Heal Me

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Heal Me Page 8

by Grady, D. R.

  “What? I’m not at risk,” Coulihan exclaimed, turning accusing eyes on him during their meeting with the chief.

  Their boss shook his head. “Coulihan, Detective O’Maley is correct. You and the other females on the force might be at risk. At great risk from this rapist. I don’t like the idea of you living alone. At least with this plan, you’ll be with O’Maley and McCully.”

  “And Fred Savage,” Owen inserted. Beside him, McCully stiffened and he had to work to hide his grin.

  “Savage is an excellent choice,” the chief said in approval.

  “I’ve also put in a call to Mark Matthews. He’s a childhood friend of Dr. Fields, and we believe he’ll be willing to help as well.” He slanted a knowing glance at the pretty blonde cop next to him.

  Coulihan’s countenance relaxed slightly, but she didn’t give up. “What if we’re an even better target because we’re all together?”

  “There will still be three police officers, a doctor, an assistant DA, and Savage to contend with. I don’t think this slimeball is going to go up against those odds. O’Maley and Savage alone are probably deterrents enough, but together...” the chief shook his head. “I don’t believe he’ll bother any of you. These men will take care of their own.”

  He noticed McCully’s thunderous visage and patted her head. “McCully here doesn’t exactly agree with this, either, but she’s open to it because she understands all of your safety is more important than your pride. This guy isn’t one to mess with. He’s using drugs and raping women. How long will it be before he becomes violent? You know the statistics.”

  Coulihan settled some while McCully twisted in her chair. “I still don’t think we need Fred Savage. Between O’Maley and Matthews, as well as Coulihan and me, we’ll be just fine.”

  The chief let out a crack of laughter. “Savage is a good addition to the team, and you may be right that you don’t need him, but then again, you might very well be grateful he’s around. No one in their right mind would knowingly go up against him.”

  “That’s right,” he agreed. “Fred knows some tricks we’ve never heard of.”

  “I should say. He’s an excellent resource, and he won’t let anything happen to any of you.”

  McCully snorted.

  “We’ll finish the arrangements then. Thank you for seeing us, sir,” he said briskly, stepping in before McCully said something he’d regret.

  “You’re welcome. All three of you,” the chief started.

  “Yes?” Coulihan answered warily.

  The Chief’s eyes rested on each of them briefly before he answered. “Be careful.”

  “No problem,” Owen replied and hustled the two bristling women out the door.

  He caught McCully and Coulihan staring at each and expected the glaring he received from both sets of accusing eyes. “Look,” he began, “he told me to be careful, too, and I’m a man, so it’s not like that was a sexist statement, at all.”

  “Oh, really?” McCully challenged.

  “Yes, really,” he returned. “He said that to three professionals, not to two women.”

  “The chief didn’t actually state names and he did say the three of you and he did look at O’Maley when he said it,” Coulihan allowed, the diamond on her left finger twinkling merrily and reminding him that she was a loved woman, as well as an excellent cop. Someone wanted a future with her.

  Determination settled low in his belly. She and McCully were accepting his, Matthews, and Fred’s protection whether they appreciated their efforts or not. He sort of figured on the or not part, but didn’t let this fact bother him too much. Even with their skills, they could still be in danger, and he wasn’t about to offer this creep an opportunity to test his little experiments on either cop or Jenna. The women were going to have to suck it up and accept the situation.

  “I don’t mind you or Matthews, but I’m not living under the same roof as Fred Savage,” McCully protested vehemently.

  “You know McCully, you’re starting to sound like a mocking bird. You heard what the chief just told us. Fred’s got skills Matthews and I don’t. He’s invaluable. This slimeball will have to step over Fred’s cold, dead body to get to any of you,” he stated emphatically and firmly, he hoped.

  McCully glared at him but said nothing. He figured Fred was in for some wild weeks if he got anywhere near TJ McCully, and knowing Fred as he did... Owen determined to stay clear.

  Fireworks were fine for the Fourth of July, but he didn’t think living among them would be so fun. Then again, McCully was a redhead so maybe he should invest in some fireproof clothing.

  Jenna pushed back another lock of hair, trying unsuccessfully to anchor the offending strands behind her ear. She only had a few more notations to make in this last patient chart before Owen came to get her so they could head home. Warmth flooded through her as she contemplated living with the man for the next few weeks. Nothing had prepared her for this possibility, but she was grateful nonetheless for the opportunity.

  Not that they would be alone or anything. With Mark Matthews there, she knew better than to think he wouldn’t watch her with every bit as much enthusiasm as her brother Damon, but still. She would still get to see Owen O’Maley every morning and every evening. How wonderful would that be? Quelling the excitement currently shooting darts of anticipation through her veins, she turned back to her patient file.

  She noted the woman’s temperature and blood pressure in reference to the medication she’d prescribed. She also added some observations and clicked out the chart with glee. After removing her purse from her desk she made a detour to the ladies room to check her hair. Jenna located a brush in her bag and ran it through her tresses. She wanted to look as good as possible before Owen arrived. More excitement pooled in her stomach. They were going out to dinner tonight. Together. Alone.

  “Dr. Fields, there’s a cop out front for you.” One of the nurses poked her head around the door.

  “Thank you,” she managed to utter in spite of the acceleration of her heart and increased respiration.

  Taking a deep breath that did nothing to alleviate her symptoms, she shoved the door open and made her way to the waiting room.

  And her heart promptly sank when she saw TJ McCully, but no sign of her hunky partner.

  “Hi, Jenna. O’Maley got held up in a meeting, so he asked me to come and get you. He should be home shortly.”

  “Okay. He is planning to come home, though, right?” Jenna could have kicked herself for the slight tremor in her voice, but hoped McCully didn’t notice.

  “Oh, yes. I’ll personally shoot him if he doesn’t show,” McCully vowed, her mouth a grim line as they walked through the parking lot.

  “I see,” Jenna said, darting a quick look at the other woman. “Tell Aunt Jenna what’s wrong, TJ.”

  McCully sighed and stopped to lean against her car. She stared into the distance for a few moments, collecting her thoughts before she spoke. “You know how adamant O’Maley is about us, you, me, and Coulihan all living together until we catch this serial rapist?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Well, you also know that he’s going to move in, as is Mark Matthews, who has stated unequivocally that he will be moving in tonight to protect Coulihan and you.”

  Jenna nodded and rolled her eyes. “He called me this afternoon. He’s definitely moving in. I asked him to make keys for all of you, by the way.”

  “Thank you,” McCully replied as she shielded her eyes from the sun with one small hand. “Well, not only will we be tripping over O’Maley and Matthews, but we’re also going to have to put up with O’Maley’s useless friend, Fredren Savage.”

  Jenna fought a smile. “Yes, O’Maley did mention how he also wants Mr. Savage to stay with us.”

  “That we need one man is questionable, but three? And one of those three will be Fred Savage. I really don’t think this is a good idea at all.”

  “You know, TJ, there might be a really simple solution to this proble
m,” Jenna offered.

  “What’s that?”

  “Rather than running every time Mr. Savage comes around, make an obvious play for him. Men like to chase, but most of them lose interest after they catch their prey. He’s probably just bothering you because he knows he gets a reaction.”

  TJ turned green. “Make a play for him?”

  “Well, sure.” Jenna watched her carefully.

  The detective clutched a hand to her stomach as though feeling decidedly nauseous. “I’m afraid that’s not an option.”

  “I see. The thought of putting the moves on this man makes you sick?” Jenna asked in astonishment.

  “Absolutely. Now there’s a thought. Maybe if I throw up on him, he’ll leave me alone.” TJ looked cheerful again.

  Jenna’s brows winged into her hairline, but she decided not to pursue the topic.

  Glancing at the clock, Owen didn’t take the time to return to his desk after the never-ending meeting. Instead, he shoved his notes under his arm and dug in his pocket for his keys.

  He had his phone out and to his ear before anyone could catch him. Head down, he plowed for the door. “Hello?” Jenna’s sweet voice drifted over the phone, clear and glorious. He resisted a sigh of contentment.

  “Hi, it’s me. I have to go by my place and pick up some clean clothes and the mail. I should be with you in about thirty or forty minutes. Does that give you enough time?”

  “That should be fine with me. There’s a van parked near my side driveway. I don’t recognize it,” Jenna said, as though she’d been hesitant to give out the information.

  “Right. Look closely at the driver. You’ll probably recognize him. Just don’t let McCully catch sight of him, please.”

  “She already knows the van is there,” Jenna responded.

  “Neither of you noticed Fred in the van?”

  “Oh, it’s Fred. Okay. I won’t mention that little fact to TJ.”

  “Chicken,” Owen couldn’t help but taunt.

  “Smart. Very, very smart,” she replied dryly. “I’ve got news on the McCully–Savage situation, but I’ll fill you in over dinner.”

  “Sounds good. I think.”


  “Absolutely,” he answered with a laugh. And they both hung up, still laughing.

  “Okay, so tell me about the McCully–Savage situation,” Owen invited later that night as they gazed across the table at each other. She couldn’t quite believe they were here, together.

  “Are you certain you want to hear this?” she asked, angling her head to peer at him.

  “No, but you’d better tell me anyway,” he encouraged, his smile lighting up the table.

  Something delicious flipped in the vicinity of her heart and her respiration increased.

  She gazed at him for a few moments, trying to remember what they’d been talking about. “TJ isn’t happy about you and Mark moving in with us, but she’s being tolerant of the situation, I believe, out of respect for you.”

  His lips twisted to the side in a sardonic expression. “Right,” he didn’t agree.

  “True! I swear. I think she knows you’ll go crazy wondering if we’re all right and won’t sleep anyhow, so you might as well just live with us, then you can keep tabs on us.” The thought of him caring so much sent a surge of warmth through her.

  “She’s probably right about that.”

  “However,” she began.

  “Why is there always a however?”

  She laughed. “I’m trying to tell you a story here,” she reminded him, trying to look stern. He sent her an unrepentant grin. His dimple popped out to further charm her.

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Are you sure?” she teased.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Tell me all about how McCully does not want Fred anywhere near where she’ll be living for the next few weeks.”

  Jenna nearly allowed an unladylike snort to escape. “Does not seems a bit...”


  “Mild,” she agreed.

  “I figured she’d be a little bent about the living arrangements.”

  “How about green? How does that sound?” Jenna took a long sip from her water glass. Their conversation was interrupted when their waiter placed their meals in front of them.

  “What do you mean by green?” Owen asked, his brows slamming together after the man left. They both picked up their forks.

  “She looked decidedly sick when we left my office this evening.”

  “Sick?” he repeated, confusion etched in the lines of his face.

  “Nauseous. Like she was about to vomit.” Jenna clarified and forked up some of the cheese and sauce covered chicken on her plate.

  Owen’s face split into a relieved grin. “Really? Nauseous?” He chewed a bite of his steak. How could anyone make the act of chewing food look sexy? Then she thought about what he said and redirected her thoughts.

  They were talking about TJ and Fred, not thinking about how gorgeous the man was across from her. Jenna groped for the threads of their conversation and hastily tied them together. “You’re not worried about her feeling sick about this man?”

  “Cops don’t worry. We might become concerned, but we don’t worry,” Owen corrected her absently. He dug into the butter covered potato beside the steak, not looking worried or concerned in the least.

  “Okay. You’re not concerned about McCully’s getting sick at the thought of Fred Savage living under the same roof as her. My roof, I might add. The same roof you’re going to be living under for the next few weeks?” Jenna asked in exasperation. She speared some broccoli and enjoyed whatever seasoning had been added to the vegetable.

  He shook his head. “Nope, I’m not concerned. McCully getting sick at the thought of sharing your roof with Fred is amusing, actually.”

  “Amusing?” Jenna sputtered. “What’s amusing about it?”

  Owen gazed at her silently for a few moments before he answered. “McCully always gets that sort of sick look whenever she has to do something she thinks shouldn’t excite her, but does.”

  Jenna’s confusion got edged out by comprehension. “Oh no,” she muttered in denial.

  “Oh, yes, Dr. Fields.” He tapped her nose affectionately. “Life should get pretty interesting around the old homestead for the next few weeks.” He didn’t sound the least bit daunted.

  Maybe she should clue him in to all the facts. “Actually, she didn’t get sick until I suggested she make a play for him.”

  It was his turn to stare at her in astonishment. “You told her to make a play for him?”

  “Yes. I thought that might make him tire of the chasing game and go away. That’s when she started to look sick,” Jenna admitted.

  “Oh, man,” Owen breathed. “And McCully started looking sick after that?”


  “What’d she say?”

  “She perked up after saying something about throwing up on him.”

  “Wonderful,” Owen muttered, but she saw a smile tugging at his lips. “Fred probably wouldn’t know what to do if McCully made a play for him, but I hope he’d figure what to do if she tosses her cookies all over him. Wow. This could get really intense.”

  “Could get? It’s beginning to feel like a really bad soap opera,” Jenna muttered her own conclusion. She finished the last of her meal, just as he finished his. This evening had ended far too soon for her liking.

  Grinning, he signed the receipt and guided her to the door with a spring in his step. “Well, there is that, too.”

  “If we don’t survive these next few weeks, I plan to haunt you,” she warned.

  “You don’t have to wait until you die to haunt me. I’ll welcome you anytime.”

  Chapter 7

  Saturday dawned bright and promised a hot day. Owen wiped a hand over his face as he yawned before looking down at himself to make certain he was decent. The old shorts and even older T-shirt would do, he decided as he made his way out of the bathroom
and up the stairs to the kitchen. Mark Matthews fell into step behind him. Owen tried really hard not to be jealous of the fact that Matthews and Coulihan had spent a large part of the evening and night ensconced on the sofa. Together.

  He shoved open the kitchen door and looked around. Jenna turned from her place in front of the refrigerator and smiled at him. Immediately the world became a better, happier, far nicer place. Something melted in the vicinity of his chest and he sincerely hoped he didn’t look as goofy as he felt.

  Coulihan bounced through the door and danced to Matthews. They kissed, holding each other tight. Again he suppressed all feelings of envy or resentment. Owen was happy for the pair. He just wanted the opportunity to kiss Jenna openly like that.

  He noticed her flushed cheeks and sincerely hoped it was because her thoughts paralleled his. She cleared her throat and said, “Have any idea what you want for breakfast?”

  You, he wanted to say, but figured that might not be appropriate.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he returned, still wondering about the red in her cheeks. What was she thinking? What would she say if he told her he’d be perfectly happy feasting on her lips?

  “We’ve got eggs, bagels, both hot and cold cereal, sausage and bacon, and bread for toast. Or we could make French toast or pancakes,” Jenna offered.

  “Bagels and sausage,” Matthews intoned, barely lifting his lips from Coulihan’s. Owen again tamped down the desire to discover what Jenna’s lips tasted like.

  “Bagels and sausage? What about chocolate?” McCully demanded from the doorway.

  “Coming right up,” Fred answered, bursting through the door that led outside, a box of her favorite chocolate covered doughnuts in one hand.

  Owen watched McCully’s scowl deepen and she turned to glare at him. “You told him my favorite doughnut brand?”

  “Not me,” he protested in his own defense.

  “These are the only doughnuts to buy,” Fred commented with a sniff. He looked McCully over, the devil in his eye and Owen nearly closed his eyes to avoid seeing the bloodshed. “I’ll share them with you if you’re nice to me.”


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