Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel Page 24

by Lexi Archer

  "I couldn't agree more," Kate said. "I'm just glad I went with flats and not high heels today."

  So we tore through the convention center. This was nuts. Getting into trouble in the Live Dungeon yesterday, having fun in that booth today, and now we were running as best as we could through the dealer hall, ducking through the crowd and trying to get away from anyone who might be pursuing us. I never looked back to tell.

  17: Bar Hookup

  Hotel bars had always felt like universally sad affairs to me. They were always done up nicely, with decorations and everything that was supposed to make a traveler feel good about being getting drunk away from home, but at the same time there was just something about the basic premise of the place where it was mostly people who were at a bar far away from home trying to get drunk and forget some of their troubles that made them sad.

  Of course the hotel bars also figured prominently in some of my fantasies ever since I realized that I kind of liked the idea of my wife getting a little naughty.

  It was mostly the standard stuff you read about if you got into this. You know, the wife goes to the hotel and picks up a guy or something. Acting like the wife is a prostitute and the husband is her pimp. The kind of stuff that was sexy and fun to read about, but that I figured would never actually happened in real life.

  Only as I ran my finger around the edge of my glass filled with a mixture of soda and moderately expensive whiskey that was made even more expensive because it was being sold at a hotel bar, I reflected that I'd suddenly found myself right in the middle of one of those fantasy scenarios.

  Every time someone came into the hotel bar Kate would look up with a smile on her face, but every time it was someone else. She looked as giddy as somebody waiting for a first date, and to be honest I was feeling some of that giddiness myself. In a way this was a first date, though it was different from any other first date either of us had ever been on. The things Keith would be doing to my wife later if everything went to plan were crazy, and yet instead of telling her we needed to go back to our hotel room and forget about all this nonsense I was sitting here and waiting with just as much excitement as she was probably feeling.

  I tried to imagine how I would feel if one of the starlets I'd had a crush on over the years suddenly showed an interest in me. Not that something like that was ever going to happen, I was well aware of the fact that I'd married up when I picked my beautiful wife, but I could just imagine how crazy I'd be going waiting on, say, Sierra Knight to show up if the roles were reversed.

  Of course one thing that was the same between my fantasy scenario where some hot young starlet was coming to fuck me while my wife watched and the very real fantasy scenario of a hot young star coming to fuck my wife while I watched was that my cock was harder than a diamond. It was uncomfortably hard. It was about to rip my pants apart, and I loved it.

  I looked at Kate and she gave me a hesitant smile.

  "What if he doesn't come?" she asked.

  I reached out and took her hand, and that brought to mind the way she'd reached out and touched his hand earlier today. It sent electricity running through my body feeling her hand like that.

  "He'd be crazy not to come," I said. "Don't worry."

  And I really wasn't worried. I figured there was no way he wasn't going to be joining us. Kate had made it abundantly clear what was on the line, and I didn't know any man alive who would be able to resist that kind of offer from my wife!

  I glanced at Kate's outfit. She wasn't wearing the bikini now. It had been deemed too impractical to wear down here. The problem was the thing just drew too much damn attention. It would've taken us forever to get down here, and at the same time it would've drawn attention in the hotel bar. The kind of attention that Keith didn't want.

  No, instead we'd gone shopping at the mall attached to the hotel and the convention center by a series of walkways. She hadn't packed anything date-worthy because she'd assumed we wouldn't be having a date night that didn't involve her costume. Most of the stuff she packed that wasn't related to her costume were comfortable clothes like her pajamas. Sure they were sexy, anything my wife wore was sexy, but at the same time they weren't exactly suited for meeting a hot young star.

  The outfit she'd decided on before we headed out to the hotel bar was pretty nice though. She wore a tight fitting halter top that had no back. It shimmered with a purple reflective glitter material in the front, and it was tied in the back by a couple of strings. One around her neck and one around her back.

  It also barely came down to just above her stomach. It was a testament both to how naturally gorgeous my wife was and how much time she spent working out to stay in shape that she looked better wearing the thing than some of the girls in their twenties who the outfit was no doubt designed for. No, looking at her in that outfit was enough to give me an instant erection.

  Down below she wore a miniskirt that looked absolutely amazing. It was tight, fitted to her body, and it was so short that it would've been scandalous what we paid for the thing if it wasn't so damn sexy. She had a thong on under that for good measure. And her shoes were exactly the kind of high heels she refused to wear in that costume because it wouldn't be terribly practical to wear heels when you were in a costume walking around the convention floor all day long.

  I guess she figured it didn't matter. I guess she didn't think she would be spending too much time on her feet. And that thought intrigued me as much as it aroused me.

  More motion from the front of the bar. We both looked over, our heads popping up like a couple of prairie dogs from our spot in a nice secluded corner where we were hopefully safe from prying eyes. I knew all it would take was one person spotting Keith out here and the game would be up. We'd be flooded with people thanks to the miracle of social media making it much easier to stalk a star today than it had been in the past.

  Only once again it wasn't Keith. Just some guy in a hoodie who was heading towards the bar. I frowned and then went back sipping my drink. I looked at my watch. Sure it was only about 4:45, sure he'd said it might take him a little while to actually get out here depending on how well security was doing, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit of worry with every passing minute he didn't show up. I wasn't going to let any of that worry show in front of Kate, no sir, but I did wonder if we were going to be the victims of a no-show.

  It would be a pity if that was the case. Her plan had gone so well so far. It would be a shame for it to fall apart at the last minute like this.

  More movement, only this time it was right at our booth. I looked up to see the guy who'd walked in with the hoodie. I opened my mouth to ask him if he needed something when I got a good look at him. A really good look.

  Kate grinned and I smiled. I should have realized what was going on there. It was the middle of the summer. The kind of weather that was definitely more suited to the bikini my wife had been rocking than to a hoodie. Sure the hotel kept things freezing cold, but still.

  "Sorry I'm late," Keith said as he slid into the booth.

  The booth was a circular number in the back corner of the bar. I was on one side with Kate in the center. I noticed that he slid in on the other side so he'd been sitting next to my wife rather than next to me. Not that I minded. No, not that I minded one damn bit!

  "Sorry about that," he said. "I have to go around incognito or else I get swarmed wherever I go."

  Kate giggled. "That's something we can identify with."

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, it felt like we couldn't go five feet without people swarming us and asking for a photograph!"

  "I can only imagine considering what you were wearing," Keith said. He looked my wife up and down and there seemed to be a moment of disappointment. I wondered if he was expecting her to still be in that outfit. Still, if there was one man who'd probably gotten his fill of women wearing those bikini outfits it was this guy considering he saw them almost every day when he was working.

  "So are you guys enjoying the convention?"
he asked.

  "We've been enjoying it more than you could possibly imagine," Kate said. She turned and winked at me. A gesture that he couldn't see, but that sent a thrill running through me. Yeah, we had been enjoying the hell out of this convention!

  Keith glanced towards the bar and frowned, then looked to me. "You know, I could really use a drink but I don't want to risk going up to the bar…"

  I blinked as Kate looked at me. That was a very pointed look. I took the hint. It looked like I needed to leave them alone for a moment.

  I thought about being dismissed like that. It seemed like I was doing a lot of thinking about things like this. Of course I wasn't nearly as hesitant today as I had been yesterday. I figured after letting my wife have an illicit fuck session with three college guys plowing into her at the same time there really wasn't much farther we could take this. Besides, my already throbbing cock was on the verge of blowing in my pants, a problem I seemed to be having regularly ever since we started indulging in these fantasies this weekend. The thought of her alone in a secluded booth in the back of this bar was just adding to the turn on.

  "I think I can take care of that," I said. "What do you drink?"

  And so I found myself moving towards the bar and trying not to think of my wife sitting in a corner booth alone with another man. Wondering what they could possibly be getting up to while I was heading to the bar, ordering a drink, and turning around and peering at where they were sitting but not really able to see anything since they were shrouded in darkness.

  I'd chosen my secluded spot well. Perhaps a little too well.

  I'd topped off my own drink as well and I took a moment to take a sip. I wanted to give them a moment to get up to whatever it was they were getting up to.

  Finally, after what seemed like a suitable wait even though it felt like an eternity, I made my way back. As I approached I watched for any sign they might've been up to something naughty, but there was no evidence of anything of the sort.

  Kate looked up at me with a smile as I sat down and put the drink in front of Keith.

  "Welcome back baby," she said. "I've just been telling Keith here about our arrangement…"

  Keith took his drink and raised it in a quick salute. I raised my own and took a sip as he drank his. Then he looked back up at me.

  "So be honest with me," he said. "Is she serious?"

  "That depends," I said. "What did she tell you?"

  "That you get off on watching her with other men," he said. "It seems crazy. So crazy that I had to ask."

  I smiled and shrugged. "What can I say? Guilty as charged!"

  Keith shook his head and took another drink. I noted that this time he actually kicked it back rather than taking a sip.

  "That's crazy man," he said. "Not that I'm complaining, given the circumstances, but it's crazy."

  Kate reached out and grabbed my hand as he put his drink down and made a funny face. And it was at that moment that I realized something. Something I hadn't noticed when I first sat down even though I'd been keeping an eagle eye out for anything weird going down at the table.

  Both of Keith's hands were visible. One was still on his drink and the other was tearing at a napkin. Both of my hands were visible. One over my drink and one under Kate's hand. There was only the one hand visible with Kate though. I turned back to Keith and watched his face, and it seemed like he was looking around nervously. It certainly seemed like he was having trouble concentrating. And it struck me.

  I looked to Kate. "Are you…"

  She pulled her hand away from mine and put a finger to her lips.

  Damn. She worked fast while I was over there getting drinks. No sooner had I left than she started feeling up this guy. I wondered if she was just feeling his cock through his shorts or if she'd actually pulled his cock out and was jerking him off.

  I almost giggled. It would've been weird for me to a giggle, but that was how I felt. I wondered how much gossip sites would pay for a picture of Keith Trent in the back of some hotel bar getting jerked off by some married man's wife he just met at a convention.

  That would definitely fuel those gossip blogs Kate always enjoyed so much for weeks if not the whole year!

  Keith shrugged and smiled. "Sorry, I couldn't resist when she…"

  Interesting. So my wife was the one who was made the advance in this forbidden scenario. Then again that did make sense. She was the one who had the hots for Keith. Why wouldn't she avail herself of the opportunity when he started to show some interest? Although looking between the two of them, looking at the sudden smiles on their faces, it seemed that both of them were getting something out of her forbidden under the table exploration of his cock!

  Hell, I was getting something out of it as well. Watching guys stare at her was one thing. Even having those college guys fucking her was one thing. Only that seemed like bush league stuff compared pulling an A-list celebrity who was wanted by women the world over. He could have his choice of the women at this convention, and the choice he made was my wife.

  Needless to say, from the perspective of a man who got off on guys watching his wife that was like the holy grail. I hadn't even realized it until I was in the middle of the actual situation, but damn was it fucking hot!

  "I was just telling Keith here that there's so much more where that came from," she said. "All he has to do is say yes, but he wanted to make sure you were okay with it…"

  I looked to Keith and then back to my wife. I reflected on the strange turn of events that had brought us to this place. From secretly fantasizing about men watching my wife, to openly enjoying it after I confessed to her, to watching her getting fucked and then having her seduce her Hollywood crush.

  Yeah, it had been one hell of a whirlwind weekend!

  "I think that could be a fun time if both of you are down for it," I said.

  "I'd definitely be down for it man!" Keith said.

  Kate pulled her free hand up to her lips. She idly stroke at her chin.

  "I think I'd be up for it as well," she said. "But with one condition."

  I blinked. She had the man of her dreams, well the other man of her dreams aside from her husband thank you very much, literally in hand and she was setting conditions? It seemed crazy, but at the same time I couldn't deny that she was definitely in charge of the situation.

  "What were you thinking honey?"

  "I'll do just about anything but letting pictures or video get taken," Keith said. He shuddered and his voice was coming in gasps. It was obvious he was having a bit of trouble concentrating. I smiled. I knew exactly how difficult it could be to maintain concentration with Kate's hand on my cock. She was good. Real good.

  "I was thinking of going back to the hotel room and getting my costume and…" Kate said. She bit her lip and glanced to me, then looked to Keith. Locked eyes with him. "And I was hoping that maybe we could reenact that scene from Dragonfire… You know the one…"

  I very nearly groaned and rolled my eyes, but somehow I managed to keep it under control. I knew exactly what scene she was talking about. It was the now infamous scene, parodied over and over in pop culture, where Keith seduced Sierra for the first time. Or rather where his character seduced Sierra's character for the first time. It was a hot scene, and one of the first ones that had sold me on the series since. Sierra Knight naked was enough to make me a fan for life!

  Of course it also meant getting to see him very nearly naked. I'd caught Kate pausing that scene on the brief couple of seconds where he turned around and you got a good look at his ass on more than one occasion. Not that I ever complained on those occasions. No, any man who enjoyed fucking his wife wasn't going to complain when he was presented with an opportunity that got her ridiculously horny!

  Apparently he had a pretty good idea of what she was referring to because he smiled and chuckled as he shook his head.

  "Is that a no?" she asked, sounding disappointed.

  Keith was quick to placate her. He held up a hand. "No. I m
ean that's not a no at all! I'm just thinking of how many times I've had women beg me to reenact that scene…"


  He shrugged. "Sure. Whether I'm on a date or it's just some girl at a convention, I get asked that all the time. Usually it's kind of creepy, but I think for you I would definitely make an exception."

  Kate smiled, a broad grin that split her face and lit her up.

  "Glad to hear it," she said. "So are you coming back to our room or should I come to yours?"

  He thought about that for a moment and then shrugged again. It was a fatalistic shrug. "I guess you guys are probably safe to know my room."

  He took out a slip of paper from his hoodie and handed it over to Kate. She looked down, back up to him, and smiled. Of course she was doing all of this with her free hand. Her left hand was still hidden under the booth. It was driving me wild wondering what her hand was doing even as I had a pretty damn good idea exactly what it was she was doing hidden under the table like that.

  "I suppose we'll see you shortly then," Kate said. Finally her hand pulled out from under the table but this time around there wasn't anything on it. Keith hadn't blown his stack, but something told me it was only a matter of time before I witnessed just that.

  "I suppose you will," Keith said.

  They stared at one another and I was forgotten, but that was fine. My thing was watching, not participating, despite what happened yesterday, and I was getting one hell of a show. The kind of show that men only dreamed of.

  18: Star Struck

  "Is the coast clear?" Kate asked.

  I peered around the corner. The room was mostly empty. As empty as it was going to get in a big hotel like this full of people from the convention. It was later than we'd intended, getting back into her costume had taken longer than we'd initially anticipated, but there was still plenty of time to have plenty of fun.

  "Coast is as clear as it's going to be," I said.

  We rounded the corner and walked briskly towards the bank of elevators. Kate was in a robe we'd picked up in our hotel room, we'd figured it would be a lot easier to make our way through the convention center if her bikini was covered by something less conspicuous, but the robe ended up being anything but. It turns out that an attractive woman walking through the corridors between hotels wearing nothing but a robe drew just the same sort of attention as a girl walking around in one of those bikini costumes.


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