Come on. Please just think for a moment. Think about how lousy our relationship was in the first place.”

?” Dennis stepped away from her. He looked down at the gun in his hand. “Why do you make me do these things, Stacey? Why? Why? Why?”

  “I don’t make you do anything! You do it yourself!”

  Dennis’s face scrunched up. He raised the gun as if he was about to aim it at her. But then stopped himself.

  A figure appeared to his left.

  Stacey could see his outline through the frosted glass.

  “Oh, not you,” Dennis complained, seeing who it was. “Just give it up. Just … Just…”

  Zane emerged slowly. He placed his hands on the gun in Dennis’s hand, and then silently took it away.

  Dennis slumped to the floor.

  Stacey was almost near about to put her hands together in applause. Instead, she wheeled herself into the doorway, her arms out reaching, for Zane.

  “Put the gun down!” a man shouted off to the right.

  Oh shit, Stacey thought. It’s the cop.

  Zane quickly put the gun down and was then leapt on by a number of burly security guards.

  “That’s it,” Dennis said accusingly. “He tried to kill us. Arrest him.”

  Zane angrily pushed his arms apart, shaking the guards off of him with enormous strength. Their bodies flew through the air in both directions.

  Dennis used the commotion as an opportunity to grab hold of the gun. But before his hands could reach it, they were trodden on by Stacey’s wheelchair.

  “Aargh,” he screamed.

  “Serves you right,” Stacey scolded. “You fucking bastard.”

  Zane gave her chair a nudge off Dennis’s poor fingers, and then placed his foot to Dennis’s throat.

  “If you ever come near her again, I’ll kill you. You understand me?”

  Dennis looked up at him. He was almost crying.

  “DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” Zane roared.

  “Yes,” Dennis said, trembling. “Please, just –”

  Zane released him.

  Then he put his hands out to Stacey and lifted her from the wheelchair.

  “Are you ready to come with me?” he asked her.

  Her heart nearly burst from her chest. “YES!” she said.


  Oh my. What a wonderful experience Stacey and Zane were sharing now. They were in the sky together, far away from the hospital, the city, the earth below. There were no dragons chasing them. There was no danger anywhere that they could see. It had been so long since the pair had been together – not since the morning of her last stay at Firebound Island, had Zane carried her on his back. And then, there had been so many troubles they still had to face. While all those troubles weren’t exactly behind them forever, the lovers finally had a chance to breathe now after much conflict and tragedy.

  While they weren’t speaking as they flew through the skies, their minds were intimately connected. As Stacey was now learning, when she caressed Zane in his dragon form, it took on a whole new feeling for him. A whole different quotient to their relationship. As he was from another world, Stacey was starting to see that there were other meanings behind things. Other forces at work. There was probably much that was out of either of their realms of explanation. But this didn’t stop them from knowing the truth about themselves. It didn’t separate them from understanding the purity of their love.

  As they landed in the courtyard outside Conrad’s manor, Stacey knew the exact words she wanted to say to Zane when he was in his form again. Of course they both knew what had to be said, but to say the words out loud, gave them more definitive meaning. As Stacey was learning, even though there were different planes of existence, and connections on a multitude of levels, the here and now of planet earth and the events and exchanges that took place, were perhaps, the most important of all.

  “I love you,” she said to Zane. “And I’m never, ever, ever going to lose you again.”

  She was so emotional. She was crying, but with her tears came no sorrow. Only joy.

  And the desperation to cling to what was hers.

  Now that she was in his arms, and she could see how he was feeling, she realized this was a different type of Zane than the one she’d encountered previously. His pride had been damaged, his arrogance had been squashed, and he’d been made to feel mortal by the very fact that his heart was now attached to her.

  “You won’t lose me,” Zane whispered to her. “I promise I will never let that happen again.”

  To hear him say this, made Stacey crumble into him, and in the wide and atmospheric garden, Zane lowered her to the grass, and began to kiss her with unmatched desire.


  The grass was soft. Its blades had no sharpness to their edges. It wasn’t quite wet, but there was a moisture there. It was cool. Soothing. In Zane’s arms here, Stacey felt safe at last. He pushed her fringe back so he could see her face better. She reached up and let her palms feel his cheeks. So warm. So vibrant. He kissed her lips and they shared a smile together. They were home.

  There was more to it than this. Stacey didn’t just want to be cuddled. She was quite sure Zane didn’t either. She sat up a moment and removed her top. As she found the edges of his shirt at his waist, their mouths met up again, and he kissed her hard. His mouth moved to the left side of her jaw. His lips covered it. Sucked on it. He moved round and did the same thing to her right side. Then her chin. Then her nose.

  She loosened his shirt and pulled it off his body. She smothered herself against it, and forced Zane to bend back whilst she kissed his nipples. He allowed her to push him back so far he was now lying on the grass and she was on top of him.

  She crawled up his body and bit into his neck. His hands fell flat at her pants. As he pushed them off her, their lips intersected and they tongued each other. She pushed as hard as she could into him with her tongue, and the moment she took at the edge off she felt him coming at her with twice the force.

  With her pants off, Zane next went to her bra. He pushed it upwards, exposing her breasts to him which he cupped and then licked. With a free hand, Stacey finished off what was left of the bra so that he would have complete access to ravage her breasts. His licks and kisses and sucking, increased in volume and intensity. She felt a hard bulge forming underneath her, and let her fingers slide to his waist line again. She unbuckled him while he sucked her tits, occasionally moving up and down her neck and shoulders.

  Once unbuckled, her hands dipped into his underwear, and made contact with his throbbing cock. As if struck by lightning, Zane immediately rolled her over and ripped off her panties. He allowed his pants to go free, and then stuffed his cock into her already moist pussy. The euphoric rush ran through each of them with equal wonder.


  This was the delight they had that was worth fighting for.

  Zane fucked her hard in this position, like it was either his first fuck, or his last. He was hungry for it. He was starving.

  Stacey needed it too. After her horrible encounter with that monster who wanted her sexually, it was important for her soul to remember what real sex was supposed to feel like. Sex in itself, wasn’t just something that could happen with anyone. This was love for them. It was also the hard natured, biological lust, their hormones craved, but for each of them, they only craved the other. So it was more important than anything else. This wasn’t just the best thing about life. This was the point of it.

  And then he stopped. Stacey wasn’t sure why. He was still inserted, looking at her body. Almost strangely.

  “Do you want to change positions?” she asked.

  He nodded. But then halted her from moving.

  “What is it? Is something wrong?”

  Zane shook his head. “I want to marry you. I want you to be my bride.”

  Stacey’s mouth fell open. “Really? How is that going to work?”

  “I don’t know,” Zane said. “But I know that’s what I want. Do you want that?”

  “Of course I do!”

  She smiled and hugged him.

nbsp; After a moment he pushed her back. Stared into her eyes. “I want you to bear my children.”

  “Your … children…?”

  “Our children.”

  “I… I…” Stacey wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “The night is right for this,” he said to her. “Tonight we’ll conceive.”

  Stacey’s stared at him, shocked.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her.

  “How … like … will it hurt me?”

  “Not tonight,” Zane smiled. “Just tell me you want dragon sons and daughters.”

  Stacey swallowed. “I do.”

  He kissed her lips hard, a closed kiss, and then flipped her round to fuck her from behind.

  Stacey’s body sweated. Shuddered. Throbbed. It was fucked like it never been fucked before.

  She could barely stay conscious through it.

  But by the time his seed was released into her, and there it stayed, Stacey knew she was the happiest she’d ever been.


  After they were finished having sex, they didn’t get up from the ground immediately. Stacey felt Zane’s dragon was now satisfied, and they were both numb with their own pleasure. They said nothing for a long time, and just lay there looking up at the stars.

  Stacey wanted to talk though. She needed to communicate her feelings. The truth was as soon as she had climbed the mountain to where they were now in terms of peacefulness and triumph, she was worried the only way from here was to go down. She was afraid also though, of putting her feelings into words. Zane might be able to reassure her, but just giving those type of negative thoughts attention made them seem more real. She had to be careful, within herself. She didn’t want to sabotage what they had.

  As it turned out, Zane was the first one to speak.

  “It’s not over,” he said, waking Stacey from her semi-consciousness.

  She snuggled into him further. “What’s not over?”

  “The war. Our war.”


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